She felt about her zester the way some women do about a pair of spiky red shoes--a frivolous splurge, good only for parties, but oh so lovely. - Erica Bauermeister
Life is uncertain.Today you get a rose.Tomorrow you feel the thorns.But the end result is red, always!! - Shillpi S Banerrji
Most days I juggle everything quite well, on the other days there's always red wine. - Rachael Bermingham
Trying to change the outside by making changes to the outside, is like trying to make your lips red in your reflection by putting lipstick on the mirror! - Odille Rault
After leaving Egypt, Moses and his people endured a forty-year commute, starting with a truly epic crossing of the Red Sea (which made getting through the Lincoln Tunnel at rush hour seem like traipsing across a country bridge in a sundress on a spring afternoon). - BikeSnobNYC
The echo of a red rose at the sunset, you decided to check out. - Santosh Kalwar
We lay there and looked up at the night sky and she told me about stars called blue squares and red swirls and I told her I'd never heard of them. Of course not, she said, the really important stuff they never tell you. You have to imagine it on your own. - Brian Andreas
There is a shade of red for every woman. - Audrey Hepburn
He saw her red eyes filled with tears of anger. "Tell me why this rage?" He asked holding her in his arms. "Why do you fence for yourself so much?She sighed and muttered, "Because all I really want is nothing but to be proved wrong. - Sanhita Baruah
Happiness has only one colour: The Bright! The bright of red, the bright of green, the bright of any colour! Happiness is bright! It shines, it sparkles, it glints! - Mehmet Murat ildan
I plan to be a sinner tonight. Could've been something else, but looked way too good in my red dress to be anything Christian. - Alysia Harris
alfrescothe sommelier decantsa red sunset - Scott Mason
Under a red desert sky all thought seems superfluous. - Marty Rubin
Roses are red, Violettes are bllue,Valentines day is consumerous crap,now don't you have ironing to do"Unlikely thing to read in a valentines day card - Mock of the week the show
All blood runs red. - Phrase painted on the side of the plane flown by Eugene Bullard in World War I the first black comba
Saying his name stabbed my heart, like someone had ripped through my carefully stitched up world and exposed the infected, pulsing red tissue that I thought was healing. - Colleen Houck
Say no only when it really matters. Wear a bright red shirt with bright orange shorts? Sure. Put water in the toy tea set? Okay. Sleep with your head at the foot of the bed? Fine. Samuel Johnson said, All severity that does not tend to increase good, or prevent evil, is idle. - Gretchen Rubin
And there above all of these shops hung a blood soaked sign: a red hand, the hand of a child that was neither male nor female and yet roused feelings of the most dejected and criminal love - Georges Limbour
Red, the color of blood. It is what binds us, what divides us. White, the color of divinity. It is what saves us, delivers us. - Rebecca Moll, The Beauty of Digging Deep
We didn't install the [Code Red] patch on those DMZ systems because they were only used for development and testing. — Anonymous client, shortly after spending 48 continuous hours removing 2001's Code Red worm from internal corporate servers - Mark G. Graff
Her touch is like doing simple mathWhen she sleeps in the bed, subtracting clothesThere is a red ink, like a sparkling red wine, adding colorsDividing body, remembering gods, without multiplying - Santosh Kalwar
Some people live such boring lives; it’s Black & White, so dead! I choose to color my life with Fun, some Blue, some Green, some Red. - RVM
Whatever God does today will be as significant as the parting of the Red Sea. - Rebecca VanDeMark
He asked me for a light to light his cigarette, and by reason of unaware, it is he that really gave light to me, made me realize how much alike we all are, breathing the same air, beating the same red blood, separated through some fortune and shame in the way of humanity. - Anthony Liccione
Screw technicolor, red, and foreign languages. I dream in status updates. - Fierce Dolan
Lady Godiva costume is the most suitable clothes for young red ladies. - Bryanna Reid
The phrase "we (I) (you) simply must..." designates something that need not be done. "That goes without saying" is a red warning. "Of course" means you had best check it yourself. These small-change cliches and others like them, when read correctly, are reliable channel markers.
The curly red lines across the African deserts had the fascination of a magnet, and I hoped fervently that the pioneers who were writing their names over the blank spaces, would leave just one small desert for me. - Rosita Forbes
Borders are scratched across the hearts of men, by strangers with a calm, judicial pen, and when the borders bleed we watch with dread the lines of ink along the map turn red. - Marya Mannes
So with curious eyes and sick surmiseWe watched him day by day,And wondered if each one of usWould end the self-same way,For none can tell to what red HellHis sightless soul may stray. - Oscar Wilde
Yet I am not writing with ordinary ink, but with red blood that dripsfrom my heart. All its wounds long scarred over have opened and itthrobs and hurts, and now and then a tear falls on the paper. - Leopold von Sacher-Masoch
if ethics is not the engine of success, in the train of growth, it sure is a guard, with a flag, which may be green, or at times red - Priyavrat Thareja
Red wine is different from white. Removing the grape skin does all the difference. - Viola Soul Calibur
Silence is golden...but in times of tyranny it is blood red - Parag Tipnis
I ain't got no Visa, I ain't got no Red American Express, We can't go nowhere exotic, It don't matter 'cause I'm decent and Loyal. - Genereux Philip
The three of us ate a fine supper of grilled trout with sorrel cream sauce, and red potatoes out of Britney's old garden behind the ruins of the Watling place, and watercress sautéed in butter for hardly a moment with a dash of vinegar, and cream custard with wild blackberries for dessert. - James Howard Kunstler
I feel the terror of idleness,like a red thirst.Death isn't just an idea. - Mary Oliver
So I had nothing to distract me from my books and their other worlds that swallowed me whole, from Narnia to the Wisconsin woods, from a small town in Sweden to the red earth of Prince Edward Island. Nothing and no one interested me as much as my books. - Luisa Weiss
INDIGESTION, n. A disease which the patient and his friends frequently mistake for deep religious conviction and concern for the salvation of mankind. As the simple Red Man of the western wild put it, with, it must be confessed, a certain force: "Plenty well, no pray; big bellyache, heap God." - Ambrose Bierce
Survivors of the red pen can overcome the blank paper… - Nanette L. Avery
Tout le sang qui coule rouge; All blood is red.
Still, she stood looking fabulous like a princess should, licking her blood red lips the moment she laid her eyes on the beautiful prince. It was appetite on first sight. - Cameron Jace
RED-SKIN, n. A North American Indian, whose skin is not red -- at least not on the outside. - Ambrose Bierce
But neither milk-white rose nor red May bloom in prison air;The shard, the pebble, and the flint, Are what they give us there:For flowers have been known to heal A common man's despair. - Oscar Wilde
I should like the fields tinged with red, the rivers yellow and the trees painted blue. Nature has no imagination. - Charles Baudelaire
You hid in my ink and guided my hand. You stained the pages with your silence as God wrote the words, "Be still." Yet, my heart's blindness could only write in loud hues of red, "I love you. - Shannon L. Alder
I stopped at a red light, feeling foolish as always for stopping at an intersection at an hour when the streets are deserted, just because a colored lightbulb told me to. Society has got me so fucking trained. I rubbed my eyes and groaned and felt utterly alone in the world. - David Wong
With red clay between my toes,and the sun setting over my head,the ghost of my mother blows in,riding on a honeysuckle breeze, oh lord,riding on a honeysuckle breeze. - Brenda Sutton Rose
The red washingdown the bathtubcan't change the color of the seaat all. - Derrick Brown
Most people thought that we would remain in the ghetto until the end of the war, until the arrival of the Red Army. Afterward everything would be as before. The ghetto was ruled by neither German nor Jew; it was ruled by delusion. - Elie Wiesel
A man who never lies must have green blood in his veins, or blue or yellow, but definitely not red! - Mehmet Murat ildan
red the colour of the rosered the colour of your lipsred the colour of your the colour of your the colour for your passion..... - Marina G. Roussou
You're just another american who is willfully ignorant of the big red, white and blue dick being shoved up your asshole every day... The owners of this country know the truth... it's called the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it! - George Carlin
I meet them in this stadium, strangers at opposing desks until I wave my red flag. - Marina Leigh Hatfield
What the world needs today is a definite, spiritual mobilization of the nations who belive in God against this tide of Red agnosticism. ...And in rejecting an atheistic other world, I am confident that the Almighty God will be with us.
Modern war has decimated many a country; but it has always spawned millions of bureaucrats. They fatten on shortages and thrive on trouble. Peace can never offer such opportunities for exercising petty tyrannies, using red tape to regiment the individual and making life generally unpleasant.
Being a novelist is not the sort of thing we can shut off. It infests every bit of us until we lose the boundary between Person and Writer, like one of those color charts where it is impossible to say where the blue stops and the red begins. - Thomm Quackenbush
Poncho was in a red mood slanging with rage and needed to cook himself out of it , while shoving handfuls of salted peanuts down his gullet and slurping ice cold Fanta - Saira Viola
red the colour of the rosered the colour of your lipsred the colour of your the colour of your the colour of your passion..... - Marina G. Roussou
Though it may be interesting to know how many hairs there are on the human head, or how the giant red spot on the surface of Jupiter was formed, the real truths we are interested in are those about ourselves. - Stephen Richards
The first thriller ever? It was probably one from 1697. It was called Little Red Riding Hood. - Ashwin Sanghi
Courage is the thing. All goes if courage goes."[The Rectorial Address Delivered by James M. Barrie at St. Andrew's University May 3, 1922, to the Red Gowns of St. Andrews, Canada, 1922] - J.M. Barrie
Red meat is NOT bad for you. Now blue-green meat, THAT'S bad for you! - Tommy Smothers
Beauty, to me, is about being comfortable in your own skin. That, or a kick-ass red lipstick. - Gwyneth Paltrow
His eyes were closing again, all of their own accord, so that he lay in red, pain-filled darkness. It occured to him that he was dying and he didn’t care. ‘He’s alive!’ Blue said again ‘He’s breathing!’ ‘I can’t see him breathing. - Herbie Brennan
He got off on Lincoln and slavery and dared any man there to deny that Lincoln and the negro and Moses and the children of Israel were the same, and that the Red Sea was just the blood that had to be spilled in order that the black race might cross into the Promised Land. - William Faulkner
With a stop light, green means 'go' and yellow means 'slow down'. With a banana, however, it is quite the opposite. Yellow means 'go', green means 'whoa, slow down', and red means 'where the heck did you get that banana?' - Mitch Hedberg
Now everything that you do is written in red or black in Angel Gabriel's book. Not for everyone is this record kept, but only for those who have taken a position of responsibility. There is a Law of Sins, and if you do not fulfil all your obligations, you will pay. - G.I. Gurdjieff
The red sands of Marrakesh, sprawling at the foot of the Atlas like a wounded Leviathan.... - Rosita Forbes
The same rightists who decades ago were shouting, 'Better dead than red!' are now often heard mumbling, 'Better red than eating hamburgers. - Slavoj Žižek
A red nose is the clown's mask and my moustache is mine. - Nuno Roque
Her lips are like strawberries which tickels my taste buds everytime, making me to kiss her red lips everytime. - Vishal Antapurkar
Panic bells, it's red alertThere's something hereFrom somewhere elseThe war machine springs to lifeOpens up one eager eyeFocusing it on the skyWhere 99 red balloons go by - Nena
I tried to make my life colorful with basic colors Red, Green and Blue....... ohh god... my perfection in blending made it white !!! now again confused…. should go with :( or :) - Saket Assertive
The visual of Satan isn’t one of a big red devil with horns. Even worse, it’s the picture of something good, twisted enough to be compelling. - Todd Stocker
It's red hot, mate. I hate to think of this sort of book getting in the wrong hands. As soon as I've finished this, I shall recommend they ban it. - Tony Hancock
God said it is not good for a man to be alone and made woMAN . What was that specimen doing leaving the man alone that 2 @ red Light Area !! - Thomas Sam
And sometimes it doesn't matter how hard you try, how persuasive you can be, how much skill you have... you can't have everything. Sometimes you just can't win.""No. Sometimes you don't win." He gets to his feet, and Red stands beside him. "But I'll be damned if that's going to stop me from trying. - daystar721
Come ye viewless ministers of this dread hour! Come from the fenny lake, the hanging rock, and the midnight cave! The moon is red – the stars are out – the sky is burning – and all nature stands aghast at what we do! - William Mudford
Because of the green-eyed one, I see red and that makes me blue. - Natalya Vorobyova
But always, to her, red and green cabbages were to be jade and burgundy, chrysoprase and prophyry. Life has no weapons against a woman like that. - Edna Ferber
One morning she happened upon a bit of cloth decorated with pictures of little red squirrels carrying small, brown,nutsacks,and she nearly fainted away. - Cynthia Rylant
A half-dead thing in a stark, dead world, clean mad for the muck called gold;While high overhead, green, yellow and red, the North Lights swept in bars?-Then you've a hunch was the music meant...hunger and night and the stars. - Robert W. Service
God is not merely interestd in the freedom of brown men, yellow men, red men and black men.He is interested in the freedom of the whole human race. - Martin Luther King Jr.
Roses are red violets are blue, God made me pretty, what happened to you? - rocky quicksilver
Whether we wound or are wounded, the blood that flows is red. - Eiichiro Oda
Politician talk themselves red, white, and blue in the face. - Clare Booth Luce
The jolt of fear had burned all the red out of my blood. - Johnson, Denis sings like summer in the shadows, hot on my tongue... - Nell Grey
Impassionate gods have never seen the red that is the Tatsuta River. /ちはやぶる 神代も聞かず 竜田川 からくれなゐに 水くくるとは - Ariwara no Narihira
HATCHET, n. A young axe, known among Indians as a Thomashawk. "O bury the hatchet, irascible Red, For peace is a blessing," the White Man said. The Savage concurred, and that weapon interred, With imposing rites, in the White Man's head. John Lukkus - Ambrose Bierce
I don't know why red fades before blue it just does.
Santa Claus wears a Red Suit, He must be a communist. And a beard and long hair, Must be a pacifist. What's in that pipe that he's smoking? - Arlo Guthrie
I never knew what life was until it ran out in a red gush over any lips, my hands! - Anne Rice
My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun; Coral is far more red than her lips' red... I love to hear her speak, yet well I know That music hath a far more pleasing sound. - William Shakespeare
I love Written in Red can't wait until next month when the next one comes out!!! - Ann Bishop
Death moved in the night, in search for blood, and when it found Life, it passed on by, like a cloud that moves by the face of the moon. When he found those dead without the red, he took the life before them born first, and the mourning emptied itself till the morning. - Anthony Liccione
Evil Dead film sounds like the Red Hood, but this time the bad red hood. - Deyth Banger
I’m forever near a stereo saying, ‘What the fuck is this garbage?’ And the answer is always the Red Hot Chili Peppers. - Nick Cave
No matter what sort of car you are driving or how fast you drive, we all meet behind the same red light. - Moe Cidaly
Finally, slowly, drippingly, degrade the term Choice down to its most meager means: The red car not the black one. The 9:25 showing, not the 7:15. Ritz not Wheat Thins. - Geoffrey Wood
Step up to red alert."Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb." - Rimmer & Kryten, "Red Dwarf - Rob Grant
It is the custom on the stage in all good, murderous melodramas, to present the tragic and the comic scenes in as regular alternation as the layers of red and white in a side of streaky, well-cured bacon. - Charles Dickens
Rock 'n' roll is not red carpets and MySpace friends, rock'n'roll is dangerous and should piss people off - Gerard Way
The red flags are usually there, you just have to keep your eyes open wider than your heart. - April Mae Monterrosa
Your tears only water your weeds - Red
Only the foolish, blinded by language's conventions, think of fire as red or gold. Fire is blue at it's melancholy rim, green in it's envious heart. It may burn white, or even, in it's greatest rages, black. - Salman Rushdie
An optimist is a person who sees a green light everywhere, while a pessimist sees only the red stoplight. . . The truly wise person is colorblind. - Albert Schweitzer
I got my wife a mood ring. It works real good! When shes in a good mood it turns blue, but when shes in a bad mood theres a red mark across my forehead - Jeff Foxworthy
We already live on the planet of war, we already live on the red planet, and it's a war against children. All the other wars are just the shadows of the war on children. - Stefan Molyneux
You're only human. You live once and life is wonderful so eat the damn red velvet cupcake! - Emma Stones
Little Red Riding Hood was stalked; Cinderella was abused; the Beauty had to live with a hideous Beast; Snow White was poisoned; Hansel and Gretel were meat for a cannibal… and then we wonder why our kids grow up with problems. - Ashwin Sanghi
Red will be made whiteDarkness shall become lightFaith will be made sightSquire shall become knight - Bryan Davis
Amy pulls away and looks into my face. Her pale skin is blotchy red, her eyes are veined and shadowed, and a shiny line of snot trickles from her nose to the top of her lip.She wipes her face and with her arm, smearing tears and mucus. She never looked more BEAUTIFUL to me. - Beth Revis
the pavement makes no soundas it touches your feetcalm and constantlike silence on repeatlanguidly your thoughts bleedinto the evening airin crimson red the words read'some things are beyond repair - Anna Jae
Color is powerful. It is almost physiologically impossible to be in a bad mood when you're wearing bright red pants. - Jessi Arrington
When I see somebody 'suffering for their art', it%uFFFDs usually a case of them not knowing where that red line is, not knowing where the sovereignty lies. - Hugh Macleod
He felt something trickle down his face and he wiped it away irritably. When he looked at the back of his hand, he found trails of red. He had never cried in his life; in fact, he could not cry with no tear ducts. But now, at last, he was. He was crying tears of blood. For her. - Phillip W. Simpson
The two dark faces, In front of red sky, beside the water bodies, under the shadow, upon the way ! makes the world to feel that we are not failures ! we are brothers - DINESH DEVIREDDY
Crystal then read the red sticker out loud, "Dangerous, do not open." We both stared at each other for a moment. I was trying to figure out why a dumb book about power was dangerous - Dominic Tomasi
Let the colours of your ideas are red so that all can easily notice them! And what is red? Red is scream, red is power, red is assertion! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Magic. I draw with silver and it turns red. - Anonymous
Artists can color the sky red because they know it's blue. Those of us who aren't artists must color things the way they really are or people might think we're stupid. - Jules Feiffer
The friendly cow all red and white, I love with all my heart: She gives me cream with all her might; to eat with apple tart. - Robert Louis Stevenson
Either you're going to shoot us or you're not. The ball always lands on red or black, never both. - V. Alexander
I don’t trust the answers or the people who give me the answers. I believe in dirt and bone and flowers and fresh pasta and salsa cruda and red wine. I don’t believe in white wine; I insist on color. - Charles Bowden
Vamos buscando algo de equilibrio.En estos tiempos incluso el misterio ha perdido peso. Todo aquél que busque pasar por misterioso sólo debe limitar el número de publicaciones que agrega a su perfil.Atrapado por la red social. - Darbo Scalante
The Green Party is like a watermelon - green on the outside and red on the inside.
November comesAnd November goes,With the last red berriesAnd the first white snows.With night coming early,And dawn coming late,And ice in the bucketAnd frost by the gate.The fires burnAnd the kettles sing,And earth sinks to restUntil next spring. - Clyde Watson
And to think of all the colors in the world, blood chose to be red. - Nelou Keramati