Secanja su previse bitna.Bila dobra ili losa, pamtite ih. - Tamara Stamenkovic
They say that time Heals everythingBut they dob't know youAnd the scars you bring - The Wanted
You are free to create your own paradigms instead of simply accepting those presented to you by others. - Russell Eric Dobda
Some tragic mistakes are often made by those who acquire the reins of control before their maturity is adequate to handle it. - James C. Dobson
Just continue to "walk in the light" you have been given, and leave the future in God's hands. If He is calling you to do a job, He will make it possible for you to care for your family and overcome any other barriers to that responsibility. - James C. Dobson
Fifth and finally, do nothing impulsively. Give God an opportunity to speak. Until He does, stall for time and concentrate on the first four approaches. - James C. Dobson
Intention and awareness are the two tools that enable us to create anything our heart desires from the universe. - Russell Eric Dobda
Ako se ne osjećaš sretno onda znaj da ti namaz nije dobar. Velika je razlika između namaza sa kojim se želimo odmoriti i namaza od kojeg se želimo odmoriti. - Mithad Ćeman
Tiho, o tiho govori mi jesen;Šuštanjem lišća i šapatom kiše.Al zima srcu govori još tiše.I kada sniježi, a spušta se tama,U pahuljama tišina je sama. - Dobriša Cesarić
Drawing and painting is like a quickie in bed. Were as novel writing is a long term relationship, much more fulling. - Tara Dobbs
U begu od nesreće, doživljavao sam skup razočarenja koji su je svojom snagom prevazilazili, čak i u toj meri da mi se činilo da je bolje da sam nesreću sačekao raširenih ruku. Ali, kako da se predam zlu kad osećam da postoji dobro? - Slaviša Pavlović
Mainfest your fate on a daily basis though intention in the non-physical world and action in the physical world. - Russell Eric Dobda
We can change reality just from assumptions accepted as true, regardless if they could be quantifiably accepted as true through the physical - Russell Eric Dobda
All it takes, is one leap of faith. - EK Dobbins
Consider your body and mind as a machine that runs a program; then be aware of who is writing the program you are running. - Russell Eric Dobda
The immediate reactions of the two superpower leaders when confronted with the gravest international crisis of their careers were much the same, shock, wounded pride, grim determination, and barely repressed fear. - Michael Dobbs
When you understand that everything you buy is purchased with a portion of your life, it should make you more careful with the use of money. - James C. Dobson
You are a creative expression of the universe. You are worthy. - Russell Eric Dobda
Wisdom is the adobe of a great mind. - Debasish Mridha
He talked about the future with such certainty, he might have been talking about the past. - Michael Dobbs
Sometimes we're so concerned about giving our children what we never had growing up, that we neglect to give them what we DID have growing up. - James C. Dobson
The most important question I ever asked a priest was where are the Bingo Dobbers at? - Stabley Victor Paskavich
Sometimes love will pick you up by the short hairs...and jerk the heck out of you. - Denise Dobbs
I think people need to recognize that those of us who have been so much influenced by violence in the media- in particular pornographic violence- are not some kinds of inherent monsters. We are your sons, and we are your husbands. And we grew up in regular families. - James C. Dobson
Dr. Morris believes, and I strongly agree, that couples are most likely to bond securely when they have not rushed the dating experience. Time is the critical ingredient. - James C. Dobson
The power to reach our goal is always in the moment. When the moment arrives, be ready to perform the action that will help you reach your goal, and be aware when the moment is now. - Russell Eric Dobda
Volim da provodim vreme sa tobom. Dobar je osecaj smejati se na ovaj nacin. - Tamara Stamenkovic
Therefore, a search for God's will should begin on your knees. He will meet you there. Remember that Jesus promised, "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you" (Matthew 7:7). - James C. Dobson
Some people come to the edge of the cliff and they look over, then run away in fear. They never realize it's possible to fly, to soar, to be free. They spend their lives crawling along cliff tops without finding the courage. - Michael Dobbs
whatever you dobe gentle with don’t just livein this worldor your homeor your also livein someone’s eyes. - Sanober Khan
It has been my observation that whatever a person hungers for, Satan will appear to offer in exchange for a spiritual compromise. - James C. Dobson
Sin has invaded God's creation, and we live now in a fallen world. - James C. Dobson
U kakvoj drzavi zivimo,dobro je sto jos uvek zivimo. - Tamara Stamenkovic
La gandeza de un libro, es el mejor invento para abrir ventanas a otras vidas, a otras miradas, a otras historias que cambian la nuestra. Un libro es útil, está cargado de pasión y algunas noches le damos permiso para fluir hasta doblegarnos - MM
If you understand this basic concept, it becomes clear that every spending decision is a spiritual decision. Waste, for example, is not a squandering of our resources. It is a poor use of His. - James C. Dobson
Even just taking 20 seconds to truly appreciate your surroundings makes a world of difference. - Russell Eric Dobda
Alkohol ubija... znamo, o znamo,Znamo da alkohol škodi,No rakije, rakije, rakije amo,Jer utjehe nema u vodi. - Dobriša Cesarić
The average Ph.D. thesis is nothing but a transference of bones from one graveyard to another. - J. Frank Dobie
Impatience is a form of fear: fear of running out of time. - Russell Eric Dobda
And I pray that the pieces of her broken world will come back together. - James C. Dobson
Third, it is helpful to seek advice from those who are spiritually mature and solid in their faith. A godly counselor or pastor can assist you in avoiding the common mistakes that confuse many young people. - James C. Dobson
It sounded somewhat doom-laden, so I felt obliged to look it up more thoroughly, in case I should eat some chocolate rather quickly. - Carol Anne Dobson
Za vjernika je problem dobar znak kretnje ka svome Gospodaru i lijepa najava napretka. Za njega je to, još jedna prilika u nizu, da pokaže sve ljepote i vještine koje je stekao na tom putu. - Sulejman Bugari
The foreign policy aim of ants can be summed up as follows: restless aggression, territorial conquest, and genocidal annihilation of neighboring colonies whenever possible. If ants had nuclear weapons, they would probably end the world in a week. - Bert Hölldobler, Edward Wilson
Whenever you come upon a free supply of high-quality corn, provided unexpectedly right there in the middle of the forest, be careful! The people who put it there are probably sitting nearby in a stand, just waiting to take a shot at you. Keep your eyes and ears open! - James C. Dobson
Reality is constructed by our perception, and it does not actually exist without it. - Russell Eric Dobda
Kur’an, kao i sunnet, podstiče i naređuje popravljanje loših međumuslimanskih odnosa jer u lošim odnosima nema dobra za muslimane. Takva situacija koristi samo neprijateljima islama i muslimana. - Hajrudin Ahmetović
When our little bit is combined with His greatness, the team is unbeatable. - James C. Dobson
I have come to value liberated minds as the supreme good of life on earth. - J. Frank Dobie
By acknowledging spirit with gratitude, you bring it joy and give it more strength to do its work. - Russell Eric Dobda
A proper bond between two people is severely damaged if the process is rushed. - James C. Dobson
Be mindful of those who take credit for your success or blame you for their failures. - Russell Eric Dobda
We live beneath many layers. Some are for our protection, and some are for our control. - Russell Eric Dobda
If we can prevent just one marriage from disintegrating--or just one child from suffering the loss of a family--our effort will be justified. - James C. Dobson
He sees those tears in your eyes. He knows the desire of your heart. And you will hear from Him-just in time to take the next step. - James C. Dobson
Our life is but a wave in the ocean of consciousness. - Russell Eric Dobda
Accept the past; embrace the present; consider the future. - Russell Eric Dobda
The idea that Love Must Be Tough dictates that we be willing to set another person free- even if it causes us great pain to let go. When we do this, we maximize the chances that that loved one will not leave, because the cage door has been opened and self-respect has been affirmed. - James Dobson
Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution. - Theodosius Dobzhansky
Covek- ima razne moci. Moc racionalnog razmisljanja. Moc razlikovanja dobrog od loseg. Moc maste i kreativnosti. I toliko drugih moci koje otkrijemo ili pak, nikada ne saznamo da imamo. - Tamara Stamenkovic
Seen in the light of evolution, biology is, perhaps, intellectually the most satisfying and inspiring science. Without that light it becomes a pile of sundry facts -- some of them interesting or curious but making no meaningful picture as a whole. - Theodosius Dobzhansky
Many fear mistakes. In TV and films you just re-shoot the scene. In life do the same and just shoot a re-take. - Ian Dobson
That time is not a limiter. Set a strong intention, and the time will present itself. - Russell Eric Dobda