Quotation Explorer - 'Sunday Adelaja'

Money functions under its laws. - Sunday Adelaja
Develop your prayer language; increase your prayer coverage. - Sunday Adelaja
It is time to change the paradigm of the church and of every Christian. - Sunday Adelaja
Cultural values change with times, unless they are built on an absolute standard of values and virtues. This standard must be afterwards well-guarded and protected. - Sunday Adelaja
Through their teachings they dignify even the most mundane professions. According to them any profession or work that adds to the common good of man must be respected and it is dignified - Sunday Adelaja
Time is the only commodity in life that cannot be bought, sold, borrowed, given out as a gift and it cannot be inherited. - Sunday Adelaja
Every person has something he can serve other people with. - Sunday Adelaja
Mutual understanding and help are the foundation of a strong team. - Sunday Adelaja
I believe we could both maintain growth and increase, both in quality and quantity - Sunday Adelaja
Men who know God and his heart, would not hide behind their pulpit when justice is been ridiculed in their society - Sunday Adelaja
The Good News of love must be a lifestyle, not a program for Christian - Sunday Adelaja
There will come a respect and dignity for work when the people are being taught. - Sunday Adelaja
Justice suffers when men refuse to stand firm for what is right. - Sunday Adelaja
If you know that God may soon be entrusting you with a particular ministry, then it's important that you look ahead to what may be awaiting you in the future and see how you can prepare yourself for it - Sunday Adelaja
Those who are men in God’s eyes would live and die for the promotion of equity, fairness and impartiality - Sunday Adelaja
Patience is underscored with forgiveness. - Sunday Adelaja
Until a seed falls to the ground and dies, it does not become a tree that later yields many fruits and multitude of seeds. We must embrace the thought of death for us to have greater lives. - Sunday Adelaja
Harvest time is a time of joy. - Sunday Adelaja
Anyone that refuses to grow will remain in the past. It is a demand of life - Sunday Adelaja
The only way for God to conquer the world is through the human flesh and through His Spirit. - Sunday Adelaja
Work is the divine provision God has given to every man through which we can all provide for our needs, for the needs of our families and others. - Sunday Adelaja
Through work, we serve, minister, and become God’s stewards on the earth. - Sunday Adelaja
I am hearing a more resounding voice in the spirit saying,God is changing the guard in the Nigerian church. - Sunday Adelaja
Right from the beginning, we were born into a world where the ego rules, but when we came to God and received the new birth, we entered a world where love rules - Sunday Adelaja
Every stronghold the devil builds in the minds of people through thoughts should be pulled down in prayer - Sunday Adelaja
We mustn’t just simply pray, but rather ask God about His desires and plans. This is the prayer of enquiry - Sunday Adelaja
Most people that I know who go to church actually go there to twist the arms of God so that he can get all the discomfort away from them. - Sunday Adelaja
If a country successfully translate the principles of truth and honesty into their social life, then that country experiences peace, tranquillity and serenity. - Sunday Adelaja
Money does not go only to those who go to church, it goes to those who know and comply with the laws of money - Sunday Adelaja
Wealth in money, mineral resources are not the real wealth. The true wealth of nation is the character of her people. - Sunday Adelaja
We work to discover and release the potential of the earth around us. - Sunday Adelaja
For example, it is only by work we extract gold from the soil. It takes work to discover the oil that is already deposited in the ground. It is work that turns a hill of coal into karats of diamond. - Sunday Adelaja
Man must conquer some more territories and to expand the influence of the kingdom to a higher horizon - Sunday Adelaja
A lack of giving in the life of a person will bring him to poverty. - Sunday Adelaja
The percentage of the citizenry that embrace and identify with the nation’s virtues, with the nation’s value system, determine the true wealth of that nation - Sunday Adelaja
The skeleton of success is self-discipline - Sunday Adelaja
Life in the Kingdom of God is accepting and knowing Jesus Christ, it is studying and applyingHis teachings to your life. - Sunday Adelaja
The deeper you go into the Word of God, the more light you will receive for your life and the wiser you will be in your actions. - Sunday Adelaja
Our daily endeavours and activities should be about or around these value systems. They reflect love. They reflect care. They reflect kindness. They are qualities of heaven. - Sunday Adelaja
Growth is one of the most natural process of life - Sunday Adelaja
Every extramarital intimate relationship has a spiritual resonance, the consequences of which can be very severe. - Sunday Adelaja
A spiritually mature person is capable of admitting his mistakes and sins. - Sunday Adelaja
Life demands that we live to care for others instead of living to care for self - Sunday Adelaja
Life is head and shoulders above all other things we regard as precious in this world. - Sunday Adelaja
Your power depends on how much time you spend fellowshipping with God. - Sunday Adelaja
When you have to make a choice, think of the impact your decision may make on your calling - Sunday Adelaja
The reason for the absence of success is not because of lack of money but because of theabsence of the understanding of the principles of success - Sunday Adelaja
In order to grasp the principles of spiritual growth, you need to be filled with understanding and the wisdom of God. - Sunday Adelaja
One cannot speak about love for God and neighbor without having a standard of communication, respect, honor, and without understanding how precious every human being is. - Sunday Adelaja
In order to achieve stable success, you must be focused on God and not on success itself. - Sunday Adelaja
Your lifestyle should show some form of responsibility for the nation where you were born and/or the nation where you live - Sunday Adelaja
Light makes invisible things manifest. - Sunday Adelaja
lack of judgment frustrates the heart of God - Sunday Adelaja
Jesus also function on the earth through the power of light. Light, illumination, knowledge, insight, understanding, wisdom. That is their real power on earth. - Sunday Adelaja
The knowledge of God that a person has, influences not only his own life, but also the lives of his children. - Sunday Adelaja
Time changes events and people. - Sunday Adelaja
Tragically though, it is that same life that is often least treasured or valued by men who possess it. - Sunday Adelaja
The way the early Protestants taught on the other hand is that everybody is a full time minister in their various places of work. They went to the extent of saying, your job, profession, occupation is your calling - Sunday Adelaja
Don’t be a shallow person. Do everything with zealous devotion, as you would do it for Christ - Sunday Adelaja
When we prepare not our hearts for the things of God, evil things take over. - Sunday Adelaja
If God the Father and God the Son use light, knowledge, insight, understanding and wisdom to function on the earth, it means that is the greatest power in existence. - Sunday Adelaja
In the case of smokers, the abuse leads to death, sicknesses, cancer, amputation, loss of all kinds. - Sunday Adelaja
A set and concrete term of attaining a plan mobilizes a man to fulfill it. - Sunday Adelaja
If I see darkness in the area of finances I bring light there. - Sunday Adelaja
Everything in your life should be subject to the main purpose of life. - Sunday Adelaja
People should see genuine, authentic love in the church - Sunday Adelaja
The greatest victory a person can have is the victory over himself. - Sunday Adelaja
We Christians are bound hands and feet, sitting down in the pews instead of going out to explore the earth for the Son of God, king of kings and the Lord of Lords - Sunday Adelaja
Spending time alone with God gives us victory over the flesh. - Sunday Adelaja
The thing that grieves the heart of the Lord is when God doesn’t see men who stand in defense of the truth - Sunday Adelaja
Understanding of divine truths preserves and protects a man in any situation. - Sunday Adelaja
To an ignorant lady, she wants to look attractive and beautiful while some conscienceless men prey on her life. - Sunday Adelaja
National transformation is also attainable through the simple principle of Truth and Honesty - Sunday Adelaja
Life favours those who constantly change. Because change helps you to adapt to circumstances in life. - Sunday Adelaja
Personal Responsibility is the individual desire to be in charge or in control of an action or situation. - Sunday Adelaja
Life does not work for people who don’t like to change. - Sunday Adelaja
If the mountain remains standing, it is useless to pray endlessly. God is waiting for you to do something yourself. - Sunday Adelaja
Even though this generation still believes in the miracle working power of God, they must no longer wait for God to bring water from the rocks, but rather construct dams, develop water systems, subdue the power of the ocean and thereby give glory to God almighty. - Sunday Adelaja
You have to work on it. You have to meditate on God’s Word, which itself will change you and transform you into the image and character of God. - Sunday Adelaja
I therefore submit to you that what qualifies a person to be called a man according to God, is the ability of the individual to live by the right standard and values that heaven values. Standards like, justice, judgement, truth and equity. - Sunday Adelaja
People who spend their lives like to go to parties and cinemas, sit at home and watch movies, TV Series, TV dramas, etc.They think this is life. But it is spending life not living life. - Sunday Adelaja
Seek knowledge, getting as much of it as you can and meditate on it, then you will become ahappy possessor of wisdom. - Sunday Adelaja
Every day we live determine our future life. - Sunday Adelaja
Instead of the church in Africa to be a place for eradicating darkness by beaming out light, she has unfortunately become the den of robbers as Jesus put it. - Sunday Adelaja
We all are sensitive to change, we don’t really like change - Sunday Adelaja
If you want to live life, embrace change. - Sunday Adelaja
Having power and position in the spiritual realm still doesn’t mean that you are reigning inreal life - Sunday Adelaja
To get free from sexual sin, you have to fight. - Sunday Adelaja
Money needs to be sown into a fertile soil as a seed. We need to invest it for it to benefit us. - Sunday Adelaja
I believe that without strict enforcement of penalties for any offence violating the principles of truth and honesty, Nigeria and Africa will not be able to move from our present state of underdevelopment into civilization. - Sunday Adelaja
The gospel that has been preached in our churches has not been fair to the African continent. It has left us in a beggarly state, waiting on God for things we could produce by and for ourselves. - Sunday Adelaja
The secret of real prosperity in the church is to teach God’s people principles of economic empowerment - Sunday Adelaja
To my shame, my nation and the church of the lord Jesus Christ in my continent is covered head to toe in this ignorance. - Sunday Adelaja
You have to work at having quality in your church, because people that are influential in your city may be God’s instruments for resolving all kinds of problems that will most surely come up in the future. - Sunday Adelaja
Since when has grafts, bribes to get your children into the higher institution become a Nigerian thing? - Sunday Adelaja
The truth is that as you are building your small business, still that small business needs to experience some form of increase and growth - Sunday Adelaja
People respect those who know how to admit their own mistakes and see their own weaknesses. If you heart is as transparent as crystal, people will respect you. - Sunday Adelaja
What the culture of get rich quick does to our people is they look down at people who are engaged in manual labour - Sunday Adelaja
God has allowed us to live in this time to do His works on earth. - Sunday Adelaja
The level of our responsibility in things of God determines our level of prosperity. - Sunday Adelaja
We often prefer love for humans to love for God. - Sunday Adelaja
The third level of prayer, which is much more serious is knocking - Sunday Adelaja
There is no sin that will be left unpunished. - Sunday Adelaja
The sin of fornication hinders a person from enjoying God's blessings - Sunday Adelaja
The domain of God is primarily heaven. That is where he has limited himself to. - Sunday Adelaja
When we plan our time, in fact, we plan our success. - Sunday Adelaja
As a nation, develop your wealth of virtues and watch yourself live better than most countries who brag themselves in their virtues of natural wealth - Sunday Adelaja
When God speaks about equity, that choice of word, makes us understand that God is not referring to the leaders of the land or the elite this time around. He is actually talking about how ordinary citizens of the land relate to each other in fairness and impartiality. - Sunday Adelaja
God is in need of godly servants to send to the religious world to bring back his kingdom there - Sunday Adelaja
If a person starts neglecting the blessings of God and takes all God has given him as his own, then pride is inevitable - Sunday Adelaja
Although we, as Christians, are living in Sodom, we are not to become citizens of Sodom. . The story of Sodom is God's reminder to the modern world - Sunday Adelaja
When building a team do not look at people’s weaknesses, instead look at their strengths. - Sunday Adelaja
You are not on earth to simply make a living for yourself that is too small a purpose. - Sunday Adelaja
Personal relationship with God is the main condition for quality in life. - Sunday Adelaja
God’s purpose for money, differs completely from the world’s purpose. - Sunday Adelaja
It is not the amount of money or natural resources a nation has that determines how civilized it would be. - Sunday Adelaja
The more the problems in a society, the greater the chances of success. - Sunday Adelaja
When you gain maximum knowledge in any area of work and put it into practice, no powerwill be able to hinder you achieving your set goals. - Sunday Adelaja
If is see darkness in Christians, I bring light to them. - Sunday Adelaja
We are not the ones who will achieve success and put this world to shame, but God will do thisthrough us. - Sunday Adelaja
Many use the word Kingdom flippantly. Even though we sing about it in our praise songs, we talk about it in our sermons, yet we seem to still not understand its reality in our daily lives. - Sunday Adelaja
If he is a God of sound judgment, that sound mind must be revealed in people who identify themselves with him on daily basis - Sunday Adelaja
Touch your vision daily. - Sunday Adelaja
God is changing the guard indeed in the body of Christ worldwide. This I cannot be quiet about! - Sunday Adelaja
Darkness, that is, ignorance, limits our visibility. - Sunday Adelaja
Unfortunately the leading proponent of ignorance in our society has become the very same institution that was created to fight it - The Church. - Sunday Adelaja
Fornication and adultery unleash destructive consequences into a person's life:• Poverty;• Lack of perception;• Loss of respect and mutual acceptance;• Children with shattered futures;• Dullness of the senses and of the intellect;• Deterioration of health. - Sunday Adelaja
Each time we allow our interest to take a back sit in favor of others, which is a form of death. - Sunday Adelaja
The amount of money that a person has in his bank account is not determined by his startingcapital but by his knowledge about money and his ability to manage it properly. - Sunday Adelaja
Your life "behind the scenes" must correspond to your life "on stage." What you preach must correspond to how you live - Sunday Adelaja
Very often people have a very limited way of thinking. - Sunday Adelaja
More and more number of youths and adults get addicted to nicotine on daily basis. - Sunday Adelaja
My concern is not the fact that other people don’t understand where I am coming from, even though Christians are supposed to be doing what I am doing - Sunday Adelaja
This mountain must come down, the mountain of ignorance has to be brought down - Sunday Adelaja
Through positive civil actions, the church can influence the society. - Sunday Adelaja
Time of preparation on a particular work could also cause increase to the work - Sunday Adelaja
All life`s achievements proceed from the Author of life. - Sunday Adelaja
There is also a third blessing that comes from spending time alone with God. When we spend time alone with Him, this releases all God’s potential, His power, grace and anointing, all of which are so essential for doing work for the Kingdom of God. - Sunday Adelaja
Increase answers to growth - Sunday Adelaja
What the culture of get rich quick does to our people is People forget that they have to create their wealth in their nation. They rather think they must be given. - Sunday Adelaja
Friends I would like to challenge you to do an experiment, in the privacy of your studies. Everywhere you see the name Jesus in the Bible, replace it with the word light and see what that does to you. - Sunday Adelaja
Only the church can provide people with quality fellowship - Sunday Adelaja
Our world-view determines the manner in which we engage the world. - Sunday Adelaja
Only a wise man can dicern time - Sunday Adelaja
Good things quickly become habitual and we often stop valuing them. - Sunday Adelaja
If a person wants to be a true Christian, then he will endeavor to know Jesus and press towards being like Him in all things in order to reveal Him to the world. - Sunday Adelaja
The opportunity to see the future was placed in us by God through dreams and visions. - Sunday Adelaja
We pray because of that, to have less discomfort in life. This prayer is left unanswered for some reasons. The reason is not far-fetched God is not interested in your comfort. He is more interested in your purpose. - Sunday Adelaja
God’s secrets are revealed to us through the inter-communication of the spirit of man withthe Spirit of God. - Sunday Adelaja
Men are not great by the virtue of their wealth, but by the wealth of their virtue. - Sunday Adelaja
A clarion call to the 7000 remnants who are yet to bow their knees to Baal, to arise and come out of the wilderness to take charge of the guard that would lead their Nations and church to the promise land - Sunday Adelaja
When value systems are embraced by a nation, when the citizens of a country are truly rich in virtues, then material wealth is a matter of time. - Sunday Adelaja
There is a possibility of economic growth through honesty and truth. - Sunday Adelaja
Life reality tells us that to grow physically, you first need to grow inwardly - Sunday Adelaja
Work therefore is designed to release all this abundance of wealth hidden inside everything. - Sunday Adelaja
Your relationship with God has to be alive: Learn to be His child - Sunday Adelaja
Material wealth alone is not enough to build a great nation. - Sunday Adelaja
On a daily basis, people lose their lives, they lose their health, they lose their families, and they lose their children, only because they refuse to have a corresponding knowledge to what they possess in hand. - Sunday Adelaja
Discipline friends is the master of excellence. - Sunday Adelaja
The eyes of a nation (living godly) like this shall see the King of kings and the Lord of lords in all his beauty. Meaning salvation and redemption shall be readily available in abundance for the people of that land. - Sunday Adelaja
The only strategy to protect and preserve a nation is to establish the golden rules and principles of the Kingdom of God in the society. - Sunday Adelaja
After coming to God and being revived spiritually, every person should grow spiritually - Sunday Adelaja
While those who continuously get themselves the supply of growth, smile through life. - Sunday Adelaja
In my opinion, Nigeria matters! The body of Christ matters - Sunday Adelaja
Friends, are you a man according to Gods definition? Have you ever placed yourself under God’s microscopic eyes? Have you examined yourself according to his standards of judgment? Does he call you a man - Sunday Adelaja
When we refuse to do what we are supposed to do at the right time, the consequence is that of pain and tragedy. - Sunday Adelaja
Without a dream,life is meaningless. - Sunday Adelaja
Brethren, you won’t believe what I discovered. I found out that in every place, people listened to the message (the shift our churches need) with full attention and total bewilderment. The question that I kept on hearing was: why are other Christian ministers not doing the same thing? - Sunday Adelaja
Any work that you are doing at present is a great work. - Sunday Adelaja
If you live by the grace of God and you constantly recognise His grace in your life, then your weakness turns into strength - Sunday Adelaja
Even though we live in an unfair world, where some men and nations acquire their wealth in ways that are not always as straightforward as we would like it to be, yet in the midst of it all, it is not impossible to discover principles and secrets for the greatness of nations. - Sunday Adelaja
We tend to think that God doesn’t struggle with mundane things like frustrations and anger. But one of his major points of frustrations is WHEN there is no man to stand for justice, fairness and equity - Sunday Adelaja
I believe every minister of the gospel is called to this ministry first of all. The ministry of light, the ministry of destruction of darkness, the ministry of setting people free from ignorance. - Sunday Adelaja
Money should never be the goal. It should only be the means of attaining the goal. - Sunday Adelaja
The secret of the answered prayer is not in its artistry, nor shouts either… - Sunday Adelaja
Friends, since when has irresponsibility become a Nigerian factor? - Sunday Adelaja
Management should have goals. - Sunday Adelaja
The human resource is limited to the duration of his/ her lifespan, while time is unlimited. - Sunday Adelaja
If we in Nigeria and Africa generally are to experience a true national transformation, there must be numerous movements championing the cause for truth and honesty in every aspect of our daily affairs. - Sunday Adelaja
Work indeed has many more benefits than money. - Sunday Adelaja
People of success are not going to settle for the average. - Sunday Adelaja
When truth and honesty is successfully intertwined into the business world of a nation, the result is a boost in commerce. - Sunday Adelaja
It must once again become a common knowledge to our people that it is only the wealth that we create that we can share - Sunday Adelaja
We tend to get irritated when we see somebody doing something that is unusual and unfamiliar to our thinking - Sunday Adelaja
Whatever situation you are in, you should find an opportunity to renew your strength in the Lord, so that your problems don’t affect your joy, your peace and rest. - Sunday Adelaja
It is through us Christians that the world must know the love of the Savior - Sunday Adelaja
Our intimacy with God broadens our influence on earth. - Sunday Adelaja
The mandate of God to man, believers and unbelievers alike is that they should manage the earth for God. - Sunday Adelaja
The earth is man’s domain. - Sunday Adelaja
Only dedication to God’s calling can make you say a firm no to everything that is in the way of its fulfillment. - Sunday Adelaja
My brothers and sisters prayers and faith in God does not negate professionalism and dignity of labour. - Sunday Adelaja
We have come to love darkness of religion more than seeking for the knowledge of God. - Sunday Adelaja
Your purpose should not be above God in your life. - Sunday Adelaja
God is not coming to fix any nation. The most he could do is to raise up a man or a woman who would take responsibility to fix the nation. - Sunday Adelaja
We often blame our government for their lack of responsibility, socially and politically. We forget that that is only a result of the societal irresponsibility in general. - Sunday Adelaja
God desires to free our country from darkness through our active civil position. - Sunday Adelaja
If we will just believe and act accordingly, all circumstances and situations, no matter how hopeless they appear, would change. - Sunday Adelaja
God wants you to begin to strategise, plan, draw out tactics, methodologies of how your business would take over that particular sphere of business where you are - Sunday Adelaja
People who know God truly change the life of their nation, and not the government. - Sunday Adelaja
Jesus himself refers to himself as light, illumination, knowledge, insight, understanding, wisdom - Sunday Adelaja
The world will always try to lure us away so that it can infect us with sin. - Sunday Adelaja
Anyone that does not wish or desire to stretch himself will get nowhere in this life. That is just the way life is. - Sunday Adelaja
Truth is a fundamental principle that is needed for any form of building or construction. So also is honesty. - Sunday Adelaja
You cannot create your future, if you do not have a purpose. - Sunday Adelaja
The greatest sin is doubting God’s truth - Sunday Adelaja
Men and women who possesses drive record more increase than those who are passive - Sunday Adelaja
lack of sound mind and judgment the ability to make considered decisions or come to sensible conclusions, is a matter of frustration and disillusionment to God - Sunday Adelaja
In order to reach his destiny and have dominion over the earth, man has to get wisdom. - Sunday Adelaja
This generation must spend less time waiting for manna from heaven, but spend more time in the fields building and producing. - Sunday Adelaja
Gloom and darkness are temporary. Joy comes in the morning. - Sunday Adelaja
The earth is crying for people who make sound judgement and informed decisions. - Sunday Adelaja
Every major outward change must first begin in the mind .So for us to expect development in our nations, we must first bring development to the minds and understandings of our people. The change we quest for outwardly must first be attained inwardly. - Sunday Adelaja
When men allow other people to ridicule, laugh and jeer at the truth, that cannot but bring sorrow to the heart of God - Sunday Adelaja
A Christian is the person who studies the life of Christ and carries His image in himself in order to be like Him - Sunday Adelaja
Our government, media houses, schools, must focus on creating a new culture in our society. - Sunday Adelaja
The commendable efforts of preachers to Europe is that people began to understand that wealth and success is not a matter of luck. - Sunday Adelaja
What the culture of get rich quick does to our people is the escapist mentality becomes prevalent, giving birth to the syndrome of economic refugees. - Sunday Adelaja
God always exalts the humble. - Sunday Adelaja
Unless a person understands God’s laws, he will not have long-lasting success - Sunday Adelaja
God through Prophet Hosea is explaining to us reasons for destructions, calamities, failures and devastations among the people of God. That reason is not seen in demonic activities nor is it seen in prevailing economic situations of the land - Sunday Adelaja
If you serve people, they will gladly serve your vision. - Sunday Adelaja
No matter where you are involved with, your increase must have a purpose.multiplication of his children, He goes ahead to expatiate on his blessings to us - Sunday Adelaja
God desires to use you to the best of your capacity, to the best of your ability. - Sunday Adelaja
A salary does not make a person rich, but only gives him the opportunity to take care of hisneeds. It is not a means of becoming wealthy. It is a means of fulfilling our potential. - Sunday Adelaja
God created us so that His love, beauty, perfection, and harmony would be seen through us. - Sunday Adelaja
When we purchase something, we are enriching other people. - Sunday Adelaja
Personal Responsibility is when a person refuses to run away from challenges and difficulties, when he refuses to blame others, when he decides to rise to the occasion. - Sunday Adelaja
Friends, the light has come to the earth. We now have no right any longer to be in any form of darkness, especially in the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. - Sunday Adelaja
A lazy person will never grow wealthy. - Sunday Adelaja
Only by focusing on God can we reach our goal. - Sunday Adelaja
Absolute freedom means absolute lawlessness. - Sunday Adelaja
Focus your whole attention on heaven; become a citizen of heaven. - Sunday Adelaja
A man’s main purpose in life is to find his ground, till it and care for it, bringing the Kingdom ofGod there and establishing the Lordship of Jesus Christ over it. - Sunday Adelaja
In order to get wealth, knowledge is needed. - Sunday Adelaja
One destructive mind-set that must be altered in our society is the thought that work is a curse. - Sunday Adelaja
Light was the first thing that came into existence, first in the order of creation. - Sunday Adelaja
If God is so concerned about the state of truth in any society, I think that should begin to concern us as well. - Sunday Adelaja
The concept of dignity of labour took people off the street. - Sunday Adelaja
People waste life by wasting time. - Sunday Adelaja
The Bible is instruction, it is light, it is the Word of God that predicts future events, warns of dangers and holds us back from falling and getting hurt. - Sunday Adelaja
Every blessing is a challenge to work. - Sunday Adelaja
God determines the goals of the prosperity before giving prosperity to His children. - Sunday Adelaja
Temptation is a strong weapon that Satan uses against the children of God - Sunday Adelaja
More so God didn’t choose to resolve the problem of the earth by sending PRAYERS but by sending his son - Sunday Adelaja
Do you love life? Then don’t waste time - Sunday Adelaja
Personal Responsibility is something that you should do because it is morally right, legally required, etc. - Sunday Adelaja
For life to go your way, you must equip yourself with the power of change. - Sunday Adelaja
If you desire to be rich with joy, you have to be truly dedicated to God and His work. - Sunday Adelaja
Change helps you to be flexible. - Sunday Adelaja
I have come to discover that the reason why they are so wealthy and prosperous is not because they were lying on the couch all day. - Sunday Adelaja
Prayer is the breath of our spirit-man - Sunday Adelaja
When I consider the teachings, doctrines and what happens generally in the body of Christ both here in Europe, America and in Africa, I sometimes feel that I am living in my own reality. Either the whole world is getting it wrong or I am just running crazy - Sunday Adelaja
We have an opportunity to correct ourselves when God does not punish us immediately. - Sunday Adelaja
Some waste away their lives by drinking, partying or by simply having fun and living for pleasure. - Sunday Adelaja
It is clear looking at statistics of inventions, discoveries and fortune 500 companies, that it is not the believers that are managing the affairs of the earth. What a tragedy!!! - Sunday Adelaja
Therefore the messages coming from our altars must change. We must have a shift! CHURCHSHIFT - Sunday Adelaja
We have come to love darkness of religion rather than striving to understand how the world is supposed to function. - Sunday Adelaja
Confrontation affords you the opportunity to hear the other side of the story. - Sunday Adelaja
Do not use worldly methods or apply human force to prevent sin - Sunday Adelaja
Friendship with the world removes God’s protection and His covering from us. - Sunday Adelaja
It is only the man that has done his best that qualifies to ask for God’s protection and blessings. This message must return to our pulpit. - Sunday Adelaja
True development only comes when the principles of truth and honesty have been successfully transmitted into the daily and everyday lifestyle of the people. - Sunday Adelaja
In order to be more successful than the other people, you have to do something that otherpeople are not doing. - Sunday Adelaja
In their churches the Protestants taught believers to go out of the four walls of the church to demonstrate their love for God by how they serve fellow humans - Sunday Adelaja
The actions of man’s thoughts are similar to the action of a magnet. - Sunday Adelaja
Without wisdom man’s position does not differ in any way from that of a servant. - Sunday Adelaja
God in his infinite wisdom has deposited in everything the potential for growth and multiplication. - Sunday Adelaja
Because of ignorance and negligence we lost the most precious value-life - Sunday Adelaja
The more you die to self on daily basis, the more you enjoy life. - Sunday Adelaja
Those who neglect the demands of life, they live in perpetual pain and regret. - Sunday Adelaja
If the modern Protestant churches must maintain her place of relevance in the society, we would need to review where we missed it and how we have diverted from the teachings of the Protestants. - Sunday Adelaja
Life favours those who constantly change. - Sunday Adelaja
What alarms me most is the fact that, even when God has now raised up a voice to speak on these issues, many sincerely believe that I am in error or at worst that I am doing something utterly wrong - Sunday Adelaja
If you despise increase, you are a strange personality in the society - Sunday Adelaja
Your character determines how many followers you will have. - Sunday Adelaja
It’s not possible for a person who has one to one fellowship with God, someone who breaks through in prayer and who knows how to wait for God not to have open success. It’s just not possible! - Sunday Adelaja
If I see darkness in men of God I bring light to them. - Sunday Adelaja
People in every nation behave and respond according to the values and virtues upon which they were raised. We all are a product of our environment. - Sunday Adelaja
Even God does not call every human a man. There are some who have not managed to attain the height of those who God refers to as men. They might be giving birth, eating and drinking, having fun, but yet, when they don’t live for what they were created for, they remain biomasses. - Sunday Adelaja
That amount of time is to be converted into some products, benefits, goods, services, welfare, ministry, but most of us actually truncate this amount of wealth on daily basis. - Sunday Adelaja
God wants you to always have a hunger in your heart to learn something new. - Sunday Adelaja
The person who understands that God is the only One who builds, becomes His beloved. And to that kind of pastor God will give sleep. - Sunday Adelaja
Light in Greek is the same thing as knowledge which is the opposite of ignorance. - Sunday Adelaja
Another vindication I had is the fact that I believed the Christian message and the gospel of the kingdom is good enough to fix the world’s problems - Sunday Adelaja
Your desire for increase is a sign that we are alive - Sunday Adelaja
A dream is the reality of a future that exists in a person’s imagination. - Sunday Adelaja
All laws work for our good; therefore, we should know and observe them. - Sunday Adelaja
You need to work even if it is a menial or dirty job, because every job is participating in the process of creation. - Sunday Adelaja
God has hidden in each and every one of us so many abilities, gifts and resources that could only be activated by work. - Sunday Adelaja
Christians are called to be history makers on the earth. - Sunday Adelaja
People who gives excuses of lack of growth simply don’t know how to apply the principle of increase - Sunday Adelaja
Skills or professionalism is another factor of growth - Sunday Adelaja
Only ignorance makes people put up with defeat. - Sunday Adelaja
An understanding of our position in Christ gives us security - Sunday Adelaja
A lot of things in nature answers to increase which is a law of nature - Sunday Adelaja
Did you see any of those who are downtrodden, would that justice help them? Anyone oppressed and suppressed around you take a decision, make plans, strategize, to begin to proclaim and establish justice in your world. - Sunday Adelaja
If you are determined to live life to the full, if you are determined to conquer in life, if you are determined to win in life, if you are determined to soar in life, you must not shy away from this particular demand. Life demands death. - Sunday Adelaja
Human resources could be purchased and sold but not time. - Sunday Adelaja
Nigeria is a country with abundance of wealth, but because of lack of truth and integrity, the wealth are stolen, but the paradox of the whole thing is, this stolen wealth always find their way to nations with no apparent natural wealth, but with a high credit of degree of truth and honesty. - Sunday Adelaja
People who have experienced limited amount of success could be intimidated into thinking that it is not the will of God for them to increase - Sunday Adelaja
With change, life becomes an interesting ride. - Sunday Adelaja
We must stop calling the looting of our national wealth, a share in the national cake. - Sunday Adelaja
You professors, what do you teach your students? Do you instil in them the spirit of possession? - Sunday Adelaja
If I see darkness in my nation, I bring light to her. - Sunday Adelaja
If a person is outside the sin zone, the devil is powerless against him. - Sunday Adelaja
The second level of prayer is seeking. - Sunday Adelaja
The prayer of the church determines the history and the fate of its people as well as the whole earth - Sunday Adelaja
Jesus Christ is the Master of the business we are doing. We are not the master - Sunday Adelaja
The person who keeps God’s commandments will always abide in peace and rest. - Sunday Adelaja
Whenever we lose time we are actually losing our life. - Sunday Adelaja
Our prayer should address our Father with the complete understanding of God’s fatherhood - Sunday Adelaja
Unless a person actually hates sin, he will continue to practice it. - Sunday Adelaja
Follow the urge of the spirit of God into the next destination in our journey of faith as a Nation. - Sunday Adelaja
By becoming the embodiment of His will, we make God real in the world - Sunday Adelaja
If there is progress anywhere it is because there has been people who worked for it not just prayed for it. - Sunday Adelaja
After spending all of his resources to create all of us, not just one or two people, but in millions and billions and yet, God cannot find a man who will stand for him - Sunday Adelaja
If I see darkness in the Church I bring light to it. - Sunday Adelaja
The most important thing in life is wisdom and not money - Sunday Adelaja
Asking is the first level of prayer. - Sunday Adelaja
Take decision each single time to ascertain that you are getting the best every time. - Sunday Adelaja
A continuous growth, a steady growth is a demand of life. - Sunday Adelaja
The love of power is either due to low or overly high self-esteem. - Sunday Adelaja
God himself is referring to Jesus as light, illumination, knowledge, insight, understanding, wisdom - Sunday Adelaja
Live your lives in such a way that you would be sure you are productive, effective and satisfied on all levels. - Sunday Adelaja
When you live by the demands and supply of life, your life becomes easily predictable. - Sunday Adelaja
The leader must be focused on the goal. - Sunday Adelaja
From my experience with God, and what I read from his Holy Book. I sometimes think that he is more interested in our discomfort than in our comfort. - Sunday Adelaja
when there is no sound mind in the society people are compromised in their judgement - Sunday Adelaja
Everything new requires determination and courage from a person. - Sunday Adelaja
We must heal this terminally ill world with love. - Sunday Adelaja
God is not against money, He is against the money being used outside His purposes. - Sunday Adelaja
The civil involvement of the church is a spiritual tactic aim at defeating the forces of darkness. - Sunday Adelaja
Fornication is the murderer of champions and of people who have success, power, wisdom and anointing. - Sunday Adelaja
Our churches are full of people during work hours, morning, noon, evening, praying instead of being in the factories, libraries, laboratories, facilitating economic growth - Sunday Adelaja
Our efforts make the world go around. - Sunday Adelaja
When you supply what life demands, you enjoy the beauty of life. - Sunday Adelaja
The wealth God has given to everyman is the wealth of TIME. - Sunday Adelaja
Time is the ultimate wealth. - Sunday Adelaja
A life without a plan is a life out of control. - Sunday Adelaja
If you actively serve God where He places you, you will never have to be sorry for lost time. - Sunday Adelaja
Wealth will always find their way out of societies where truth and honesty are not established into the societies where there are principles of honesty and truth. - Sunday Adelaja
It’s time to begin to believe that with God on our side we can build a prosperous nation and continent. - Sunday Adelaja
Discipline creates ways for the lovers of it. - Sunday Adelaja
Humility and brokenness before God is the key for Him to dwell in us. - Sunday Adelaja
There are things that life demands of every person living on the surface of the earth. - Sunday Adelaja
Personal Responsibility is the state of being the person who caused something to happen. - Sunday Adelaja
Life demands for change. - Sunday Adelaja
The kingdom of this world will come closer into becoming the kingdom of the world if we all take possession of our spheres - Sunday Adelaja
our life does not belong to us any more, it is now the life of Jesus Christ that lives in us. - Sunday Adelaja
Work is given to us by God as an instrument to multiply resources. - Sunday Adelaja
Personal Responsibility is when an individual volunteers to be in charge of duties, tasks and is ready to see to its fulfilment - Sunday Adelaja
It is imperative that you know that your activities on earth must have to it some divine purpose. - Sunday Adelaja
Increase is God’s blessing to us all and at the same time it is his commandment that we should increase - Sunday Adelaja
Today what was impossible is made possible and the rest is history - Sunday Adelaja
Even if your world seems to be falling apart, you can be confident in that you are in His hand of grace. - Sunday Adelaja
If the teachings of the early Christians changed Rome and the entire Roman Empire, we can’t point to any great change that the teachings coming from our pulpits today are producing upon our world in general - Sunday Adelaja
Success is a possibility and a reality to its true seeker. - Sunday Adelaja
For many people the way to success is long and hard, because they do not understand Biblicalprinciples and the laws of the spirit. - Sunday Adelaja
Only the one who has the understanding of time will be ready to give an account to the Lord for what He did on this earth. - Sunday Adelaja
People and nations cannot be happy, if they do not acknowledge the Lordship of Jesus Christ - Sunday Adelaja
The greatest enemy of any person is his own ego. - Sunday Adelaja
God is going to lift you up higher, day by day and from prayer to prayer. - Sunday Adelaja
Life requires that we at times confront things that are wrong. - Sunday Adelaja
If you notice that devil hinder your work or demons disturb your family etc., then address them and cast them out of your circumstances - Sunday Adelaja
You leaders, where do you lead your people to? Do you sow in them the seed of possession? - Sunday Adelaja
It is obvious that the prevalent Christian world-view is not a Kingdom world-view - Sunday Adelaja
Next step: take the veil off - Sunday Adelaja
Baptism in the Holy Spirit belongs to them that believe and are not of this world - Sunday Adelaja
The destiny of every country is in the hands of the people who know God. - Sunday Adelaja
Every increase has a purpose, the purpose is possession! - Sunday Adelaja
To live is to die. To die is to live. To avoid death, is to avoid living. - Sunday Adelaja
Men after the heart of God become the moral conscience, the guidance and custodians of justice, not simply in the security of the four walls of their church - Sunday Adelaja
Our government, media houses, schools, must focus on creating a new culture in our society. A culture of work. A culture of labour. A culture of diligence. A culture of hard work. A culture of perseverance. A culture of persistence. A culture of DIGNITY OF LABOUR. - Sunday Adelaja
The church needs to raise up the Moses’ and last days deliverers. - Sunday Adelaja
Every work needs proper organization. - Sunday Adelaja
God indeed has given the earth under to the control of man. - Sunday Adelaja
Pastor Face Your Business When people say this they mean that I must just stay behind the pulpit and preach - Sunday Adelaja
Be determined to live a pure, holy and godly life; decide to honor, love and value other people, and to live a life that reflects Christ to others - Sunday Adelaja
Did you see any of those who are downtrodden, would that justice help them? Anyone oppressed and suppressed around you take a decision, make plans, strategise, to begin to proclaim and establish justice in your world - Sunday Adelaja
Sooner or later sin makes its claim on a person. - Sunday Adelaja
God is trying to tell us that there is a shift taking place in the body of Christ especially in the way we do church - Sunday Adelaja
If we want our nations to be truly great we must lay less emphasis on material wealth, natural resources or even human resources. - Sunday Adelaja
Personal Responsibility leads to collective responsibility. - Sunday Adelaja
Most people can’t seem to see the relationship between truth, honesty and national development. - Sunday Adelaja
Even though God rules in the affairs of men, yet the earth is not God’s jurisdiction. - Sunday Adelaja
The first direction of a prayer: believe that God is able to manage your problem and appeal to Him. - Sunday Adelaja
The first step towards obtaining wisdom is to acknowledge the sovereignty and authority of God and to be subject wholly to His will. - Sunday Adelaja
Recognition of the value of time, the change in our attitude to time, time management and time consciousness translate into economic growth or increase in GDP. - Sunday Adelaja
People who truly serve God actively look for darkness in order to chase darkness away, they run after darkness, they search for darkness in all its ramifications and destructive consequences. - Sunday Adelaja
Every man produces only to the capacity of their philosophies of life or doctrines as we Christians call it. - Sunday Adelaja
It is worthless and senseless to seek help in Egypt, because true help comes only from theLord, Who created heaven and earth. - Sunday Adelaja
I see that the culture that is prevalent right now in Nigeria and indeed Africa is the culture of GET RICH QUICK. - Sunday Adelaja
When you get wisdom, failure and discouragement will get behind you. - Sunday Adelaja
The story of Sodom is God's reminder to the modern world. - Sunday Adelaja
Since when has bringing stolen money to churches for Pastor’s blessings become a Nigerian norm? - Sunday Adelaja
Each and every one of us was created to carry out justice, judgment, truth and equity on the earth. It could be in different spheres of life, in various professions or in diverse gifting - Sunday Adelaja
A responsible citizen is the one that sees something wrong in the society, something he is not satisfied with or that he cannot agree with and responds not by blaming the government or leaders. But by designing ways and means of bringing a lasting solution to the issues at hand - Sunday Adelaja
Every Christian can become a rich person. - Sunday Adelaja
God gave us the grace and ability to work, because it is only through work we can resolve national issues. - Sunday Adelaja
But men have loved darkness rather than light. - Sunday Adelaja
Change helps you to adapt to circumstances in life. - Sunday Adelaja
If God is truth, that truth must reign supreme on the earth even as he reigns over the universe - Sunday Adelaja
God saves a man that he may accomplish his purpose. - Sunday Adelaja
God so much desires to use you that he isn't thinking of using you just anyhow or somehow. - Sunday Adelaja
It doesn't matter if most people refuse to understand nor support my efforts, not at all, it doesn't at all matter. What matters is, I am pioneering a revolution. - Sunday Adelaja
Our choices are always in accordance to the prevailing value systems of our environment. - Sunday Adelaja
Schools do not replace self-development. - Sunday Adelaja
Understanding is aggregated knowledge that has transformed into a lifestyle. - Sunday Adelaja
The level of our knowledge of the Lord determines our exploits. - Sunday Adelaja
Everything is meaningless if not done in its proper time - Sunday Adelaja
If we indeed possess light we shall never be afraid to go and face darkness anywhere, any-time. - Sunday Adelaja
God always has fresh ideas - Sunday Adelaja
We must stop seeing our anointed men and women of God as Seers, magic workers, Herbalist and native doctors. - Sunday Adelaja
There is a reason for every blessing that God gives a man. - Sunday Adelaja
Every worker should know that by working, he is releasing the nature of God in him. He is becoming creative just like God is creative. - Sunday Adelaja
If we give the supply of growth, self-improvement, self-education, into our lives, life would favour us - Sunday Adelaja
The aspiration to attain goals overcomes death - Sunday Adelaja
The resources of the human mind are unlimited. - Sunday Adelaja
The kind of gospel that our churches are preaching sometimes are not powerful enough to change the very street where these churches are located talk less of the nation where they are - Sunday Adelaja
Never look back on yesterday’s success - Sunday Adelaja
If you are a believer you are not supposed to begin to convince God to use you. God already desires to use you. - Sunday Adelaja
Anybody that does not value time does not value life - Sunday Adelaja
For a nation to be truly wealthy, it must possess a wealth of virtues. - Sunday Adelaja
Everything needed for success has been placed into us from the beginning - Sunday Adelaja
We don’t normally encourage people to be driven towards something - Sunday Adelaja
Success belong to the man who refuses to fair failure. - Sunday Adelaja
For life to favour you, you must equip yourself with the power of change. - Sunday Adelaja
The body is a dwelling of the spirit. - Sunday Adelaja
Prayer is a conversation with the Father you trust. - Sunday Adelaja
Freedom from sin is real - Sunday Adelaja
The prayer of a righteous man avails much - Sunday Adelaja
Unfaithfulness of team members is a difficult test that may bring disappointment to a leader. - Sunday Adelaja
Definition of money is the reward you get for solving people`s problems. - Sunday Adelaja
Success does not come by itself; you need to fight for it. - Sunday Adelaja
Every major outward change must first begin in the mind. - Sunday Adelaja
Each time we choose to step down for others that is a form of death to self. - Sunday Adelaja
The reason for our limitation is only inside us. - Sunday Adelaja
I am charting a course that will become a seed which may fall to the ground and die. But out of it shall arise many seeds and trees that shall become a plantation of light, which would usher in a new dawn of Gods righteousness to the church, Nigeria, and to Africa. - Sunday Adelaja
Money comes to those who know what to do with it. - Sunday Adelaja
If your prayers remain unanswered, start fasting - Sunday Adelaja
We need money not only for meeting our own needs, but also for fulfilling God’s plans. - Sunday Adelaja
Working hours of a diligent man are not limited. - Sunday Adelaja
God didn’t call you to be a failure. He called you to be a success - Sunday Adelaja
Whenever you own something without a corresponding knowledge of the possession, you eventually lose it. - Sunday Adelaja
Do you notice the abused of your society? Take a decision, make plans, strategize, to begin to proclaim and establish justice in your world. - Sunday Adelaja
Life and history have repeatedly taught us that values and virtues are far much stronger than the physical wealth we often see. For material wealth emanates from values and virtues. - Sunday Adelaja
A person’s attitude to money determines whom he serves in life. - Sunday Adelaja
God’s principles work whether we believe them or not. - Sunday Adelaja
Nobody will live your life for you. - Sunday Adelaja
Where there is increase there is a constant flow of people - Sunday Adelaja
Possession without understanding leads to loss. - Sunday Adelaja
Thoughts and feelings produce actions. Sinful thoughts and feelings produce sinful actions. - Sunday Adelaja
Organize your life the way God wants it to be. When you pray, ask God for counsel on matters and you will get the wisest advice directly from heaven - Sunday Adelaja
If you want to be successful in any area of life, you have to work on developing your soul. - Sunday Adelaja
When you live by the demands and supply of life, Life stops being a mystery to you - Sunday Adelaja
Maintain focus on what God called you to do. - Sunday Adelaja
Fill your life with love and you will be healthy, young, beautiful and full of energy and strength. - Sunday Adelaja
Everybody that is born on the surface of this earth, is wealthy. That wealth is the wealth of time. - Sunday Adelaja
What is equity? It is the quality of citizens of a given society to relate to each other in fairness and impartiality - Sunday Adelaja
Material wealth don’t just come and go, they come to stay as long as the virtues remain in the fabric of a nation - Sunday Adelaja
It is not the mountain that is our problem but the absence of knowledge on how to deal withthe mountain. - Sunday Adelaja
Increase calls for review, check-up,control, and analysis. - Sunday Adelaja
The power of your prayer lies in your knowing that God is there right beside you. - Sunday Adelaja
It is time for us to move on to our promised land!!! It’s time to begin to believe that with God on our side we can build a prosperous nation and continent - Sunday Adelaja
Live to avoid all the numerous field mines of life. - Sunday Adelaja
Compassion brings people together. - Sunday Adelaja
A Christian's mentality should be radically different from that of others in the community. - Sunday Adelaja
The truth therefore is that great nations become great not because of their amount of wealth an Great nations become great thanks to their wealth of truth, honesty and other virtues the natural resources. - Sunday Adelaja
Those who refuse to grow, those who only finish school and call it quits regret through life. - Sunday Adelaja
The value of time is only equal to the value of life. - Sunday Adelaja
Whenever God allows a mass blindness to cover his church, it is not out of stupidity, it is out of divine providence - Sunday Adelaja
The Protestants teachings affected the view of the populace to work - Sunday Adelaja
Preoccupy your mind more and more thinking of strategies, methods of attaining possession in all areas of your life’s endeavour. - Sunday Adelaja
A man’s conquest depends on his knowledge of Jesus Christ. - Sunday Adelaja
Most people do not take care of their lives, because they don’t value life - Sunday Adelaja
The thing that grieves the heart of the Lord is when truth is ridiculed. When God doesn’t see men who stand in defense of the truth. - Sunday Adelaja
As you and I take Personal Responsibility for mending the things that are out of order in our community and nation in general, we would surely witness a transformed, developed and civilized society. - Sunday Adelaja
When Jesus enters a place revival fire begins. - Sunday Adelaja
Do good deeds and serve people, because nobody is too unimportant not to be served by you. - Sunday Adelaja
The best method of sharing your vision is your personal example - Sunday Adelaja
There are benefits in confrontation. Even though we don’t like it most of the time, but people who obey this demand of life, live in peace better than the others. They avoid conflict and fights, better than others. They are able to identify their friends and enemies faster than others. - Sunday Adelaja
Instead it is the Church hierarchy that is rather teaching congregation to be afraid of darkness, instead of teaching them to go with light to overcome darkness. - Sunday Adelaja
God desires to use you is to use you in the best possible fashion. - Sunday Adelaja
All spheres of life in society are mission fields. They are the Promised Land where the Lordwill lead us to. - Sunday Adelaja
Live your life, not wasting it on minor things of life, but rather investing it in the best possible ways - Sunday Adelaja
True children of God experience pleasure in giving. - Sunday Adelaja
One of the principles of increase that provide enough demand for growth is vision - Sunday Adelaja
Sometimes spiritual blessings are much more important than most material goals we pursue in life. - Sunday Adelaja
Not too many people know how life could be best used, it is a millennial dilemma, that has troubled souls of men for many, many generations. - Sunday Adelaja
Failure is only but a temporary phenomenon. - Sunday Adelaja
With change you can survive everywhere. - Sunday Adelaja
If you want to save your time, learn to be focused on your purpose to the utmost. - Sunday Adelaja
Judgment refers to a sound mind. When there is no sound mind in a society, people in that society don’t think straight. They are perverted in their thoughts - Sunday Adelaja
In some cases we neglect our health, because we were never told about its value. - Sunday Adelaja
Prayer has to be fervent, intensive, passionate and from the heart. - Sunday Adelaja
God is not sitting in heaven thinking about how to make you comfortable. Your comfort might actually be his least concern. - Sunday Adelaja
One of the secrets a nation can unlock to have material wealth is, having a leader who will take an uncompromising stand to establish truth and honesty as a rule of building the nation - Sunday Adelaja
The person who has no deputies or assistants has no future. - Sunday Adelaja
Dwelling on thoughts gives birth to feelings. - Sunday Adelaja
We work hard to ensure an increase in investment, income, profit, savings, etc. - Sunday Adelaja
Intercession is prayer we pray not for ourselves, but for others for country government, or any other person - Sunday Adelaja
The leadings of the Holy Spirit will help you to achieve your goals in the quickest way. - Sunday Adelaja
Everybody must work even if you are not working for money. You must work to actualize yourself. - Sunday Adelaja
We need to teach our people to speak what is right as the highest manifestation of morality - Sunday Adelaja
Women love with their ears, men with their eyes. - Sunday Adelaja
The action or inaction of any government does not negate the Personal Responsibility of the citizens. - Sunday Adelaja
Never be focused on yourself. - Sunday Adelaja
God desires to use every believer to spread his kingdom everywhere in a grand manner. - Sunday Adelaja
Pain in life is inevitable. - Sunday Adelaja
Most of the time, yesterday’s level of increase will not be enough to secure tomorrow"s increase - Sunday Adelaja
Up till recently 75% of all inventions from the time of the industrial revolution is credited to the countries where Protestant ethics were taught - Sunday Adelaja
Wisdom is knowledge correctly applied. Therefore you should gain knowledge! - Sunday Adelaja
Focus means being diligent. Diligence always leads to wealth. - Sunday Adelaja
When a society begins to lack men that, that they stand up against the collapse of equity in their land that is the kind of thing that brings sorrow to the heart of our King - Sunday Adelaja
The spirit of fornication and adultery robs a man of his authority in the spiritual realm. - Sunday Adelaja
Believe everything the Word says about you - Sunday Adelaja
It is not money that is been jeopardized on daily basis, it is actually 86,400 seconds of your life. You are given that amount of life every day in time not in money. - Sunday Adelaja
The third direction of prayer is prayer against Satan, devils and demons - Sunday Adelaja
People that live on the edge of two millenniums are people of a special destiny - Sunday Adelaja
Mental understanding cannot change our life, unless it becomes real understanding. - Sunday Adelaja
If you don’t like to change, you become obsolete. - Sunday Adelaja
For life to work for you, you must equip yourself with the power of change. - Sunday Adelaja
We ourselves are behaving in the Church as if we are afraid of the light, it should not be so. - Sunday Adelaja
Work therefore is the paramount key to discovering yourself. - Sunday Adelaja
Everybody want to experience some form of pleasure in whatever they are doing and one of the sure ways of doing that is by seeing increase in your endeavors or results - Sunday Adelaja
There is no aspect of life that you take that does not demand discipline. It is a requirement of life. It is not a matter of choice. - Sunday Adelaja
We are not even going to throw the challenge of changing a whole generation before the modern day church. This generation of believers don’t even know what that means - Sunday Adelaja
We work to firstly realize our hidden potentials. - Sunday Adelaja
These demands of life are so universal that either we like it or not, we are going to come across them one way or another. The response we give determines what our lives become. - Sunday Adelaja
Whenever you possess something, but lack the understanding of its value, there are some consequences you suffer. - Sunday Adelaja
No matter how great your wealth of knowledge may be, it is still insufficient - Sunday Adelaja
The knowledge of the laws of life makes life predictable. - Sunday Adelaja
It is not money that makes a person free, but it is the knowledge of God’s truths. - Sunday Adelaja
We became God’s carriers because of the sacrifice of Jesus. - Sunday Adelaja
We have mainly been taught to just stay in the church, be faithful, serve the church, and serve the man of God. - Sunday Adelaja
Many generations are dependent on a man's understanding of his appointed purpose in life. - Sunday Adelaja
The church is strong when she lives by divine understanding. - Sunday Adelaja
Sex outside of marriage is an abuse. - Sunday Adelaja
Learn how to pray with all your heart, applying all your energy to concentrate on one specific goal - Sunday Adelaja
It is easy for anybody to call himself or herself a Christian but the truth is we respond from very different world-views - Sunday Adelaja
God has made the provision for every man on earth to be equally endowed with the currency time - Sunday Adelaja
Loving money is more of a problem for those who do not have it. - Sunday Adelaja
The church is God's remnant in a country, able to change the life of the nation - Sunday Adelaja
While the whole world is struggling to help people get their freedom from the dangers of smoking, yet the over five million people, who yearly die from smoking still voluntarily head towards that deadly part. - Sunday Adelaja
The earth therefore is not Gods jurisdiction. It is man’ jurisdiction. The earth is man’s domain. Man therefore is responsible for what transpires here. - Sunday Adelaja
What is my business in this? Oh yea, it is my business. It is not just my business, it is my calling. - Sunday Adelaja
Rather life would work against those who don’t like to change. - Sunday Adelaja
To possess something without the corresponding knowledge, is extremely dangerous indeed. - Sunday Adelaja
Whoever is able to lay more demands on himself, enjoys the most increase, most of the time - Sunday Adelaja
Rejecting sin is not a burden; on the contrary, it brings freedom and relief. - Sunday Adelaja
Life demands growth - Sunday Adelaja
When the economy of a country is based fundamentally on the principles of truth and honesty, that nation experiences economic stability. - Sunday Adelaja
A diligent man spends his time in constant work. - Sunday Adelaja
We must clean our national psyche from all manifestation of evil, be it kidnapping, militancy, insurgency, murders or assassinations. - Sunday Adelaja
Unfortunately, we do not often see the advantages in the power of values and virtues. We are easily taken away by physical wealth, material possessions and the power of money. - Sunday Adelaja
The mountain of superstition has to be leveled for our people to taste a fresh breath of life in Christ Jesus. - Sunday Adelaja
Live the life of maximum impact. - Sunday Adelaja
Nothing is as important as your calling and purpose in life. - Sunday Adelaja
An in-depth study of the true reason for greatness of nations, will always lead a thorough researcher to the factor of virtues and values - Sunday Adelaja
Many people would fight against the idea that they are corrupt. While in the real sense, they are corrupt because they don’t live by the principles of honesty and truth. - Sunday Adelaja
Work is a form of service to God. - Sunday Adelaja
What the culture of get rich quick does to our people is People begin to think that there is no natural process to success, hence the fraudulent nouveau riche (swindlers, drug pushers, 419 scammers etc.) begin to become respected in the society - Sunday Adelaja
I believe that for Nigeria and other third world countries to truly become developed, we must change the culture and attitude of our people towards work - Sunday Adelaja
Life can be a waste by jesting and joking away their time. - Sunday Adelaja
From our primary schools to secondary schools, to tertiary institutions, there must be a mass campaign to educate our people in the value of labour. - Sunday Adelaja
Vision is a strong tool for increase - Sunday Adelaja
We need to teach our nation to detest any form of plots, insinuations, evil intrigues and violence. - Sunday Adelaja
Then we have to pray for the light of the Holy Spirit to shine in people’s lives - Sunday Adelaja
When you strive to possess, there is always a reward waiting for you both in heaven and on earth. - Sunday Adelaja
A demand on self to add value is a kind of pressure that causes increase - Sunday Adelaja
It is impossible to be successful and prosperous if you cannot organize people to achieve maximum results. - Sunday Adelaja
Most people neglect their lives and allow all kinds of accidents, mishaps and misfortunes to happen to them. - Sunday Adelaja
A man that is focused on his purpose always saves his time. - Sunday Adelaja
The Christians and the world have totally different goals. - Sunday Adelaja
The light of God's love makes us unique personalities - Sunday Adelaja
The key challenge facing us today is to successfully transmit into daily and everyday lifestyle the principle of truth and honesty. - Sunday Adelaja
People living godly will dwell on high. Meaning wealth, honour, prosperity, fame, elevation, joy etc. - Sunday Adelaja
Take for instance, a society where the prevailing value system is that you only go into politics and leadership to serve and not to make money. In such a nation, people know that those who go into politics and leadership come out of it poorer than they went in. - Sunday Adelaja
Some of us fast so that we can have less discomfort in life. The reason is not far-fetched God is not interested in your comfort. He is more interested in your purpose. - Sunday Adelaja
I hear preached in our charismatic churches, which basically borders on sowing and reaping, giving and receiving. I thought there must be a different format to that message - Sunday Adelaja
The virtues of character, behavioural patterns determine how great a nation and people are. - Sunday Adelaja
Personal Responsibility is the acknowledgement of the fact that I am personally responsible for what is happening in my life, in my surrounding and in my nation. - Sunday Adelaja
The earth is crying for people who make sound judgment and informed decisions - Sunday Adelaja
Our people must once again realize that it is only hard work and excellence that leads to wealth creation. - Sunday Adelaja
The Protestants believe in the higher power through the truth they derive from the word of God. They got to know the truth and that truth set them free and they took the truth to the society and set their whole generation free. - Sunday Adelaja
Our task is not multiplying the number of our church members but making people happy - Sunday Adelaja
Live a life that will make you look back in old age at your life and grin in satisfaction. - Sunday Adelaja
In order to have success, you have to concentrate on your goals. - Sunday Adelaja
Mercy and favor are miracles of God that give a man something he could not even dare to dream of. - Sunday Adelaja
People who truly serve God embrace light, they fall in love with light, and they proclaim light, they fight with light. - Sunday Adelaja
God can only work through those who have totally identified themselves with His will and purpose. - Sunday Adelaja
God desires your increase in your leadership, stewardship, relationship, and business - Sunday Adelaja
No matter where you are involved with, your increase must have a purpose - Sunday Adelaja
Misunderstanding of divine truths or lack of understanding are the only things that mayprevent a man from becoming God’s representative on earth - Sunday Adelaja
Why must ignorance be destroyed? Because it is the number one destroyer of the people of God - Sunday Adelaja
Life really could be an enjoyable experience, if we only knew what it demands of us. - Sunday Adelaja
Time influences every aspect of man's life - Sunday Adelaja
Time is exactly the amount of wealth God gives to each and every one of us on a daily basis - Sunday Adelaja
Light means knowledge in the Greek language it can also be translated as illumination, knowledge, insight, understanding and wisdom - Sunday Adelaja
You must go to bed with the mentality and thought of how to change yourself the next day. - Sunday Adelaja
If we are not submitted to Jesus Christ, then the forces of darkness will not be subject to us. - Sunday Adelaja
If you see any country that is advanced and developed today, it is because that society is fundamentally based on principles of truth and honesty. - Sunday Adelaja
If you don’t want to change, you are kicked out of the technological age. - Sunday Adelaja
A defining factor of team success is trust in God. - Sunday Adelaja
The children of God are His instruments on the earth. - Sunday Adelaja
No good will remain unrewarded, if not by men, then by God. - Sunday Adelaja
When you allow God to be manifested through you, you will experience a great joy. - Sunday Adelaja
Our potential is determined by God’s potential. His potential is unlimited - Sunday Adelaja
God is short of responsible men which explains why he said who shall I send and who would go for us? - Sunday Adelaja
Societies where there are worthy men and women of God, not necessarily preachers or religious men, but men that know the ways of God, they stand up against the collapse of equity in their land - Sunday Adelaja
Scripture states that it is the people of darkness who are supposed to be afraid of us, the carriers of light. - Sunday Adelaja
The absence of knowledge of the truths about money leads to poverty and financial slavery. - Sunday Adelaja
The destiny of your nation is in your hands, waiting for your actions. - Sunday Adelaja
If your small work does not experience increase and growth, you will be starving yourself inspiration - Sunday Adelaja
Your money should become active, not passive. - Sunday Adelaja
Lack of commitment is the main reason for failure among Christian leaders - Sunday Adelaja
God only gives men power to make wealth, meaning God does not give wealth, he gives the power to work for it. (Deut. 8:18) - Sunday Adelaja
A servant leader can always come down to the level of the one he is serving - Sunday Adelaja
A leader can lose his people if he does not know the problems they are facing. - Sunday Adelaja
The Word of God gives birth to thoughts about God and about the knowledge of God. - Sunday Adelaja
Christians are the carriers of truth that the whole world needs - Sunday Adelaja
Discipline is needed in our family lives. - Sunday Adelaja
Whenever God wants to intervene in the affairs of the earth, he intervenes through light, illumination, knowledge, insight, understanding, wisdom - Sunday Adelaja
The Protestant teachings caused people to view their work as a way of proving their love to God so they tried to do their best and give the best quality to God by giving the best quality to man. - Sunday Adelaja
When men and women who God has created to make a difference in the world, abandon the mandate for their lives and instead, begin to pursue all nonentities of life, God cannot but be frustrated - Sunday Adelaja
Time puts everything in place and gives it value. - Sunday Adelaja
But just as quantity wins respect and honour for a church, it is quality that provides a church with safety and protection. - Sunday Adelaja
Let your pain lead you to creativity - Sunday Adelaja
Only the one who recognizes his power in Jesus Christ can build a strong team. - Sunday Adelaja
If you go to anybody and ask them, what is your dream life? They would say I want to sit by the TV all day. I want to play with my friends all day and they think that is the best way to spend their lives. They do not know that what they have just listed is not living life but wasting life. - Sunday Adelaja
Sin is incompatible with the glory, beauty and holiness of God. - Sunday Adelaja
The principle of giving should become a mandate for action for the Christians of the last days - Sunday Adelaja
I have no doubt that ignorance is the biggest obstacle facing the church of the lord Jesus Christ in this age - Sunday Adelaja
For life to smile at you, you must equip yourself with the power of change. - Sunday Adelaja
God wants to use His Church to establish His Kingdom on the earth. - Sunday Adelaja
When you confront, you save yourself a lot of sorrow. - Sunday Adelaja
The demand of life is change. - Sunday Adelaja
Another purpose for speaking in tongues is the edification of the church. - Sunday Adelaja
While we thank God for them and their efforts, we must also know that our generation of believers has the responsibility to take the gospel a bit further. To conquer some more territories and to expand the influence of the kingdom to a higher horizon - Sunday Adelaja
The knowledge of God gives a person the opportunity to not be a slave to wealth. - Sunday Adelaja
Wisdom dwells in the heart of God. - Sunday Adelaja
When truth and honesty is absent in the nation, it relates not just to the politicians. - Sunday Adelaja
Your ideas about possession must increase until you get to a state of full possession of the land, city and nation - Sunday Adelaja
Wealth will always find a way of escaping from societies without an established system of truth and honesty, into societies that are well established in truth and honesty. - Sunday Adelaja
God’s favor in its fullness is that which allows strength to overcome with weakness, love to overcome hatred, God’s goodness to defeat Satan’s evil nature. - Sunday Adelaja
There are so many responses to the truth that would please the heart of our master. Heaven awaits only your decision. - Sunday Adelaja
The mountain of ignorance must be pulled down. - Sunday Adelaja
If we preach God, it means we preach light. Consequently we preach freedom from ignorance. - Sunday Adelaja
The first and most important thing that God requires of a man is to bear responsibility for future generations - Sunday Adelaja
If you want to know the value of a year, ask the student who was in the final year of his university education, when the lecturers went on strike and the school ended up closing for a year. - Sunday Adelaja
For us to expect development in our nations, we must first bring development to the minds and understandings of our people.The change we quest for outwardly must first be attained inwardly. - Sunday Adelaja
What the culture of get rich quick does to our people is People want to get something for nothing. - Sunday Adelaja
You need to get all the information that is related to the work that the Lord has called you to do. - Sunday Adelaja
Most people who spend their lives are dreaming of having a summer house somewhere in the suburb of their city where they could lie in the hot sun all day long, drinking coffee and juice. They think they are enjoying life, but really they are spending life. - Sunday Adelaja
when there is no sound mind in the society people's thinking and their decisions, don’t always follow the natural flow of logic, because the society and the culture of the land has polluted the minds of ordinary people - Sunday Adelaja
Happiness is a spiritual concept and its source is hidden in God. - Sunday Adelaja
It is almost an unbearable pain, to suddenly recognize the value of what you had being ignorant of which had been your possession - Sunday Adelaja
Every Christian has the chance to become an outstanding person. - Sunday Adelaja
People must be taught that money is not the most important benefit of work. - Sunday Adelaja
God gives absolutely everybody the opportunity to be successful in life. - Sunday Adelaja
Money should never be an object of love for people. - Sunday Adelaja
Light has come to the world and men loved darkness rather than light. - Sunday Adelaja
If a person has wisdom, then he will also have the anointing. But sometimes a person with theanointing may not have much wisdom. - Sunday Adelaja
Actions, not knowledge, bring result. - Sunday Adelaja
God desires to use you to the best of your to the best of your potentials. - Sunday Adelaja
Personal Responsibility of each citizen before the nation, is usually well defined in all developed nations. - Sunday Adelaja
Some of us read the Bible to quote God’s words back to Him so as to get Him to make us live a discomfort free life. The reason is not far-fetched God is not interested in your comfort. He is more interested in your purpose. - Sunday Adelaja
Wealth can only be multiplied through work. - Sunday Adelaja
There are two ways of opening the eyes of people. The first is by way of preaching the Word of God and the second is prayer - Sunday Adelaja
Knowledge only becomes wisdom, when it is utilized and produces fruit that makes it possibleto reach the goals that God has set. - Sunday Adelaja
God wants to be seen on earth through His devoted servants. - Sunday Adelaja
Wealth of time is actually of more value than natural resources (petroleum, gold, diamond, gas etc.) and more valuable than human resources. - Sunday Adelaja
Someone must stand up to confront and dissipate darkness. - Sunday Adelaja
To accomplish your goals and purposes in life you must be constantly refreshed by Him. - Sunday Adelaja
We call ourselves Protestants, but we have totally departed from the teachings of the early Protestants. Martin Luther, John Wesley and John Calvin would turn in their graves, if they hear the kind of teachings we are now feeding the people of God with. - Sunday Adelaja
For a nation to be truly great, she must first identify her national values, enumerate her virtues and formulate her value system. But the most tasking of all these is to develop a culture in her people, that will best represent the proclaimed value systems of the nation. - Sunday Adelaja
The Bible is the voice of God, calling out to everyone. - Sunday Adelaja
Life has its demands from every one of us who live on planet earth. - Sunday Adelaja
When a man attempts to build something in the physical realm that has not been built in the spiritual one, he will most certainly fail. - Sunday Adelaja
A person who knows spiritual principles will walk confidently in God’s path, to fulfil what God has already planned to do - Sunday Adelaja
Wisdom gives us the understanding that God has given us commandments for our benefit. - Sunday Adelaja
19. The commendable efforts of preachers to Europe is that the society was taught to respect all workers. - Sunday Adelaja
Most people who possess life in reality, do not quite understand what they possess. - Sunday Adelaja
People who gives excuses of lack of growth simply don’t know how to apply the principle of increase is practically inevitable. - Sunday Adelaja
The earth therefore is not Gods jurisdiction. It is man’ jurisdiction. - Sunday Adelaja
Any nation that wishes to enjoy the fruits of development and civilization, must follow the golden rules of this scripture as a national policy and culture. - Sunday Adelaja
Spiritual maturity testifies of one’s level of patience - Sunday Adelaja
Even if you are a preacher or a pastor, you will never be able to avoid questions related to money. - Sunday Adelaja
Nothing you hear or read will be of any benefit to you unless you meditate and digest itdeeply. - Sunday Adelaja
Church leaders may get disappointed in ministry if they do not know God’s time. - Sunday Adelaja
You have to bind the devil and command him to set these people free. - Sunday Adelaja
The scripture talks about man managing, ruling the earth, as the sole duty of man. - Sunday Adelaja
Time therefore is the measurement of life - Sunday Adelaja
The less you obey the Word of God, the more you distance yourself from God in the spiritual realm - Sunday Adelaja
We have to bring in captivity every high thing in people’s mind. - Sunday Adelaja
The church doesn’t belong to the pastor; it belongs to Jesus Christ. - Sunday Adelaja
What the culture of get rich quick does to our people is armed robbery and theft becomes the order of the day. - Sunday Adelaja
The final aim of any temptation is to bring a person back into the kingdom of darkness. - Sunday Adelaja
Is God satisfied with you or could it be that God looks at you and fails to see a man, only a bunch of flesh Full of self, and missing out on the purpose for his or her creation? What does God see, think and feel when he looks at you? - Sunday Adelaja
If the teachings of the Protestants in Europe gave birth to the Protestant ethics and the modern civilization, it becomes alarming that most of our charismatic teachings today mainly concentrate on individual aggrandizement - Sunday Adelaja
The primary duty of every minister is to lead people into the Promised Land. - Sunday Adelaja
What the culture of get rich quick does to our people is Fraudulent money schemes are prevalent in the society - Sunday Adelaja
I have decided to take on the biggest in my opinion challenge facing Christianity today. Which unfortunately is largely seen in the African continent and other developing countries. This challenge is ignorance! - Sunday Adelaja
When the citizens of a nation have been made to love and adhere to values and virtues, then they make better choices. - Sunday Adelaja
So in actual fact every human being is equally wealthy according to God’s divine Providence - Sunday Adelaja
Anyone that wants to live a successful life and a prosperous life has to know that life is wired in such a way that for you to survive and make it in life, CHANGE must be your constant companion. - Sunday Adelaja
It appears that the paradigm of the modern Church has mainly been based on some fragments of the truth rather than the comprehensive totality of understanding God and His Kingdom - Sunday Adelaja
We stand the risk of failure, because you refused to take risks. So life demands risks. - Sunday Adelaja
4. If you don’t know the Word of God concerning your problem, then worship Him. - Sunday Adelaja
Up to 90% of all inventions of the world comes from the Protestant world - Sunday Adelaja
The purpose of the Christian life is to reveal Jesus Christ to the world. - Sunday Adelaja
The most frustrating thing about our doctrine in the modern church is that the unbelievers who have never been to church, the agnostics, those who are out rightly atheist, don’t have to fight with whether they are supposed to dominate the earth or not, they just go ahead and do it - Sunday Adelaja
God can turn your weaknesses into your strength. - Sunday Adelaja
Prayer gives you a supernatural boldness that you cannot get by any other means - Sunday Adelaja
We can all become God`s agent of change by the power of God`s truth. - Sunday Adelaja
The emphasis of the churches were not in how much work or home keeping is done in the four walls of the church itself, they rather told the Protestants to go prove their love to God at their work places through the quality of their works - Sunday Adelaja
The basic teachings of the Protestants were all surrounding values, ethics and morals - Sunday Adelaja
There is an apparent need to save the earth and the means God chose to do this is not by sending POWER but by sending his Son - Sunday Adelaja
So many of us are causing pain and suffering to ourselves on daily basis, because we do not know the value of life. - Sunday Adelaja
Personal Responsibility is when a person sees a problem and refuses to be indifferent, but decides to rather look for ways and means of resolving the problem - Sunday Adelaja
We claim to have the light in the Church yet we want to lock ourselves within the four walls of that same Church. - Sunday Adelaja
History makers recognize the shift in times and seasons. - Sunday Adelaja
What the culture of get rich quick does to our people is Our young people look for quick answers and solutions - Sunday Adelaja
The foundational stone for any business, enterprise or project has to be wisdom. - Sunday Adelaja
It is possible to have a rather tranquil political atmosphere in any given nation. The secret is to put truth and honesty as the foundation of the political structure in that nation. - Sunday Adelaja
Life demands death to self - Sunday Adelaja
When you live by the demands and supply of life, it becomes a pleasurable adventure. - Sunday Adelaja
The future of the Church is in the hands of wisdom - Sunday Adelaja
Men of honor, men of God in a healthy society, stand in defense of justice - Sunday Adelaja
If you want to have a big and strong church, then you need to build a prayer wall of defense in the spiritual realm... - Sunday Adelaja
Where there is growth however, there is increase - Sunday Adelaja
The purpose of our activities on earth must go beyond bread and butter or merely surviving. - Sunday Adelaja
Fornication deprives a person of his spiritual covering. - Sunday Adelaja
Whenever justice to ordinary men, widows, orphans, poor, disadvantaged and the general mass is delayed or denied, that leads to God’s frustration. At a time like that, God laments, WHERE IS A MAN - Sunday Adelaja
Christians should use their prosperity for the glory of the Kingdom of God. - Sunday Adelaja
If you don’t want to change, you are left in the back. - Sunday Adelaja
Change helps you to adapt to various situations that will come your way. - Sunday Adelaja
The spirit of counsel enables a person to look for something new and to search further anddeeper. - Sunday Adelaja
The amount of words spoken does not determine the quality of the prayer - Sunday Adelaja
While we thank God for them and their efforts, we must also know that our generation of believers have the responsibility to take the gospel a bit further - Sunday Adelaja
God is looking for sons to send to the world of business to manage it for him. - Sunday Adelaja
The level of Personal Responsibility in developed countries is averagely much higher than is seen in developing nations. - Sunday Adelaja
With change there is no task too hard for you. - Sunday Adelaja
When you gain maximum knowledge in any area of work and put it into practice, no power - Sunday Adelaja
Increase must become your natural desire - Sunday Adelaja
You were placed there by God for a reason, which is to possess the land for the glory of the KING! - Sunday Adelaja
Those who love their lives too much eventually lose it. While those who are ready to sacrifice their lives for others gain it. - Sunday Adelaja
It is an illusion that money brings happiness - Sunday Adelaja
People who are indifferent about the happenings around them are human biomasses. - Sunday Adelaja
Work must not just be physical, we must teach our people that work is both mental, spiritual and physical. - Sunday Adelaja
The devil attacks you today, because you have got a future. He wants to destroy you for that very reason, because he is scared of your future acts and exploits. - Sunday Adelaja
The woman, who is not the wife, has no right to receive the seed of the man, because it is the man and not the woman, who has to bear the responsibility for his seed - Sunday Adelaja
When we rely on our own strength, God’s opportunities become inaccessible to us - Sunday Adelaja
The commendable efforts of preachers to Europe is that Superstition regarding work and wealth was broken. Everybody now knows that wealth comes only from hard work, not from some superstitious beliefs. - Sunday Adelaja
Having a strong spirit, we can control the desires of the flesh. - Sunday Adelaja
The answer to all questions of human society is in the lessons of human history, which are revealed in the Bible. - Sunday Adelaja
Trust always defeats every rebellion - Sunday Adelaja
The search for knowledge requires effort. - Sunday Adelaja
A Prayer does not need to become a ritual. - Sunday Adelaja
Train yourself by blessing those who treat you badly and you will take on the nature of God. - Sunday Adelaja
The end result of adultery and fornication is spiritual and even physical death. - Sunday Adelaja
When value systems are embraced by a nation, when the citizens of a country are truly rich in virtues, then material wealth is a matter of time. Moreover, these material wealth don’t just come and go, they come to stay as long as the virtues remain in the fabric of the nation - Sunday Adelaja
Increase is a natural desire - Sunday Adelaja
All resources in your possession is an opportunity for service. - Sunday Adelaja
Life is an opportunity to serve. - Sunday Adelaja
Establishing the Word of God defeats our spiritual enemies and protects our prosperity. - Sunday Adelaja
All men have life, but only few men know its value. - Sunday Adelaja
Once time is lost it can never be regained - Sunday Adelaja
God created the institution of marriage for mutual happiness and pleasure. - Sunday Adelaja
Sometimes we live as if we are blindfolded. - Sunday Adelaja
There is no failure in life, there are only those who don`t know how to succeed. - Sunday Adelaja
When truth becomes like a football that is kicked and tossed around by passers-by. That grieves God’s heart - Sunday Adelaja
A country cannot change, be transformed or developed as long as there is no truth and honesty as an everyday principle among the citizens of the nation. - Sunday Adelaja
Whenever a nation or a group of people is devoid of light, catastrophe comes, calamity hits, there is danger everywhere. - Sunday Adelaja
Every person has the responsibility over their own territory. - Sunday Adelaja
Death is another inevitable consequence of possessing something without its understanding - Sunday Adelaja
But ironically the believers have done worse in exploring the earth than sons of men who are not even believers have done. - Sunday Adelaja
The resource of time is the ultimate resource. - Sunday Adelaja
Good could become the enemy of the best. That best is possession. - Sunday Adelaja
Work is the gift of God to man for him to discover himself. It is only through work that a man can discover the hidden abilities, power, potential, talents, gifts and knowledge that are in him. - Sunday Adelaja
When you live in contrary to the demand of life, life doesn't work for you. Life rather works against you. - Sunday Adelaja
God’s way of thinking should become our way of thinking - Sunday Adelaja
Truth and Honesty: this principle could bring about healing and harmony in any nation. - Sunday Adelaja
To know God’s laws and abide by them is a privilege. - Sunday Adelaja
Only meditation on God's word is capable of changing our way of thinking. - Sunday Adelaja
You must however pay attention to the fact that we don’t only lose time to lateness. We also lose time to jokes, gossip, empty talks, sleep on duty, social media etc. - Sunday Adelaja
God created all people good. - Sunday Adelaja
God the Father and the Son don’t wish you to remain blind. It is men that put blindness upon other people for the purpose of control and manipulation. - Sunday Adelaja
Live in such a way that you would be certain that you have derived maximum from life - Sunday Adelaja
Quality brings security and confidence - Sunday Adelaja
I will not keep quiet until a revolution is started to fight ignorance and superstitions in the church of the lord Jesus Christ and in the nation of my birth. - Sunday Adelaja
Live in a way that would not leave us regretting after so many years on earth. - Sunday Adelaja
So many people don't think seriously about the fact that Personal Responsibility is one of the most essential credentials in National transformation - Sunday Adelaja
Work gives us access and opportunities. - Sunday Adelaja
The wealth of time we wastage, is worth much more than all the natural resources we have on the earth. - Sunday Adelaja
What the new government of Nigeria and other African governments must do, is to start a massive reorientation campaign in the culture of the dignity of labour. - Sunday Adelaja
The singular reason for calamities, destructions, failures and devastations is seen in ignorance of Gods people. - Sunday Adelaja
Money is God’s seed and Christians should learn how to properly sew it. - Sunday Adelaja
So friends, get out of your comfort zone. Don’t be afraid of pain. Confront your pains - Sunday Adelaja
Some increase happens within us and are not seen by the outside world - Sunday Adelaja
When I look at the Church today, not just in Africa but worldwide, it seems to me that we have come to love darkness even if we are called Church or some other religious names. - Sunday Adelaja
There is time for you to pray, and there is time for you to fight! - Sunday Adelaja
What the culture of get rich quick does to our people is People don’t believe that hard work is worth it. - Sunday Adelaja
Wisdom gives you the understanding of how to live without being dependent oncircumstances in this life. - Sunday Adelaja
It takes work to increase and multiply every resource we see around us. - Sunday Adelaja
If God fairness, impartiality, equity, are his essence, that should become dominant in any society - Sunday Adelaja
Without risks my friends there is no progress, no advancement either in science or technology. - Sunday Adelaja
A thought can be cast down by speaking out loud words of resistance and words of God. - Sunday Adelaja
The devil's weapon is an illusion of our imagination. - Sunday Adelaja
People fail because they are ignorant of the laws of success. - Sunday Adelaja
The sinful nature of man is the same in every generation. Man naturally moves towards entropy. We are driven towards the carnal, mundane and the mediocre. We need a higher power, force and truth to deliver us from this entropic movement to self-destruction and pull us higher to greater values. - Sunday Adelaja
Money is only a means to serve God. - Sunday Adelaja
Even though this generation still believes in the miracle working power of God, they must no longer wait for God to bring water from the rocks, but rather construct dams, water systems, subdue the power of the ocean thereby give glory to God almighty - Sunday Adelaja
We have come to love darkness in the church rather than finding God in creation. - Sunday Adelaja
The earth is not supposed to be developed and civilized by prayers alone, the earth is supposed to be civilized by hard work, labour and diligence. - Sunday Adelaja
The commendable efforts of preachers to Europe is that each worker no matter the level, knows he is participating in the process of creation with God hence the dignity. - Sunday Adelaja
Humans could be termed as biomasses when they don’t fully put into use their human qualifications. - Sunday Adelaja
God’s desire is to reveal Himself to everyone, yet He will manifest Himself only to those who love Him. - Sunday Adelaja
As a matter of fact, people erroneously think that life is about spending. - Sunday Adelaja
God changes His time because His goals and tasks change. - Sunday Adelaja
Let your discomfort and pain push you into something new. - Sunday Adelaja
In order to know how to pray for people, we have first to determine: Whether, they are saved or not. - Sunday Adelaja
The religion or pulpit of a nation is the most powerful source of value formation in any country. Followed by the family, the educational system and the media. - Sunday Adelaja
God is not supposed to fix the earth, he created man for that. - Sunday Adelaja
If a nation and any nation on this earth could raise up the standard of personal responsibility in their society, you will in no time see a nation of virtuous people, developed and civilized. - Sunday Adelaja
You must wakeup in the morning thinking of things you could change in and about your life on a daily basis. - Sunday Adelaja
There is a fierce battle in this world for our time. - Sunday Adelaja
A team goes through stages of birth, childhood, puberty, adolescence, maturity, and aging in its development. - Sunday Adelaja
When a person comes to know God, the Spirit of God revives his spirit and his essence. - Sunday Adelaja
The disciplined rule our world. - Sunday Adelaja
The moment you, as a spiritual person, stop growing, you simply die. Your ministry will grow as a consequence of your dedication, faithfulness and persistent desire to move on - Sunday Adelaja
The world is sick with loneliness in spite of multitudes of people living in it - Sunday Adelaja
Joy of harvest belongs only to those who endure the pain of sowing. - Sunday Adelaja
God has chosen to make the heavens his jurisdiction while at the same time he himself makes it very clear that the earth has been given to man as man’s sphere of influence. - Sunday Adelaja
Economic and financial conversion is actually attainable, thanks to this principle of truth and honesty. - Sunday Adelaja
You don’t waste time on suspecting or second guessing when you confront. - Sunday Adelaja
Our multiplication must increase to fill the earth. That right there, is a possession - Sunday Adelaja
Light is what we are called to preach. Our lord and saviour called himself light of the world. - Sunday Adelaja
Man therefore is responsible for what transpires here. - Sunday Adelaja
The second direction of prayer lies in us addressing our own circumstances and changing them ourselves - Sunday Adelaja
The most revolutionary aspect of the Protestant teaching however, is the fact that the Protestants began to look for ways and means to serve God better through inventions, discoveries, researches, sciences, factories, industries, etc. - Sunday Adelaja
Many Christians are like servants with shoes. - Sunday Adelaja
A society living by the laws of the world is moving towards a global crisis in all its spheres of life. - Sunday Adelaja
If I see darkness in politics I bring light to it. - Sunday Adelaja
Ladies and gentlemen, let us hear the demand of life and adhere to it. It would do us good - Sunday Adelaja
God approves our life if we attain His goals. - Sunday Adelaja
Fruits of the spirit in the man attract others to him. - Sunday Adelaja
God is in desperate search for those sons he could send to the world of sports to rule and manage it for him - Sunday Adelaja
If sin becomes an abomination to you, you will have a hundred percent victory over it. - Sunday Adelaja
Justice suffers when men refuse to stand firm for what is right. If we don’t fight lawlessness, it prevails. If we don’t establish the truth in our nations, truth becomes foreign in the country. God says there is no man when there is nobody who stands for the truth. - Sunday Adelaja
Life itself demands change from every dweller of planet earth. - Sunday Adelaja
In nations where to most people, the personal responsibility of a citizen towards the nation does not really mean anything, most citizens of such nations end up playing the blame game - Sunday Adelaja
The mandate is clear, God's nature must be reflected on the earth. - Sunday Adelaja
A documented vision will help you every day to take certain steps toward its fulfillment. - Sunday Adelaja
It is the culture that makes the difference. When there is no internal transformation, there cannot be external progress and development whatsoever. - Sunday Adelaja
Without a relationship with God, it is not possible to have order in your life. - Sunday Adelaja
Money is a seed, which should bring a plentiful harvest. - Sunday Adelaja
The eyes of such a nation (living godly) shall view a land that stretches afar. Talking about global influence, authority, dignity and respect. - Sunday Adelaja
In my opinion, one of the answers to the question of underdevelopment of nations, is in the CULTURE of DIGNITY OF LABOR. - Sunday Adelaja
People should always find support and understanding in you. Then they will support you 100%. - Sunday Adelaja
A true leader is someone who can turn people from followers into leaders - Sunday Adelaja
I decided that in spite of my silence I would demonstrate and reproduce in reality the picture of the church that I saw inside my spirit - Sunday Adelaja
4. God reveals to humanity, through His Word, the shortest route to success, prosperity andwell-being. - Sunday Adelaja
Life is given to everyone as a demonstration of God’s trust. - Sunday Adelaja
Success is a process of learning, growth, progression and faithfulness. - Sunday Adelaja
God`s laws are God`s blessings to humanity. - Sunday Adelaja
We came to this earth to labour and work for increase, which would lead to possession. - Sunday Adelaja
Jesus Christ on earth was to destroy ignorance by manifesting light - Sunday Adelaja
If you think money is an obstacle, that shows that you still lack wisdom. - Sunday Adelaja
With change there is nothing you cannot deal with. - Sunday Adelaja
Laziness is a killer of our time. - Sunday Adelaja
Our churches are full of people during work hours, in the morning, at noon, in the evening praying, instead of being in the factories, libraries, and laboratories, facilitating economic growth. - Sunday Adelaja
Contemporary Christian church would normally think that things are impossible - Sunday Adelaja
If you want to get understanding, keep the Word in your heart and not in your mind only. - Sunday Adelaja
Too many people die in our world today because, they don’t eat well, rest well, play well and live well. - Sunday Adelaja
The only path to real promotion is to humble yourself and make yourself of no reputation and then begin to give yourself to other people and serve them. - Sunday Adelaja
One of great arts of communication is the skill of listening to people - Sunday Adelaja
Neglect is a major reason for some of the most painful experiences we suffer in life. - Sunday Adelaja
I made up my mind that not only would I become a millionaire, but that I would also raise up millionaires from members of my church - Sunday Adelaja
Understanding moulds the life of a man and governs it. - Sunday Adelaja
God calls each person individually. He said that a man and his wife were one flesh, but not one spirit - Sunday Adelaja
Christians have the spiritual mandate to establish the Kingdom of God in their own lives and in their society. - Sunday Adelaja
When a person loses his purpose, he subjects himself to a free fall. - Sunday Adelaja
At times, we need to let our choices die, for us to get a better direction in life. - Sunday Adelaja
The only way you can pray with absolute faith is to be confident that your prayers are in line with the revealed will of God, His Word. - Sunday Adelaja
If you carry offense in your heart, it is too early for you to start your team - Sunday Adelaja
People think they are here on earth to spend life - Sunday Adelaja
Positive attitude toward time management would accelerate our economic development as we have never seen before. - Sunday Adelaja
Every sexual sin begins with flattery. - Sunday Adelaja
As a matter of fact life itself is measured by time. - Sunday Adelaja
The doctrines that have been preached in our churches in Africa and globally has not been helpful for believers to dominate the earth. - Sunday Adelaja
The main purpose of our time is to establish God’s Kingdom on this earth. - Sunday Adelaja
As a matter of fact, confrontation could be a seed of peace. - Sunday Adelaja
When there is no Personal Responsibility in any society, there cannot be a responsible government. Responsible government is an off shoot of a culture of Personal Responsibility. - Sunday Adelaja
What the culture of get rich quick does to our people is young men only wish to do prestigious work - Sunday Adelaja
Knowledge is very necessary for us to dominate the earth. - Sunday Adelaja
My concern is to help people find out how they could best live their lives to hit the mark almost every single time. - Sunday Adelaja
Success and greatness in life belongs to those who take responsibility. - Sunday Adelaja
The general instrument by which God interferes in the affairs of men is by the weapon of LIGHT - Sunday Adelaja
God is looking for sincere men he could send to politics to manage politics for him. - Sunday Adelaja
The destiny of any country is in the hands of her church. - Sunday Adelaja
Change makes you pliable. - Sunday Adelaja
You professors, what do you teach your students? Do you instill in them the spirit of possession? - Sunday Adelaja
God’s passion is to increase and multiply. - Sunday Adelaja
We are all endowed with wealth of time equally - Sunday Adelaja
The purpose of learning is not to give exams in class and forget about it, but to increase the knowledge until they possess an area of the earth for God almighty - Sunday Adelaja
If he is a God of justice, people must see his justice on earth - Sunday Adelaja
If you want to have a well-ordered church, then you have to become well-ordered yourself. - Sunday Adelaja
God works on earth only through the prayers of believers and based on this basis, the destiny of this world is not in the hands of earthly kings and rulers but in the hands of prayer warriors. - Sunday Adelaja
The more the Word of God abides in a person, the more strength and wisdom he will have. - Sunday Adelaja
If a vast majority of the population identify and embrace the nation’s value system, then that nation is automatically great. Because they will live out these values in their daily life. - Sunday Adelaja
If you don’t like to change, you would not be able to live in a fast changing world. - Sunday Adelaja
The thing that breaks the heart of God and makes him to cry out of frustration for his men and their whereabouts is when equity has been squeezed out of the public square - Sunday Adelaja
Good preparation destroys all obstacles - Sunday Adelaja
I am being a minister of light and a destroyer of ignorance and I shall never keep quiet until this horrendous mountain is pulled down in my country, in the church of Christ and in my continent. - Sunday Adelaja
All sorts of darkness and evil are now hiding themselves under the umbrella of religion, Christianity, church etc. - Sunday Adelaja
If the churches, mosques and other religious centres could come together to embrace a nation’s value system, and then set out to disciple the nation in these values and virtues, then the greatness of such a nation is inevitable. - Sunday Adelaja
Failure is only a step towards success. - Sunday Adelaja
Always feel obligated to help people and carter for more needs of people so as to be more relevant to the world - Sunday Adelaja
Communication with God should not be a one-way traffic. - Sunday Adelaja
After getting myself relatively educated in the area of national transformation, I have come to discover that it makes better sense to look at what I could do to fix the problems of the society rather than blaming others for what is wrong in the country. - Sunday Adelaja
God does not give money. He gives the power to get wealth. - Sunday Adelaja
Demand maximum effort from people. - Sunday Adelaja
Every work you do should be done unto the Lord and your love to God must show in the quality of your product - Sunday Adelaja
God is looking for prepared men to send to the world of education to manage the place for him. - Sunday Adelaja
Truth and honesty are some of the most powerful principles to developing a nation. - Sunday Adelaja
God himself and Jesus relied upon light to function on the earth - Sunday Adelaja
God needs to bless the works of our hands, but you still need to do some work for God to bless it - Sunday Adelaja
If you want to work with people, then you have to know how to administrate, that is to organize them and lead them. - Sunday Adelaja
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