In the arithmetic of love, one plus one equals everything, and two minus one equals nothing. - Mignon McLaughlin
Rail longer than train cars ; and the hope than our reasons. (Rail plus long que les wagons ; - Et l'espoir que nos raisons.) - Charles de Leusse
Intelligence plus character-that is the goal of true education. - Martin Luther King Jr.
Le plus grand échec est de ne jamais avoir essayé. - Anonyme
Part of her revolted against the insanity of the rules. Part of her was grateful. In a world of chaos, any guidelines helped. And she knew that each day she remained alive, she remained alive. One plus one plus one. The Devil's arithmetic... - Jane Yolen
Institutionalized rejection of difference is an absolute necessity in a profit economy which needs outsiders as surplus people. - Audre Lorde
La culture, c'est comme la confiture, moins on en a, plus on l'étale. - Pierre Desproges
I am treating you as my friend, asking you to share my present minuses in the hope that I can ask you to share my future plusses. - Katherine Mansfield
C'est pour les villageois que j'éprouve le plus de pitié. Ils ont été des victimes innocentes, commes les enfants. Parce que Tchernobyl n'a pas été inventé par les paysans. Eux, ils avaient leurs propres relations avec la nature. Relations de confiance et non de conquête. - Svetlana Alexievich
Freedom is the right to say two plus two make four. If granted, all else follows. - George Orwell
Tu n’es plus là où tu étais, mais tu es partout là où je suis. - Victor Hugo
They have a special confidence in Christ, plus thoughtfulness plus faithfulness plus humility: for there are no things, in all creation, more beautiful, more rare than the so very disciplined and free, joyful and principled daughters of God. - Criss Jami
Si inventer la substance, c'est indirectement inventer l'accident, plus l'invention est puissant, performante, et plus l'accident est dramatique. - Paul Virilio
The surplus of the heart overflows from a smile. (Le surplus du coeur - Déborde d'un sourire) - Charles de Leusse
There is no Christianity unless first there is repentance. And it is not just, Well, I am guilty. It is not just a conviction. It is a conviction plus a desire to turn away from those things. - Brian Richardson
PRICE, n. Value, plus a reasonable sum for the wear and tear of conscience in demanding it. - Ambrose Bierce
La nostalgie nostalgique, comme un skeuomorphe, vide et imaginaire. L'havre de paix, je ne le retrouve plus, et l'essence, morte dans l'air enténébré, basculaient mes artères pollués par l’appétence de mes rêves. - Stephen Clayworth
Grandir… Cette maladie infantile faisait bien plus de ravages que toutes les autres réunies. Il n’y avait pas de traitements connus pour la soigner. Et lorsqu’elle frappait l’adulte, elle était bien plus dangereuse encore. On l’appelait vieillir et, dans sa forme la plus grave, mourir. - René Manzor
Je crois que traduire est la façon la plus profonde, la plus intime de lire quelque chose. Une traduction est une magnifique rencontre dynamique entre deux langues, deux textes, deux écrivains. Elle implique un dédoublement, un renouveau. - Jhumpa Lahiri
Je suis noir comme la nuit mais mon courage est plus éclatant que le jour. - Gustave Rouger
I am treating you as my friend asking you share my present minuses in the hope I can ask you to share my future pluses. - Katherine Mansfield
The IGAD-Plus's compromise peace agreement is probably pregnant with a noisy, perhaps thunderous baby. - Duop Chak Wuol
Un con qui marche va plus loin que dix intellectuels assis en train de réfléchir. - Michel Audiard
La plus grande chute est celle qu'on fait du haut de l'innocence. - Heiner Müller
My mother believed in all superstitions, plus she made some up. - Donald E. Westlake
My question was:How did I go from merely seeing the dirty French Santa in a bar to being in his hotel room the next morning? And this presented me with an actual equation. How did one plus one equal old French Santa? - Augusten Burroughs
We've kept the good old vices and labored to invent a few, With cake in vulgar surplus we can have it, and eat it too
Dans 1984, les livres sont plus ou moins interdits. Aujourd'hui le problème est réglé, pas la peine de les interdire: les gens n'ont plus vraiment envie de lire, de toute façon, ils savent de moins en moins lire, même le journal. ("La violence des casseroles", ) Pierre Foglia -
The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education. - Martin Luther King Jr.
Plus d'un qui n'a pu liberer ses propres chaines a su pourtant en liberer son ami. - Friedrich Nietzsche
Courage plus vitality equal spirit. - Marty Rubin
Why can't a tree be called Pluplusch? - Hugo Ball
What happens to you as an individual is you plus the world rather than you alone. - M Chapman
The best thing about being a writer is that 'work' is always something you love, plus usually accompanied by tea, coffee and cakes of some sort. - Jamie L. Harding
Une femme repousse parfois ce qui la charme le plus.» - William Shakespeare
Giving out of your surplus does not make you generous, it makes your selfishness more tolerable! Giving while you are lacking is what pleases the Lord. - William Branks
Because I keep it real and reality is a ruthless bitch. Plus I wanna make money – you cool with that? - Gable - J.M. August
On the plus side, death is one of the few things that can be done just as easily lying down. - Woody Allen
Insularity plus time yields divergence. - Quammen, David
Greater cane does not make greater humans. (Une plus grande canne - N'agrandit l'homme.) - Charles de Leusse
Tu es ma came, plus mortelle que l'héroïne afghane, plus dangereux que la blanche colombienne, tu es ma solution à mon doux problème. - Carla Bruni
Managers receiving hundreds of thousands a year—and setting their compensation for themselves—are not being paid wages, they are appropriating surplus value in the guise of wages. - Michael Harrington
Soyons fermes, purs et fidèles ; au bout de nos peines, il y a la plus grande gloire du monde, celle des hommes qui n'ont pas cédé. [Let us be firm, pure and faithful; at the end of our sorrow, there is the greatest glory of the world, that of the men who did not give in.] - Charles de Gaulle
Soiés resolus de ne servir plus, et vous voilà libres. - Étienne de La Boétie
Prayer is helplessness plus faith. - Bill Thrasher
The true sign of a robust and mature life rests in how many times that life has been knocked down, for to be incessantly knocked down and yet find oneself still standing means that someone had the resolve to get up that many times plus one. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Comedy is tragedy plus time. - Carol Burnett
Les choses les plus belles sont celles que souffle la folie et qu'écrit la raison. Il faut demeurer entre les deux, tout près de la folie quand on rêve, tout prêt de la raison quand on écrit. - André Gide
In the life of mathematics two plus two make four; but in the mathematics of life two and two can make five or even three sometimes - Munia Khan
The only things that all men want is a woman that respects him and challenge his intelligence plus ambitions. - Unarine Ramaru
Toute transformation sociale (...) s'est fondée sur de nouvelles bases métaphysiques et idéologiques; ou plutôt, sur des émotions et intuitions plus profondes, dont l'expression rationalisée prend la forme du cosmos et de la nature de l'homme. - Lewis Mumford
On the plus side, death is one of the few things that can be done as easily lying down. - Woody Allen
Ce qui m'affecte au plus profond, c'est qu'un vocabulaire trompeur remporte la victoire sur le vocabulaire normal. Le triomphe de la force est terrible; le triomphe de la force dans et par le mensonge est horrible. - Edgar Morin
La lecture de tous les bons livres est comme une conversation avec les plus honnêtes gens des siècles passés. - René Descartes
Two wrongs' create an additional problem.'A wrong' plus 'A right' creates a remorse.'Two rights' create a solution. - Emmanuel Aghado
Ils ne savaient peut-être pas que les histoires s'écrivaient le plus souvent avec des matériaux usagés et que l'auteur devait donner à tout cela l'allure du neuf. - Jaques Poulin
La littérature est un théâtre à ciel ouvert qui permet de transformer les êtres les plus simples en héros universels, loin des parterres présomptueux.Conrad, Le Voyageur de l'inquiétude - Olivier Weber
I think having the knowledge, plus the experiences you've lived through, make you definitely not fragile. They make you brave. - Meg Wolitzer
Don't you wish you had a job like mine? All you have to do is think up a certain number of words! Plus, you can repeat words! And they don't even have to be true! - Dave Barry
La joie réside au plus intime de l'âme; on peut aussi bien la posséder dans une obscure prison que dans un palais. - Thérèse de Lisieux
Anger is smaller than the one behind him. (La colère, c'est plus petit - Que celui derrière lui) - Charles de Leusse
Why not have the rodeo clowns ride the bulls? After all, they know the bulls better, plus the bulls think they're funny.
I really, really wanted to be successful in my life just based on me and my mind alone…I didn’t ever want it to be an equation that amounted to a result coming from my brain plus something else. - Steve Wozniak
If I'm an advocate for anything, it's to move. As far as you can, as much as you can. Across the ocean, or simply across the river. The extent to which you can walk in someone else's shoes or at least eat their food, it's a plus for everybody.Open your mind, get up off the couch, move. - Anthony Bourdain
I think the sense of family and family achievement, plus the discipline which I received there from that one-room school were really very helpful in what I did later on. - Alan Shepard
Si vous n'êtes plus capable de faire la différence entre Laura et une image, je vous plains, monsieur Valence. La vie ne doit pas être marrante. - Fred Vargas
Le mal est un mystère plus profond que le bien car, dans le bien, il y a une lumière, un dynamisme, une affirmation de la vie. Comment peut-on choisir l'obscur. - Éric-Emmanuel Schmitt
Quand une chanson vous fait pleurer, mais que vous n'avez plus envie de pleurer, vous cessez de l'écouter.Mais échapper à soi-même, c'est impossible. On ne peut pas décider de ne plus se voir. De couper le son à l'intérieur de sa tête. - Jay Asher
The reason that the little things are more important than the big ones, turns out to be very simple: one can fake the big things in one’s behaviour, but not the little things. The little things lack the three f’s: feigning, fabrication, fakeness. Plus the most important c: contrivance. - Nicos Hadjicostis
Persistence plus no dignity equals success.
Life may change, but it may fly not; Hope may vanish, but can die not; Truth be veiled, but still it burneth; Love replused - but it returneth - Percy Bysshe Shelley
La terre nous en apprend plus sur nous que tous les livres. Parce qu'elle nous résiste. L'homme se découvre quand il se mesure avec l'obstacle.(Terre des hommes) - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Le fou ce ne sera plus l’exilé, celui qu’on repousse dans les marges de nos villes, mais celui qu’on rend étranger à lui même en le culpabilisant d’être celui qu’il est. - Michel Foucault
one plus one equal one. it is correct, only in love! - علي الماجد
I think women dwell quite a bit on the duress under which they work, on how hard it is just to do it at all. We are traditionally rather proud of ourselves for having slipped creative work in there between the domestic chores and obligations. I'm not sure we deserve such big A-pluses for all that. - Toni Morrison
When people get into their 30s plus "boyfriend" sounds weird...if you really think about it. Instead, I think we should universally start using the term "manfriend" or "snookie bookie cuddles pie". - Michelle M. Pillow
La bêtise est infiniment plus fascinante que l'intelligence, infiniment plus profonde. L'intelligence a des limites, la bêtise n'en a pas! - Claude Chabrol
One man's brain plus one other will produce one half as many ideas as one man would have produced alone. These two plus two more will produce half again as many ideas. These four plus four more begin to represent a creative meeting, and the ratio changes to one quarter as many ...
If A is success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut. - Albert Einstein
God takes us through life`s journey. Always nudging our Spirits to go for plus and shun the minus. - Jaachynma N.E. Agu
Fascism is capitalism plus murder. - Upton Sinclair
God is the source of my supply. His riches flow to me freely, copiously, and abundantly. All my financial and other needs are met at every moment of time and point of space; there is always a divine surplus. - Joseph Murphy
If A is a success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut - Albert Einstein
...At least, a bit of plus at different things would be a lot of plus together.We just need to hold onto the goods and trust in each other. Good will hunt and bad will starve... - Prashant Pushkar
Their guilt plus their repentance should have equalled forgiveness. But they don’t feel forgiven, so they failed, which makes them feel guilty, which was why they repented in the first place, so they’re stuck right where they started: Guilty. - Geoffrey Wood
Plus tu plonges dans la lecture d'un livre, plus ton plaisir augmente, plus ta nature s'affine, plus ta langue se délie, plus ton vocabulaire s'enrichit, plus ton âme est gagnée par l'enthousiasme et le ravissement, plus ton cœur est comblé. - Jāḥiẓ
Aptitude plus obsession equals greatness - Josh Bezoni
L'art est justifié dans la mesure où il ajoute à la vie juste ce qui lui manque pour être plus vraie qu'elle-même. - Marcel Jouhandeau
Car il n'y a pour l'homme demeuré libre, de souci plus constant, plus cuisant que de chercher un être devant qui s'incliner. - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Chose la plus simple: apprendre une langue mais elle n'est d'aucune utilité si le sens n'y est pas. Easiest thing: to learn a language but it is useless without a sense. أسهل شيء : تعلم اللغة...لكن ما في نافع بدون معنى - Anonymous
A week after my drugs ran out, I left my bed to perform at the college, deciding at the last minute to skip both the doughnut toss and the march of the headless plush toys. Instead, I just heated up a skillet of plastic soldiers, poured a milkshake over my head and called it a night. - David Sedaris
L'espoir est la chose la plus difficile à tuer dans le cœur d'une femme amoureuse. - Diane Ducret
Le plus grand flic du monde, c'est Dieu, puisqu'il n'existe pas. - Alain Damasio
Et voilà, mon passé n’est plus qu’un trou énorme. Mon présent: cette bonne au corsage noir qui rêve près du comptoir, ce petit bonhomme. Tout ce que je sais de ma vie, il me semble que je l’ai appris dans des livres. - Jean-Paul Sartre
The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and think critically. Intelligence plus character; that is the goal of a true education. - Martin Luther King Jr.
Not many people get every single thing they want plus all the things they didn't think to ask for in the same day. - Stephenie Meyer
The surname of an atheist is compound unfortunate plus being, therefore unfortunate-beings, making all atheists unfortunate beings because human beings are created by God and not products of big bang atoms undergoing evolution. - S. E. Entsua-Mensah