Quotation Explorer - 'Their'

EDUCATION, n. That which discloses to the wise and disguises from the foolish their lack of understanding. - Ambrose Bierce
Their understanding Begins to swell and the approaching tide Will shortly fill the reasonable shores That now lie foul and muddy. - William Shakespeare
Leave people to their opinions and judgments. They cannot harm you; it is their understanding that is faulty, not yours. - Leon Brown
People desire for spices in their life I want some sugar. - Amit Abraham
I have a dream: That everyone may experience a heaven on earth by their own whim. - Michael Brett Turner
Early mapmakers kept their backs to the sea - Sarah Hymas
Over time, I realized I wasn't necessarily seeing people or things at their best or worst; instead, I was simply seeing things as they were.There didn't seem to be a moral high road to take in most situations, and "What's the right thing to do?" wasn't an easy question. - Dee Williams
when you are doubt with someone on how they feel don't pretend that you know what they were thinking, never assume yourself as you know how they feel when you really not at their shoes at all. - Jinnul Jr.
sometimes in your works, give people the opportunity to express their ignorance; then you prove the wrong with your works. - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Some women choose to follow men, and some women choose to follow their dreams. If you're wondering which way to go, remember that your career will never wake up and tell you that it doesn't love you anyway. - Lady Gaga
Ones life will have much more meaning and happiness if one makes their own decisions - Duncan William Gibbons
Most of our assumptions have outlived their uselessness. - Marshall McLuhan
I encourage anyone who has gone through hardships to look back through their life’s chapters and see what can be turned into a book. For you never know what heartache God, one day, can turn into a redemptive story. - Jolina Petersheim
Their Oath shall drive them, and yet betray them, and ever snatch away the very treasures that they have sworn to pursue. - J. R. R. Tolkien
The best thing that can happen to anyone is for them to gain an education that is aligned to their purpose in life. - Oscar Bimpong
Don't judge people by their profession, otherwise you'll end up with more enemies than friends. - Abhijit Naskar
Lets reflect the hopes of the nations under oppression, injustice and brutality. All they see is Unknown suffering Of an empty heart and soul and thus their suffering is unknown. We cannot do everything; but still we can do something. Lend a hand to support the suffering ones. - Auliq Ice
Sometimes reputations outlive their applications. Sometimes fires don't go out when you're done playing with them.
Men are as faithful as their options. - Chris Rock
The closer you get to know someone, the more you see their true colors. - ELW-Reta Barnes
Most girls if you hold hands with them, their goddamn hand dies on you - J. D. Salinger
‎Books admitted me to their world open-handedly, as people for their most part, did not. The life I lived in books was one of ease and freedom, worldly wisdom, glitter, dash and style. - Jonathan Raban
Instead of complaining of the problem, learn how to cope with it and live it and study it and discover their weaknesses and then smash it..عوض أن تشتكي من المشلكة تعلم كيف تتأقلم معها وتعيشها وتدرسها وتكتشف نقاط ضعفها ثم حطمها - Hicham LM Kamelionaire
Emancipation of women has made them lose their mystery. - Grace Kelly
Greatness is inspiring others to be their best. - Ken Poirot
There are two kinds of people: those who live their lives, and those who watch and talk about those living their lives. - Ali B. Moe
Wondering why a person who has made the most of the wealth in own life through LUCK only; says, most often, to the people the most about the importance of HARD WORK in their lives. - Anuj Somany
Women share their sadness, thought Edith. Their joy they like to show off to one another. Victory, triumph over the odds, calls for an audience. And that air of bustle and exigence sometimes affected by the sexually loquacious - that is for the benefit of other women. No solidarity then. - Anita Brookner
You know that when a group of utility workers are withholding their customer service identification cards, they are likely engaging in some form of illegal activity at your home. - Steven Magee
The pre-Socratic Greek philosopher taught that the only things that are real are things which never change... and the pre-Socratic Greek philosopher Heraclitus taught that everything changes. If you superimpose their two views, you get this result: Nothing is real. Philip K. Dick - Parmenides
The whole purpose of education is to transfer and transform knowledge for the future generations so that they can transcend their lives and humanity as a whole. - Debasish Mridha
It is a melancholy truth that even great men have their poor relations. - Charles Dickens
If, after all, men cannot always make history have meaning, they can always act so that their own lives have one. - Albert Camus
Those who know the true use of money, and regulate the measure of wealth according to their needs, live contented with few things. - Baruch Spinoza
Everyone has the right to play their cards their own way. - Marty Rubin
Choose your friends and mates, not by the money in their bank account, creed, ethnicity, or color; instead, choose character, actions, heart, and soul. When we bleed, we bleed the same color. - Ana Monnar
That there are men in all countries who get their living by war, and by keeping up the quarrels of Nations is as shocking as it is true... - Thomas Paine
Some steal, earn a lot of money, but lose their honour and become very poor; some work, earn a little money, but gain a good honour and become very rich! - Mehmet Murat ildan
I've got to follow them - I am their leader. - Alexandre Rollin
The only reason i love the courage of these individuals is that they take their family members as astray chicks, and the reason i don't want to belong to this category is because those chicks are far more important to me than trivial wealth and fame. - Michael Bassey Johnson
If their students aren't learning, then they are not teaching. Adapt to global, auditory, tactile & visual learners. - Ace Antonio Hall
...stories want to be told. Stories have a power of their own ... you can't write a story until you've felt it. Breathed it in. Walked with your characters. Talked with them. - Angelica Banks
To forgive is not for the sole sake of relieving another of their guilt, but rather for the sake of the soul that had been perpetrated upon! - DC Gunnersen
All human situations have their inconveniences. We feel those of the present but neither see nor feel those of the future; and hence we often make troublesome changes without amendment, and frequently for the worse. - Benjamin Franklin
Great people never sleep because their dreams keep them awake and striving. - Terrance Robinson- Artist Educator Scholar Entrepreneur
At 17, the gratitude part of their brain is a little undercooked. - Last Man Standing
The envied are like bureaucrats; the more impersonal they are, the greater the illusion (for themselves and for others) of their power. - John Berger
Could hell be a place where there is no self-respect? A place where people have no pride in their own existence or behavior, and thus would have none for anyone or anything else? - Neil Peart
People usualy use "move on" when their heart broke because of love. Most don't understand when father, mother, sister or brother has died, you might have needed more strength to move on. It was like living with no air. - Glad Munaiseche
Proverbs 28:26Those who trust in their own reasoning are fools, but those who walk in Wisdom will be kept safe. - Anonymous
Silence explains a lot of things.It tells us why people are who they not supposed to be.It's the fear of being afraid.It's because of their own safety.Sometimes it becomes an unexplainable feeling.It shows the insecureties, acceptation, love and vulnerabilityinside everyone of us. - Tessa Vanluchene
An individual's perception is their reality colored in the shades they desire--not necessarily the color that it is. - Terry A. O'Neal
But for their cries,The herons would be lostAmidst the morning snow. - Chiyo Ni
If you consider what are called the virtues in mankind, you will find their growth is assisted by education and cultivation. - Xenophon
Corrupt utility companies require a corrupt legal system to protect them from their own sickened workers and the masses. - Steven Magee
If human beings are perceived as potentials rather than problems, as possessing strengths instead of weaknesses, as unlimited rather that dull and unresponsive, then they thrive and grow to their capabilities.
A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government - Spurious quote attributed to George Washington but never said by him .
People who say that yesterday was better than today are ultimately devaluing their own existence. - Karl Lagerfeld
These opportunities, then, gave these men the chance they needed, and their great abilities made them recognize it. - Niccolò Machiavelli
Experience has taught me this, that we undo ourselves by impatience. Misfortunes have their life and their limits, their sickness and their health. - Michel de Montaigne
Some people will each start investing more of their salary on ‘their’ house and spending less of it on ‘their’ car or cars only when they start being able to take ‘their’ house to work, funerals, weddings, etc. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
All stories are the sin of their weaver. - Miyuki Miyabe
I am not an angry girlBut it seems like I’ve got everyone fooledEvery time I say something they find hard to hearThey chalk it up to my anger, and never to their own fear - Ani DiFranco
A lie is the most sacred private property on Earth. Governments claim it is not theirs, and that their critics are the rightful owners. - Gustavo Gus Larsen
Some people around a person have a mysterious way of showing their dislike towards him, as they like regularly almost everything that he says or shares on his social media account. - Anuj Somany
But we're not humanity, we're just one culture - one culture out of hundreds of thousands that have lived their vision on this planet and sung their song. If it were humanity that needed changing, then we'd be out of luck. But it isn't humanity that needs changing, it's just...us. - Daniel Quinn
Parents don't own their children and no one owns the world. - Marty Rubin
Seasoned digital daters are like lions who have had their prey killed, butchered, and served to them on a tray in their artificial habitat for so long that they’ve forgotten how to hunt. - Maggie Young
A friend is someone who makes you a better version of yourself just by being who they are. Their existence is your inspiration. - Toni Sorenson
....it is of the very essence of Christianity to face suffering and death not because they are good, not because they have meaning, but because the resurrection of Jesus has robbed them of their meaning. - Thomas Merton
Some strive to make themselves great. Others help others see and find their own greatness. It's the latter who really enrich the world we live in - Rasheed Ogunlaru
The future belongs to those who enhance their level of consciousness and awareness everyday. - Debasish Mridha
...Where we got to know eachother. Not just with words, it was how we observed eachother's movements. The way your smile only effected the lower half of your face. How our hands moved when they were close: as if they had minds of their own. - Elaine Turnbo
As iron is eaten away by rust, so the envious are consumed by their own passion. - Antisthenes Pinto
People only value things in their life when it is taken away from them. - Bushra Satkhed
What really frightens and dismays us is not external events themselves, but the way in which we think about them. It is not things that disturb us, but our interpretation of their significance. - Epictetus
Lots of people who complained about us recieving the MBE received theirs for heroism in the war--for killing people. We received ours for entertaining other people. I'd say we deserve ours more. Wouldn't you? - John Lennon
Liberals seem to assume that, if you don’t believe in their particular political solutions, then you don’t really care about the people that they claim to want to help. - Thomas Sowell
Anything will give up its secrets if you love it enough. Not only have I found that when I talk to the little flower or to the little peanut they will give up their secrets, but I have found that when I silently commune with people they give up their secrets also - if you love them enough. - George Washington Carver
Everyone who wants to know what will happen ought to examine what has happened: everything in this world in any epoch has their replicas in antiquity. - Niccolò Machiavelli
It's better to teach people than to scare them, Lauren. If you scare them and nothing happens, they lose their fear, and you lose some of your authority with them. It's harder to scare them a second time, harder to teach them, harder to win back their trust. Best to begin by teaching. - Octavia E. Butler
The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance. - Aristotle
All that writers can do is keep trying to say what is deepest in their hearts. - Lloyd Alexander
[A]though people get paid to do their jobs, you cannot pay someone to do their job passionately and wholeheartedly. Those qualities are not for sale; they are themselves gifts that can only be given freely, and are in many, many fields. - Rebecca Solnit
People are all over the world telling their one dramatic story and how their life has turned into getting over this one event. Now their lives are more about the past than their future. - Chuck Palahniuk
The first thing that has to be recognized is that one cannot train someone to be passionate--it's either in their DNA or it's not. - Richard Branson
Experts are by definition the servants of those in power: they don't really THINK, they just apply their knowledge to problems defined by the powerful. - Slavoj Žižek
Be a mirror of life. Let everyone see their own astonishing beauty in your mirror. - Debasish Mridha
Teddy didn't really understand the attraction of the dark side for the young these days. Perhaps because they had never experienced it. They had been brought up without shadows and seemed determined to create their own. - Kate Atkinson
Whoever feels pain in hearing a good character of his neighbor, will feel a pleasure in the reverse. And those who despair to rise in distinction by their virtues, are happy if others can be depressed to a level of themselves. - Benjamin Franklin
Do not think of your faults, still less of others' faults; look for what is good and strong, and try to imitate it. Your faults will drop off, like dead leaves, when their time comes. - John Ruskin
God stipulates in the Bible that Jesus Followers are to love and serve everyone regardless of their faith or lack of it. But, this does not require us to honour and respect their Biblically-heinous cultural practises like multiculturalism does! - Gary Patton
Life is a balancing act. While we have all the rights to be in freedom, peace, harmony and bliss; we do have a responsibility to ensure that others too enjoy their own freedom, peace, harmony and bliss. - Vishwas Chavan
With profound love, kindness, and harmony trees are endlessly extending their blessings. That is why we are still living. - Debasish Mridha
I put my hands behind my head and lay on my back, trying to hold on to the memories of my family. Their faces seemed to be far off somewhere in my mind, and to get to them I had to bring up painful memories. - Ishmael Beah
But time and time again, I saw the change in their eyes once they’d conquered me. Dehumanization always follows penetration. - Maggie Young
Love this quote from a teacher about their class "This is four walls around the future! - - Anonymous teacher
Elevation Book Publishing drives each book to their highest peak and afford authors the opportunity to rise to their full potential. We create thriving partnerships. - Rhonda Wilson
The truth is, I often like women. I like their unconventionality. I like their completeness. I like their anonymity. - Virginia Woolf
So much barbarism, however, still remains in the transactions of most civilized nations, that almost all independent countries choose to assert their nationality by having, to their inconvenience and that of their neighbors, a peculiar currency of their own. - John Stuart Mill
Stuffed deer heads on walls are bad enough, but it's worse when they are wearing dark glasses and have streamers in their antlers because then you know they were enjoying themselves at a party when they were shot. - Ellen DeGeneres
To the body and mind which have been cramped by noxious work or company, nature is medicinal and restores their tone. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Men's natures are alike, it is their habits that carry them far apart. - Confucius
The materials of wealth are in the earth, in the seas, and in their natural and unaided productions. - Daniel Webster
All people like to be praised as it boosts their self-esteem, keeps them motivated and happy but it also pushes them into the abyss of sham, which is propelled by hypocrisy and sycophancy. - Balroop Singh
The snake which cannot cast its skin has to die. As well the minds which are prevented from changing their opinions; they cease to be mind. - Friedrich Nietzsche
They ask little, for they know it is little they will receive for all their asking, but what little is so dear, as it always is to the autumn-hearted who know life is pitiful and infinitely sweet. - William Alexander Percy
Trees lose their leaves in blizzards like these. - Ashly Lorenzana
For Parents: Never blame or scold a child for their first mistake after all family is the first school from where a child learns. - Neeraj Bhanot
Those who don't know how to weep with their whole heart, don't know how to laugh either. - Golda Meir
A humanitarian seldom makes a good lover. For a lover’s world revolves around their lover, while a humanitarian’s world revolves around the world. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Those only are happy who have their minds fixed on some object other than their own happiness: on the happiness of others, on the improvement of mankind, even on some art or pursuit followed not as a means, but as itself an ideal end. Aiming at something else, they find happiness by the way. - John Stuart Mill
True leaders are willing to die for their dreams. They don't oppress with ignorance; they impress with visions". They live like Martin Luther King Jr, Nelson Mandela... - Israelmore Ayivor
I pray moms will use ... [my] book[s] as a reference to arm themselves with God's grace and His Word to break away from the enemy's bondage and begin to experience peace and freedom in their homeschool journeys right away. - Tamara L. Chilver
I have read of the great wars of ages past, and men slaughtered by the tens of thousands. And we give but fleeting consideration to their deaths, for it is our nature to banish such thoughts. - Seth Grahame-Smith
You don't love someone for their looks, or their clothes, or their fancy car, but because they sing a song only you can hear. - Oscar Wilde
Who would wave a flag to be rescued if they had a desert island of their own? That was the thing that spoilt Robinson Crusoe. In the end he came home. There never ought to be an end. - Arthur Ransome
Every month that we do not have an economic recovery package 500 million Americans lose their jobs - Nancy Pelosi
...most people are almost blind and they don’t see most things and there is lots of spare capacity in their heads and it is filled with things which aren’t connected and are silly, like, I’m worried that I might have left the gas cooker on. - Mark Haddon
Integrity is a powerful force, keeping you alive to others long after you’ve left their presence. - Mollie Marti
No one ever died from sleeping in an unmade bed. I have known mothers who remake the bed after their children do it because there is wrinkle in the spread or the blanket is on crooked. This is sick. - Erma Bombeck
He hams his Brummie accent, I tell myself, the way so many ex-pats ham their lost identity. The moustache is a pose. Yet, he hams this unpredictable matey belligerence, this curiously Midlands attitude. Colin is home away from home, I reflect, even if not the home you ever really liked. - Tim Parks
When I meet a man I ask myself, 'Is this the man I want my children to spend their weekends with?' - Rita Rudner
Mothers may still want their sons to grow up to be President, but according to a famous Gallup poll of some years ago, some 73 percent do not want them to become politicians in the process. - John F. Kennedy
Still, he couldn’t reconcile with the way he felt every time their eyes met, a feeling he had never forgotten that resonated with his very being. - Jennifer Silverwood
And all Negroes at some period of their lives there is that yearning for a sense of group unity that is the yearning of men for a flag: for a unity that cannot be compromised, that cannot be bought; that is conscious of itself, of its strength, that is militant. - Ralph Ellison
Love others to make them feel better and so that you see yourself in the mirrors of their eyes. - Debasish Mridha
For each person I lost I found a new layer of grief to cover myself with, and each time I tried to bring something of their essence into my own being - be it unconditional love, kindness and piety. - A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
Men lose more conquests by their own awkwardness than by any virtue in the woman. - Ninon de l'Enclos
There are people who feel they should be with you, but something is preventing them from coming close. Please can you just lower the frequency of your stern looking face and smile...and they will make you their habit. - Michael Bassey Johnson
An entrepreneur is someone who can make enough money to pay for their mistakes. - Jayson Gaignard
Genuine people never seems to be in rush. In their conversation they make the other person feel special. - Kishore Bansal
The most loving parents and relatives commit murder with smiles on their faces. They force us to destroy the person we really are: a subtle kind of murder. - Jim Morrison
Even the dead keep changing and adding to their contradictions. - Marty Rubin
I love walking into a bookstore. It's like all my friends are sitting on shelves, waving their pages at me. - Tahereh Mafi
Success belongs to those who take action to make their dreams a reality. - Debasish Mridha
To be a great man think like them and behave like them but do not repeat their mistakes - Mohammed Sekouty
People can change their external lives with religion, but a lasting internal change only happens through a daily relationship with Jesus. - Alisa Hope Wagner
Some believe all that parents, tutors, and kindred believe. They take their principles by inheritance, and defend them as they would their estates, because they are born heirs to them. - Alan Watts
A good mother does not live only for her children. She always has some bond with other mothers, no matter what class, nationality or race they may be. All mothers have the same joys, the same sorrows, the same anxieties. All mothers think first of their child and of children. - Werenfried Von Straaten
There’s this human capacity for joy and endurance, even when things are at their worst. A joy that occurs not despite our suffering, but within it. - Elizabeth Gilbert
In a world of lovelightning and rainbow are lovers now. They arc and strike upon the horizon of credence to rise above their cloudy vow - Munia Khan
A wise doesn’t need advice or action of the people to know their true intention because a sane person can gauge it by mere observation of the attitude, good or bad, of their close companion towards others. - Anuj Somany
Nothing, absolutely nothing, happens 'till parents stop clenching their fists around precious things and people, let go, & trust God! - Gary Patton
It is meant that noble minds keep ever with their likes; for who so firm that cannot be seduced. - William Shakespeare
Behavior speaks... I need not listen to someone's apology; I'll watch for it. I've learned not to let someone's words blind me from their behavior. - Steve Maraboli
I never saw this coming - the little house was working its magic, connecting me to people and materials I never would have guessed would find their way into the picture. - Dee Williams
We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. - US Declaration of Independence
Thank God for all of your short comings because it gives the people who don’t belong in your life something to hang their insecurities on as they drift away in a cloud of delusional perfection. - Carl Henegan
Almost all reformers, however strict their social conscience, live in houses just as big as they can pay for. - Logan Pearsall Smith
All Reformers, however strict their social conscience, live in houses just as big as they can pay for. - Logan Pearsall Smith
If you want to be a good writer, internalize the good writers; absorb them; integrate with their souls; embrace their minds; mingle with their life stories; in short, merge with them, lose yourself in them! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Men are not great by the virtue of their wealth, but by the wealth of their virtue. - Sunday Adelaja
For men, women are their ‘counter weights’ and when that is not enough, their daughters are their ‘counter weights.’ One can’t do without a counter weight. Otherwise, he will fall over. - Dada Bhagwan
Only those of us live for centuries that decided not to live in their short lives. - M.F. Moonzajer
When people say "you've changed", what they actually mean is that they don't like the fact at all that you've stopped tolerating their bullshit. - Ali. B. Moe
Do not buy finery or jewels, because books are worth more than they are. Adorn your understanding with their precious ideas, because there is no luxury that dazzles like the luxury of science. - Luisa Capetillo
It was amazing to think that she'd always had it wrong, imagining that they were the weak ones, the ones who took their chance. No. The weakest are those who stay put and call it sacrifice, call it not having a choice. - Sunjeev Sahota
Everybody learns from their own mistakes.The wise learn from mistakes others make. - Manoj Vaz
And in a flash I understood the meaning of sex. It is a craving of mingling of consciousness, whose symbol is the mingling of bodies. Every time a man and a woman slake their thirst in the strange waters of the other's identity, they glimpse the immensity of their freedom. - Colin Wilson
Most people, if they had really learned to look into their own hearts, would know that they do want, and want acutely, something that cannot be had in this world. There are all sorts of things in this world that offer to give it to you, but they never quite keep their promise. - C.S. Lewis
When was the last time someone ran their fingers through the knots of your soul? - Maza-Dohta
I tend to think my eye's vision is still 20/20, because they mind their own business. - Anthony Liccione
When you truly love someone, you can’t just be their friend. - Berry Quotes
He was alone in his wonderment,amoung creatures incapable of wonder--for them it was enough to exist and go their way. - Pope John Paul II
Write about small, self-contained incidents that are still vivid in your memory. If you remember them, it's because they contain a larger truth that your readers will recognize in their own lives. Think small and you'll wind up finding the big themes in your family saga. - William Zinsser
Only those who have never known fear are allowed to think less of others for being afraid. Frankly, I think anyone who has never been afraid of anything in their entire life is either a liar or lacks imagination. - Laurell K. Hamilton
Whatever their other contributions to our society, lawyers could be an important source of protein.
When do you become a man? When you become your own man. When other men trust you to do a man's work. Trust you with their name, their reputation, their thoughts. Trust you to watch their backs and trust you with their lives. - Carew Papritz
Whoever loves becomes humble. Those who love have , so to speak , pawned a part of their narcissism. - Sigmund Freud
Be it remembered, that liberty must at all hazards be supported. We have a right to it, derived from our Maker. But if we have not, our fathers have earned and bought it for us at the expense of their ease, their estates, their pleasure, and their blood. - John Adams
What do you think an artist is? ...he is a political being, constantly aware of the heart breaking, passionate, or delightful things that happen in the world, shaping himself completely in their image. Painting is not done to decorate apartments. It is an instrument of war. - Pablo Picasso
May the fleas of a thousand camels invade the crotch of the person that ruins your day. And may their arms be to short too scratch - Keisha Keenleyside
However much you love them, you must let everything and everybody that desperately long for their freedom to be free! - Mehmet Murat ildan
I'm completely in favor of the separation of Church and State. My idea is that these two institutions screw us up enough on their own, so both of them together is certain death. - George Carlin
Thank you for your honesty," Niles says. The Candor repeat the phrase under their breath. All around me are the words "Thank you for your honesty" at different volumes and pitches, and my anger begins to dissolve. - Veronica Roth
High culture can never be obliterated as long as the species continues to produce individuals with the inclination and fortitude to pursue their interests and talents against the grain of the mass culture surrounding them. - Susan Jacoby
If only one generation takes action in raising their children as humans, rather than raising boys and girls, the future human civilization shall get rid of the sinister phenomenon of misogyny sooner than you can imagine. - Abhijit Naskar
Then the dreaded words, Your child has autism. These words echo in their heads like a freight train blasting through their hopes and dreams. - Dr. Linda Barboa
It never ceases to amaze me: we all love ourselves more than other people, but care more about their opinions than our own.
To safeguard democracy the people must have a keen sense of independence, self-respect and their oneness, and should insist upon choosing as their representatives only such persons as are good and true. - Mahatma Gandhi
Having studied the toxic biological effects of wireless radio frequency (RF) radiation, I find it amazing that women will willfully strap on two radio frequency antennas to their breasts in the form of an underwired bra. The wireless industry knows the underwired bra as a dipole antenna or doublet. - Steven Magee
Some may say I did not write well...but no one can say I did not write...that is all that matters. One must attempt the things they desire and in the attempt, master their fear of failure for the only definitive failure is to never try. - Shelley K. Wall
Living someone else's vision, is proclaiming death to your imparted destiny, and proclaiming life to the destiny of the visionaries pursuing their visions. - Wayne Chirisa
Many were the steps taken in doubt, that saw their shapeless ends in no time. Those who travail in faith today will truimph in joy tomorrow. Let faith lead the way. - Israelmore Ayivor
I'm convinced that the world, more than ever, needs the music only you can make. And if it takes extra courage to keep playing in spite of your loss, many will applaud the effort. And who knows? Others may be inspired to pick up their broken instruments, their broken lives, and begin again. - Steve Goodier
Best friends are treasures. Hug them for their caring. Applaud their accomplishments. Laugh with them gratefully. - Amy Leigh Mercree
Looking back, it made no sense for my college friends and me to distance ourselves from the hard-won achievements of earlier feminists. We should have cheered their efforts. Instead, we lowered our voices, thinking the battle was over, and with this reticence we hurt ourselves. - Sheryl Sandberg
American women expect to find in their husbands a perfection that English women only hope to find in their butlers. - W. Somerset Maugham
I worshipped dead men for their strength, forgetting I was strong. - Vita Sackville-West
Women are better than men in handling their emotions, that is why every happy girl is not happy. - M.F. Moonzajer
What the culture of get rich quick does to our people is People forget that they have to create their wealth in their nation. They rather think they must be given. - Sunday Adelaja
Along with individual responsibility goes some societal responsibility to enable young people and their parents to do what they need to do. Otherwise, what is a society? - Robert B. Reich
Crafty men condemn studies; Simple men admire them; And wise men use them: For they teach not their own use: but that is a wisdom without them, and above them, won by observation. - Francis Bacon
Happy people can look back and say they chose their life, not settled for it. - Shannon L. Alder
Governments derive their just power from the consent of the governed - Harriet Beecher Stowe
Men always makes gods in their own image. - Xenophanes
For us, they packed up their few worldly possessions and traveled across oceans in search of a new life. - Barack Obama
Humble leaders trust more easily because they realize that the world does not rest solely on their shoulders. - -Shandel Slaten
All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind usis a part of ourselves. We must die to one life before we can enter another - Anatole France
Be jealous of fellow men, but of those men who are pious - your fellow men who are honest, sincere and loyal with their friends, family and teachings of their Creator. See everyone as equal and wish no harm on anyone - who are we to judge each other when we are being judged by our Creator. - Mizan Chaudhury
We unfortunately identify people by their religion, but my question is that, how can you say that we got different religious when we all smile in a same language..! - Ridhdhesh Jivawala
From today onwards, I am going to strive for the greatest purity of soul, that the rays of God's grace may be reflected in all their brilliance. - St. Faustina Kowalska
Self-leaders are still true leaders even if they have no known followers. True leaders inspire by the influence of their characters and general self-made brands. Leadership is defined by the virtues of one's behaviour. - Israelmore Ayivor
Leaders console the world with their speeches, heroes console the world with their actions. - Amit Kalantri
One of the benchmarks of great communicators is their ability to listen not just to what's being said, but to what's not being said as well. They listen between the lines. - Laurie Buchanan, PhD
There was a time when Men functioned through the mind and Women from their heart, now its Men who feel more and women think more... - Ramana Pemmaraju
Be kind to every person you meet because we don't know their battles. - Zelda la Grange
Self-esteem is something you have to earn! The only way to achieve self-esteem is to work hard. People have an obligation to live up to their potential. - Bette Midler
That's what people do who love you. They put their arms around you and love you when you're not so lovable. - Deb Caletti
Most people throw away their personal power... If you want to know where, look at who and what you hate, blame, resent, and envy. - Steve Maraboli
I was thinking about how people seem to read the bible a lot more as they get older, and then it dawned on me—they’re cramming for their final exam. - George Carlin
Not everyone is violent in a violence infected country or society. In those countries and societies many parents unknowingly teach their children hatred and violence. - Debasish Mridha
There is a quality about women who choosemen sparingly;it appears in their walkin their eyesin their laughter and in theirgentle hearts. - Charles Bukowski
Students may not remember what you try to teach them, but they will never forget who you are and what feelings you created in their mind. - Debasish Mridha
I don't think anyone should write their autobiography until after they're dead. - Samuel Goldwyn
The bad fortune of the good turns their faces up to heaven; the good fortune of the bad bows their heads down to the earth. - Saadi
Teachers achievements does not requires their positions. Because real teacher must not focus in certificates but instead the experiences he encounter to the learners,that he touches the future he teach. - Adoniemar
Human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives. - William James
Some families can trace their ancestors back three hundred years, but can't tell you where their children were last night.
I have known men to hazard their fortunes, go long journeys halfway about the world, forget friendships, even lie, cheat, and steal, all for the gain of a book. - A.S.W. Rosenbach
I have found so many angels trapped inside undisputed jargon that I find myself digging at the words, in order to release them, from the books that unfairly captured their soul. - Shannon L. Alder
But remember that the pain of parting from friends will be felt by every body at times, whatever be their education or state. - Jane Austen
Underlying the whole scheme of civilization is the confidence men have in each other, confidence in their integrity, confidence in their honesty, confidence in their future. - Bourke Cockran
The first task of every author is to evoke emotion in their reader. You may laugh or you may cry; you may love me or you may hate me. So long as you feel something, I know that I'm doing my job. - V.L. Dreyer
A wise person identifies the people’s true nature even with their words being shown nice; but to the foolish people, even a person’s deeds being seen nice of true nature are insufficient to identify him. - Anuj Somany
People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within. - Elisabeth Kübler-Ross
Though people know the meaning of the word acceptance, people are ignorant about it. Thinking acceptance may hurt their self esteem. - Pushkar Saraf
Life is a race for those who want success and journey for those who want to live their dreams. - Asim Khan
The day soldiers stop bringing you their problems is the day you have stopped leading them. They have either lost confidence that you can help them or concluded that you do not care. Either case is a failure of leadership. - Colin Powell
Most people are asleep and need to be confronted, like adults that are still behaving like they're 5 years old, and don't want to assume responsibility for their mistakes. - Robin Sacredfire
Find somebody to be successful for. Raise their hopes. Think of their needs. - Barack Obama
They take their drama firsthand, in the real world, while I prefer the drama of fictional characters–in worlds where things happen for a reason, where questions are answered, where conflicts are always resolved. - Kat O'Keeffe
It’s okay. It may not seem like it right now, but you are going to be fine. I know it’s scary, but don’t be afraid. You are who you are, and you should love that person, and I don’t want anyone to have to go through 22 years of their life afraid to accept that. - Connor Franta
To creative people, the compendium of the white man's dialect are unfashionable, because their creations are more than what the tongue could say. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Everyone sees only their own image in the mirror of thought. - Marty Rubin
There are men who would quickly love each other if once they were speak to each other; for when they spoke they would discover that their souls had only separated by phantoms and delusions.
If all else fails, we then factor (fall) into our equation. And pray hard, someone factors (catching us) into theirs. - Noor Iskandar
When others demand that we become the people they want us to be, they force us to destroy the person we really are. It's a subtle kind of murder. The most loving parents and relatives commit this murder with smiles on their faces. - Jim Morrison
I milked my typical persona as a gritty, intellectual sex-positive feminist that men loved to conquer, toss aside, and shove into their conquest collection in the dusty backs of their closets. - Maggie Young
Life is like a Book, Everyone has their own new chapters - snowrinn
A civilized society is formed when every individual in that society are bound to obey the rules and regulation which is for the benefit of their own society. - Santosh Kalwar
The deceit in loving a woman sometimes, is that most women fall in love with assumed personality, but eventually live with their true character. - Auliq Ice
The period of time between eligibility to vote and the start of adulthood is a window of opportunity that the liberals are willing to exploit to their advantage. - Mike Klepper
Old boys have their playthings as well as young ones; the difference is only in the price. - Benjamin Franklin
Those who believe and their hearts become calm and contented with the remembrance of Allah...know that it is the remembrance of Allah alone that brings rest to the hearts.(The Qur'an-surah ar-R'ad;28) - Anonymous
Lovers are food for each other to sustain their lives - Munia Khan
Remember that animals are born to live their own lives, not to serve you! Do not use them; do not exploit them. Let them live their own lives. - Mehmet Murat ildan
Adventures are to the adventurous. They abound on every side; but only the chosen few have the courage to embrace them. And they will not come to you; you must go out to seek them. Then they meet you half-way, and rush into your arms, for they know their true lovers. - Allen Grant
During the first few minutes of your presentation, your job is to assure the audience members that you are not going to waste their time and attention. - Dale Ludwig
People mistakenly assume that their thinking is done by their head; it is actually done by the heart which first dictates the conclusion, then commands the head to provide the reasoning that will defend it. - Anthony de Mello
People often call fighting discrimination being "PC" because they don't want their own unearned privileges challenged. - DaShanne Stokes
If we don't learn from each others experience, we are forced to listen to people who have economic reasons to withhold critical information from us all. The other option is to wait for the government to tell us what their financial supporters want us to know. - Richard Diaz
Every so often a reader tells me, somewhat disappointedly, that their family doesn't have any secrets. To which I always reply that of course it does, they just don't know them yet. For where there are people living in close proximity, there will always be secrets. - Kate Morton, The Forgotten Garden
Many of the bravest never are known, and get no praise. [But]that does not lessen their beauty... - Louisa May Alcott
Of all the inanimate objects, of all men's creations, books are the nearest to us for they contain our very thoughts, our ambitions, our indignations, our illusions, our fidelity to the truth, and our persistent leanings to error. But most of all they resemble us in their precious hold on life. - Joseph Conrad
I wish in the city of your heartyou would let me be the streetwhere you walk when you are mostyourself. I imagine the houses:It has been raining, but the rainis done and the children kept homehave begun opening their doors. - Robley Wilson
When someone is rude to you, don't stoop to their level, stay calm and walk away with your head held high. - Karon Waddell
A great writer picks up on those things that matter. It’s almost like their radar is attuned to the most significant moments. - Alain de Botton
I just want my kids to love who they are, have happy lives and find something they want to do and make peace with that. Your job as a parent is to give your kids not only the instincts and talents to survive, but help them enjoy their lives."(The Power of One: Belief.net Interview; July 2005) - Susan Sarandon
Parents can only give good advice or put them on the right paths, but the final forming of a person's character lies in their own hands. - Anne Frank
The seething rage that accompanies the truly despondent, effaces the delusional that mock from the safety of their shared illusion. - Justin K. McFarlane Beau
I have no responsibility to live up to what others expect of me. That's their mistake, not my failing. - Richard Feynman
Girls, now, they wear leggings. As pants. It's embarrassing. Just parading their coochies around town. - Stephanie Danler
A life without regret can be attained by full awareness of one's actions in their present moment. - Michelle Cruz-Rosado
People whose lives were determined for them by a group of politicians whose severing, dissecting and reattaching of their lands has turned their world into a monster that not even its creator can control. - Aysha Taryam
We are more ready to try the untried when what we do is inconsequential. Hence the fact that many inventions had their birth as toys. - Eric Hoffer
Writing a book is like raising a child. They are conceived in private, and with hard labor, delivered in due time and given a name. Our own DNA is written all over them, and we pray their life will be a blessing to others. - Danny L. Deaubé
... The women's song was always the same, as monotonous as the beating of the waves against the beach: loss, loss. The conch offered them no enchantment. When they put their ear to it, all they heard was the echo of their mourning. - Carsten Jensen
He possessed an unflinching belief that all people the poor, children, the elderly were human assets, waiting to be developed so they could earn their success. - Arthur C. Brooks
Their doubt is your fuel for dreams. You just have to drive. - Criss Jami
Only amateurs say that they write for their own amusement. Writing is not an amusing occupation. It is a combination of ditch-digging, mountain-climbing, treadmill and childbirth. Writing may be interesting, absorbing, exhilarating, racking, relieving. But amusing? Never! - Edna Ferber
Trolls must continually feed their bottomless need, so be strong and patiently wait out their fires of hatred for eventually they eat their own. - L.M. Fields
We must learn not to disassociate the airy flower from the earthy root, for the flower that is cut off from its root fades, and its seeds are barren, whereas the root, secure in mother earth, can produce flower after flower and bring their fruit to maturity.
Why have many saints been so perfectly contemplative? Because they always studied to mortify themselves from worldly desires, that they might freely, with all the power of their heart, tend to our Lord.
In times of division and strife, build bridges to the hearts of those clouded by anger, hurt, hatred, and ignorance, so you can help open and understand their minds and hearts, and they can understand yours. - Imania Margria
Hope and Memory have one daughter and her name is Art, and she has built her dwelling far from the desperate field where men hang out their garments upon forked boughs to be banners of battle. O beloved daughter of Hope and Memory, be with me for a while. - W.B. Yeats
I pity the people who don't like to read, because then they spend their whole lives stuck in this one world and dont get to discover any others. - Richard P. Denney
Today i am feeling proud that i have a greatest teacher. My encouragement my motivation and my leader is only one that is my teacher. From silent to talkative from dread to cheer all credit goes to teacher for their such a encouragement. - Avinash Advani
I came trusting them. They beat me with rods of dullness. They don't know, they don't understand how agonizing their complacent dullness is. Like ants and August sun on a wound." - Carol Kennicott - Sinclair Lewis
During their lifetimes, every man and woman will stumble across a great opportunity. Sadly, most of them will simply pick themselves up, dust themselves down and carry on as if nothing ever happened. - Winston S. Churchill
I thought that there could be no revolt against nature. I accepted the landscape without dreaming that, behind, there still prowled large skeletons without fur. With just one sign, I thought I was able to make them rise up outside their refuges... - Roger Vitrac
Dance fotografers/videografers (ph=f) capture a moment in movement; while dancers get birth of their artscience. - Pablito Greco
Women love with their ears, men with their eyes. - Sunday Adelaja
Most people give up finding their soul mate, and settle down to just having a flesh mate. - Anthony Liccione
People in high life are hardened to the wants and distresses of mankind as surgeons are to their bodily pains. - G. K. Chesterton
Everyone who achieves success in a great venture, solved each problem as they came to it. They helped themselves. And they were helped through powers known and unknown to them at the time they set out on their voyage. They kept going regardless of the obstacles they met.
Women are the only oppressed group in our society that lives in intimate association with their opressors. - Evelyn Cunningham
i believe in the freedom of state where every people have to right develop their culture and maintain the democracy while two things are very essential justice and equality - Long Live Pakistan and Happy Independence Day - Avinash Advani
The insinuation that without a female president women cannot pursue and achieve their dreams is not only false but recalls the ever-condenscending liberal attitude towards women: "We know what women want, even if they do not. - Alyssa Bornhorst
Compared with lesbians, gays seem to be more unapologetic about their sexual orientation. The former must not have balls. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Friendship" is just a hot person's way of making you their slave. - Burgerpants
Cute is when a person's personality shines through their looks. Like in the way they walk, every time you see them you just want to run up and hug them.
I believe that if it were left to artists to choose their own labels, most would choose none. - Ben Shahm
The person who asks a lot of questions has room for their faith to grow. - David McGee
The only thing sadder than hateful people’s willingness to drag us down to their level, is our willingness to oblige. - Steve Maraboli
Some things just couldn't be protectd from storms. Some things simply needed to be broken off...Once old thing were broken off, amazingly beautiful thing could grow in their place. - Denise Hildreth Jones
These days people call entertainment capturing someone at their lowest moment and then posting it for the world to see. - Cedar Cove
Advice for a long and happy life - never tell a writer you have fixed their work. Ever. - C.S. Woolley
For a flicker of a moment I imagined a world completely different from the one I'd always known, a world in which I was treated with fairness, even kindness-- a world in which fathers didn't sell their daughters. - Arthur Golden
Insecurities make girls believe they don't have voices and they can't say what they need to say. The more they know the importance of their voices and gain confidence, the better chances of greatness the world will have. - Paballo Seipei
In the midst of the affliction He counsels, strengthens confirms, nourishes, and favors us.... More over, when we have repented, He instantly remits the sins as well as the punishments. In the same manner parents ought to handle their children. - Martin Luther
Being a single mother should not stop you from helping your children to reach their full potential. - Gugu Mona
...And talking of the dear family party which would then be restored, of their mutual pursuits and cheerful society, as the only happiness worth a wish. - Jane Austen
A time will come when a politician who has wilfully made war and promoted international dissension will be as sure of the dock and much surer of the noose than a private homicide. It is not reasonable that those who gamble with men's lives should not stake their own. - H.G. Wells
All men have their FEARS. But those who face their fears with FAITH have COURAGE as well. - Thomas S. Monson
We can find food and beverage companies most face the challenges in sales management due competition and nature of their product. Sales force is get tool for these companies at different level of sales. - pepupsales.com
This is the rock-solid principle on which the whole of the Corporation's [IBM's] Galaxy-wide success is founded...their fundamental design flaws are completely hidden by their superficial design flaws.
As a subconscious attempt to add meaning or purpose to their life: The unemployed pray for a job; the retired pray for grandchildren. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
If inanimate objects are left to stand in their world, and are not invited out to mingle with our sense of self, they will quietly console and delight us. But to bind possessions up closely with the mind is less than fair to both. - Kennedy Fraser
Some Women are the fire... and the right one will keep throwing sticks, to maintain their burning desires... K.K - Konstantinos Kyriakou.K.K
But in a still life, there is no end to our looking, which has become allied with the gaze of the painter; we look in and in, to the world of things, in their ambiance of cool or warm light, in and in, as long as we can stand to look, as long as we take pleasure in looking. - Mark Doty
Men after the heart of God become the moral conscience, the guidance and custodians of justice, not simply in the security of the four walls of their church - Sunday Adelaja
When you realize that incompetent police officers are harassing you, you need to call 911 and demand that a police supervisor be immediately dispatched to the scene. In the mean time you need to be video recording everything, as police officers are known for their blatant lies and fabrications. - Steven Magee
We are all accountable for our actions; their affect and influence on our lives and the lives of others. Understanding the true meaning of accountability makes us strong and enables us to learn - Sameh Elsayed
Butterflies don't know their wings' Colors, but others see their Splendor. - Mohith Agadi
You talked over the tour guide who pointed to houses and windows. Showing us where people had lived and died and other people now stayed in their place. Just like a broken heart." - Adieu - Kate Chisman
Hating people because of their color is wrong. And it doesn't matter which color does the hating. It's just plain wrong. - Muhammad Ali
We all suffer ills at the hands of others; however, reactions to these injustices differ like night and day. Many seek to punish the world for their suffering, but some work hard to save the world from experiencing similar grief. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Some people were just getting on with their lives, chatting, being young. It simply wouldn't do. - Russell Brand
Shake up your life a bit. Get rid of the cobwebs. Take the road less traveled. Most people live within the confines of their comfort zone. Yogi Raman was the first person to explain to me that the best thing you can do for yourself is regularly move beyond it. - Robin Sharma
There's nothing on Earth like really nailing the last line of a big book. You have 200 pages to tickle their fancy, and seven words to break their heart. - Alex de Campi
Butterflies can't see their wings. They can't see how truly beautiful they are, but everyone else can. People are like that as well. - Naya Rivera
Athletes need to enjoy their training. They don't enjoy going down to the track with a coach making them do repetitions until they're exhausted. From enjoyment comes the will to win. - Arthur Lydiard
Relationships fail when people take their own insecurities and project them as their partner's flaws. - Steve Maraboli
The greatest leaders can inspire you and lead the way without ever having to give you their back. - Steve Maraboli
The most important legacy you will ever leave is your vision planted in the minds of your disciples and a passion as strong as a storm in their hearts. - Shannon L. Alder
And give to the orphans their properties and do not substitute the defective [of your own] for the good [of theirs]. And do not consume their properties into your own. Indeed, that is ever a great sin. The Women 4 :2 - Quran
The resentment I felt inside was not hatred for being imprisoned or for Victor who had betrayed me but something deeper: a rebellion against the very way of things that condemned men to be imprisoned inside their own identities. - MacDonald Harris
Not many can admit their fears, but those who can lead a fulfilling life of happiness knowing they hide nothing and need not to.
There is but one solution: I'm sure that it isn't man, money, surveys, or talk. They all have their place, but if the basis isn't fervent, believing prayer, they are all in vain. - W. Cameron Townsend
Plants die off when their roots have no water to sustain them. May your tears feed the roots of love in your heart and bring healing to your soul. May God grant you the strength to move on, knowing there's so much ahead of you. - Kemi Sogunle
It is astonishing what an effort it seems to be for many people to put their brains definitely and systematically to work. - Thomas A. Edison
The actions of men are the best interpreters of their thoughts. - John Locke
People that don't know what they are worth will always see their capture's wings, but never their tail. - Shannon L. Alder
No boundary or barrier surrounds the heart of a person that loves their self and others. - Shannon L. Alder
The flowers left thick at nightfall in the woodThis Eastertide call into mind the men,Now far from home, who, with their sweethearts, shouldHave gathered them and will do never again. - Edward Thomas
Wit is the sudden marriage of ideas which before their union were not perceived to have any relation. - Mark Twain
People who understand human behavior and personality tend to find flaws in every next person they meet, analyze their actions and develop bit sociopath nature. - Himmilicious
Another Definition For Facebook - A place where people can share their feelings and others can like it even if it's a sad feeling or a happy one. - Akash B Chandran
Do you think people have evolved too far, because I do; oh their ability to heal is indeed a wonder and I do praise them for that, but in many other things I think evolution has been a bit rushed, like getting to the bus stop before the wheel was invented. - conversations with a pigeon
Love is a weapon of Light, and it has the power to eradicate all forms of darkness. That is the key. When we offer love even to our enemies, we destroy their darkness and hatred... - Yehuda Berg
Good laws have their origins in bad morals. - Ambrosius Macrobius
...few young poets [are] testing their poems against the ear. They're writing for the page, and the page, let me tell you, is a cold bed. - Stanley Kunitz
Men are more easily governed through their vices than through their virtues. - Napoléon Bonaparte
It is the nature of ambition to make men liars and cheats, to hide the truth in their breasts, and show, like jugglers, another thing in their mouths, to cut all friendships and enmities to the measure of their own interest, and to make a good countenance without the help of good will. - Sallust
Nothing shocks me more in the men of religion and their flocks than their pretensions to be the only religious people.
[We need reforms] to make the Negro church a place where colored men and women of education and energy can work for the best things regardless of their belief or disbelief in unimportant dogmas and ancient and outworn creeds. - W.E.B. Du Bois
Those who devote their lives to earning a living are incapable of living a human existence. - Herbert Marcuse
True Christians are those who carry out Christ's doctrine in their lives. - Michael Sattler
Facing your fears robs them of their power. - Mark Burnett
Patriots always talk of dying for their country but never of killing for their country. - Bertrand Russell
While the people retain their virtue, and vigilance, no administration, by any extreme of wickedness or folly, can very seriously injure the government, in the short space of four years. - Abraham Lincoln
Using information about animal behavior to justify social or political ideology is wrong . . . People need to be able to make decisions about their lives without having to worry about keeping up with the bonobos. - Marlene Zuk
Islam's borders are bloody and so are its innards. The fundamental problem for the West is not Islamic fundamentalism. It is Islam, a different civilisation whose people are convinced of the superiority of their culture and are obsessed with the inferiority of their power. - Samuel P. Huntington
A person that doesn't know their worth will never know yours. Therefore, the longer you hang onto hope that they will finally see your worth is the moment you start to depreciate in value. - Shannon L. Alder
Most people who lose their lives because life might be down for them only refuse to know what a tuber of yam that is put into the soil goes through before it comes up as a fresh green creeping plant to bear yet another bigger tuber - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Writers are in many ways like demi-gods. With one stroke of a pen they can give life to a character, or strike them from existence, with nary a twinge of grief at their passing. - Steven Lake
As long as we respond predictably to what feels good and what feels bad, it is easy for others to exploit our preferences for their own ends. - Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
An unpublished writer should doubt themselves. They should constantly wonder whether what they’re creating has merit. And then, having doubted, they should take up their pen and see if they can’t make it better. - Johnny Rich
She wondered why they didn't understand that their true selfs were good enough, and if they weren't, then the someones they weren't good enough for, were really the ones not good enough. - Lynsay Sands
People may flatter themselves just as much by thinking that their faults are always present to other people's minds, as if they believe that the world is always contemplating their individual charms and virtues. - Elizabeth Gaskell
PLAGUE, n. In ancient times a general punishment of the innocent for admonition of their ruler, as in the familiar instance of Pharaoh the Immune. The plague as we of to-day have the happiness to know it is merely Nature's fortuitous manifestation of her purposeless objectionableness. - Ambrose Bierce
War is a quarrel between two thieves too cowardly to fight their own battle; therefore they take boys from one village and another village, stick them into uniforms, equip them with guns, and let them loose like wild beasts against one other. - Thomas Carlyle
People who do a job that claims to be creative have to be alone to recharge their batteries. You can’t live 24 hours a day in the spotlight and remain creative. For people like me, solitude is a victory. - Karl Lagerfeld
Nobody is smarter than you are. And what if they are? What good is their understanding doing you? - Terence McKenna
As a children’s minister, I always believed that I was an evangelist, and at the end of the book, there’s a simple prayer that, whoever’s reading the book could accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior - Soraya Diase Coffelt
Whoever desires to found a state and give it laws, must start with assuming that all men are bad and ever ready to display their vicious nature, whenever they may find occasion for it. - Niccolo Machiavelli
Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything. - George Bernard Shaw
Today I will work when others procrastinate, I will confront my fears when others hide from theirs, and I will create solutions when others find excuses; today I refuse to allow my enemies to out work me. - Noel DeJesus
Live for others and love unconditionally to prove it. People will never forget how you touch their heart with your love. - Debasish Mridha
If you are still alive when you read this,close your eyes. I amunder their lids, growing black. - Bill Knott
They that pursue their dreams unrelentingly with tenacity and the right attitude never continue to live with dreams forever. They live their dreams and realize their aspirations. - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Women always think in the catastrophic, and when there is a calamity to rectify that might require a unmarried granddaughter, there older women will always act. Their powers of foresight and vigilance might make any disheveled or nubile young haggage ready for the altar in five minutes. - Michelle Franklin
Parents can only advise their children or point them in the right direction. Ultimately people shape their own characters. - Anne Frank
Calling upon angels when we are in need, helps the angels fulfill their heavenly mission. We are truly co-creators with them. - Eileen Anglin
I'm not a follower. I'm a leader. And anyone who speaks their mind is always criticised. - Tyler, the Creator
President Bartlet: There's a delegation of cardiologists having their pictures taken in the Blue Room. You wouldn't think you could find a group of people more arrogant than the fifteen of us, but there they are, right upstairs in the Blue Room. - Aaron Sorkin
If there's anything unsettling to the stomach, it's watching actors on television talk about their personal lives. - Marlon Brando
Some great men owe most of their greatness to the ability of detecting in those they destine for their tools the exact quality of strength that matters for their work. - Joseph Conrad
Your journey is completely yours. It is unique. Others may try to steal part of it, tell it in their words or shape it to suit them. Reality is no one can live it or own it but you. Take charge of your journey, it's yours and yours alone! - Kemi Sogunle
People won't see Imagination in something that doesn't relate to their experience because of their own mental limitations. I want people to escape the expected and ordinary, to escape the regular expectations of a story, and truly step into a different world of literature. - Lionel Suggs
If God give you strength and courage, don't use it to intimidate people or overpower them, rather use your gift to help others find their own way to strength. - Anthony Liccione
Their plans were improved with the best advice.
A marriage that isn't built around the Cross will be devoid of grace, mercy, and humility that come when both husband and wife recognize their need for a savior. - John R.W. Stott
I felt the need to distance myself from my problems, instead of dealing with them. My mother said It’s not uncommon for people to run away from their fears to start somewhere new with a better attitude. - Documentary Recordings
Psychopaths act out their lunatic thoughts while the rest of us just think them. - Marty Rubin
Don't judge someone's choices without first knowing their reason. - Robert Tew
The affection of parents makes infants feel safe in this dangerous world, and gives them boldness in experimentation and in exploration of their environments. - Bertrand Russell
Misery and poverty of a nation does not depend on how fertile their land is but the fertility of their thoughts. - Debasish Mridha
I do not believe in God. It seems to me that theists of all kinds have very largely failed to make their concept of a deity intelligible; and to the extent that they have made it intelligible, they have given us no reason to think that anything answers to it. - A.J. Ayer
There are miracles and glory in every child. Our glory lies in empowering them to flourish their glory. - Amit Ray
If the militarily most powerful and least threatened states need nuclear weapons for their security, how can one deny such security to countries that are truly insecure? The present nuclear policy is a recipe for proliferation. It is a policy for disaster. - Joseph Rotblat
In early childhood you may lay the foundation of poverty or riches, industry of idleness, good or evil, by the habits to which you train your children. Teach them right habits then, and their future life is safe.
Women are gifts, open them with care, judge them with leniecy, test and weigh their depths, then accept those with true worth and value. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Writers write to influence their readers, their preachers, their auditors, but always, at bottom, to be more themselves. - Aldous Huxley
I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, thus building a wall of separation between church and state. - Thomas Jefferson
NW" is full of split selves, people alienated from the very things they thought defined them. Their nostalgia -- for old movies, old songs, buses they don't ride anymore -- is less a salve than a form of pain. - Christian Lorentzen
When haters start to rear their ugly head, just play around with them and throw them a bone so they can go away and chew on it. - Richie Norton
Sacrificing a part of yourself so others can go on to fafill there greatness, their destiny. Is greatness in itself but in a much smaller way that won't be written about or put in history books. But it is far more great in many ways. - Thomas Brodie Sangster
They want to be stimulated. They want to read something that can get under their skin and hang out there for a while. - Alistair Cross
Girls spilled drinks down their dresses and flicked their hair. Wishing anyone, maybe even you, would notice them... You were someone to me. - Kate Chisman
I am unable to believe in a God susceptible to prayer. I simply haven't the nerve to imagine a being, a force, a cause which keeps the planets revolving in their orbits, and then suddenly stops in order to give me a bicycle with three speeds. - Quentin Crisp
There is a Japanese word for things made more beautiful by use, that bear the evidence of their own making, or the individuating marks of time's passage: a kind of beauty not immune to time but embedded in it. - Mark Doty
The castle? The monster? The man of learning? I only just thought of it. Surely you know that just as the momentous events of the past cast their shadows down the ages, so now, when the sun is drawing toward the dark,our own shadows race into the past to trouble mankind's dreams. - Gene Wolfe
More than once, the broken moon would cast through the window a silver light and remind me of independent events yielding to their own momentum and interacting under natural laws while my mind would impose happiness, grief, beauty, ruin, justice and chaos. - Leonard Seet
The object of education is to prepare the young to educate themselves throughout their lives.
Men are not so weak as you think. They can always leave anybody or any place without a pang - if they find another person or another place they like better. If they feel pricks and scruples it is merely because they cannot make up their mind that the change will be absolutely to their advantage.
Selling eternal life is an unbeatable business, with no customers ever asking for their money back after the goods are not delivered. - Victor J. Stenger
When you enter a grove peopled with ancient trees, higher than the ordinary, and shutting out the sky with their thickly inter-twined branches, do not the stately shadows of the wood, the stillness of the place, and the awful gloom of this doomed cavern then strike you with the presence of a deity? - Seneca
Inventions are smarter than their inventors - Larrie D. Ferreiro
They sat and he drew her into him. Their lips met, sparking an internal firework display. His soft exquisite lips pressed gently against hers. His kiss held the exact right balance between tenderness and a kind of passionate urgency. - Amanda Turner
I invite all brats to throw their cookies at the baker’s head if they’re not sweet, winos to chuck their wine if it’s bad, the dying to shuck their souls when they croak, and men to throw their existence in God’s face when it’s bitter - Gustave Flaubert
In the vast reaches of the dry, cold night, thousands of stars were constantly appearing, and their sparkling icicles, loosened at once, began to slip gradually toward the horizon. - Albert Camus
Every moment of the nightForever changing placesAnd they put out the star-lightWith the breath from their pale faces - Edgar Allan Poe
Those who decide to live in the Present, must leave their past behind. Once past has been left behind, future also disappears! What is left then? The actual moment, the Present! Living in the here and now means that we are able to get rid of time and suffering! - Frank Wanderer
The general public of the wireless western nations are very tolerant to the radiation poisoning of the next generation of children by their corporate controlled governments. - Steven Magee
Writers are people whose words speak louder than their actions. - Shon Mehta
No matter how many times audience has already applauded, the sound of their applause will get louder with the better quality of your magic effect. - Amit Kalantri
When you have a good romance, find ways to make their lives miserable and hellish...Do you think 'Titanic' would have been so popular if they had both lived? Not a prayer. - Orson Scott Card
Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names. - John F. Kennedy
The ghosts that exert the most power in people’s lives-at least, the people I know–tend to be of their own making, and consist of equal parts regret and old fears and just plain missing somebody. - Glen Hirshberg
The challenge to a person having an open mind is that the foolish people see his brain as an open top barrel and so they try to just put their rubbish things or thoughts in it than benefiting from him. - Anuj Somany
Even those who write against fame wish for the fame of having written well, and those who read their works desire the fame of having read them. - Blaise Pascal
Gone are the days when girls used to cook like their mothers and boys used to dress like their fathers. Now girls drink like their fathers and boys dress like their mothers. - Habeeb Akande
Try not to be a man or woman of success, but rather a man or woman of inspiration. If you’re successful, they will flock to you for money or fame, but if you’re inspirational, they will flock to you because they love your soul and how you change theirs. - Shannon L. Alder
Human emotions have deep evolutionary roots, a fact that may explain their complexity and provide tools for clinical practice.The Nature of Emotions (2001) - Robert Plutchik
The characters act for reasons that they can’t control and, as readers, we have to believe in their motivations, their sense of choice and in the reality of their suffering, even though, deep down, we know it’s all just puppetry on the part of the writer. - Johnny Rich
To learn why a country or society is developed or poor, don’t study their financial condition but do a psychoanalysis of them. Most often, the development of a country or society depends on thoughts and ideas and not on their financial condition. - Debasish Mridha
People respect those who know how to admit their own mistakes and see their own weaknesses. If you heart is as transparent as crystal, people will respect you. - Sunday Adelaja
I stopped explaining myself when I realized other people only understand from their level of perception. - Anonymous
People can learn a lot from one another if their need to be right falls away. - K.L. Jordaan
American husbands are the best in the world; no other husbands are so generous to their wives, or can be so easily divorced.
The most important thing I can do for my children is to protect them and to teach them. After that, it's up to them to be and do their best in life. - Thomas J. Powell
Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything. - George Bernard Shaw
The young, free to act on their initiative, can lead their elders in the direction of the unknown... The children, the young, must ask the questions that we would never think to ask, but enough trust must be re-established so that the elders will be permitted to work with them on the answers. - Margaret Mead
One thing I had learned from watching chimpanzees with their infants is that having a child should be fun. - Jane Goodall
When you believe someone at work for anything & everything... remember someone else is also trusting & following you. If you find fault on others; know that it's not theirs, but yours... What you do others follow. - Stephen Manoharan
People should get their information from the source with facts before sharing it. Rumors can be lots of different opinions, based on what other people think. This is where lies begin to build and develop into things that are harmful to others. - Ellen J. Barrier
If a cone had dropped on velvet needles, if a star had lain a silver track across the sky, if the dead had turned in their graves - I swear, I would have heard it, that's how silent it all was. - Martha Grimes
Those people who develop the ability to continuously acquire new and better forms of knowledge that they can apply to their work and to their lives will be the movers and shakers in our society for the indefinite future. - Brian Tracy
As they say around the Texas Legislature, if you can't drink their whiskey, screw their women, take their money, and vote against 'em anyway, you don't belong in office. - Molly Ivins
A great marriage is not when the 'perfect couple' comes together. It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences. - Dave Meurer
In the deep Mysteries of the world, their belong time, still unexplored and to be explored. - Jerril Thomas Abraham
In general, it’s not too hard to corrupt an American, mostly a matter of supply to their demand. Supply should be variegated to encourage the Illusion of Choice. Other than that they’re looking for numbness, so be ready to sedate. Drugs, booze, television, shopping, etc… - Geoffrey Wood Grimrack An Infernal Epistolary
Men have sacrificed and crippled themselves physically and emotionally to feed, house, and protect women and children. None of their pain or achievement is registered in feminist rhetoric, which portrays men as oppressive and callous exploiters. - Camille Paglia
If power is the only important thing, then Frodo loses against Sauron. Hell, if power’s the only important thing then Gandalf loses against Sauron. If magic is the deciding factor of a fight, then four plucky kids from England get their asses turned to stone by the White Which. - Patrick Rothfuss
The question of the stranger in a society which estranges everybody from it--while forcing everybody to assimilate their own alienation--takes cover under dubious and sinister masks. - Norman Manea
Where can we find a worshiper who envy a sparrow or a swallow just because of their uninterrupted access to God's altar (Psalm 84:3). Our Genuineness in worship is not revealed by our physical presence in the church but by our desire of being in His Presence always and behold Him (Psalm 84:10). - Santosh Thankachan
People buy into this false notion of reverse racism, where they believe that just because there’s a group of people getting together to share something about their heritage that we’re excluding white people. But that’s not the reality. - Simon S. Tam
When all is said and done all anyone has left is their integrity at their core... Don't give that away too. - Solange nicole
The central planners of Democratic Socialism tighten their noose when people resist their plans and assert their rights. All Socialism is intended to devolve into Communism, and as a result, Totalitarianism. - A.E. Samaan
I don't want any yes-men around me. I want everybody to tell me the truth even if it costs them their jobs. - Samuel Goldwyn
sometimes the personalities at the helm of the madness industry are, with their drives and obsessions, as mad in their own way as those they study. And that relatively ordinary people are, more and more, defined by their maddest edges. - Jon Ronson
Treacherous people do not last only memories of their treason last.So will it last with emotions mixed, of love and hate for treacherous ones. - Amit Abraham
All men's misfortunes spring from their hatred of being alone. - Jean De La Bruyere
Musical training is a more potent instrument than any other, because rhythm and harmony find their way into the inward places of the soul, on which they mightily fasten imparting grace. - Plato
Really listening and suspending one's own judgment is necessary in order to understand other people on their own terms... This is a process that requires trust and builds trust. - Mary Field Belenky
One thing was certain: he was my one. Most people go on their whole lives and never find their one, but I found mine. I found him when I was twelve-years-old. - Jennifer Edlund
Grandparents are extremely rich folks with silver in their hair and gold in their hearts. - Mamur Mustapha
Everyone assumes writers spend their time lounging around, writing and occasionally striking a pose whilst having a think. - Sara Sheridan
Like the pagans of old, unaffected by climate, the British were now dancing around a giant phallus. Unlike the pagans theirs was a sterile phallus, disarmed by condoms and pills - the first heathen sexual cult to be based around sterility rather than fertility. - Peter Hitchens
When children are given spiritual guidance, they grow-up learning to know how to pray and praise God. Even though they might not be a religious person in their later years, those values they were taught are the things they remember in their times of need. - Ellen J. Barrier
I think the greatest success any person can have is to truly embrace and enjoy their everyday life. - Marty Rubin
As a nation, develop your wealth of virtues and watch yourself live better than most countries who brag themselves in their virtues of natural wealth - Sunday Adelaja
Unlike those who pretend to be immaculate, fallen angels are usually more intriguing because their earthliness is heavenly.
I don't think I've ever dared to write down what I see in the ruins of me, or tell in any detail the scars and all their secrets. - Ashly Lorenzana
Some who have read the book, or at any rate have reviewed it, have found it boring, absurd, or contemptible, and I have no cause to complain, since I have similar opinions of their works... - J. R. R. Tolkien
I'm collector of stuff that people make with their brain. I keep them in little jars and I take them out and play with them sometimes too. The stuff, not the people. - Frances Winkler
The mystery that surrounded how their souls were tied, would certainly make a great read in decades to come, but for the time being though, they had to surrender and observe, as destiny played chess with their lives, eager to prevent them from running away from it. - Pertunia Lehoka
Inside everyone is a their own madness, a madness only courage can stand to, but even courage is never alone. He has Love, Hatred, Sadness, Confusion, Bravery, and in some special cases Intelligence. - Tyler L. H.
The task for parents and teachers is not to teach, it is how to inspire the people of youth to find their desire to learn. - Hasse Jerner
​Let your pretence of arrogance grow big as a Dinosaur, so that the fake intellectuals start to realize their true inferiority in front of you. - Abhijit Naskar
There is a point where, as a writer, you grow to hate your characters, their stupid motivations, and their whiny inner dialogues. The only solution I have found to deal with that is to kill the character, resurrect him, then kill him again. - Caris O'Malley
They said they respect me, which means, their judgment is crazy. - Morrissey
For books are more than books, they are the life, the very heart and core of ages past, the reason why men worked and died, the essence and quintessence of their lives. - Marcus Tullius Cicero
There's magic in stories, magic in hope, and magic in coming together. I have learnt from people's stories, been inspired by their hope, and been strengthened by their coming together. - Sharad Vivek Sagar
You see, evil men, the likes of whom have sought to enslave their fellow man since the dawn of creation, took America not by might or strength of arms, but by deception and guile. - Eric J. Martindale
...trying to use willpower to overcome the apathetic sort of sadness that accompanies depression is like a person with no arms trying to punch themselves until their hands grow back. A fundamental component of the plan is missing and it isn't going to work. - Allie Hyperbole and a Half
Everybody likes to go their own way--to choose their own time and manner of devotion. - Jane Austen
Children are more than we think they are; they can do more than we think they can do. All they need is a vote of confidence from grownups, whom they will ultimately replace anyway. Their dream today will become the realities of tomorrow. - Wess Stafford
Plain women are always jealous of their husbands. Beautiful women never are. They are always so occupied with being jealous of other women's husbands. - Oscar Wilde
TYPE, n. Pestilent bits of metal suspected of destroying civilization and enlightenment, despite their obvious agency in this incomparable dictionary. - Ambrose Bierce
Though the vicious can sometimes pour affliction upon the good, their power is transient and their punishment certain; and that innocence, though oppressed by injustice, shall, supported by patience, finally triumph over misfortune! - Ann Radcliffe
Some look at life, for their entire life, before they actually see. - Nikki Rowe
The difference between people lies within their beliefs. - Mduduzi Risimati Mbiza
The greatest happiness is to vanquish your enemies, to chase them before you, to rob them of their wealth, to see those dear to them bathed in tears, to clasp to your bosom their wives and daughters. - Genghis Khan
Every true thing has already been said, but each new generation must find a way to say it in their own words. - Marty Rubin
I am the Lorax, and I'll yell and I'll shout for the fine things on earth that are on their way out! - Dr. Seuss
Two people pass each other. As one looks upon the other's skin color, the other is looking back at their appearance. Both justifying, how better and righteous they are, in their own insecurities. - Anthony Liccione
All great writers share one thing in common:They finished their books. - M. Kirin
Laughter is easiest said in a story; some people just forget that their life is a story. - Andrew Carson
In most people, the term consciousness identifies with that socially conditioned Ego. At a number of people this identification is so powerful that they are unaware that their life is governed by a socially conditioned mind. - Frank Wanderer
I’d like to be remembered as someone who used their ability as a novelist or as a dramatist to say the things he felt needed to be said about the society while being as entertaining as possible. Because if you don’t entertain, nobody’s listening. - Budd Schulberg
Men are punished by their sins, not for them. - Elbert Hubbard
An average man is egoistic, proud and has strong self esteem. They always require partners who massage their ego not those who will drag their ego to the mud. - Jaachynma N.E. Agu
Possible then the professor inited a little too emphatically upon the inferiority of omen, he was concerned not with their inferiority, but with his superiority. - Virginia Woolf
I have always thought the actions of men the best interpreters of their thoughts. - John Locke
We have to ask the wealthiest Americans to pay their fair share again. Their incomes went up in the 1980s and their taxes went down. We can't ask the middle class to pay more; their incomes went down and their taxes went up. - Bill Clinton
The Leader who sets a vision and encourages others to to take ownership in their future will obtain the greatest reward of overall performance resulting in success.~bns~ - Bluenscottish
Healthy children will not fear life if their elders have integrity enough not to fear death. - Erik H. Erikson
Surround yourself with those who won’t compete but will revel in you your success and see your ascent as a reflection of their own possibilities. - Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
Yes, they are carnal, both of them, love and death, and therein lies their terror and their great magic! - Thomas Mann
The moral virtues, then, are produced in us neither by nature nor against nature. Nature, indeed, prepares in us the ground for their reception, but their complete formation is the product of habit. - Aristotle
I will not impress you with words, I will prove to you their definition. It’s a genuine vocabulary. - Soar
Boys did not go to work on the railroad simply because their fathers did. What fetched them were sights and sounds of moving trains, and above all the whistle of a locomotive. I've heard of the call of the wild, the call of the law, the call of the church. There is also the call of the railroad. - Gary Krist
They call good evil and evil good. There are those who are so easily offended that they lose their ability to ever discern any truth, and this is often derived from a sort of frenzy by way of their own masked prejudice. - Criss Jami
It doesn’t matter how long we’ve used something; all that matters is how awesome the thing replacing it is. MP3s and automobiles happen to be really, really awesome, whereas ebooks—at least so far—are fairly limited in their awesomeness. - John Green
You are special individual. Never envy others.You never know what they go through.Seek and be inspired by the works of others. Learn their secrets for success. - Lailah Gifty Akita
If our Founding Fathers wanted us to care about the rest of the world, they wouldn't have declared their independence from it. - Stephen Colbert
A lot of people desire to go to their next level but only a few are determined to grow to their next level - Saji Ijiyemi
What we want is not more little books about Christianity, but more little books by Christians on other subjects--with their Christianity latent. - C.S. Lewis
If some musicians put half as much effort in to the business side as they do their outer look and appearances, they could be twice as far. - Loren Weisman
Great leaders do not shift responsibility even if it means acknowledging their own failures. - Gugu Mona
God never calls His people to accomplish anything without promising to supply their every need. - Charles R. Swindoll
,Bloodlust is like a natural disaster; it has to run its course. I have seen their faces; they are faces out of nightmares—most ordinary—so ordinary that you can’t believe the brains behind them capable of genocide. - John A. Williams
Make their hate your stepping stones towards achieving something greater. This will be the best revenge you can give by proving to people that they are wrong about you, and that you are better than they could ever imagine. - Auliq Ice
People maybe smiling but look to the eyes because they can’t hide the sorrow, pain, and heartache they're trying to hide behind their smile. - Karon Waddell
I don't judge or believe in any religion, I'm just learning from their divine esoteric stories. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Those who believe that they believe in God, but without passion in their hearts, without anguish in mind, without uncertainty, without doubt, without an element of despair even in their consolation, believe only in the God idea, not God Himself. - Miguel de Unamuno
We can love anyone at a safe distance, but loving people in the thick of their mess takes the supernatural love of Jesus working in us. - Alisa Hope Wagner
It is a poor critic who says that a lack of effect on them implies all others are insincere in their love. - Kieron Gillen
Stop trying to change someone who does not want to change. Stop giving chances to someone who abuses your forgiveness. Stop walking back to the place where your heart ran from. Stop trusting their words and ignoring their actions. Stop breaking your own heart. - Trent Shelton
Everyone is born with the same amount of love in their heart. Some will use it and fill life with joy. Some will lose it and wonder where the joy is. - Debasish Mridha
You only really get to know a person after a fight. Only then can you judge their true character - Anne Frank
Let others lead small lives, but not you.. Let others argue over small things, but not you.. Let others cry over small hurts, but not you.. Let others leave their future in someone else's hands, but not you. - Jim Rohn
Science is one thing, wisdom is another. Science is an edged tool, with which men play like children, and cut their own fingers. - Sir Arthur Eddington
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. - Abraham Lincoln
Pets bring vital energy to our homes and lives. Pets communicate many messages about love and connection. Care tenderly for all pets throughout their precious lives. The interspecies dance of love softens and expands the heart. - Laura Staley
Don't judge the gentle; their gentleness is stronger than your fears and angers. Don't judge those who have lost their gentleness; you haven't lived their lives. In all people, hope for the gentleness to return and see gentleness for the beauty that it is. - C. JoyBell C.
When someone who is suffering looks to you for compassion, it's indeed a blessing; you are chosen to be their Light in a moment of sorrow. - Michelle Cruz-Rosado
Nothing will ruin the country if the people themselves will undertake its safety; and nothing can save it if they leave that safety in any hands but their own. - Daniel Webster
Why should we worry about what others think of us, do we have more confidence in their opinions than we do our own? - Brigham Young
The cultivation of literary pursuits forms the basis of all sciences, and in their perfection consist the reputation and prosperity of kingdoms. - Sebastião José de Carvalho e Melo
Their lips brushed like young wild flowers in the wind. - F. Scott Fitzgerald
Blessed are the forgetful, for they get the best even of their blunders. - Friedrich Nietzsche
Blessed are the forgetful for they get the better even of their blunders.
I’ve come to the conclusion that people who wear headphones while they walk, are much happier, more confident, and more beautiful individuals than someone making the solitary drudge to work without acknowledging their own interests and power. - Jason Mraz
Choices can help create the human desire for their future. But there are some, who's fate has already been decided. - Michelle Goncalves
If cats could write history, their history would be mostly about cats. - Eugen Weber
I must follow the people. Am I not their leader? - Benjamin Disraeli
Encouraging others can be the catalyst to unleashing their greatness. - Rob Liano
The murder of a child has no justification, even if the bombs have missed their mark. - Compton Gage
A nation that does not provide a proper education for women is destroying their nation. - Debasish Mridha M.D.
True Leaders possess good core values and will align themselves with like thinking people to grow their leadership and prosper in Integrity~bns - Bluenscottish
Men use thought only as authority for their injustice, and employ speech only to conceal their thoughts. - Voltaire
People do not change their most inner selves. They can't. Things just lie quiescent until a particular situation awakens it. - Andrea L'Artiste
children spend their time for they think they have more time; adults cry over their time for they see they have less time - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Islam affords women their rightful status, and encourages them to work in all sectors, as long as they are afforded appropriate respect. - Sheikh Zayed Al Nahyan
Some children were lucky enough to have their Potter novels banned by witch-hunting school boards and micromanaging ministers. Is there any greater job than a book you're not allowed to read, a book you could go to hell for reading? - Ann Patchett
Angry men have little to live for when their rage becomes ineffective. - Miguel Syjuco
Freethinkers are those who are willing to use their minds without prejudice and without fearing to understand things that clash with their own customs, privileges, or beliefs. This state of mind is not common, but it is essential for right thinking... - Leo Tolstoy
Quite amazing, isn’t it, Mister Lipwig?’ he said cheerfully through the smoke. ‘Though isn’t it a pity that they can only run on rails? I can’t imagine what the world would be like if everyone had their own steam locomotive. Abominable. - Terry Pratchett
Educate your children to self-control, to the habit of holding passion and prejudice and evil tendencies subject to an upright and reasoning will, and you have done much to abolish misery from their future and crimes from society. - Benjamin Franklin
A book is a journey. Journeys need their voyagers, and voyagers require a diversity of scenes; experiences. - Pablito Greco
The artist alone sees spirits. But after he has told of their appearing to him, everybody sees them - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
As child, when the elders spoke their wise words, it only echoes in my ears. As adult, I have crystal clear insight to the wise aphorisms by the elderly. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Don't take purposeless people as your leaders. Their life is like an empty book with a nice cover paper and you have attempted to buy it. Of which use will it be to you for you to read blank pages. - Israelmore Ayivor
We become extremely vulnerable to the ones that love us, we believe in what they say, we believe in their faith held next to us. It's law of attraction to become who your surrounded by, so instead of focusing of changing another, find some one suitable to your soul. - Nikki Rowe
Most talk of a catholic spirit but it is only till they have been brought into the pale of their own church. This is downright sectarianism, not Catholicism. How can I act consistently, unless I receive and love all the children of God, whom I esteem to be such, of whatever denomination they may be? - George Whitefield
Blood is everywhere..Vultures take shelter beneath the tanks;for the fumed sky is unsafe for their avian flight to prey on the Palestinian flesh. - Munia Khan
People have two deaths: the first at the end of their lives, when they go away, and the second at the end of the memory of their lives, when all who remember them are gone. Then a person quits the world completely. - Raghu Karnad
You see, they were Mothers, not in our sense of helpless involuntary fecundity, forced to fill and overfill the land, every land, and then see their children suffer, sin, and die, fighting horribly with one another; but in the sense of Conscious Makers of People. - Charlotte Perkins Gilman
The only freedom which deserves the name, is that of pursuing our own good in our own way, so long as we do not attempt to deprive others of theirs, or impede their efforts to obtain it. - John Stuart Mill
Dogs have given us their absolute all. We are the center of their universe. We are the focus of their love and faith and trust. They serve us in return for scraps. It is without a doubt the best deal man has ever made. - Roger A. Caras
Unfortunately, humans have a long history of trying to fix their engineering mistakes with more engineering mistakes! - Steven Magee
If today you don't have time for those who gave all their time for you yesterday then tomorrow they will not have time to give to you who has no time today - Amit Abraham
All flowers are not to be picked; some are meant to stay rooted so their beauty may continue to sing praises unto nature. - Grace Terrell
Men are under as strong a compulsion to invent an ethical setting for their behavior as spiders are to weave themselves webs. - John Dos Passos
If critics say your work stinks it's because they want it to stink and they can make it stink by scaring you into conformity with their comfortable little standards. Standards so low that they can no longer be considered "dangerous" but set in place in their compartmental understandings. - Jack Kerouac
Humans could be termed as biomasses when they don’t fully put into use their human qualifications. - Sunday Adelaja
The people of the United States, perhaps more than any other nation in history, love to abase themselves and proclaim their unworthiness, and seem to find refreshment in doing so... That is a dark frivolity, but still frivolity. - Robertson Davies
Relearning from children their need to question and discover can ignite one's creativity and reveal more possibilities. - Nabil N. Jamal
Individuals have rights and there are things no person or group may do to them (without violating their rights). - Robert Nozick
A wise man looks upon men as he does on horses; all their comparisons of title, wealth, and place, he consider but as harness.
A thorough inspection of someone you believed to be loveable will send you back into your shell if all you saw in their life was all bullshit. - Michael Bassey Johnson
And that is to say, of course, that you can "read" a culture without its literature, without the bother of gathering and holding its ideas, considering their genesis and evolution, and weighing them in the balance with each other. - Richard Mitchell
A witch always exercises their body and mind. - Knisztina
If your vision inspires others to see their dreams and your actions motivate them to realize it, then you are a leader. - Debasish Mridha
We all have inherent biases. All of us. The problem occurs when police officers or community members allow those biases to affect the choices they make as they do their job or have interactions with others. - Bobby F. Kimbrough Jr.
Everyone was born with thought and dream...after a lot of time they just gave up. The life went upon their waist, they couldn't handle it and they fail! - Deyth Banger
No one ever stated their troubles As lightly as they might. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
The reason that people start wars is because they still believe in their separation from life. But when you experience the wholeness with all living beings, you understand that hurting somebody else is just hurting yourself as we are all one on the spiritual level. - Swami Dhyan Giten
Quote of the day."Al, for want of anything better to do, is standing nodding his head. This reminds Faron of those stupid dogs that people put in their cars, that when the car moves, the dogs frantically nod their heads, like some demented, freshly graduated psychologist, with their first patients. - Gary Edward Gedall
Those who work hard will succeed,While those who slack at their work will be in need - Tristan D.M.R.
If it were natural for father to care for their sons, they would not need so many laws commanding them to do so.
To be good, we must do good; and by doing good we take a sure means of being good, as the use and exercise of the muscles increase their power. - Tryon Edwards
It's a basic truth of the human condition that everybody lies. The only variable is about what. The weird thing about telling someone they're dying is it tends to focus their priorities. You find out what matters to them. What they're willing to die for. What they're willing to lie for. - David Shore
Let them Teach,Let them learn,let them pray,for the world is theirs. - Jerril Thomas Abraham
Liberty means refusing to allow some men to use the state to compel other men to serve their interests or opinion. - Auberon Herbert
Many ‘experts’ don’t possess the imagination or vision or any of the logistical expertise required to achieve malaria eradication. Their opinions shouldn’t be allowed to hold back men and women who do possess these qualities from achieving the ‘impossible. - T.K. Naliaka
Even the kindest saint does have their own adversary - Joshua De Vera Bautista
Few things are more satisfying than seeing your own children have teenagers of their own. - Doug Larson
Repression is not the way to virtue. When people restrain themselves out of fear, their lives are by necessity diminished. Only through freely chosen discipline can life be enjoyed and still kept within the bounds of reason. - Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Religion is still useful among the herd - that it helps their orderly conduct as nothing else could. The crude human animal is in-eradicably superstitious, and there is every biological reason why they should be. Take away his Christian god and saints, and he will worship something else... - H.P. Lovecraft
When people say they try to find themselves, their inner self, to understand the meaning of life I smile and I say, instead why don't you create yourself and give a new meaning to your life - Anubhav Mishra
Those who grow Tall by giving it their All, without the worry of Fall, are powered by a Passion, that is born from Inspiration. - RVM
I am often impressed with those that admit their ignorance, for it is the first step towards breaking out of the prison called freedom. - Lionel Suggs
Men who know God and his heart, would not hide behind their pulpit when justice is been ridiculed in their society - Sunday Adelaja
Today's society is wanting in such a way that Honor, Integrity, Trust, Compassion, Empathy are left for the homeless and their pets. - Solange nicole
It is very sad to see children live like orphans while their parents are still alive. After all, children need the constant love of parents. - Gugu Mona
People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beuty is revealed only if there is a light from within.
Now the sirens have a still more fatal weapon than their song, namely their silence... someone might have escaped from their singing; but from their silence, certainly never. - Franz Kafka
In this world it is not possible that everyone will follow your steps. You can't change some one and some one will not change their lifestyle because of you. - Nutan Bajracharya
Make yourself your role model, because people who do not have qualities depend on the qualities of others to shape their own qualities. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Regular people are used to rudeness; we get it all the time, we're inured to it. The wealthy aren't; it hurts their feelings, or whatever they have in there. - Michael Cleverly
People think, Hey, I love kids, I want to write children’s books. But they think children are happy. That’s their first mistake. [Messinger, Jonathan. "Guilt for dinner: The interview." Hipsqueak. 5 May 2011. Web. 18 November 2011.] - Mo Willems
Some people walk into our lives and leave footprints on our hearts. Others walk into our lives and we want to leave footprints on their face! - Auliq Ice
Many Buddhist temple priests regard their parishioners as possessions and fear their departure as a diminishing of assets. - Kentetsu Takamori
Tyranny is the exercise of some power over a man, which is not warranted by law, or necessary for the public safety. A people can never be deprived of their liberties, while they retain in their own hands, a power sufficient to any other power in the state. - Noah Webster
Scientists or thinkers who try to discover the truth cannot find that higher life by thinking alone, but their own life, spent in search for the truth and neglecting the physical living, is just that higher form of human existence. - Alija Izetbegović
One never know their value, until they fall in love. - AX
Animals are here to live their lives. We are here to live ours. We can live well without eating them. How pathetic it is that we have to eat a life just to live our lives! - Debasish Mridha
The weak are dominated by their ego, the wise dominate their ego, and the intelligent are in a constant struggle against their ego. - Hamza Yusuf
Don't Have The Power To Stare At The Sun. I Can Only Try Even I Know I'll Fail. At Least I Have The Courage To Do That. I Know My Power And I Know My Shortcomings Which Most of The People Cannot Even Realize About Their Own. I'm Powerful In My Own Little Innocent World.... - Muhammad Imran Hasan
Adults tend to repress their pleasure. Sad to say, I think we become adults only through disappointment, grief, and lies. So of course gradually we become tough, less sensitive. - Jean-Louis Gassee
Was it doubted that those who corrupt their own bodies conceal themselves? - Walt Whitman
Fiction books give the reader a chance to step away from their own reality and into the shoes of the characters, and they show you a world that isn't the one you already know. And sometimes the story's not so different from your own, and it lets you get closer to your own feelings. - Shin Towada
People never forget two things, their first love and the money they wasted watching a bad movie. - Amit Kalantri
Some people would rather die in their pride, than live in their humility. - Anthony Liccione
The scholar only knows how dear these silent, yet eloquent, companions of pure thoughts and innocent hours become in the season of adversity. When all that is worldly turns to dross around us, these only retain their steady value. - Washington Irving
Gardens and flowers have a way of bringing people together, drawing them from their homes. - Clare Ansberry
People fall in love with you not because they admire you, it is because they found their desires inside of you. - Debasish Mridha
I can win an argument on any topic, against any opponent. People know this, and steer clear of me at parties. Often, as a sign of their great respect, they don't even invite me. - Dave Barry
Let us thank God for valour in abstractionFor those who go their own way, will not kissThe arse of law and order nor compoundFor physical comfort at the price of pride - Louis MacNeice
Great minds with great ideas usually share in the midst of their persecution - Jeremy Aldana
I believe that we are living in an unprecedented time of change. The real danger for society is that people resist, ignore or run away from massive changes in their lives and consequently do themselves long-term damage. - Adele Theron
Power is given to those who reach to take it & claimed by those who will stop at nothing to fulfill what they believe is their birthright. - Saminu Kanti
Their heartbeats rushed through his body. His arms circled around her, just so he could keep himself from falling. - Betsy Cornwell
Everyone rises to their level of incompetence. - Laurence J. Peter
In a relationship, no amount of extra effort on your part can make up for a lack of effort on theirs. - John Mark Green
Innumerable victories are silently celebrated each day by those who maintain their courage. - Deborah L. Norris
I could turn up the volume on their songs and that loudness matched all my panic and fear, anger and emotions that seemed up until that point to be uncontrollable, even amorphous. - Carrie Brownstein
No man has the right to dictate what other men should perceive, create or produce, but all should be encouraged to reveal themselves, their perceptions and emotions, and to build confidence in the creative spirit. - Ansel Adams
We each sell alittle piece of happiness. You are elevating someone's spirit in some way, and to do that you have to understand the source of their angst and then you have to frame your product as a solution. - Sonia Marciano
Our parents are the coolest parents ever. No other generation went on from writing letters to their own parents to sending snapchats to their own kids. - Sharad Vivek Sagar
Look now how mortals are blaming the gods, for they say that evils come from us, but in fact they themselves have woes beyond their share because of their own follies. - Homer
When up they gat an' shook their lugs, Rejoic'd they werena MEN but DOGS. - Robert Burns
They were going to die. They knew it, and their last words were I love you. Even in great pain, their last words were of love... People who could have saved themselves and they ran back in to save others instead. If humanity is capable of that, how can I lose hope in humanity? - Elie Wiesel
God's grace does not come to people who morally outperform others, but to those who admit their failure to perform and who acknowledge their need for a Savior - Timothy J. Keller
I want to know we're not pushing children toward the traditions of life, but instead cultivating them to grow in their own specific purposes, and make the dreams of their youth become realities as they age. - Ashley Ormon
...You haven't I suppose ever mixed with politicians at close quarters. They're awful...their stupidity is inhuman. - Robert Skidelsky
It is their attachment to us rather than their independence from us that we value in our pets. - M. Scott Peck
There are some that only employ words for the purpose of disguising their thoughts. - Voltaire
I'm doing now with cornets exactly what I used to do with trilobites: measuring, analyzing and cataloging the myriad gradations of their forms. - Niles Eldredge
The sad truth about bigotry is that most bigots either don't realize that they are bigots, or they convince themselves that their bigotry is perfectly justified. - Wayne Gerard Trotman
The world is a better place to live in because it contains human beings who will give up ease and security and stake their own lives in order to do what they themselves think worth doing. - Walter Lippmann
All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes, to make it possible. - T. E. Lawrence
What the United States call democracy is actually a vertical model of remote governance by oligarchs—economic barons and their political representatives. The result is that citizens in the United States have little control over what the U.S. government does. - S. Brian Willson
People look like crazy, they do crazy things and they love their crazy life; stop inspiring them with your supernatural world and let them be who they chose to be. - M.F. Moonzajer
Great dancers are not great because of their technique, they are great because of their passion. - Martha Graham
Most directors make films with their eyes; I make films with my testicles.
She influenced by the positivism of her race, was gazing into the future. While he was content with the present moment, not caring to know what would be the end of their love - Vicente Blasco Ibáñez
So often our power lies not in ourselves, but in how we help others find their own strength. - Amy Lee Peine
I’ve learnt to gather simplicity from grasshoppers. I like their naive indecisive minds never knowing exactly when to stop chirping, and I envy their ability to be able to mingle with the green… - Munia Khan
If you're hurting, you need to help somebody else ease their hurt. If you're in pain, help somebody else's pain. - Oprah Winfrey
Discovering passion and purpose requires figuring out what works and what doesn't. Mature, successful people establish their on rules. These rules are measured by only one standard: do they work? - Robert A. Glover
If ever a man and his wife, or a man and his mistress, who pass nights as well as days together, absolutely lay aside all good breeding, their intimacy will soon degenerate into a coarse familiarity, infallibly productive of contempt or disgust. - Philip Chesterfield
For some, the universe ends at the borders of their villages; even for others, at the threshold of their home doors. - Mehmet Murat ildan
Sane and intelligent human beings are like all other human beings, and carefully and cautiously and diligently conceal their private real opinions from the world and give out fictitious ones in their stead for general consumption. - Mark Twain
Folks who never do more than their paid for, never get paid for any more than they do. - Elbert Hubbard
Somewhere, someone is search for the pieces of you that mold well with theirs. - Nikki Rowe
Liberals tend to view traditions, policies, and morals of past generations as arbitrary designs put in place by less enlightened people. Because of this, liberals don't pay much attention to why traditions developed or wonder about possible ramifications of their social engineering. - John Hawkins
A love for tradition has never weakened a nation, indeed it has strengthened nations in their hour of peril. - Winston S. Churchill
He utilizesform for a striking lecture;young poets shiverinexperience,but thaw over their own work,fertilize magic. - Kristen Henderson
Every night I tell my children all of the things that I love about them. I tell them how proud I am of their accomplishments and how much better our lives have been since they were born. I hope they will always realize how much they are loved and valued. I feel so blessed that they are in my life. - Tom Giaquinto
A few diaries could replace tons of self help books simply because their written in the first person... - Stanley Victor Paskavich
I don't understand women at all. Like how a women can pour boiling hot wax onto their upper thigh, then rip the hair out by the root... and still be afraid of a spider. - Jerry Seinfeld
Empowered Women 101: Empowered women never live the life they wouldn't want for their daughter. They teach them what self respect looks like. - Shannon L. Alder
As for the men in power, they are so anxious to establish the myth of infallibility that they do their utmost to ignore truth. - Boris Pasternak
The greatest challenges humans face throw-out their lives are two:1- the challenge of where to start2- the challenge of when to stop - Sameh Elsayed
I celebrated Thanksgiving in an old-fashioned way. I invited everyone in my neighborhood to my house, we had an enormous feast, and then I killed them and took their land. - Jon Stewart
Eh! Je suis leur chef, il fallait bien les suivre. (Ah well! I am their leader, I really ought to follow them.)
The Scripture vouches Solomon for the wisest of men; and his proverbs prove him so, The seven wise men of Greece, so famous for their wisdom all the world over, acquired all that fame each of them by a single sentence, consisting of two or three words.
The sign of an intelligent people is their ability to control emotions by the application of reason. - Marya Mannes
The Words 2012, one world is ruin and one new world is build. One twisted pictures, one couple which loved each other... just their relationship dies... And another person just steal somebody's life and then he finds the truth... - Deyth Banger
The majority of the common people do not realize how corrupt the legal system has become until that blatant corruption shows up at their own homes. - Steven Magee
... Science... denude(s) all religious beliefs... denigrating them as irrational forms of superstition or myth regardless of their intrinsic rationality or value. - Nicolas Gane
POLONIUS : My Lord, I will use them according to their desert.HAMLET : God's bodykins man, better. Use every man after his desert, and who should 'scape whipping? Use them after your own honour and dignity. The less they deserve, the more merit is in your bounty. - William Shakespeare
The Pilgrim Fathers landed on the shores of America and fell upon their knees. Then they fell upon the aborigines.
But the wild things cried, Oh please don’t go - we’ll eat you up - we love you so!And Max said, No!The wild things roared their terrible roars and gnashed their terrible teeth and rolled their terrible eyes and showed their terrible claws but Max stepped into his private boat and waved goodbye. - Maurice Sendak
And recently, we installed another word in its place which, to their minds, has a wholly positive connotation. We say ‘Gluttony’. They say ‘Consumerism’. - Geoffrey Wood
Poems have ideas. The ideas of poems come out of their emotions and their emotions are carried on images. - E.L. Doctorow
People who have given us their complete confidence believe that they have a right to ours. The inference is false, a gift confers no rights. - Friedrich Nietzsche
Some people would not have remained with their partners, if the unfortunate things that have happened to them had happened to their partners, or if the fortunate things that have happened to their partners had happened to them. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
And how shall you punish those whose remorse is already greater than their misdeeds? - Kahlil Gibran
I imagine many of my fans share a similarly chaotic feeling in their own lives. This album 'ARTPOP was written to make sense of that chaos. - Lady Gaga
Humor is the great thing, the saving thing. The minute it crops up, all our irritations and resentments slip away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. - Mark Twain
It became clear to her that all men, however respectable in appearance and however elevated their position in society, were utter weaklings in front of a beautiful woman. - The Yacoubian Building, p. 42 - Alaa Al Aswany
Sometimes you need to let 'em think things through even though you can't decipher what is in their minds. This way, you prepare 'em to be emotionally healthy with what life may brings ahead of 'em. - Karl Gornal
Humans lose focus of the big picture when they’re drunken in the midst of their feelings. - Tojuro Hattori - Yuhki Kamatani
Our Thoughts have life of its own: Their Birth, Influence and Death happens at our Mind level - gaurav rao
If you have knowledge, let others light their candles at it. - Margaret Fuller
When nothing else worked, we created a holistic, hand-tailored program that saved Pax's life. At Passages, he and I use what we learned in curing him to help other discover the roots of their addiction or alcoholism and break free. - Chris Prentiss
Love should not cause suffocation and death if it is truly love. Don't bundle someone into an uncomfortable cage just because you want to ensure their safety in your life. The bird knows where it belongs, and will never fly to a wrong nest. - Michael Bassey Johnson
The fact is, when people choose to be brave instead of smart, their courage is generally so threatening to those who are smart rather than brave that they end up being maligned, not congratulated. This is what the Bible says we can expect. - Gary Haugen
Books allow one to jump into another person's imagination while also exploring their own! - Jen Selinsky
In poverty and other misfortunes of life, true friends are a sure refuge. The young they keep out of mischief; to the old they are a comfort and aid in their weakness, and those in the prime of life they incite to noble deeds. - Aristotle
May the Father be gracious according to your needs.Dear Father preserve their life,relieve them of pain,restore them to good health and strengh.Put them in your fatherly care.Forgive them all their sins. So they may be at peace with you. - Shelley E Williams
Everyone gets everything in their lives only as per an invisible God's plan called LUCK. - Anuj Somany
For books are more than books, they are the lifeThe very heart and core of ages past,The reason why men lived and worked and died,The essence and quintessence of their lives. - Amy Lowell
We live in a day of abounding vagueness and indistinctness on doctrinal subjects in religion. Now, if ever, it is the duty of all advocates of clear, well-defined, sharply-cut theology, to supply proof that their views are thoroughly borne out by Scripture. - J.C. Ryle
It was we, the people; not we, the white male citizens; nor yet we, the male citizens; but we, the whole people, who formed the Union.... Men, their rights and nothing more; women, their rights and nothing less. - Susan B. Anthony
Whoever possesses God in their being has Him in a divine manner, and He shines out to them in all things; for them all things taste of God and in all things it is God's image that they see. - Meister Eckhart
Rich men use most of their money to get richer. Poor men use most of their money to look richer. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
I have long thought that anyone who does not regularly - or ever - gaze up and see the wonder and glory of a dark night sky filled with countless stars loses a sense of their fundamental connectedness to the universe - Brian Greene
Some feel lucky, if they haven't got to be happy, as they don’t like their frame of mind to be unravelled and prefer to be left well enough alone. ( "C’est quand le bonheur ?" ) - Erik Pevernagie
All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players.They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts... - William Shakespeare
People don't believe what you tell them. They rarely believe what you show them. They often believe what their friends tell them. They always believe what they tell themselves. - Seth Godin
Neither snow, nor rain, nor heat, nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds. - Herodotus
Evil people rely on the acquiescence of naive good people to allow them to continue with their evil. - Stuart Aken
The meaning of the words is necessary and not their extent. - Sorin Cerin
Showing charity towards others is the biggest lesson we canteach our children to guide them in their future on this planet. - Simin Hashemizadeh
If poverty is the mother of all crimes, lack of intelligence is their father. - Jean de La Bruyère
The single greatest reason why we are losing a generation is because the home is no longer the place of the transference of the faith. We live in a day of ‘outsourcing’…Today, we have a generation of people that outsource their kids. - Tony Evans
Many of the big changes of the next 25 years will come from unknowns working in their bedrooms and garages... - Charles W. Leadbeater
The masters and overseers were so good at employee development, in their absence, the employees still achieved the company's mission - Darnell Lamont Walker
Sometimes I wonder why I exist with all my vast knowledge, while others exist longer with their clichés. - Angel M.B. Chadwick
I realized that marriage is not only about exchanging vows, but it's about two people who equally make a continuous effort to honour their vows. - Gugu Mona
When people become prisoners of daily habits and happen to be hostages of choices, which they made in the past, but which they finally do not actually want, they experience the need to abandon their corporeal prison at a certain time in life. ( "Corporeal prison" ) - Erik Pevernagie
When I see somebody 'suffering for their art', it%uFFFDs usually a case of them not knowing where that red line is, not knowing where the sovereignty lies. - Hugh Macleod
You and I, my son, are that "below." That was true in 1776. It is true today. There is no them without you, and without the right to break you they must necessarily fall from the mountain, lose their divinity, and tumble out of the Dream. - Ta-Nehisi Coates
The sad reality of Mankind: Faith is the currency people trade in, through their ego and selfish ways. - Unarine Ramaru
The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any. - Alice Walker
What their scorned, over-fucked mothers never teach them is this: men can be hurt, too. - Darnell Lamont Walker
Because so many people use goodreads, it is an amazingly good—and amazingly underutilized—resource for understanding what people read, why, and how they feel about their reading experiences. - John Green
Even if our minds are apart and our bodies on their paths, our souls are wired from North to South Pole .K.K - Konstantinos Kyriakou.K.K
Opinions are like assholes, everybody has their own. I don't mess with yours and you don't mess with mine. - Unknown Wattpad writer
Writers don't get mad they get even in their novels. - Candace C. Bowen
Men have become the tools of their tools. - Henry David Thoreau
The best way to keep children at home is to make the home atmosphere pleasant --- and let the air out of their tires. - Dorothy Parker
They're so cold, these scholars!May lightning strike their foodso that their mouths learn howto eat fire! - Friedrich Nietzsche
The dirtiest minds amongst the adult males are perhaps the ones who back-up their support to the women, but back- out seeing when the men are in the same situation. - Anuj Somany
Three types of people are there, those who smile, those who think and smile and those who smile and think. Beware of those in the last two category, because you don't know their thoughts!!! - G.S.Sreekiran
Wise men put their trust in ideas and not in circumstances. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Before hurting anyone, especially those who cannot protect themselves, feel their pain with your heart. Take care of them as your little child. - Debasish Mridha
Pregressive art can assist people to learn not only about the objective forces at work in the society in which they live, but also about the intensity social character of their interior lives. Ultimately, it can propel people toward social emancipation - Angela Y. Davis
Fruitfulness may be a better measurement for success than productivity because it is based more in the evaluations of others as to the meaningful role we have played in their lives then in our own importance determined according to the amount of accomplishments we can list. - Karen Burton Mains
People may love to hate me. I can do a lot with the love in their hate. - Amit Abraham
The purpose of a funeral service is to comfort the living. It is important at a funeral to display excessive grief. This will show others how kind-hearted and loving you are and their improved opinion of you will be very comforting. - P. J. O'Rourke
The inner suffering of the evil you do to others is not fully understood until you are wearing their aches. - Darmie Orem
There are two kinds of people: those who live their lives, and those who watch and speak of those living their lives. - Ali B. Moe
Adult librarians are like lazy bakers: their patrons want a jelly doughnut, so they give them a jelly doughnut. Children’s librarians are ambitious bakers: 'You like the jelly doughnut? I’ll get you a jelly doughnut. But you should try my cruller, too. My cruller is gonna blow your mind, kid. - John Green
REQUIEM, n. A mass for the dead which the minor poets assure us the winds sing o'er the graves of their favorites. Sometimes, by way of providing a varied entertainment, they sing a dirge. - Ambrose Bierce
If everyone followed through on their resolutions, the conseqences for humanity would be dire: The fast food industry would collapse, the gyms would become unbearably crowded, and lifestyle magazines would have nothing left to say. - Amanda Foreman
What people value in their books—and thus what they count as literature—really tells you more about them than it does about the book. - Brent Weeks
I detest audiences - not in their individual components, but en masse I detest audiences. I think they're a force of evil. It seems to me rule of mob law. - Glenn Gould
There are plenty of bad editors who try to impose their own vision on a book. (…)A good novel editor is invisible. - Terri Windling
If a vast majority of the population identify and embrace the nation’s value system, then that nation is automatically great. Because they will live out these values in their daily life. - Sunday Adelaja
The less their ability, the more their conceit. - Ahad HaAm
We are all Greeks. Our laws, our literature, our religion, our arts, have their root in Greece. - Percy Bysshe Shelley
Just as big cities can deplete you with their noise and crowds and sheer sensory overload, a hospital can exhaust you, as its changing faces and personalities blur and strangers wake you repeatedly. - Diane Ackerman
People are of two types of breed. One who is known for their good deeds & such folks’ need is very high as they care; other who is known for their greed & such persons grow like weed everywhere. - Anuj Somany
I don't know the rules of grammar. If you're trying to persuade people to do something, or buy something, it seems to me you should use their language. - David Ogilvy
Giving these students, teenagers, any form of power over the use of their own words, allowing them to turn everyday raw material into some form of beauty, is a gift beyond measure. - Gloria Ng
We're supposed to love flowers, yet we rip them from their homes, and give them to people who don't love us."-Toril Withers (Dark Winter). - John Hennessy
Wherever you go, whenever you meet someone, enlighten every mind, brighten their life with love and kindness, it will make your world so delightful and so beautiful. - Debasish Mridha
People are perfectly capable of ruining their own lives by very themselves without taking any wrong guidance from outside! - Mehmet Murat ildan
SCEPTER, n. A king's staff of office, the sign and symbol of his authority. It was originally a mace with which the sovereign admonished his jester and vetoed ministerial measures by breaking the bones of their proponents. - Ambrose Bierce
I talk to friends of mine who are now teaching; they've graduated and they have classrooms. And I get really jealous, and I get really excited talking to them about their classrooms, and I want one. I think I'd be happy.
Education: that which reveals to the wise, and conceals from the stupid, the vast limits of their knowledge. - Mark Twain
Great men are like eagles, and build their nest on some lofty solitude - Arthur Schopenhauer
Average people give up on their dreams. Don't be like average people. - Sharfaraz Ahmed
There is no need returning anger to those who made your past horrible, do not think of making them feel bitter, maybe a help from you can just make them ashame and miserable, and can probably change their attitude. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Never doubt my weaseling abilities, Shadowhunter, for they are epic and memorable in their scope. - Cassandra Clare
Friends are like ants, they walk into your life unnoticed and take over your life as if its like their own. But unlike ants they leave behind million smiles, uncountable memories. - Hanif Hassan Barbhuiya
CEOs will gladly overpay for a company if the acquisition enables them to keep their jobs. - Jay Samit
Loving someone isn’t a hard task, it’s not a chore, you don’t wake up one day and decide to break their heart because you got all hot and bothered, that doesn’t happen! he boomed. - Holly Hood
[Hypatia Bradlaugh Bonner belonged to] that small army of brave people who made it their duty, without thought of themselves or hope or expectation of reward, to strive for unpopular causes.[ on the death of noted freethinker and peace advocate Hypatia Bradlaugh Bonner] - Chapman Cohen
Children wish fathers looked but with their eyes; fathers that children with their judgment looked; and either may be wrong - William Shakespeare
How beautiful it is to have inner peace while knowing that everyone is busy with their own battles in life. - Debasish Mridha
Big whirls have little whirls,That feed on their velocity;And little whirls have lesser whirls,And so on to viscosity. - Lewis Fry Richardson
Those who are enslaved to their sects are not merely devoid of all sound knowledge, but they will not even stop to learn! - Claudius Galenus
Even though their marriage had been dead for over two years (her words, not mine), this put her in the role of the innocent. She was now a woman scorned. ~Shattered Reality - Brenda Perlin
Blessed are those who encounter a mystery in their lives because they obtain a big opportunity to live the great joy of solving puzzles! - Mehmet Murat ildan
It was not Death, for I stood up,And all the Dead, lie down—It was not Night, for all the BellsPut out their Tongues, for Noon. - Emily Dickinson
A government that kills its own citizens is like a parent that kills their own kids aka filicide or like a mother that kills her unborn by abortion . - Youns Hussein
When love is strong, a man and a woman can make their bed on a sword's blade. When love grows weak, a bed of 60 cubits is not large enough. - The Talmud
For the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light. - Bible
The proper task of social reform is to remove poverty from society and to ensure that people do not sell their conscience to make a living. - Periyar E.V. Ramasamy
Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so. - Douglas Adams
Having been an English literary graduate, I've been trying to avoid the idea of doing art ever since. I think the idea of art kills creativity. I think media are at their most interesting before anybody's thought of calling them art, when people still think they're just a load of junk. - Douglas Adams
Sweetest things turn sourest by their deeds; Lilies that fester smell far worse than weeds. - William Shakespeare
Shepherds lift their heads,not to gaze at a new lightbut to hear angels. - Richelle E. Goodrich
The people in our life is like the mountain and the river. Some people will stay as others will leave. Some will travel away and make their way back to you. - Touaxia Vang
I cannot remember a time when I was not in love with them--with the books themselves, cover and binding and the paper they were printed on, with their smell and their weight and with their possession in my arms, captured and carried off to myself. - Eudora Welty
What people resist the most about spiritual healing is changing their minds. - S. Kelley Harrell
To write what you think is to think what you write. Leave those of hollow to their dust. They are but sorry things. - D.A. Botta
Most writers regard the truth as their most valuable possession, and therefore are economical in its use. - Mark Twain
It’s quite certain there are places to which the whole past is as though attached, on which are traced in secret letters for people who are centuries removed from us their thoughts, their will… - Vladimir Odoevsky
According to Democritus, truth lies at the bottom of a well, the water of which serves as a mirror in which objects may be reflected. I have heard, however, that some philosophers, in seeking for truth, to pay homage to her, have seen their own image and adored it instead.
It is amusing that a virtue is made of the vice of chastity; and it's a pretty odd sort of chastity at that, which leads men straight into the sin of Onan, and girls to the waning of their color. - Voltaire
For those who have true love, have no limits of expressing their love to one another yet it is a sad fact that those who are searching for love, fear expressing their love to even those who love them. - Auliq Ice
Yet human intelligence has another force, too: the sense of urgency that gives human smarts their drive. Perhaps our intelligence is not just ended by our mortality; to a great degree, it is our mortality. - Adam Gopnik
Flowers bloom whenever their eyes meet each other's, and whenever they depend on each other. What does it matter if they wed in the snow or in the rain? They have each other to support and love, and that's all that should matter. - Kim Dong Hwa
Matty just rolled his eyes and walked over to his older brother. "Why is it when everyone thinks they're on their death bed, they suddenly find Jesus?"Jayne shrugged and replied, "Because that's where he likes to hang out? - Nonjon
In our society those who are in reality superior in intelligence can be accepted by their fellows only if they pretend they are not. - Marya Mannes
It was curious what trying to speak English had done lately to his mind; it reminded him of studying poetry in college, words gaining and losing their meaning, overlapping with images, the curious echo of ideas behind the words people used. - Jess Walter
Folks are usually about as happy as they make their minds up to be. - Abraham Lincoln
It is not in the shallow physical imitation of men that women will assert first their equality and later their superiority, but in the awakening of the intellect of women. - Nikola Tesla
[To a first-term congressman who wanted wanted excused from voting with the party to satisfy his biggest contributors:] Son, if you can't take their money, drink their whiskey, screw their women, and then vote against 'em, you don't deserve to be here.
I think the saddest people always try their hardest to make people happy because they know what it’s like to feel absolutely worthless and they don’t want anyone else to feel like that. - Robin Williams
Jasper set an intercepting course towards that Rhylonian Star Duster. Maybe we can catch them on their blind side.Doesn’t this ship have a cloak? Jaq asks.Miss Synergy, I don’t know what they teach now a’days at the Academy, but ships do not wear clothes. - Nathan Reese Maher
Something in me whispered that I needed to stop thinking, that I should above all not go too farwith thinking. But that never worked; I always thought things through to the end, to their mostextreme consequence. - Herman Koch
For some people, the point of no return begins at the very moment their souls become aware of each others’ existence. - C. JoyBell C.
Coachable leaders are ready and willing to make the needed changes and adjustments in their lives. - Gary Rohrmayer
Seeds strive to become plants by forcing their way through the soil. We can learn from this and push through the struggles we face in life. If they can survive, we can do much more. Keep pushing and pressing forward. Your best is yet to come! - Kemi Sogunle
The spirits of the brain are directly connected to the testicles. This is why men who weary their imagination in books are less suitable for procreative functions... - Louis de la Forge
It is only because of their stupidity that they are able to be so sure of themselves. - Franz Kafka
Children imitate their parents, employees their managers. - Amit Kalantri
Inherent rights are from God, and the tragedies of the world originate in their attempted denial. - Warren G. Harding
don't let someone rearrange your path because they lost sight of their own. - Nikki Rowe
Our followers are like bees which live among birds. None of the birds recognize the bees because of their small size and weakness. They would not treat them this way if they realized that these very small bees can carry honey which is very valuable in their stomachs. - Hazrat Ali Ibn Abu-Talib A.S
Let us have a care not to disclose our hearts to those who shut up theirs against us. - Francis Beaumont
When you're conscious of what you're permitting to germinate inside you, the weeds in your life will wither away of their own accord. - Lawrence Shorter
Author challenges parents to bridge the gap with maturing, more independent kids with what he calls "Knock and Pray". He says parents should invite their kids to unscheduled times to "pray... big". - Jay Payleitner
The world dread nothing so much as being convinced of their errors. - William Hazlitt
People are not prisoners of fate, but prisoners of their own minds. - Franklin D. Roosevelt
Each morning in every family, men, women and children, if they have nothing better to do, tell each other their dreams.We are all at the mercy of the dream and we owe it to ourselves to submit its powers to the waking state. - La Révolution Surréaliste No. 1
To walk in the footsteps of the great, put on their shoes. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Many of these new readers were not yet college-educated, but in terms of their seriousness about the world, their own literacy, and above all their ambitions for their children, they might as well have been. - David Halberstam
There are different churches because men wanted to interpret the Bible to their favour and which conflicts with the next person's interpretation. These led to people starting different churches, that ministers what they interpret as right. - Unarine Ramaru
All humans are sentient and sapient beings so they have the ability to perceive, think, and act using their knowledge, experience, insight, and conscience. - Debasish Mridha
THEY are afraid of nothing,' I grumbled, watching their approach through the window. 'Together, they would brave Satan and all his legions. - Emily Brontë
Life is all one piece. Men err when they think they can be inhuman exploiters in their business life, and loving husbands and fathers at home. For achievement without love is a cold and tight-lipped murderer of human happiness everywhere.
Secrets and lies… Everyone in the world deals with these every day of their lives. To protect themselves. To protect someone else. It is all in the way that you look at the situation. - Lacey Thorn
To increase the chances of a writer trying to kill themselves, cut off their hands. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
The verbal patterns and the patterns of behavior we present to children in these lighthearted confections are likely to influence them for the rest of their lives. These aesthetic impressions, just like the moral teachings of early childhood, remain indelible. - Esphyr Slobodkina
Men are mere mortals but their quest for knowledge leads them to the brink of immortality.Excerpt from novel You Can't Escape Love by - Grace Willows
Secrets, silent, stony sit in the dark palaces of both our hearts: secrets weary of their tyranny: tyrants willing to be dethroned. - James Joyce
Needless to say, food is used to constrain as well as to unify the members of many faiths. Most religions meddle in the day-to-day culinary habits of their adherents. - Michael Krondl
Some people will only love you as much as they can use you. their loyalty ends where the benefits stop. - honeya
Those who suffer great adversity and sorrow and go on to serve their fellowmen develop a great capacity to understand others. Like the prophets, they have acquired a higher understanding of the mind and will of Christ. - CARLOS H. AMADO
She did not talk to people as if they were strange hard shells she had to crack open to get inside. She talked as if she were already in the shell. In their very shell. - Marita Bonner
Men have more to lose than their chains . - Heidi Hartmann
What we do in every other area of our lives (other than religion), is, rather than respect somebody's beliefs, we evaluate their reasons. - Sam Harris
Children should not be taught to get a job or pursue a profession. Children should be taught to discover their passion and with it define their mission. - Tarryn Tomlinson
I did what most writers do at their beginnings: emulated my elders, imitated my peers, thus turning away from any possibility of discovering truths beneath my skin and behind my eye. - Ray Bradbury
Sportsmanship isn't about criticizing the "ONE" who didn't win on "That ONE"day... it's about appreciating and supporting their hard work amidst failures!!! - Akansh Malik
The artist is the confidant of nature, flowers carry on dialogues with him through the graceful bending of their stems and the harmoniously tinted nuances of their blossoms, Every flower has a cordial word which nature directs towards him.
Thieves and liars kill indirectly, unintentionally, and with no other weapon than their tongues and malice. - A.E.H. Veenman
And even if you cared what they had to say, would you act upon their opinions and create your life from it? No. Than stop replaying their toxic words in your head, it's no good for your being and start doing the things that once made you, you. - Nikki Rowe
One should always be wary of anyone who promises that their love will last longer than a weekend. - Quentin Crisp
Men trust their ears less than their eyes. - Herodotus
The Law Polarity decrease that everything has an opposite it's the flip side of the coin, you're right my left, the front the back, consider this next time you disagree with someone because their right from their point of view. - Bob Proctor
The sad thing was in the knowing that all their nerve would get them nowhere in the world and that they were lost as all the people in Brooklyn seem lost when the day is nearly over and even though the sun is still bright, it is thin and doesn’t give you warmth when it shines on you. - Betty Smith
I am opposing a social order in which it is possible for one man who does absolutely nothing that is useful to amass a fortune of hundreds of millions of dollars, while millions of men and women who work all the days of their lives secure barely enough for a wretched existence. - Eugene V. Debs
Art and science have their meeting point in method. - Edward Bulwer-Lytton
The fact is that my native land is a prey to barbarism, that in it men's only God is their belly, that they live only for the present, and that the richer a man is the holier he is held to be. - Saint Jerome
The quality of a person's life is in direct proportion to their committment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor. - Vince Lombardi
I breathed in the memory of his lips, the softness of them, and how they felt tracing across my skin, leaving ripples of goosebumps in their wake. - Sarah Alderson
During my time in high altitude astronomy, I routinely witnessed workers breathing medical oxygen, industrial carbon dioxide, nitrogen and helium gas as part of their daily work routine. - Steven Magee
I have my own particular sorrows, loves, delights; and you have yours. But sorrow, gladness, yearning, hope, love, belong to all of us, in all times and in all places. Music is the only means whereby we feel these emotions in their universality. - Overstreet
Some people insist on inviting me to their drama buffet... No thanks! My soul hungers for nourishment and growth; it doesn't lust for poison and depletion. - Steve Maraboli
You don't need to be primary caregiver of your children to be of primary influence in their lives. What you do for them behind the scenes in your own unique way is what makes the true difference in the long run. - Miya Yamanouchi
Education Is the key to life don't let anyone stop you from reach your goals. Because everyone have potential to accomplish their #1 Goals. - Mike "The Sweet One" Desert
I know that there are people who do not love their fellow man, and I hate people like that! - Tom Lehrer
Some one remarked that the best way to unite all the nations on this globe would be an attack from some other planet. In the face of such an alien enemy, people would respond with a sense of their unity of interest and purpose. We have the next thing to that at the present time - John Dewey Speech 1917
The young know how truly difficult and dreadful youth can be. Their youth is wasted on everyone else, that's the horror. The young have no authority, no respect. - Anne Rice
Each member of this shadowy network resented the others, who were irritating reminders that nothing was more American, whatever that means, than fleeing the American, whatever that is, and that their soft version of self-imposed exile was just another of late empire's packaged tours. - Ben Lerner
Plants turn their face to the Sun; Animals, to the ground; and Men, to the darkness! - Mehmet Murat ildan
As long as there exist stupid people supporting stupid governments in their countries, people living in those countries will continue fluttering badly in the cesspool created by this utter foolishness! - Mehmet Murat ildan
If words are to enter men's minds and bear fruit, they must be the right words shaped cunningly to pass men's defenses and explode silently and effectually within their minds. - J.B. Phillips
Children today are tyrants. They contradict their parents, gobble their food, and tyrannize their teachers. - Socrates
Husbands are chiefly good as lovers when they are betraying their wives. - Marilyn Monroe
The happiest people are not always the richest, but they are always abundant with kindness and content with their richness - Debasish Mridha
Strange new problems are being reported in the growing generations of children whose mothers were always there, driving them around, helping them with their homework - an inability to endure pain or discipline or pursue any self-sustained goal of any sort, a devastating boredom with life. - Betty Friedan
As I’m beginning to find out, parenting is no child’s play, it couldSometimes determine whether couples continue to live together orgo their separate ways. - Oche Otorkpa
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. - Eleanor Roosevelt
When things don't change, their sameness becomes an accretion. That is why all society puts on flesh. Succumbs to the cubicles and begins to fill them. - Tennessee Williams
Women in my country take their rights for granted and completely dissociate themselves from the women's rights movement and feminism. But I think anything's possible. If I don't help the women in Afghanistan, they won't be around to help me. - Cheryl Benard quoting Lorrie
A sage never measures people's maturity by their age, but fools do and offer them accordingly their wage. - Anuj Somany
Almost all great writers have as their motif, more or less disguised, the passage from childhood to maturity, the clash between the thrill of expectation and the disillusioning knowledge of truth. 'Lost Illusion' is the undisclosed title of every novel. - André Maurois
I'd rather speak into someone's life than out of their life!" EL - Evinda Lepins
But yield who will to their separation, My object in living is to uniteMy avocation and my vocationAs my two eyes make one in sight. - Robert Frost
There are some people who will surprise you with their perseverance... People who survive through the tears... Strong spirits who prove you wrong if you make the mistake of betting against them. - Steve Maraboli
Face it―nobody cares.But so what? Their apathy doesn't diminish your worth. Learn from it. Make it your job to care for those around you so they can't say the same thing. - Richelle E. Goodrich
The introduction of free competition is thus public declaration that from now on the members of society are unequal only to the extent that their capitals are unequal, that capital is the decisive power, and that therefore the capitalists, the bourgeoisie, have become the first class in society. - Karl Marx
Many people are hurt in Life. But the problem is not the hurt. They Curse, Nurse, and Rehearse their hurt instead of Reversing it, and Live miserably. - RVM
If newspapers are useful in overthrowing tyrants, it is only to establish a tyranny of their own. - James Fenimore Cooper
Some women wear a miniskirt to reveal their thighs; some wear one to conceal their age. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
A venturesome minority will always be eager to get off on their own... let them take risks, for Godsake, let them get lost, sunburnt, stranded, drowned, eaten by bears, buried alive under avalanches- that is the right and privilege of any free American.
Like the hub of a wheel, the church’s corporate life is an extension of the good news that God was in Christ reconciling the whole world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them. - Harold L. Senkbeil
I have been astonished that men could die martyrsfor their religion--I have shuddered at it,I shudder no more.I could be martyred for my religion.Love is my religionand I could die for that.I could die for you.My Creed is Love and you are its only tenet. - John Keats
Women need not always keep their mouths shut and their wombs open. - Emma Goldman
If nations could overcome the mutual fear and distrust whose somber shadow is now thrown over the world, and could meet with confidence and good will to settle their possible differences, they would easily be able to establish a lasting peace.
The feeling is the voice of the words, so the people speak out loud their intention, good or bad, even when they try to keep it under wrap in their said or shared thoughts. - Anuj Somany
Sometimes you have to put yourself in other people’s shoes to really understand the hardships of their souls. - Kellie Elmore
Evil ethicists are the holocaust of humanity; if philosophy can be the instant sunlight to their endless vampirism, it will save more lives than all the doctors who have ever lived. - Stefan Molyneux
I feel ashamed that so many of us cannot imagine a better way to do things than locking children up all day in cells instead of letting them grow up knowing their families, mingling with the world, assuming real obligations, striving to be independent and self-reliant and free. - John Taylor Gatto
When we put God first, all other things fall into their proper place or drop out of our lives. - Ezra Taft Benson
Maxim 8: Mockery and derision have their place. Usually, it's on the far side of the airlock.-The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries - Howard Tayler
Wolves directly affect the entire ecosystem, not just moose populations, their main prey, because less moose equals more tree growth - Rolf Peterson
There are some corrupt Christians who do their business with female donkeys. - Gabriel García Márquez
Gods do have their divisions thanks to man. Jesus Christ is the Christian God, Allah the Muslim and so on. As a convent student, I thought God was English till the Sanskrit mantras became somewhat comprehensible. - Andy Paula
The best way to love someone is to let them reveal their inner beauty that will enlighten your soul and the heart of the universe. - Debasish Mridha
Champions do not become champions when they win the event, but in the hours, weeks, months and years they spend preparing for it. The victorious performance itself is merely the demonstration of their championship character. - Alan Armstrong
You build a great network by first offering your services to others, and by so doing, winning their interest. This is the foundation of building trust and creating a platform for them to invest in you in a reciprocal manner, such that it becomes a win-win situation. - Oscar Bimpong
If you have to ask for their attention, you're better off without it. - Ali. B. Moe
There are painters who transform the sun to a yellow spot, but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence, transform a yellow spot into sun - Pablo Picasso
So it comes down to scarcity, one product or service having qualities you won’t find everywhere or ideally, anywhere. It’s the job of every brand to seek that out as their standard, their stamp. - David Brier
Good writers can't die. Their words live on forever. - Kensington Gore
How many a dispute could have been deflated into a single paragraph if the disputants had dared to define their terms. - Aristotle
Those who serve and those who ruleLepers, kings and mindless foolsEmpire leaders, tyrant's toolsAll will fade with timeHail the cowards, brave at heartThe ugly and the beautifulThose who never felt their soulsAll live transient lives - Kreator
Young girls think they know what their hearts desire, what they want the most. When really, we know nothing of love, devotion and utter loyalty. Not until we break our own hearts when we learn that what we desire is nothing like what we thought it would be. ~Papercut Doll - Alexia Purdy
If the voices in your head make you cry, you're a lunatic. Put their words on paper, and you're a writer. - D. VonThaer
One of the biggest problems with people who think that they are smart is that they believe that the number of times they admit that they are wrong is inversely proportional to theirintellectual level. - Daniel Willey
On this planet, there are people with talents and people with flaws. The smart ones learn to use their talents, but the happy ones learn to accept their flaws.
Nothing is more admirable than the fortitude with which millionaires tolerate the disadvantages of their wealth. - Rex Stout
There are tomorrows on their way worth the struggles of today. Never give up. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Avoid judging others by trying to understand others and their concepts of love and care. - Debasish Mridha
The Church is going to have to recognise that secularisation is not the cause of their decline, it is the result of it. - Keith Porteous Wood
Don’t feel guilty if you don’t know what you wanna do with your life; the most interesting people I know didn’t know at 22 what they wanted to do with their lives; some of the most interesting 40 year olds I know still don’t. - Baz Luhrmann
be the rain that causes the rainbow this means, tell someone the hard truth to change their life for the better. - Mya Waechtler
Very few of the great leaders ever get through their careers without failing, sometimes dramatically.
Masters and highly successful people are in a romantic relationships with their work - Desmond Oshifeso
Men take care not to make women weep, for God counts their tears. - Thomas S. Monson
Everyone should free their mind and soul. Some are ready to free them now, and some will be ready to free them in the future. Some will never be ready and that is what makes their lives not worth living.
Entrepreneurs pay the price of a road less traveled, while everyone else takes the freeway and perpetually misses their own exit. - Ryan Lilly
Except a living man there is nothing more wonderful than a book! A message from the dead - from human souls we never saw, who lived, perhaps, thousands of miles away. And yet these, in those little sheets of paper, speak to us, arouse us, terrify us, comfort us, open their hearts to us as brothers. - Charles Kingsley
All of these people had character. None of them thought they were special people, born with the right to win. They were people who worked hard, who learned how to keep their focus under pressure, and who stretched beyond their ordinary abilities when they had to. - Carol S. Dweck
People who don't exercise their freedom of voting (choosing their leaders) are irresponsible. Such people have no right to complain or want more than what they are receiving from the government. Intentional failure to vote is cowardly, irresponsible and a sign of ignorance. - Allan Amanyire
At what point do they believe what's been branded on their skin instead of just knowing who they are on the inside. - Abi Ketner & Missy Kalicicki
The person standing at the corner in the cold waiting for the ride is the most important person in the world and any transit system employees only exist for that person and act accordingly, above and beyond their own self-interest - Utpal Dutta
There is no coming to consciousness without pain. People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own Soul. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious. - C.G. Jung
Let them see that their words can cut you, and you'll never be free of the mockery. If they want to give you a name, take it, make it your own. Then they can't hurt you with it anymore. - George R.R. Martin
The worst kind of loneliness in the world is isolation that comes from being misunderstood. It can make people lose their grasp on reality. - Shyza Chaudhry
Its funny when people recently change their attitude to gain entrance into your heart, which may only ignite your passion to close the door. - Michael Bassey Johnson
People are like detectives in their relations, they eventually find what they are searching for. - Umut Kisa
Many obese people spend a significant amount of their energy on suppressing the urge to tell some of the people who are staring at them that they do not eat as much and as frequently as they seem to. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Avoid living in new homes and working in new offices due to the high levels of chemical out-gassing that they exhibit during their first year. - Steven Magee
Do not do unto others as you would that they should do unto you. Their tastes may not be the same. - George Bernard Shaw
For aeons past, there were many gods who descended to be humans, yet there were not many humans who ascended back to their divinity. - Raphael Zernoff
People with low self-confidence and self-esteem often feel nervous about antagonizing others and tend to rate others’ needs more highly than their own. - Auliq Ice
Anyone who has experienced a strange episode in their life that defies all present scientific knowledge can appreciate the limits of human knowledge. There's nothing like such an event to make you keenly aware of how little we truly know and understand. - Steven Symes
People vote their resentment, not their appreciation. The average man does not vote for anything, but against something. - William Bennet Munro
We look at mountains and call them eternal, and so they seem... but in the course of time, mountains rise and fall, rivers change their courses, stars fall from the sky, and great cities sink beneath the sea. Even gods die, we think. Everything changes. - George R.R. Martin
You don't have to say I love you to say I love you," you said with a shrug. "All you have to do is say my name and I know."..."Can't you hear it?" you said. "When you love someone, you say their name different. Like it's safe inside your mouth. - Jodi Picoult
Impossible things happen. When they do happen, most people just deal with it. Today, like every day, roughly five thousand people on the face of the planet will experience one-chance-in-a-million things, and not one of them will refuse to believe the evidence of their senses. - Neil Gaiman
Out of fear, out of the desire for approval, out of misguided notions of duty, people surrender themselves--their convictions and their aspirations--every day. There is nothing noble about it. It takes far more courage to fight for your values than to relinquish them. - Nathaniel Branden
To modernize their sleeping habits, [Peter the Great] declared, 'Ladies and gentlemen of the court caught sleeping with their boots on will be instantly decapitated. - Bob Massie
Fools only crib about what they do not have. They do not count their blessings. - Radhe Maa
...civility doesn't require consensus or the suspension of criticism. It is simply the ability to disagree productively with others while respecting their sincerity and decency. - Ravi Iyer and Jonathan Haidt
Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own minds. - Franklin D. Roosevelt
Those little nimble musicians of the air, that warble forth their curious ditties, with which nature hath furnished them to the shame of art. - Izaak Walton
we all love people in our life. way of expressing it may change but the intensity never fluctuates. there are comparisons and fights in any relation because of the same reason of their existence. - Auliq Ice
Their's not to make reply,Their's not to reason why,Their's but to do and die. - lbid
In the long run what people think about shepherds and bakers becomes more important for them than their own destinies. - Paulo Coelho
We will make them think it's their idea. That's how all great leaders fool people. - Laura Preble
Before letting someone hold your heart in their hands, make sure their hands are clean. - Matshona Dhliwayo
I want to do it because I want to do it. Women must try to do things as men have tried. When they fail, their failure must be but a challenge to others. - Amelia Earhart
Life turns out to be best for those who tried their best. - Debasish Mridha
Beliefs will nourish or poison depending on their compatibility with reality. - Steve Maraboli
Wearing a smile while claiming to not judge and condemn people as you equate their nature with no less than a carnal and immoral act rather than as understanding their orientation and identity as an intrinsic part of who they are doesn't lessen the harshness and cruelty of that rejection. - Christina Engela
Form delicious bonds. Be the fruit that others seek when their hearts and souls are hungry. - Erica Alex
A best friend is he who hurts you with their love and feels you when you're hurt. - Debasish Mridha
Only mountains can feel the frozen warmth of the sun through snow's gentle caress on their peaks - Munia Khan
Some people live their lives being perpetual victims and finger pointers. To anyone who points a finger at someone else and lays all the blame at their feet instead of taking responsibility for their own behavior, I would say, "I see that finger and you know where you can put it? - Donna Lynn Hope
Angela Duckworth has shown how important grit and perseverance are to lifetime outcomes. College students who report that they finish whatever they begin have higher grades than their peers, even ones with higher SATs. - David Brooks
We are too prone to make technological instruments the scapegoats for the crimes of those who wield them. The products of modern science are not in themselves good or bad; it is the way they are used that determines their value. - David Sarnoff
Some stories wait their turn to be told, others just tap you on the shoulder and insist you tell them. - Michael Scott
I am very happy with all my friends and co-workers, because if they don’t remember me in their happy times or in their success. However, they never forget me if they are in a problem or need my help… - Nutan Bajracharya
Your choices are made in a moment, and yet their consequences transcend a lifetime. - MJ DeMarco
...most people unconsciously dream themselves out of their goals. They dream so far past their current reality—or what's currently possible—that they end up abandoning their goals and damaging their own self-esteem. - Lisa Nichols
The two brothers who sought to get their only family back, to feel her warmth, one lost his last family member and the other could never feel warmth again.The one who wanted her baby back lost chance of having one again,And the one who had a vision to see his country change became blind. - Hiromu Arakawa
There are two types of people: those who just live their lives, and those who have nothing better to do than watch and talk about the first type. - Ali B. Moe
Globally, democracies have also acted in ways that suggest an outright renunciation of their principles at home. - Nayef Al-Rodhan
When men and women who God has created to make a difference in the world, abandon the mandate for their lives and instead, begin to pursue all nonentities of life, God cannot but be frustrated - Sunday Adelaja
The Gelaming regarded themselves as a force for good, and in many ways they were, but they were also inexorable and their compassion could often feel like oppression. - Storm Constantine
Idleness is an inlet to disorder, and makes way for licentiousness. People who have nothing to do are quickly tired of their own company.
When two broken hearts meet, they find their missing part in each other. - Luffina Lourduraj
The only thing weaker than a toddler's handshake is their immune system. - Jim Gaffigan
Prostitutes are paid for taking their clothes off. Celebrities are paid for putting others' clothes on. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
You said, 'They’re harmless dreamers and they’re loved by the people.' 'What,' I asked you, 'is harmless about a dreamer, and what,' I asked you, 'is harmless about the love of the people? Revolution only needs good dreamers who remember their dreams. - Tennessee Williams
Too many people get credit for being good, when they are only being passive. They are too often praised for being broadminded when they are so broadminded they can never make up their minds about anything. - Fulton J. Sheen
Prosperity starts in ones heart not their pocket. - Ricky Maye
Time is a wave or a black hole could not bend it; humanity rides the crest of an infinite number of waves that are perceived as linear in their limited frame of reference. - Ken Poirot
I propose that the forces of corporate totalitarianism are deliberately destroying this entire world in order to sell their simulated version of it back to us at a profit. - Diane Harvey
I always strive to create a setting that leaves the readers' imagination room to roam. That way, every reader sees the story through their own eyes. - P.S. Bartlett
It is naturally given to all men to esteem their own inventions best. - Thomas More
Women have their own braveries, their own mighty courageousness that is of woman, and not to be compared with the courage shown by man. - Richard Llewellyn
It's quite sad that so many children go through life unsure whether their parents love them or not. - Wayne Gerard Trotman
Don't judge people on their Religion, Family Or Country they live ... Judge People On Their Nature..!! - Sagar Pandit
If every marriage is measured by the tongue of a wife, their will be no husband left in every marriage. - Chinonso G. Nnabuike Sr.
To manage a system effectively, you might focus on the interactions of the parts rather than their behavior taken separately.
And Lot's wife, of course, was told not to look back where all those people and their homes had been. But she did look back, and I love her for that, because it was so human. So she was turned to a pillar of salt. So it goes. - Kurt Vonnegut
If someone thinks that they are invincible, they would start to become arrogant with others and greedy about power. Eventually, people who are more intelligent can defeat him or her and give them a taste about their weakness. - Saaif Alam
Those who love their lives too much eventually lose it. While those who are ready to sacrifice their lives for others gain it. - Sunday Adelaja
Jesus teaches us to bless our enemies (Matthew 5:44) To bless those who curse us (Luke 6:28). To never avenge yourselves (Romans 12:19). When we truly forgive someone, we need to come to the place where we can bless them and desire God’s blessing also on their lives. - Greg Gordon
When red-headed people are above a certain social grade their hair is auburn. - Mark Twain
Sunday: A day given over by Americans to wishing they were dead and in heaven, and that their neighbors were dead and in hell. - H. L. Mencken
Good literacy skills can help children:-Be healthy and safe.-Do their homework to their best ability.-Get and keep a job one day.-Eventually participate in local committees or government - Soraya Diase Coffelt
I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet. - Mahatma Gandhi
Everyone is unique in their own special way. - Jackson Taviri
Talent is like a faucet; while it is open, you have to write. Inspiration? - a hoax fabricated by poets for their self-importance. - Jean Anouilh
How Learning to Say Goodbye Taught Me How to Live is an excellent book...very transformative and empowering..lot of practical advise for people struggling to overcome any problem in their life - Nandita Keshavan
Life is a train of moods like a string of beads; and as we pass through them they prove to be many colored lenses, which paint the world their own hue, and each shows us only what lies in its own focus. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
(T)here exist friendships which develop their own inner duration, their own eons of transparent time. - Vladimir Nabokov
When you marry someone, you marry their entire family. - Kevin Jonas
Writers whose thoughts are expressed with clarity and precision are assumed by readers to be superficial. Where the meaning is obscured, then readers give more attention and consider the fruit of their labour more valuable - Friedrich Nietzsche
Many people find bald, unvarnished truths so disturbing, they prefer to ram their heads in the sand and start dreaming at the first sign of scientific reality. - Charlie Brooker
Some people live disconnected, in a world of their own. Their wishful thinking represents their sole veracity. But when the mirror smashes the reflection of their delusion, it will not falter to talk back. ( "The day the mirror was talking back" ) - Erik Pevernagie
The only reason that people 'Choose' to go backwards is because they let their mind take control. Their mind points them in that direction because it's convenient. If we learn to quiet the mind the soul has a way of painting the bigger picture for taking the right action into growth. - Matthew Donnelly
When two people can't live up to each other's expectations, they'll look for their fantasized satisfaction in the next relationship, the next experience, the next excitement. - John F. MacArthur Jr.
Every reader can live One Thousand and One Lives; every fiction author can have One Thousand and One Masks, and their talent can have One Thousand and One Facets. - Lara Biyuts
People cannot win against their loneliness because loneliness is this world’s worst kind of pain. - Masashi Kishimoto
Too many people confine their exercise to jumping to conclusions, running up bills, stretching the truth, bending over backward, lying down on the job, sidestepping responsibility and pushing their luck.
People who count their chickens before they are hatched, act very wisely, because chickens run about so absurdly that it is impossible to count them accurately. - Oscar Wilde
That's the funny thing about havin' a kid. They come with their own set of problems; make everything else you were worried about seem kinda silly. - Greg Garcia
It is not the failure of others to appreciate your abilities that should trouble you, but rather your failure to appreciate theirs. - Confucius
I do believe that characters in novels belong to their writers and their readers pretty equally. I've learned a lot of things about the characters I write from people who read about them. Readers expand them in ways I don't think of and take them to places I can't go. - Ann Brashares
If there were in the world today any large number of people who desired their own happiness more than they desired the unhappiness of others, we could have paradise in a few years. - Bertrand Russell
There is nothing romantic about childhood. Children can enjoy their childhood only if the adults create the necessary atmosphere. - Sadghuru
Growth occurs when individuals confront problems, struggle to master them, and through that struggle develop new aspects of their skills, capacities, views about life. - Carl Rogers
If someone puts their hands on you make sure they never put their hands on anybody else again. - Malcolm X
When women turn on women, and take cheap shots at their decisions purely to score political points it serves as proof that feminism, as a movement, is dead and no longer relevant or credible. - S.E. Cupp
Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.
For their holidays: the rich’s kids travel the world; the poor’s kids roam around their grandparents’ yard. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
There is no worse discriminator than envy. No worse traitor than envy. Even those who are seemingly righteous, are brought down low by their envy. A true man will be known by his absence of envy. An evil man will be known by the presence of envy within him. - C. JoyBell C.
Judgment refers to a sound mind. When there is no sound mind in a society, people in that society don’t think straight. They are perverted in their thoughts - Sunday Adelaja
The best leaders have the ability to align people to their vision and motivate them to work passionately towards its fulfillment as if it were their own. - Ben Morton
Leaders don't wait. They shape their own frontiers. The bigger the challenge, the greater the opportunity. - Carlos Wallace
Never assume that someone likes you by their sweetNess.Sometimes you are an option when they are bored - Prince simus
LOVE grows within the soul and when you are filled with this divine source you will shine like a STAR* you will radiate with the profound love within. Like a river you will gather all small rivers and make them reach their ultimate goal (SEA). HER heart only knows to LOVE. Love and LOVE. - Angie karan
The most important gifts we can give our children are confidence in their ability to remake themselves again and again and the tools with which to do that job - Anders Ericsson
The worst thing is that we live in a contaminated moral environment. We feel morally ill because we became used to saying something different from what we thought. Concepts such as love, friendship, compassion, humility or forgiveness lost their depth and dimension. - Václav Havel
Some people did what their neighbors did so that if any lunatics were at large, one might know and avoid them. - George Eliot
. . . there are two types of fighters, the former strike all over the place hoping one would land, the latter, assured of their prowess and capabilities, hit once and destroy the opponent's desire to continue the fight - Soke Behzad Ahmadi
We all have had our share of broken promises.. Learn from those who do not honor their words and put your focus on "Being Honorable" ~bns - Bluenscottish
How few human beings, the major thought with a sigh, can exert by hard work, thrift, intelligence or any other virtue the slightest influence on their own destiny. - FARRELL J.G.
People think that those who commit suicide are against life—they are not. They are too lusty for life, they have great lust for life; and because life is not fulfilling their lust, in anger, in despair, they destroy themselves. - Osho
The opinions of souls are their state of being. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Violence has settled more issues in history than any other factor; and contrary opinion is wishful thinking at its worst. Breeds that forget this basic truth have always paid for it with their lives and their freedoms. - Robert Heinlein
The heart pointed to the brain and said with great disdain, Those who live their lives in here live the lives most full of fear. - Ryan Lilly
Writing is about taking everyday observations, things which people see almost every day of their lives, and yet bringing it to their attention for the very first time. - Jamie L. Harding
It's the same with [my wife] -- when she goes out, guys are macking on her. I'm not worried with the kind of relationship we've got. Most people, they don't leave room for mistakes in their relationship. - Wyclef Jean
The immediate reactions of the two superpower leaders when confronted with the gravest international crisis of their careers were much the same, shock, wounded pride, grim determination, and barely repressed fear. - Michael Dobbs
my best may not be the best, but that is the best. The more I give out my best to people, the more they give out their worse, but that is also the best; for even Jesus Christ faced the worst. - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Love goes toward love as schoolboys from their books; but love from look, toward school with heavy looks. - William Shakespeare
God has provided food for every bird, but He doesn't throw it in their nests - Mizan Chaudhury
God always has an angel of help for those who are willing to do their duty.
The Golds have everything, yet they demand sacrifices even from their own. This place is sick. This empire broken. It eats its kings, its queens, as hungrily as it does the paupers who mill its earth. - Pierce Brown
Inspiring someone else to follow their dreams is the hope of anyone who has the courage to follow their own. - Dawn Garcia
Lots of people in history have only done their jobs and look at the trouble they caused - Terry Pratchett
Sometimes it's a form of love just to talk to somebody that you have nothing in common with and still be fascinated by their presence. - David Byrne
Let go of a need for personal recognition. Heap kudos on others and they’ll perform even better next time. Leaders are only as good as those who follow them and followers are at their best when leaders are quick to give credit for successes. - Steve Goodier
No one would be foolish enough to choose war over peace--in peace sons bury their fathers, but in war fathers bury their sons.
Leadership is the right combination of Integrity and Repect for others.The Success of anyone worth remembering is the TRUTH in their actions~bns - Bluenscottish
Change is the only universal law in nature. People resist the universal law of nature. As if they can resist it. And they suffer. People suffer because of their own resistance and rigidness. Otherwise, life if so simple and straight-forward. - His Holiness Divas
The reason most people never reach their goals is that they don't define them, or ever seriously consider them as believable or achievable. Winners can tell you where they are going, what they plan to do along the way, and who will be sharing the adventure with them. - Denis Watley
When once a man has made celebrity necessary to his happiness, he has put it in the power of the weakest and most timorous malignity, if not to take away his satisfaction, at least to withhold it. His enemies may indulge their pride by airy negligence and gratify their malice by quiet neutrality. - Samuel Johnson
There are two types of people in this world: Those who make it their life's work to rid themselves of all pain and suffering... and Artists. - Gregor Collins
The future success of a nation depends on how diligently and purposefully they educate their children. - Debasish Mridha
We love things because they reflect our imaginative love in their expression. - Debasish Mridha
Don't tell people to act their age. It's like telling a baby to move out, and if they're older you're telling them to "die in a hole." - Devin J. Monroe
Nobody adores fertilizer. Nobody devotes their life to fertilizer (unless they own a fertilizer company). But, shit, you need it to grow the crops. The land is arid and dry without it, and trying to grow things is likely to be futile. - Shellen Lubin
When you forgive those that hurt you, they no longer have control over your future happiness. Their anger keeps them a prisoner to your past, while you enjoy the present. - Shannon L. Alder
I'm hurting because the color of my skin makes me perfect for their target practice. - R.H. Sin
When people have invested their identities into clichés, the only counter argument they have is 'being offended'. - Stefan Molyneux
Some of the greatest miracles one could ever receive in their life is the ones that happen when their faith and action has been applied. - Dionna L. Hayden
my best may not be the best but that is the best.The more I give out my best to people, the more they give out their worse but that is the best for Jesus Christ faced the worst. - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
For manipulation to be most effective, evidence of its presence should be nonexistent... It is essential, therefore, that people who are manipulated believe in the neutrality of their key social institutions.
When you consider what a chance women have to poison their husbands, it's a wonder there isn't more of it done. - Kin Hubbard
Why you may take the most gallant sailor, the most intrepid airman, and th most audacious soldier, put them at a table together-and what do you get? The sum of their fears.
It’s a shame how much artists have to bleed for people to enjoy their work. - Solange nicole
There are two main predictions for the future; it’s either appealing or appalling.An appealing future is created by people who identify their real values in life and believe in what they can do. - Israelmore Ayivor
It's a time for not showing elation but doing introspection for a person who is being often liked by many or most people in his/her circle because almost everyone likes normally someone who only poses no threat to their position in a life full of cut-throat competition. - Anuj Somany
Christians have the spiritual mandate to establish the Kingdom of God in their own lives and in their society. - Sunday Adelaja
Feel no guilt. Getting married and giving birth does not mean that you have sold your life away to perfectly healthy people who can get their own damn socks. - Jennifer Crusie
Monsters almost always are culture's way of working out their fears. - Catherynne M. Valente
Daughters go into analysis hating their fathers and come out hating their mothers. They never come out hating themselves.
Parrots mimic their owners. Their owners consider that a sign of intelligence. - Marty Rubin
Only those few who are able to surpass their fear of death completely can fully experience the highest forms of life; not the mundane life of the mortal, but the godly life of the resurrected. - Zeena Schreck
The dictators, commanders or emperors who want to conquer the world soon realize that the world has already been conquered by the artists and their arts! - Mehmet Murat ildan
What was beauty unless you intended to use it, like a hammer, or a key? It was just something for other people to use and admire, or envy, despise. To nail their dreams onto like a picture hanger on a blank wall. And so many girls saying, use me, dream me. - Janet Fitch
I am a messenger who will bring back word from the men who are fighting (WWI) to those who want the war to go on forever. Feeble, inarticulate will be my message, but it will have a bitter truth and may it burn their lousy souls. - Paul Nash
Poetry is the one place where people can speak their original human mind. It is the outlet for people to say in public what is known in private. - Allen Ginsberg
When thoughts fails of words, they find imagination waiting at their elbow to teach a new language without words.
No law ever written has stopped any robber, rapist or killer, like cold blue steel in the hands of their last intended victim. - W. Emerson Wright
For their holidays: the rich go see the world; the poor go see their parents. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
A very unwise man once said, He who does not understand your silence will probably not understand your words. A very annoyed woman once said, He who does not want to communicate will never enjoy their silence for very long. - Shannon L. Alder
Adults envy the open-hearted and open-minded explorations of children; seeing their joy and curiosity, we pine for our own capacity for wide-eyed wonder. - Gabor Maté
There is a difference between judgment and feedback. Your critics use you as a mirror for their own hidden darkness. Your teachers hold up a mirror to yours. - Vironika Tugaleva
If you give people tools, and they use their natural abilities and their curiosity, they will develop things in ways that will surprise you very much beyond what you might have expected. - Bill Gates
Nevertheless, I sought counsel from my leaders and obeyed, even when I knew their advice would make my life more complicated. I decided it was not for me to question and that if some advice caused temporary pain for me, it must be something I should experience. - Gordon B. Hinckley
Men are only as unfaithful as their options.
While teachers often complain that their students seem to do very little thinking, teachers who simply follow the manual should understand that they are actually contributing to the problem. Students seldom learn to think under the tutelage of teachers who do not think either. - Donovan L. Graham
The doctrine of eternal punishment is in perfect harmony with the savagery of the men who made the orthodox creeds. It is in harmony with torture, with flaying alive, and with burnings. The men who burned their fellow-men for a moment, believed that God would burn his enemies forever. - Robert G. Ingersoll
Truly worthy are those who become brighter as the days get cloudier so that their light shines through, regardless of how hard the clouds are working to block their radiance. - Pooja Ruprell
Funny how we do not realize the true value and legacy of a living icon until they suddenly pass away. Truth is, there are many living legends among us, we just do not stop and take time to notice their worth until it's too late. - Germany Kent
If truth be told, I came away ‘almost’ believing in their existence. (Author on 'ORPHANS - Time is running out' by Ian Dewar) - Nikki B.
If literature does one thing, it makes you more empathetic by making you live other lives and feel the pain of others. Ideologues don't feel the pain of others because they haven't imaginatively got under their skins. - Yann Martel
Whenever she walked along the streets of Manhattan, she looked at all the different faces coming toward her and, despite their different features and colors, she regarded them all as Americans. - Francesca Marciano
The emphasis of the churches were not in how much work or home keeping is done in the four walls of the church itself, they rather told the Protestants to go prove their love to God at their work places through the quality of their works - Sunday Adelaja
21st Century Managers must change their thinking because they are now in the business of managing Mindsets & thinking, which impacts actions and behaviors. - Tony Dovale
To the people who are upset about their hard-earned tax money going to things they don’t like: welcome to the f*cking club. Reimburse me for the Iraq war and oil subsidies, and diaphragms are on me! - Jon Stewart
It is not possible to be 'incidentally a Christian.' The fact of Christianity must be overwhelmingly first or nothing. This suggests a reason for the dislike of Christians by nominal or non-Christians: their lives contain no overwhelming first but many balances. - Sheldon Vanauken
I love him in ways that I can’t explain to other people. They don’t understand… it’s not their fault. - Jennifer Elisabeth
The greatest men stand on their values and pray on their knees. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Jazz will endure as long as people hear it through their feet instead of their brains - John Philip Sousa
Everyone keeps looking on their defects. It's not like everyone's perfect, we all are are ugly and at the same time beautiful. It's just how we should carry and believe in ourselves. Nasa attitude yan, wala sa hitsura - HaveYouSeenThisGirL
Everyone lives bound by their own knowledge and awareness. They define that as reality; but knowledge and awareness are vage, and perhaps better called illusions. - Masashi Kishimoto
Few men realize that their life, the very essence of their character, their capabilities and their audacities, are only the expression of their belief in the safety of their surroundings. - Joseph Conrad
Until you experience real loneliness, you shall never know what real loneliness is. So many people feel miserable and lonely just because they ignore their inner man, create a gap between themselves and their inner man, and neglect their true self! - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
The future is created by those who have a great imagination and the will to make it a reality by their actions. - Debasish Mridha
Leaders are limited by their vision rather than by their abilities. - Roy T. Bennett
Don’t judge someone’s choices without first knowing their reason. - Robert Tew
Lovers are the coolest their hearts beat the best & they kiss magic as hell - Mark Leidner
So when they win, it's their hard workAnd when they lose, it's their bad luck - Sanhita Baruah
What seems most significant to me about our movement [Impressionism] is that we have freed painting from the importance of the subject. I am at liberty to paint flowers and call them flowers, without their needing to tell a story. - Pierre-Auguste Renoir
Organized force alone enables the quiet and the weak to go about their business and to sleep securely in their beds, safe from the violent without or within. - Alfred Thayer Mahan
Thoughts are but dreams till their effects be tried. - William Shakespeare
Those persons achieves the success who sustains their beliefs among the change of conditions. - Aditya Pandya
Haunted trees covered behind the curtains of their own leaves stare at the dark from the fringe of streets. - Suman Pokhrel
A brilliant mind was first a listener that observed the actions of the people that loved and hated them, then found a way to express their feelings, when real communication was lost. - Shannon L. Alder
People lead lives of quiet desperation because they are unaware of the power they possess to reinvent their lives. - Dr. Asoka Jinadasa
I am alone on this road strewn with bones and bordered by ruins! Angels have their brothers, and demons have their infernal companions. Yet I have but the sound of my scythe when it harvests, my whistling arrows, my galloping horse. Always the sound of the same wave eating away at the world - Gustave Flaubert
I am a Muslim, because it's a religion that teaches you an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. It teaches you to respect everybody, and treat everybody right. But it also teaches you if someone steps on your toe, chop off their foot. And I carry my religious axe with me all the time. - Malcolm X
At night, when the objective world has slunk back into its cavern and left dreamers to their own, there come inspirations and capabilities impossible at any less magical and quiet hour. No one knows whether or not he is a writer unless he has tried writing at night. - H.P. Lovecraft
The nice thing about being a celebrity is that when you bore people, they think it's their fault. - Henry Kissinger
Exercise ferments the humors, casts them into their proper channels, throws off redundancies, and helps nature in those secret distributions, without which the body cannot subsist in its vigor, nor the soul act with cheerfulness. - Joseph Addison
Beauty is handed out as undemocratically as inherited peerages, and beautiful people have done nothing to deserve their astonishing reward.
Most people don't often realize that they actually disclose their lies to the person who is truly wise by showing their likes for either the celebrity or no famous personality; but further bigger surprise is that many persons even don't worry of it or fear of being caught of their true identity. - Anuj Somany
Someone has tricked people into thinking their names must be kissed by bright lights and painted into Hollywood sidewalks to be someone special. And for most, there is no cost too great...But I would just like to know who did it. - Andrea L'Artiste
There’s a common misconception that work is necessary. You will meet people working at miserable jobs. They tell you they are making a living. No, they’re not. They’re dying, frittering away their fast-extinguishing lives doing things which are, at best, meaningless and, at worst, harmful. - Adrian Tan
So many people spend so much of their life energy 'sweating the small stuff' that they completely lose touch with the magic and beauty of life. - Richard Carlson
The animals known as human beings live in humongous condominium blocks, just going about their daily lives. I've come to realize that it's just a modern jungle. And I'm the girl who's wandered into the forest. - Inio Asano
like all other living creatures, I am the descendant of survivors, so the fear in my head is the voice of my ancestors whispering their accumulated wisdom. - David George Haskell
I Have Always Had A Facination With England, And Their History. - Chris Mentillo
Do not forget that the value and interest of life is not so much to do conspicuous things...as to do ordinary things with the perception of their enormous value. - Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
The highest activities of consciousness have their origins in physical occurrences of the brain just as the loveliest melodies are not too sublime to be expressed by notes. - W. Somerset Maugham
Some people make enough, some people don’t, and it has nothing to do with their paycheck. - Janene Murphy
It is not over. Champions extend their limits and make things happen. - Amit Ray
The stars do not shine but in the darkness; they reveal their glory only when man is asleep and not watching. This is one of life’s deepest secrets. - Frank F. Gelat
Men show their characters in nothing more clearly than in what they think laughable. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Women who buy perfume and flowers for themselves because their men won't do it are called ``self basting.''
Stamina is utterly important. And stamina is only possible if it's managed well. People think all they need to do is endure one crazy, intense, job-free creative burst and their dreams will come true. They are wrong, they are stupidly wrong. - Hugh Macleod
Those who are critical don’t like being criticized, and those who are insensitive have a deficiency in their senses. - Suzy Kassem
Great artists are great not because of their great sufferings, but because of their joy in creating. - Marty Rubin
Before aligning the mind, body and soul ... first one has to straighten their mind out. - Stephen Richards
Not all journeys seek an end. Some are their own purpose. - Una McCormack
Many folks describe arrogant people as jerks, idiots, creeps, and much worse. A person that treats you like you are stupid and says the only right way is their way even when it clearly is not is arrogant. They try to make up for their own lack of confidence by hammering away at others. - Stephen Richards
Any formal attack on ignorance is bound to fail because the masses are always ready to defend their most precious possession - their ignorance. - Hendrik Willem van Loon
As for those who disbelieve, their deeds are like a mirage in a desert. The thirsty one thinks it to be water, until he comes up to it, he finds it to be nothing, but he finds Allah with him, Who will pay him his due (Hell). And Allah is Swift in taking account. - Anonymous
Sometimes being a friend means mastering the art of timing. There is a time for silence. A time to let go and allow people to hurl themselves into their own destiny. And a time to prepare to pick up the pieces when it's all over. - Gloria Naylor
The trouble in corporate America is that too many people with too much power live in a box (their home), then travel the same road every day to another box (their office). - Faith Popcorn
I’m turned on by women who are comfortable in their own skin; and I’m turned off by those who are uncomfortable in their own shoes. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
An author is similar to an actor. They play many characters in their lives—photographer, nurse, dancer, doctor, writer, etc. As an author, you have to learn your craft, know each and every element to become that character you’re writing about to be able to live and breathe what they do. - Mischa Temaul
According to the science writer Philip Ball, when it was pointed out to musicologist Deryck Cookethat Slavic and much Spanish music use minor keys for happy music, he claimed that their liveswere so hard that they didn’t really know what happiness was anyway. - David Byrne
You can never be free of their criticism until you no longer seek their praise. - Dennis Ruane
Passion is the desire to do something with fervor. It is the certainty that one is going to accomplish their dreams. - Subhan Zein
Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears; I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him. The evil that men do lives after them; The good is oft interred with their bones. - William Shakespeare
He'd been told that women were sensitive about such things, as if a scar could somehow ruin their beauty, but scars were just stories told in flesh... - Larry Correia
Old books exert a strange fascination for me -- their smell, their feel, their history; wondering who might have owned them, how they lived, what they felt. - Lauren Willig
Multitudes speak of their first love; seldom about their last hate. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
The idea that men are created free and equal is both true and misleading: men are created different; they lose their social freedom and their individual autonomy in seeking to become like each other.
Your most precious possession is not your financial assets. Your most precious possession is the people you have working there, and what they carry around in their heads, and their ability to work together.
It is not so much our friend's help that helps us as the confidence of their help. - Epicurus
All we think about in the cycle of violence is men. If we miss the oestrogen factor we cannot solve the cycle of violence. We cannot bring peace to the world unless we hold women accountable and morally responsible, particularly for their attacks upon children. - Stefan Molyneux
I know no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion by education. - Thomas Jefferson
I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do because I notice it always coincides with their own desires. - Susan B. Anthony
It is hard for people to think clearly because their emotional needs keep getting in the way. The trick is to make thinking clearly an emotional need. - George Hammond
Twist a tongue, and tongue a twist how many twists can a tongue twister twist around their twisting tongue. If a tongue twister's tongue could twist, how many twists would the tongue twister's tongue twist while their tongue was a twisting. - Jazz Feylynn
Young people: They care. They know that this is the world that they're going to grow up in, that they're going to spend the rest of their lives in. But, I think it's more idealistic than that. They actually believe that humanity, human species, has no right to destroy and despoil regardless. - David Attenborough
I always found it so ironic, how the people from the past would do anything to see what happened everywhere else in the world that they lost so much of their own life watching this little screen. - Silje Jensen
Some people come to the edge of the cliff and they look over, then run away in fear. They never realize it's possible to fly, to soar, to be free. They spend their lives crawling along cliff tops without finding the courage. - Michael Dobbs
Men are only clever at shifting blame from their own shoulders to those of others. - Titus Livius
The reason for evil in the world is that people are not able to tell their stories. - C.G. Jung
In order to master compassion, you have to spend time getting to know monsters. When you can do that you will see that there are no monsters, only people that acted like monsters because no one gave them the time or compassion to hear their story. - Shannon L. Alder
Children are like clay in the hands of teachers. Like a sculptor we can chisel and carve their personalities with our behavior. - Balroop Singh
We ought not to judge of men's merits by their qualifications, but by the use they make of them. - Richard Cecil
I enjoy load shedding in Nepal, when it allows me to witness the dancing of fireflies in the next field, and at the same time to hear children playing a chanting clapping game because there is no TV to waste their time on. - Andrew James Pritchard
When men do not know their assignment on earth they kill themselves psychologically and emotionally, wallowing in different careers and meddling in dreams of others. They become restless and engage in unhealthy competition - living unfulfilled lives - Bernard Kelvin Clive
Very few people in the USA realize that a nuclear war was waged with nature in the southwest by their own military. - Steven Magee
Thirty-five is a very attractive age. London society is full of women of the very highest birth who have, of their own free choice, remained thirty-five for years. - Oscar Wilde
Most people spend their entire lives just trying to live life; when all the time we should be trying to find the One Who Holds the Key to True Life (Jesus Christ). - Nicole C. Calhoun
The fundamentalist burns with anti-intellectual zeal, and in reaction sophists are often swollen up with intellectualism. The fundamentalist and the sophist justify their excesses by the sin of their opposite. Fundamentalism and sophistry give piety and philosophy bad reputations with society. - John Mark Reynolds
They say such nice things about people at their funerals that it makes me sad to realize that I'm going to miss mine by just a few days. - Garrison Keillor
I believe that there is potential in everyone, and that everyone is capable of reaching their goals and dreams with the right focus, dedication and discipline. - Dave Shepp
Third, it is helpful to seek advice from those who are spiritually mature and solid in their faith. A godly counselor or pastor can assist you in avoiding the common mistakes that confuse many young people. - James C. Dobson
The reason we have such a difficult time losing weight permanently is not because we are making bad choices, but because we are not stopping our automatic subconscious programmed behaviors in their tracks. - Elaine Moran
People are all diamonds. They are already valuable, brillant and unique in their own right. Sometimes a person can do with a buff, a fluff and a polish to bring out the natural brillance and clarity that has always existed within them. - Evette Rose
Day after day, the globalization of terrorism becomes more evident. This is the one of the biggest challenges we are facing. We must stand with the innocent people around the world who are suffering or have lost their loved ones as a result of terrorism. - Widad Akreyi
Again, men in general desire the good, and not merely what their fathers had. - Aristotle
I barely trust established sources of information. I have a hard time finding [Wikipedia], an encyclopedia that anyone can alter, to be a safe way to learn about anything except how many idiots think their opinions are a suitable substitute for facts. - Randy K. Milholland
In their innocence, very young children know themselves to be light and love. If we will allow them, they can teach us to see ourselves the same way. - Michael Jackson
‎"Those who give up dreams, do injury to their own hearts and cannot possibly enjoy a profound sense of fulfillment in the end. - Daisaku Ikeda
I can tell you that "Just cheer up" is almost universally looked at as the most unhelpful depression cure ever. It's pretty much the equivalent of telling someone who just had their legs amputated to "just walk it off. - Jenny Lawson
When good men die their goodness does not perish,But lives though they are gone. As for the bad,All that was theirs dies and is buried with them. - Euripides
Great souls know the strength of their spirit. - Lailah Gifty Akita
They may take you for a fool, promise to shower you with the world, use their canny devastating tongue to manipulate and dominate your mind, but its better to put them bulshit people at arms length rather than falling into the arms of infidelity. - Michael Bassey Johnson
The wise learn many things from their enemies. - Aristophanes
Many people who became successful were once first time global failures. But because they didn't give up on their dreams, failure could not sink them. They triumphed at last! - Israelmore Ayivor
We are creating a world where no parent will ever again have to choose between skipping meals and sending their kids to school - Sharad Vivek Sagar
I guess I'm pretty much of a lone wolf. I don't say I don't like people at all but, to tell you the truth I only like it then if I have a chance to look deep into their hearts and their minds. - Bela Lugosi
Something about the circus stirs their souls, and they ache for it when it is absent. - Erin Morgenstern
Frances was not only grieving her sister's loss, but also striving to reconcile in her mind the tragedy with the idea of a loving God. Restless and aching, Frances climbed mountains in the Swiss Alps, where their hotel had a view of beautiful Mount Rigi. - Nancy Carpentier Brown
It is morally appalling for the so called liberators of South Sudan to keep liberating their own people from a war that has already been won. - Duop Chak Wuol
All women desire one simple quality in their partner, which is understanding. - Abhijit Naskar
Perhaps I write for no one. Perhaps for the same person children are writing for when they scrawl their names in the snow. - Margaret Atwood
Their gazes locked and held for a long beat, like maybe he was taking her pulse from across the room, absorbing the fact that she was drenched and breathless. The corners of his mouth twitched. She’d amused him again. - Jill Shalvis
Let people stick to their philosophy, you stick to your passion. - Amit Kalantri
What we're learning in our schools is not the wisdom of life. We're learning technologies, we're getting information. There's a curious reluctance on the part of faculties to indicate the life values of their subjects. - Joseph Campbell
So many new ideas are at first strange and horrible, though ultimately valuable that a very heavy responsibility rests upon those who would prevent their dissemination. - J. B. S. Haldane
People are usually more firmly convinced that their opinions are precious that that they are true. - George Santayana
The details of my thoughts bled into thin pieces of paper, spread across miles to touch hearts of the people; who've lost their truest homes- themselves. - Nikki Rowe
I’m happiest when I’m with young people. Their wisdom, grief, and optimism motivates me to work harder and inspires me to be better, more thoughtful and to move with increased reverence. I find joy in children. - Lateefah Simon
People seldom change. Only their masks do. It is only our perception of them and the perception they have of themselves that actually change. - Shannon L. Alder
Men would have been badly in trouble if their hands didn’t fit their dick. - M.F. Moonzajer
The only true thoughts are those which do not grasp their own meaning - Theodor W. Adorno
We all have a vision, a dream to hope for. Some chase it and some wish upon it.. Who do you think, wins? the chaser finds ways to create it, regardless of the fight, the wisher finds way to excuse it, because courage doesn't fill their hearts. - Nikki Rowe
Hong Kong became so materialistic that it must be one of the rarest places in the world where family members need to make an appointment to have dinner together, and people speculate upon their own home where their own children are growing up.’Quote from my 7th book about Hong Kong! - TIM I GURUNG
Individuals who frequently read fiction seem to be better able to understand other people, empathize with them and see the world from their perspective. - Annie Murphy Paul
There is no need for arms, physical violence, material constraints. Just a gaze. An inspecting gaze, a gaze that each individual under its weight will end by [internalising] to the point that they are their own overseer, each individual thus exercising surveillance over, and against themself. - Michel Foucault
You will know it is love not when you think about them all the time or want to be with them, but when you worry about them and you want their approval and happiness. - Shannon L. Alder
I keep drawing the trees, the rocks, the river, I'm still learning how to see them; I'm still discovering how to render their forms. I will spend a lifetime doing that. Maybe someday I'll get it right. - Alan Lee
And did with sighs their fate deplore,Since I must shelter them no more;And if before my joys were such,In having heard, and seen too much,My grief must be as great and high,When all abandoned I shall be,Doomed to a silent destiny. - Aphra Behn
Every act of conscious learning requires the willingness to suffer an injury to one's self-esteem. That is why young children, before they are aware of their own self-importance, learn so easily; and why older persons, especially if vain or important, cannot learn at all. - Thomas Szasz
Books are good enough in their own way, but they are a mighty bloodless substitute for life. - Robert Louis Stevenson
As long as you look for someone else to validate who you are by seeking their approval, you are setting yourself up for disaster. You have to be whole and complete in yourself. No one can give you that. You have to know who you are - what others say is irrelevant. - Nic Sheff
The eyes of others our prisons; their thoughts our cages. - Virginia Woolf
To say that war is madness is like saying that sex is madness: true enough, from the standpoint of a stateless eunuch, but merely a provocative epigram for those who must make their arrangements in the world as given. - John Updike
Ironically, girls who don't think so much about their family and are a little bit self-centred are not only happier themselves but also maintain good relationships with their families. - Farahad Zama
The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history. - George Orwell
If you really want to make a friend, go to someone's house and eat with him... The people who give you their food give you their heart.
Appreciate those who make efforts only to see you happy. They might have some limitations but that does not mean that the efforts they are making have no meanings. Dont judge them on the basis of their limitations. It really hurts... - Sharfaraz Ahmed
Only fools lay claims where lovers thread for when such love is renewed, lovers dance upon their heads. - Chinonye J. Chidolue
People sometimes get so lost in their own beliefs that they fail to gain truth and understanding. You can't get the whole picture just by relying on your own perception. Never be afraid of the truth. - Amaka Imani Nkosazana
People are ready to take the good things into their minds! Give them good and right ideas; they will immediately take them as if they are taking beautiful flowers! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Consciousness is a state of existence where subjects are aware of their surroundings and can respond to its demands according to internal and external perceptions. - Debasish Mridha
Few can see wither their road will lead them, till they comes to it's end. - Gimli - J.R.R. Tolkien
The best way to detect the destructive element in someone is to watch closely their behavioural pattern when given authority over poverty. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Everybody tries to find the purpose for their life in hopes thst one more day is justified. But once you truly see, the very reason why you're breathing becomes so much more than getting by. - MercyMe
People shouldn't analyze their desires. They should just live. - Marty Rubin
The rich spend their life living; the poor spend their life making a living. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
REVEILLE, n. A signal to sleeping soldiers to dream of battlefields no more, but get up and have their blue noses counted. In the American army it is ingeniously called "rev-e-lee," and to that pronunciation our countrymen have pledged their lives, their misfortunes and their sacred dishonor. - Ambrose Bierce
When neither their property nor their honor is touched, the marjority of men live content. - Niccolo Machiavelli
When you are struggling to make both ends meet no one especially your close ones sees you but when everything is okay and beautiful then you will start seeing their faces. That is people and life . - Osunsakin Adewale
If I'm an advocate for anything, it's to move. As far as you can, as much as you can. Across the ocean, or simply across the river. The extent to which you can walk in someone else's shoes or at least eat their food, it's a plus for everybody.Open your mind, get up off the couch, move. - Anthony Bourdain
People do not seem to realise that their opinion of the world is also a confession of their character. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Those who only look back at the past are certain to miss their future. - Elle Sommer
Writers do not have the privilege of sleep. There is always a story coming alive in their heads, constantly composing. Whether they choose it or not. - Coco J. Ginger
People who avoid their fears also avoid their power. - Timothy Roderick
Once or twice I saw evidence that rats had been nesting among the books, rearranging them to make snug two and three-level homes for themselves and smearing dung on the covers to form the rude characters of their speech. - Gene Wolfe
In Paris they simply stared when I spoke to them in French; I never did succeed in making those idiots understand their language. - Mark Twain
Accept what people offer. Drink their milkshakes. Take their love. - Wally Lamb
You know, I can see two tiny pictures of myself And there's one in each of your eyes. And they're doin' everything I do. Every time I light a cigarette, they light up theirs. I take a drink and I look in and they're drinkin' too. It's drivin' me crazy. It's drivin' me nuts. - Laurie Anderson
Clergymen have much the same in their breeches as other men. - Elizabeth Aston
No matter how calmly you try to referee, parenting will eventually produce bizarre behavior, and I'm not talking about the kids. Their behavior is always normal. - Bill Cosby
I admire some people for their brilliance and I respect others for their strength. But I am indebted to those who can rekindle my spirit. - Steve Goodier
Wise people listen to your words. Learned people listen to their interpretation of your words. - Dr. Asoka Jinadasa
When you push your stroller past a group of elderly women, you'll see in the turning gladness of their bodies a glimpse of the children they had been, turning toward the tin music of the ice cream van. - Beth Ann Fennelly
The most considerable difference I note among men is not in their readiness to fall into error, but in their readiness to acknowledge these inevitable lapses. - Thomas Henry Huxley
Works of art create their own rules. - Marty Rubin
Democracy cannot succeed unless those who express their choice are prepared to choose wisely. The real safeguard of democracy, therefore, is education. - Franklin D. Roosevelt
I imagine what would happen if everyone turned their regrets into wishes, went around shouting them. - Nina LaCour
Most of the people who have verbally asserted that ‘there is no master of pronounciation’ have intentionally made a claim and unintentionally made their claim believable. (It is ‘pro-nun-ciation’ not ‘pro-noun-ciation’.) - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
We are like travelers using the cinders of a volcano to roast their eggs. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
I am not a fan of sealed up sterile homes or Faraday cages and their use in human health, although I do understand that some people do feel relief in these environments. - Steven Magee
In such a person, sadness breeds purpose; finding inspiration in the darkness and often times, I believe, they will impress a hell onto their own lives in order to re-create it, that others might suffer the experience from the comfort of their armchairs. - Quote from Her Past's Present. - Michael Poeltl
It's so easy for some people to get naked. They think they're so promiscuous and avant-garde and rebellious... but year-round their souls are covered in winter clothing! My soul is promiscuous, now how's that for being a rebel without a cause? They are amateurs. - C. JoyBell C.
Libraries, museums, universities, everything we designed and built over six thousand years. Cities are more than the sum of their infrastructure. They transcend brick and mortar, concrete and steel. They're the vessels into which human knowledge is poured. - Rick Yancey
Tell someone a story, and you capture their imagination. Make someone laugh, and you capture their friendship. Bring a tear to their eye with poignant grace, and you capture their heart. But never, never attempt to capture someone’s spirit. That is theirs, and theirs alone. - Pen
In other words, we may, by fixing our attention almost fiercely on the facts actually before us, force them to turn into adventures; force them to give up their meaning and fulfill their mysterious purpose. - G.K. Chesterton
I pondered all these things, and how men fight and lose the battle, and the thing that they fought for comes about in spite of their defeat, and when it comes turns out not to be what they meant, and other men have to fight for what they meant under another name. - William Morris
Leaders are not known by their positions; they are known by their roles in those position. You have many gifts as a leader, but your dominant gift is what you will use to lead. - Israelmore Ayivor
Like most novelists, I like to do exactly the opposite of what I'm told. It's in my nature as a novelist. Novelists can't trust anything they haven't seen with their own eyes or touched with their own hands. (Jerusalem Prize acceptance speech, JERUSALEM POST, Feb. 15, 2009) - Haruki Murakami
There are days when writing is within my power and a story unfolds along a course I've already chosen. And then there are days when the words breathe on their own and take me by the hand, leading me along unfathomed paths. Either way, the end result is this author's fairytale. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Our worst can become our best if mistakes are gathered like twigs of a bird's nest, giving one true foundation, a spiritual home to build their life upon. - Ace Antonio Hall
Racism is dead only to those who've closed their eyes and ears to the whole world around them. - DaShanne Stokes
When Mandela passed away, the long walk to freedom will be longer and harder. I wish with my tears that every parent tell about Mandela to their children, shall their children grow up firmly and with faith. - Professor Pezhman Mosleh
This life is full of signs, many of which find their way to you exactly when you need them most. - Christy Hall
Manufacturing and commercial monopolies owe their origin not to a tendency imminent in a capitalist economy but to governmental interventionist policy directed against free trade and laissez faire.
In the true married relationship, the independence of husband and wife will be equal, their dependence mutual, and their obligations reciprocal. - Lucretia Mott
We will lower the tax burden on middle-class Americans by asking the very wealthy to pay their fair share. Middle-class taxpayers will have a choice between a children's tax credit or a significant reduction in the income tax rate.
Lawyers are always confident before the verdict. It's only after that they share their doubts. - Julian Fellowes
Calamity with us, is made an excuse for doing wrong. With them, it is erected into a reason for their doing right. This is really the justice of rich to poor, and I protest against it because it is so. - Charles Dickens
Rosie loved Tom. Rosie had always loved Tom and, although she was unable to measure "always" in terms of years and months, this made perfect sense to her. Their love was not constrained by the mortal bonds of time; it was eternal, ageless and ancient beyond all recollection and record. - Tanya Bullock
Where are our Men of abilities? Why do they not come forth to save their Country? - George Washington
Men want the same thing from women that they want from their underwear... a little support, comfort, and freedom. - Jerry Seinfeld
Positive thoughts multiply, They bring their own images of joy Which erase dark shadows, Bring happiness. - Balroop Singh
All colors are the friends of their neighbors and the lovers of their opposites. - Marc Chagall
The unknown characters of writing seem to be endowed with an evil of life of their own as though sentient, and fain would wrest themselves forth from the parchment and wreak mischief on whomsoever gazes upon them. - E. Hoffmann Price
Understanding that you can’t truly take credit for your successes, nor truly blame others for their failures will humble you and make you more compassionate.Empathy is intuitive, but is also something you can work on, intellectually. - Tim Minchin
[He] said don't let them take you over. Walk into the room knowing you are the best. Shoulders back, chin up. Their attitudes will totally change. - Misty Copeland
The USA government sure do like their propaganda feeds! Unfortunately, too much propaganda does create the scenario where no one believes anything that they say. It's just like Pinocchio. - Steven Magee
Cowards die many times before their deaths; The valiant never taste of death but once. Of all the wonders that I yet have heard, It seems to me most strange that men should fear; Seeing that death, a necessary end, Will come when it will come. - William Shakespeare
People are like stained glass windows, they sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when darkness sets in, their true beauty is only seen if there is a light within. - Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
I meet people and they enforce me their culture and then I choose to fly away and I meet other people and these people force me their religion and I wanna fly away. I meet other people, these people are silent, we begin to sing the song of the ocean and then we fly away together ~ - Grigoris Deoudis
Most people lose the only thing they possess—Life—while acquiring the many things that will finally never be theirs. - RVM
All writers of confessions from Augustine on down, have always remained a little in love with their sins. - Anatole France
Men, like nails, lose their usefulness when they lose direction and begin to bend.
They are in you and me; they created us, body and mind; and their preservation is the ultimate rationale for our existence. They have come a long way, those replicators. Now they go by the name of genes, and we are their survival machines. - Richard Dawkins
There is a way that the men speak to women that reminds me too much of Pa. They listen just long enough to issue instructions. They don’t even look at women when women are speaking. They look at the ground and bend their heads toward the ground. - Alice Walker
Joy is meant to be felt; its not meant to be detained. It is meant to be shared with others; not to be felt alone. When all the mouths smile out their teeth together, thats when the greatest happiness can be measured. You don't smile in order to see your friends cry and claim your joy is divine. - Israelmore Ayivor
In an era where women undress their outfits & give their bodies so carelessly, become the rare wild woman that undresses her mind and soul & knows the worth of what she has to offer. - Nikki Rowe
Nigeria is a country with abundance of wealth, but because of lack of truth and integrity, the wealth are stolen, but the paradox of the whole thing is, this stolen wealth always find their way to nations with no apparent natural wealth, but with a high credit of degree of truth and honesty. - Sunday Adelaja
Like as the waves make towards the pebbled shore, So do our minutes hasten to their end. - William Shakespeare
The care of human life and happiness, and their destruction is the first and only legitimate object of a good government. - Thomas Jefferson
People must make make risks, must make mess in their life's. They must make make mistakes, they must think - This is the part of the proccess "learning"! - Deyth Banger
Words can change their meaning, just by repeating them. - Deyth Banger
A too closely watched flower/blossoms the wrong color./Excess attention to the jonquil/turns it gentian. Flowers/need it tranquil to get/their hues right. Some/only open at midnight. - Kay Ryan
If your imagination leads you to understand how quickly people grant your requests when those requests appeal to their self-interest, you can have practically anything you go after. - Napoleon Hill
88% of women love making their first love making incident with a man seem like an accident. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Friendship is constant in all other things Save in the office and affairs of love: Therefore all hearts in love use their own tongues; Let every eye negotiate for itself, And trust no agent. - William Shakespeare
World Peace will be achieved the day Humans, embrace The Power of Love and forgo their Love of Power. - Ali Fissam
Forgiveness doesn’t excuse their behaviour. It prevents their behaviour from destroying your heart. - Hemant Smarty
To love a person is to learn the song that is in their heart and to sing it to them when they have forgotten. - Arne Garborg
Animals are reliable, many full of love, true in their affections, predictable in their actions, grateful and loyal. Difficult standards for people to live up to. - Alfred A. Montapert
Some tragic mistakes are often made by those who acquire the reins of control before their maturity is adequate to handle it. - James C. Dobson
Spiritual": religion without any rules. All the comfort of fictitious friends with none of their demands. - Stefan Molyneux
Human beings are born for peace; they like to grow up in peace. They like to raise their children in peace, and they like to say goodbye to this beautiful life in peace. Then why are we always preparing for war? - Debasish Mridha
The problem with this generation is they are so quick to define who they are in the process of searching. It is their need for immediate acceptance that keeps them from exploring further. - Shannon L. Alder
The reason that everyone has their own problem is everyone sees something in different side. - jessica patricia
They were from different generations, culture, nations. But even these things did not divide them so much as their separate conceptions of what it meant to be a woman. - Patricia Duncker
People who follow you want to know in their hearts what you are willing to sacrifice for them. Your followers don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care for their welfare. Leading to succeed begins with servant leadership. - DeWayne Owens
You know," Daddy said, "it's some that can live their whole life out without asking about it and it's others has to know why it is, and this boy is one of the latters. He's going to be into everything! - Flannery O'Connor
Men have such a good opinion of themselves, of their mental superiority and intellectual depth; they believe themselves so skilled in discerning the true from the false, the path of safety from those of error, that they should be forbidden as much as possible the perusal of philosophic writings. - أبو حامد الغزالي
Love someone for the beat of their heart and the sound of their soul" ~ Silra - Arliss Sanchez
Corporations and their government minions are capable of anything...just look at the frauds the recent wars became known as. Hundreds of thousands killed in the name of corporate "liberation". - Steven Magee
Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do, and they will surprise you with their ingenuity. - George S. Patton
They breathe truth that breathe their words in pain. - William Shakespeare
Is it easy? Usually not. But you don't forgive people for their benefit. You do it for your benefit. - Andrew Matthews
The King of Glory does not reward His servants according to the dignity of their office, but according to the humility and love with which they have exercised it. - Francis de Sales
Many men all their lives for the opportunity to be good in their way.wait all their lives for the - Frederick Niestzsche
The most self confident aces began to wonder when their turn would come.. Faced by the empty chairs of men you had laughed and joked with at lunch. And, miraculously, you were still there. Until tomorrow.. - Cecil Lewis
This imputation of inconsistency is one to which every sound politician and every honest thinker must sooner or later subject himself. The foolish and the dead alone never change their opinion. - James Russell Lowell
They burnt down the whole palace and they laughed menacingly. The shadows of the dreams and memories they burnt alive walked all over the ruins, trying to hold on to the charred pieces of their body. - Akshay Vasu
We can no longer believe that after death, if we have sinned, we shall enter hell. Hell has been acted out here on Earth in the time of Nazi Germany, when even the innocent went in their millions to a hell that beggars the imagination. A profound change in attitude has come about as a result. - Brian W. Aldiss
If you are overweight then what is the basis of this self-limiting belief, and so on and so on. All of these things come about because people still have limiting-beliefs inside their subconscious minds. - Stephen Richards
Those who pray for your downfall are concentrating negative thoughts towards you, without taking cognisance of the slippery ground in which they are standing, which could lead to their downfall. - Michael Bassey Johnson
No matter how long we exist, we have our memories. Points in time which time itself cannot erase. Suffering may distort my backward glances, but even to suffering, some memories will yield nothing of ther beauty or their splendor. Rather they remain as hard as gems. - Anne Rice
Everybody gets so much information all day long that they lose their common sense. - Gertrude Stein
Wherever men and women are persecuted because of their race, religion, or political views, that place must at that moment become the center of the universe. - Elie Wiesel
People take often selfie with a celebrity to post it on their social media account to show merely themselves as famous personality, but usually end up giving him/her only somewhat publicity. - Anuj Somany
What is important is to deeply understand things and their relations to each other. This is where intelligence lies. The fact of being quick or slow isn’t really relevant. - Laurent Schwartz
Every human being has hundreds of separate people living under his skin. The talent of a writer is his ability to give them their separate names, identities, personalities and have them relate to other characters living with him. - Mel Brooks
As we delight in the strange and exotic beauty of orchid flowers, it is salutary to reflect that we are, in essence, looking at their genitalia. - Unknown British Biologist
Everyone has their own New York in the heart, place where there is hope for everybody. - T.A
BARRACK, n. A house in which soldiers enjoy a portion of that of which it is their business to deprive others. - Ambrose Bierce
Our teens are embedded in a culture driven by competition and perfectionism, where success is defined by status, performance and their appearance. - Auliq Ice
[From a New York Times biography from May 27, 2010 entitled Introduction to 's 'The Second Sex']Beauvoir herself was as devout an atheist as she had once been a Catholic, and she dismisses religions even when they worship a goddess as the inventions of men to perpetuate their dominion. - Simone de Beauvoir
A mirror creates the illusion of distance which makes the client feel more comfortable as he or she shares deep, personal details with their stylist. - StacyK
Secrets, like tyrants, have influence that extends far beyond their own thrones. To silence their oppressive powers, they must be uncrowned. - Ina Catrinescu
Did you ever walk into a room and forget why you walked in? I think that's how dogs spend their lives. - Sue Murphy
Wondering what gives them confidence that they are not going to be caught of their drama or they don't care even if people understand their acting as they hold high position and none can do anything against them. - Anuj Somany
When you study great teachers... you will learn much more from their caring and hard work than from their style. - William Glasser
Education does not exist for the benefit of students or for the benefit of their parents. It's exists for the benefit of social order. You do not need to be a student or have a child who is a student to benefit from education. Every second of every day of your life, you benefit from education. - Saminu Kanti
When you are being judged by someone that has no idea who you are always remember this: Dogs always bark at strangers and usually there is always some wacko neighbor that wants to try out their new gun on an intruder. - Shannon L. Alder
If you can cultivate the right attitude, your enemies are your best spiritual teachers because their presence provides you with the opportunity to enhance and develop tolerance, patience and understanding. - Dalai Lama XIV
It seems The Adversary needs neither their guilt nor their request, but simply their return. In other words, since repentance is the process whereby guilt is turned into gratitude, He doesn’t mind if they skip a step and go directly to gratitude. - Geoffrey Wood
I am determined that my children shall be brought up in their father's religion, if they can find out what it is. - Charles Lamb
I am happy that I can aid those admirable men, both living and dead, who by their pens or their tongues have aided the great cause of human liberty and universal happiness. - James Watson
I felt somewhat like a fire hydrant with everyone marking their territory around me. - Farrah Naseem
Two friends raised their heads up to the sky on a dark evening.-Look at the stars.--Let us make a wish.They each took a moment of silence.-What did you wish for?--For you to have peace with your wish. - J.R. Rim
Real Fathers are men of integrity & honour. Their word is their bond. - Fela Durotoye
People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf. - George Orwell
Get over your aggression, as Trees are also part of nature, when you don't cut their branches, people start cutting the whole trees. - Daniyal Umar
I believe that it should be the blessing of every child to be born into a home where that child is welcomed, nurtured, loved, and blessed with parents, a father and a mother, who live with loyalty to one another and to their children. - Gordon B. Hinckley
Children are bad enough--children are rude, selfish, greedy, and unthinking individuals who are unable to distinguish between their own selfish wants and needs and the wants and needs of others. And adults are children with money, alcohol, and power. - Ian Sansom
God didn't create the fear, fear created the God.God didn't create humans, Humans created the God because of their fear. - John Art
It is all too common for caterpillars to become butterflies and then to maintain that in their youth they had been little butterflies. Maturation makes liars of us all. - George E. Vaillant
Blessed are the forgetful: for they get the better even of their blunders. - Friedrich Nietzsche
People are going to say what they want to say and think what they want to think, and I can't change their minds. - Hilary Duff
People should not have to sacrifice so much of their personal lives, hopes, dreams and goals just to keep up with corporate pressured morebetterfaster. And tomorrow’s workforce won’t. - Bill Jensen
Their boots were black and shiny and your treasures gleamed like stars,Bones from deep down in the fertile crescent. - John Darnielle
We merely want to live in peace with all the world, to trade with them, to commune with them, to learn from their culture as they may learn from ours, so that the products of our toil may be used for our schools and our roads and our churches and not for guns and planes and tanks and ships of war. - Dwight D. Eisenhower
I can never do justice to the great feeling of amazement and encouragement I felt when, perhaps for the first time in American history, white citizens of a Southern state banded together to come to Selma and show their indignation about the injustices against the African-Americans. - Amelia Boynton Robinson
Each to their own reality - T. Donaldson
When people have no other tyrant, their own public opinion becomes one. - Edward Bulwer-Lytton
Outstanding leaders appeal to the hearts of their followers - not their minds.
Sometimes, you can be more than enough for someone, but they choose not to be in your life. Always remember that Satan works hard to keep people miserable by feeding their fears, so they stay in their comfort zone. The truth is some people value what is predictable, more than chemistry. - Shannon L. Alder
The beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of those depths. - Elisabeth Kübler-Ross
I tell people not to be afraid of their fears; because their fears are not there to scare them, they're there to let them know that something is worth it. Yet I am often afraid. I guess that means in my life, lots of things have been worth it! - C. JoyBell C.
... And these childrenthat you spit onas they try to change their worldsare immune to your consultations.They're quite awareof what they're going through... - David Bowie
They outnumbered me, and I was worsted and under their feet; but, as yet, I was not dead. - Charlotte Brontë
Attractive souls are different than beautiful souls. Attractive souls take care of their outward appearance for appearance sake. Beautiful souls care for themselves inwardly and outwardly, so they can be of value to themselves and to others. - Toni Sorenson
THE BEST people are the good old wrinkled people with a sparkle in their eye, a wink when you walk by or a toothless smile saying you are doing just fine ... - Robert Wesley Miller
From their experience or from the recorded experience of others (history), men learn only what their passions and their metaphysical prejudices allow them to learn. - Aldous Huxley
I'd rather work with someone who's good at their job but doesn't like me, than someone who likes me but is a ninny. - Sam Donaldson
Those who agree with us may not be right, but we admire their astuteness. - Cullen Hightower
But search the land of living men, Wher wilst thou find their like again.
God wanted us to do something, and we went the bad way. Then he said "No!, I am not going to lose what I want done!, So I'm gonna save this people and restore their dreams back to them"! - Israelmore Ayivor
Miracles' rely on their observer’s ignorance. 'Perfection' relies on the observer’s failure to notice the observed’s defects. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Unsuccessful people think the end justifies the means. Successful people understand that the means justifies the end; if the means isn't available, the end can wait. Successful people simply cut their coat according to their size, then grow by increasing their size. - Asuni LadyZeal
As I see, 90%+ (and not less than that) of people go about their lives living 90%+ (and not less) of a lie. choose a different way and live the least truth you might be. - Mphezulu Xetho Dainamyk
...Don't insult readers by questioning the extent of their imaginations. Most need only to be nudged to solve a good mystery. - Peggy Kopman-Owens
I hope that, whatever happens within the publishing industry, because of the increased control writers have of their own careers, better sales information and the advent of the internet, that ultimately this change in our working environment will be a change for the better. - Sara Sheridan
The best writers I've read possess oodles of self-doubt, yet claw their way up with each work and remain humble. Boastful ones, not so much. - Don Roff
Understanding is a three edged sword: your side, their side, and the truth. - J. Michael Straczynski
It is chiefly through books that we enjoy intercourse with superior minds, and these invaluable means of communication are in the reach of all. In the best books, great men talk to us, give us their most precious thoughts, and pour their souls into ours.
Dream delivers us to dream, and there is no end to illusion. Life is like a train of moods like a string of beads, and, as we pass through them, they prove to be many-colored lenses which paint the world their own hue. . . . - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Without your stories, without your heroes and their awesome powers, how could you explain this, this here, this incomprehensible real that ever refuses to embrace any rule, any cliché besides the intransigent, pathetic truth that we all end, that no one comes back. - Tom King
Helping a parent makes you their child, helping a sibling makes you a brother or a sister, helping a friend makes you a good friend, but helping a stranger; that is what makes you human - Evy Michaels
When they are gay, the waves echo their gaiety; but when they are sad, then every breaker, as it rolls, seems to bring additional sadness, and to speak to us of hopelessness and of the pettiness of all our joys. - Emmuska Orczy
Those who do not know how to weep with their whole heart don't know how to laugh either - Golda Meir
When you care for someone, you don't ruin their life! - Gaelen Foley
Sometimes you have to love people from a distance and give them the space and time to get their minds right before you let them back into your life. - Robert Tew
In my own book-signings, I find humility. It’s always humbling when people go out of their way to come visit with me and by some of my books. - Nicholas Trandahl
The love of money leads many humans to humiliate themselves but this isn't as bad as their disdain towards the poorest. - Daniel Marques
Many want to take care their wallet but I think that is not so important if You are not Happy - Jan Jansen
Books tell you more about their owners than the owners do. - A.M. Homes
Even though everything today is available at a click of a mouse still, the smell of a book and its feel makes the experience of reading very special and personal. It is more tangible and I urge all youngsters to read a lot as it will also broaden their horizons. - Shallu Jindal
We are masters of our characters and in turn, slaves of their outgrowth. - Mohammed Ali Bapir
When at 15, my girlfriends started dropping out of their beloved sports teams, because they didn’t want to appear muscle-y, when at 18, my male friends were unable to express their feelings, I decided that I was a feminist. - Emma Watson
Normally, children learn to gauge rather accurately from the tone of their parent's voice how seriously to take his threats. Of course, they sometimes misjudge and pay the penalty.
As fast as laws are devised, their evasion is contrived. - German Proverb
Money - you demolish cities, root men from their homes, you train and twist good minds and set them on to the most atrocious schemes. No limit, you make them adept at every kind of outrage, every godless crime - money - Sophocles (trans. Robert Fagles)
The sound of life, Everyone has got their own song playing in the background of their life , some has melody and some has depressing music and some extra ordinary people are standing their choosing the type of music that they want to play - Be that kind of people. - Alamvusha
Wind is the sacred music of the leaves; wherever and whenever the wind blows, over there leaves start their holy dancing frantically! - Mehmet Murat ildan
In pursuit of your Purpose, don't miss the plot by concentrating on making money. Rather focus on helping people by presenting solutions to their problems for it is a guaranteed route to making money in the future. - Oscar Bimpong
Few men during their lifetime come anywhere near exhausting the resources dwelling within them. There are deep wells of strength that are never used.
Most are engaged in business the greater part of their lives, because the soul abhors a vacuum and they have not discovered any continuous employment for man's nobler faculties. - Henry David Thoreau
The arrangements that couples make in order to maintain civility in the midst of their journey to divorce are often most elaborate when the professed top priority is to protect a child. - John Irving
Both oligarch and tyrant mistrust the people, and therefore deprive them of their arms. - Aristotle
I see a lot of people complaining about the things they can fix, and a lot of people being accepting of the things they cannot change. Maybe tragedy really is the catastrophic event, for the way people view their lives. I would rather be wise, than nieve. - Nikki Rowe
They have, and bring with them, that upper-body strength. They have apparently developed that in their childhood and growing up, and they've further advanced in that regard.
Men marry for the womb. Women marry for their tummy. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Some people will try to condemn you to the prison of their bullshit. They tell you they want a soulmate, but they're actually creating a cellmate. - Steve Maraboli
Like some wondrous birds out of fairy tales, books sang their songs to me and spoke to me as though communing with one languishing in prison; they sang of the variety and richness of life, of man’s audacity in his strivings towards goodness and beauty. - Maxim Gorky
A man works for his own dreams but a great man works for their dreams. - Deshwal Sachin
A good writer must be like the birds of a dark forest; you can’t see them, but you can hear their mysterious and wise voices! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Humans are the only animals that have children on purpose with the exception of guppies, who like to eat theirs. - P. J. O'Rourke
For their menstrual cycle, women subconsciously want to punish men. - Daya Kudari
Unexamined wallpaper is classroom practices and institutional policies that are so entrenched in school culture or a teacher's paradigm that their ability to affect student learning is never probed. - Richard Elmore
Their silence is sufficient praise. - Terence
Questions of absolute good and evil are much better not opened to public debate these days, when so few people are sure of their absolutes - Sidney Howard
At times,trust is bound to be broken,promises are bound not to be kept,hearts are bound to be hurt,mistakes are bound to be make.You are also bound to meet a person at their worst in order for you to confirm that you want to be part of their lives. - Nomthandazo Tsembeni
Home was never a dream for homeless people as they used to have their homes. Living in a home was their reality. Now we need to help them to find the lost-reality again. - Munia Khan
Ancient lovers believed a kiss would literally unite their souls, because the spirit was said to be carried in one's breath. - Eve Glicksman
Do not fuck with gun nuts because they are nuts about their guns. - Bill Maher
Never be afraid to offer a smile; sure the risk is that a few foolish people may misinterpret your kindness as weakness, but the reward in their error be that at least they cannot blame you because you did show your teeth. - Johnnie Dent Jr.
Bodies have their own light which they consume to live: they burn, they are not lit from the outside. - Egon Schiele
Men are mere mortals but their quest for knowledge leads them to the brink of immortality. - Grace Willows
They do not discover anything new after that, they only learn how to understand better and better the secret entrusted to them at the outset; their creative effort goes into an unending exegesis, a commentary on that one couplet of poetry assigned to them. - Bruno Schulz
There's a race of men that don't fit in, A race that can't sit still;So they break the hearts of kith and kin, And they roam the world at will.They range the field and rove the flood, And they climb the mountain's crest; Their's is the curse of the gypsy blood, And they don't know how to rest. - Robert W. Service
Animal fight to defend their bodies. Humans curse to defend their imagination of themselves. - Devdutt Pattanaik
Those who were known as sultans and emperors are gone to dust. Their palaces are now known as ruins. This is ultimate power and commands of nature. - Aditya Ajmera
Californians invented the concept of life-style. This alone warrants their doom. - Don DeLillo
Jedi act with confidence, move with confidence, and breathe with confidence. Jedi possess a confident calmness in their looks, attitude andbehaviour. - Stephen Richards
Unlike world I don't judge the people from their first impression. - Singh Rajiv
Leaders do what ought to be done whether their deeds are known by thousands or known by no one. - Orrin Woodward
Talk like an ambassador (Eph 4:29-30). 1)Consider the person ("only what is helpful for building others up")2) Consider the problem ("according to their needs")3) Consider the process ("that it may benefit those who listen") - Timothy S. Lane
If all the rich people in the world divided up their money among themselves there wouldn't be enough to go around. - Christina Stead
Those who are unhappy have no need for anything in this world but people capable of giving them their attention. - Simone Weil
He was a genius - that is to say, a man who does superlatively and without obvious effort something that most people cannot do by the uttermost exertion of their abilities. - Robertson Davies
Democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security, or the rights of property; have in general been as short in their lives as they are violent in their deaths. - James Madison
Authenticity matters little, though--our willingness to accept legends depends far more upon their expression of concepts we want to believe than upon their plausibility. - David P. Mikkelson
Close friends are truly life's treasures. Sometimes they know us better than we know ourselves. With gentle honesty, they are there to guide and support us, to share our laughter and our tears. Their presence reminds us that we are never really alone. - Vincent Van Gogh
If seen from the outside, our lives are like leaves from the trees that seem to just feel the blows of the wind outside. But they have their life of their own so long as they are attached to the tree. An eye of introspection can make miracles happen for each one of us. - Taranpreet Singh
Saul and Jonathan were lovely and pleasant in their lives, and in their death they were not divided. - Bible
Too often, people are trying to fill the God-size hole in their heart with a person instead of God. A person is too small and too imperfect andwill never be able to do it. Once God fills it, then there's plenty of room for the right person. - Laurel Hawkes
The way we talk to our children becomes their inner voice. - Peggy O'Mara
A majority of the people do not actually lend their support to the authority, but just repay the debt to the favour received from her/him. - Anuj Somany
Everybody sells something to somebody every day, whether it’s a product, a service or just a case of making sure that they get their own way. - Chris Murray
The psychology shows that one can do GOOD things to the others, but not so much to make others look BETTER than oneself. So, a person who is being often liked by many or most people in his/her circle has to best and first understand their true intention behind admiration and adulation. - Anuj Somany
The best thing parents can do for their children is allow them to be who they were born to be. - Nancy Arroyo Ruffin
If men could regard the events of their own lives with more open minds, they would frequently discover that they did not really desire the things they failed to obtain. - André Maurois
They cannot hurt you; their active participation, the enthusiasm in their willingness to try, proves their natural affinity and disposition to ruin, chaos, and sabotage.Some do not learn you to earn you, they learn you to burn you. - Justin K. McFarlane Beau
Life is a random sequence of actions and reactions of people’s preferences and decisions they take to achieve their preferences. - Vivek Thangaswamy
Smart people still enjoy wide open spaces, much more even than their less bright neighbors, but when they hang with friends they're less happy. One theory as to why is that they feel like they're wasting time. - Satoshi Kanazawa
These heads sheltered by umbrellas be they of Zeb-un-Nisa, or Catherine of Cleopatra or Fenichka live with their own stories - Suman Pokhrel
Legends are covertly gallant; Enthusiasm covers their sweats. - Aniekee Tochukwu Ezekiel
You love someone despite all their flaws. You love someone despite the fact that they have made mistakes. You love someone because you care about them - Aria from The Curse of Everwood by B. V. Taylor
He enables [his children] to walk before him; he holds their hand in difficulties; he himself carries them along in hardships that he sees as being otherwise unbearable to them. - Francis de Sales
The challenge is quite formidable if you spell it out explicitly: artists must look at a three-dimensional scene with their two-dimensional retinas and then generate a two-dimensional painting that appears three-dimensional to viewers who look at it with their two-dimensional retinas. - Margaret S. Livingstone
Love and translation look alike in their grammar. To love someone implies transforming their words into ours. Making an effort to understand the other person and, inevitably, to misinterpret them. To construct a precarious language together. - Andrés Neuman
Set a goal. A personal goal. Then achieve it. Forget about what others say. Their opinion does not count. Just do it. - Denise Mansfield Bradberry
Man is a culture, nothing but a culture! Question your culture! Just like monkeys picking lice from their skin, get rid of the stupidities in your culture! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Indentured servitude is banned, but what about students seeking to sell shares of their future earnings in exchange for money up front to pay for their college tuitions? - Robert B. Reich
They want us to cower in fear, to strengthen their stranglehold on us by silencing ourselves. - DaShanne Stokes
There are some bad people on the rise;they're saving their own skins by ruining people's lives. - Morrissey
Words, with their multiple meanings and nuances are like trees and oral communication like a forest. Trees are good for hiding, forest for losing the path. When one is trying to contemplate the horizon of illusion and reality, trees and forests can offer no help. - R. N. Prasher
Books have a way of finding their way into our lives, usually, right when we need them the most. - Richard P. Denney
Little girls think it's necessary to put all their business on MySpace and Facebook, and I think it's a shame...I'm all about mystery. - Stevie Nicks
Everyone has it's own great triumph, has he own story with sadness, madness and reverses. That's how we are build, few are the people which share their story, most cases because of shame. - Deyth Banger
Cynicism is extremely contagious, and the most pious among us cannot long endure its potency. The gullible should be on their guard, however, since this endearing quality frequently masquerades as wit. - Mike Corbett
Once people learned how to believe in something, that skill started spilling over to other parts of their lives, until they started believing they could change. Belief was the ingredient that made a reworked habit loop into a permanent behavior. - Charles Duhigg
If, after all, men cannot always make history have a meaning, they can always act so that their own lives have one. - Albert Camus
So many parents think they always need to teach their children about life, when in fact, if they listened once in a while, they would learn from their kids what life is truly about. - Martin R. Lemieux
A useful definition of liberty is obtained only by seeking the principle of liberty in the main business of human life, that is to say, in the process by which men educate their responses and learn to control their environment. - Walter Lippmann
You know what the issue is with this world? Everyone wants some magical solution to their problem and everyone refuses to believe in magic. - Lewis Carroll
I've heard many say "I'll sell my soul to the Devil"in hopes of gaining money, power or fame.Why do they think that they have that much worth over any other person?And the Devil if there is one wouldn't simply wait for them to condemn themselves on their own - Stanley Victor Paskavich
If you can only do one thing today, choose to help someone in need. There are many who are less fortunate. Take some time to lend a helping hand. You will be surprised by how much you will uplift their spirit. - Amaka Imani Nkosazana
Everybody in the world ought to care for books, and if there are some who do not, why that is a perfectly convincing reason why books ought to be given to them, to be a rebuke to them and, perchance, to rescue them from the error of their ways. - Willis Johnson
People who understand the dark understand the universe,and therefor they can connect their soul so life can give them the uplifting mystic it has. - Royal Cromwell
And then they bid their final goodbye which marked the end of their story. And beginning of two new stories. - Crestless Wave
Memories are those endless treasures, which we can keep exploring till eternity and bask in their glory like a slow swinging hammock! - Balroop Singh
Americans cannot realize how many chances for mental improvement they lose by their inveterate habit of keeping six conversations when there are twelve in the room. - Ernest Dimnet
We cherish reprobates, not for their cruelty, but for their little show of patronage. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Every writer should know their target. Aim for the heart ~ hit that and all which follows is sheer ecstasy. - Muse
Every civilization depends on the quality of the individuals it produces. If you over-organize humans, over-legalize them, suppress their urge to greatness-- they cannot work and their civilization collapses - Frank Herbert
They throw their stones at you not expecting that you would catch them with a smile. But a wise soul knows that what life throws at you today, is only preparing you for a stronger tomorrow. After all, you can't build a castle without first laying down its foundations... - Seja Majeed
Thought: everyone had their own thought, but those who writes had their own view and people make several views on that one view. Its not fair, he who thinks only can describe what the reality is not by others. - Nutan Bajracharya
You can't know people, only their names. - Marty Rubin
Even the proud in all their boasting, must fall silent before the wise. - Justin K. McFarlane Beau
An undaunted author, is the one who will succeed. There is no misfortune, that can dim their optimism. - Mary Sage Nguyen
And that's the point; not even girls want to be girls so long as our feminine archetype lacks force, strength and power. Not wanting to be girls, they don't want to be tender, submissive, peace-loving as good women are. Women's strong qualities have become despised because of their week ones. - Jill Lepore
Yet high over the city our line of yellow windows must have contributed their share of human secrecy to the casual watcher in the darkening streets, and I was him too, looking up and wondering. - Scott F. Fitzgerald
Alcohol is a very necessary article... It makes life bearable to millions of people who could not endure their existence if they were quite sober. It enables Parliament to do things at eleven at night that no sane person would do at eleven in the morning. - George Bernard Shaw
When someone is giving you their theology, their God words, you should listen hard and be very gentle. The time to deliver your God words is when you are asked. - Gordon Atkinson
Always remember, animals can intimidate men with their strength but men cannot intimidate animals with their intelligence. - Amit Kalantri
Pensive they sit, and roll their languid eyes. - John Keats
One moment people should learn that they must find their answers not to ask but to find. In real life you can't always ask, if you are ask you show how much stupid are you really! - Deyth Banger
A man's power is in the half-light, in the half-seen movements of his hand and the unguessed-at expression of his face. It is the absence of facts that frightens people: the gap you open, into which they pour their fears, fantasies, desires. - Hilary Mantel
The Protestants believe in the higher power through the truth they derive from the word of God. They got to know the truth and that truth set them free and they took the truth to the society and set their whole generation free. - Sunday Adelaja
to split the very sea into ours and theirs." Border at the BeachAnd More White Sheets - Eileen Granfors
Cowards die many times before their deaths; The valiant never taste of death but once. - William Shakespeare
If a country successfully translate the principles of truth and honesty into their social life, then that country experiences peace, tranquillity and serenity. - Sunday Adelaja
We all have very different musical DNA, and we all follow different musical paths. Yet there is a unifying quality about rock'n'roll that helps instill confidence and hope in millions of fans at times in their lives when little else makes sense. - Robert Hilburn
I try to make the music give people a chance to become engrossed with what they hear enough to possibly experience things they've probably experienced on their own but don't normally let themselves go so as to feel them fully. - Oliver
The humble listen to their brothers and sisters because they assume they have something to learn. They are open to correction, and they become wiser through it. - Thomas Dubay
Discerning the difference between a dictator and a leader is quite easy. The former cannot help but see ‘leading’ and ‘serving’ as stark contradictions that by their very nature are utterly incompatible. The latter can’t tell the difference - Craig D. Lounsbrough
People fail to love unconditionally because as soon as their perception of you changes so does their behavior. - Karen L. Fleming
Essentially, almost all humans are born with a fear of the unknown. It casts a pall of anxiety which pushes us into the arms of religions and soothsayers and their made-up answers. - Mario Stinger
Love others, not because they deserve your love, but because you want to win their heart to create enduring peace. - Debasish Mridha
People who succeed in business aren't afraid to hear feedback from their customers -- they actually thrive from it. - Adam Smith
People are afraid of knowledge that is not yet theirs. - Madeleine L'Engle
Marxists are people whose insides are torn up day after day because they want to rule the world and no one will even publish their letter to the editor.
Its like people care more abput their pride than about what's correct, about the truth. - Terry Pratchett
There are those who will resent you for not being confined by their limitations. - Wayne Gerard Trotman
Let all the green leaves be mineas long as the trees define shades created by their limbsfor the soil made with victimsof atrocity's vileness to redeem the fragileness - Munia Khan
People, like nails, lose their effectiveness when they lose direction and begin to bend.
Big houses are not build by big or powerful men but rather by ambitious and determined men. Their achievements make them big/powerful men - Amen Muffler
As jealousy entered, trust left... and their dream of a relationship began to wither into a nightmare... a nightmare in which love just wasn't enough. - Steve Maraboli
No matter how knowledgeable you are, respect your parents for their experience and your children for their curiosity. - Amit Kalantri
When I encourage someone, I see it as an investment in their resilience. - Steve Karagiannis
We must teach our children to dream with their eyes open. - Harry Edwards
Some women had more penises in their mouth than men had kisses in theirs but it's a relationship that clarifies their worth. - Kent Lamarc
When people don't tell you the truth what they really are saying is they don't value you or their relationship with you enough to be honest. - Shannon L. Alder
Few can foresee whither their road will lead them, till they come to its end. - J. R. R. Tolkien
Material and technical changes are mostly quite visible. But less visible are the changes in the mind of the people, their way of thinking, their conception of the world and the quality of their fears. ("Horizon and Vision" ) - Erik Pevernagie
I may be a famous writer but when white people clinch to their wallet and stare at me with scorn I need to ask my skin why. - Daniel Marques
Minds of moderate caliber ordinarily condemn everything which is beyond their range. - Francois De La Rochefoucauld
I meet many a man, working ridiculous house for a wage that merely adds to their happiness, and if man can be so pre-occupied in waking for another's dream; than my experience has taught me one thing, the magic of our world exists in those who create alchemy from the dirt they have been shoved upon. - Nikki Rowe
Cockiness is a display of an empty lifestyle, humility is when you see yourself as a zero while others are making you their hero. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Even the greatest fool can accomplish a task if it were after hisor her heart. But the intelligent ones are those who can convert every work into one that suits their taste - Derric Yuh Ndim
There is no such thing as phD in swag. Only uni. After learning the principles of swag, one must do their own individual trainibg to increase horizons of their 4 elements of swag. Then comes controlling the swag count that's is released from within. - Batuhan Ibal
Never put a single thought of weakness in the flourishing minds of the children. Fill them up with vigour and compassion, for their character will define the future of the entire human species. - Abhijit Naskar
Anyone who offers their heart on a silver platter deserves what they get. - Holly Black
Men love liberty because it protects them from control and humiliation from others, and thus affords them the possibility of dignity. They loathe liberty because it throws them back on their own abilities and resources, and thus confronts them with the possibility of insignificance. - Thomas Szasz
Men of the noblest dispositions think themselves happiest when others share their happiness with them.
People can have the best of intentions when they tell their loved ones how they should be living their lives. But often times, when we are in struggle, we are seeking to be supported, not solved. - Jaeda DeWalt
The steady soul and the ego pretender / walk with their arms round each other's shoulders / through the mirage. - Jay Woodman
Familiar words for dead black boys portrayed as complicit in their own demise. Michael Donald's body had been hanged on a Mobile street, and the police were doing the same thing to his name. - Ravi Howard
The opinions of souls are their state of being. Dwell on your own sacred thoughts. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Perseverance....It sometimes makes you look like a foolWorking at something that that doesn't look cool.Never mind if people mock you from their stoolWhen you are enthroned they will drool! - Manuela George-Izunwa
Because you can't argue with all the fools in the world. It's easier to let them have their way, then trick them when they're not paying attention. - Christopher Paolini
I'm the least confident person in so many ways. But I believed that if somebody gave me the chance to tell a story, I would tell a story [well enough] that the person who gave me the chance would get their money back. - Joss Whedon
Occasionally in life there are those moments of unutterable fulfillment which cannot be completely explained by those symbols called words. Their meanings can only be articulated by the inaudible language of the heart. - Martin Luther King Jr.
I've often heard people say, Your country is beautiful, a virtual paradise. When will the people of Indonesia be as beautiful as their land, with a civilization and culture that contributes to the greater beauty of humankind and no longer smothers and strangles the mind? - Pramoedya Ananta Toer
I don't understand why asking people to eat a well-balanced vegetarian diet is considered drastic, while it is medically conservative to cut people open and put them on cholesterol lowering drugs for the rest of their lives. - Dean Ornish
There are two types of people in life when it comes to their careers: people who visualize, and people who imitate. The people who visualize paint their own vision of what their mark is in the world, while the people who imitate can only see what the visualizers want them to. - Ingrid Nkenlifack
[Americans] have realized many things for which the rest of the world is still struggling...[yet] the civilization and the morals of the Americans fall far below their own principles. - Harriet Martineau
When a man feels throbbing within him the power to do what he undertakes as well as it can possibly be done, and all of his faculties say "amen" to what he is doing, and give their unqualified approval to his efforts, - this is happiness, this is success. - Orison Swett Marden
I AM NOT A WRITER.My characters simply commandeer my fingertips, writing their own destinies. - T.N. Suarez
Those who love you, you are living in their love. Those who hate you, them, you have to love. - Debasish Mridha
It was a shield that was meant to be broken only for each other ... Because this world was not their perception of their soul... Until they found the mirror of their reflection in each other... K.K - Konstantinos Kyriakou.K.K
Be mindful of those who take credit for your success or blame you for their failures. - Russell Eric Dobda
Holocaust survivors and their descendants are supposed to hate those who oppressed and killed them and their people. Black people are not. This is how anti-blackness works. - Darnell Lamont Walker
Life can be a waste by jesting and joking away their time. - Sunday Adelaja
All these uses a valid; all these reading of the book are "correct". For all these readers have placed themselves inside this story, not as spectators, but as participants, and so have looked at the world of Ender's Game, not with my eyes only, but also with their own. - Orson Scott Card
Is it a time for you, you I say, to dwell in your roofed-in houses?' (Haggai 1:4). The reply might have been that it was unreasonable to expect anyone to live in a roofless house, but the question made its point. What worth did they set on their God, when they left His Temple in ruins? - Joyce G. Baldwin
If parents were as concerened about raising their children as they are about the outcome of their sitcom or sports game, this nation would thrive. - Benjamin Lotter
Don't worry about people stealing an idea. If it's original, you will have to ram it down their throats. - Howard Aiken
I have no objection to the expression of political opinions in SF if they are an integral part of the story structure. I don't at all appreciate their intrusion for the purpose of converting a story into a political tract, because I consider that intellectually insulting. - Roger Zelazny
Men are allowed to have passion and commitment for their work ... a woman is allowed that feeling for a man, but not her work. - Barbra Streisand
Let those who wish have their respectability- I wanted freedom, freedom to indulge in whatever caprice struck my fancy, freedom to search in the farthermost corners of the earth for the beautiful, the joyous, and the romantic. - Richard Halliburton
Those who seek consolation in existing churches often pay for their peace of mind with a tacit agreement to ignore a great deal of what is known about the way the world works. - Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
If you change your words to positive reinforcement, the negative reactions will lose their power - Bluenscottish
Nobody sees anybody truly but all through the flaws of their own egos. That is the way we all see each other in life."[As quoted in Elia Kazan's autobiography, A Life (1988)] - Tennessee Williams
I was raised right I talk about people behind their backs. It's called manners. - Kathy Griffin
Children naturally believe without question and absorb knowledge at an incredible rate; since there is no other frame of reference; they believe their parental reality, true or false. - David W. Earle
The reason most people never reach their goals is that they don’t define them, or ever seriously consider them as believable or achievable. Winners can tell you where they are going, what they plan to do along the way, and who will be sharing the adventure with them. - Denis Waitley
Pray for "all men." We usually pray more for things than we do for men. Our prayers should be thrown across their pathway as they rush in their downward course to a lost eternity. - E.M.Bounds
The expenses of government, having for their object the interests of all, should be borne by every one, and the more a man enjoys the advantages of society, the more he ought to hold himself honoured in contributing to these expenses. - Anne-Robert-Jacques Turgot
[I]t is something that comes up as a struggle in me. It especially came up when I was about 16 or 17. In high school people think you have to be so macho. People get attacked just because someone insinuates something about their sexuality. I think that’s gruesome. - Green Day
Any marriage can last forever, as long as both partners remain committed to their vows. - Gugu Mona
No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD. - Isaiah 54 17 KJV
Create a good idea and leave it in the darkness; you will then see that people will come with the candles in their hands to find it, because just like the bad, the good has also a special scent! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Good people eat all their veggies and all the fruits, but they still have good grades. I call this, Freakonomics."- Pazandak - Adam
The possibility of truth has become a delusion to those who made their own disguise the truth. - Nema Al-Araby
By the time the Somnambulist had set her creaking bones to rest on their assigned landing pad, Holden had lost all patience with human stupidity.So, of course, it came out to meet him. - James S.A. Corey
Kind words do not cost much. They never blister the tongue or lips. They make other people good-natured. They also produce their own image on men's souls, and a beautiful image it is. - Blaise Pascal
The decisions of the courts on economic and social questions depend on their economic and social philosophy. - Theodore Roosevelt
Many buy gadgets they don’t really need, with money they don’t have, for people they don’t actually care for, while infringing their corporeal and financial capacities, in order to pay doctors and psychiatrists.( "Keeping up with the Joneses") - Erik Pevernagie
True teachers are those who use themselves as bridges over which they invite their students to cross; then, having facilitated their crossing, joyfully collapse, encouraging them to create theirown. - Nikos Kazantzakis
Let others see their own greatness when looking in your eyes. - Mollie Marti
When a leader is at their limit the last thing they want to hear is that they need to change even more. Maintaining good rhythms of rest, exercise and fun create more energy for a leader to be willing and open for change. - Gary Rohrmayer
It's better to find success through God, than finding it on one's own merits; some who usually find their own success become boastful, where through God it's with gratitude. - Anthony Liccione
It is unrealistic to assume that if all goes well in a child's life, he or she will be happy. Happiness is not something one can ask of a child. Children suffer in a way that adults don't always realize under the pressure their parents put on them to be happy. - Adam Phillips
some people fall right through the hole in their lives. It's invisible, but they come to it after time, never knowing where. - Louise Erdrich
When any two young people take it into their heads to marry, they are pretty sure by perseverance to carry their point, be they ever so poor, or ever so imprudent, or ever so little likely to be necessary to each other's ultimate comfort. - Jane Austen
... From want of foresight men make changes which relishing well at first do not betray their hidden venom, as I have already observed respecting hectic fever. Nevertheless, the ruler is not truly wise who cannot discern evils before they develop themselves, and this is a faculty given to few. - Niccolò Machiavelli
Unless their use by readers bring them to life, books are indeed dead things. - Lawrence Clark Powell
Real women fight for something, other than their own emotions. - Shannon L. Alder
If Jesus had been killed twenty years ago, Catholic school children would be wearing little electric chairs around their necks instead of crosses. - Lenny Bruce
He had not even the self-complacency that enables stupid people to accept their mediocrity with unction; he had on the contrary an engaging modesty. - W. Somerset Maugham
Openness is also an acceptance that just as you have the inherent right to create your life as you see fit, so others have the same right with their own lives, even if their design differs from yours greatly. - Stephen Richards
Fear is the number one reason why people never live up to their potential. - Jeff Smith
Dollar bill: people spend their whole life seeking to earn it, but won't spend 10 minutes seeking to learn it. - Orrin Woodward
Children don't understand, when things aren't given. The single parent struggling to provide; how they sacrifice themselves, by sweeping their dreams and goals under the table, just to bring bread and beans on the table. - Anthony Liccione
Many people support, online or offline, a person not out of respect but because of the fact that if s/he does not remain in that high position, then they will also lose their chance of making livelihood. - Anuj Somany
Walk with the dreamers, the believers, the courageous, the cheerful, the planners, the doers, the successful people with their heads in the clouds and their feet on the ground. Let their spirit ignite a fire within you to leave this world better than when you found it... - Wilferd Peterson
Centrally planned economies are upended by out of control population. Their escape valve is eugenics. - A.E. Samaan
To say something nice about yourself, this is the hardest thing in the world for people to do. They'd rather take their clothes off. - Nancy Friday
Buying books would be a good thing if one could also buy the time to read them in: but as a rule the purchase of books is mistaken for the appropriation of their contents.
Wikipedia is a non-profit. It was either the dumbest thing I ever did or the smartest thing I ever did. Communities can build amazing things, but you have to be part of that community and you can't abuse them. You have to be very respectful of what their needs are. - Jimmy Wales
When people talk about their great past they're usually trying to excuse the mediocre present. - Terry Pratchett
No, there is plenty wrong with Negroes. They have no society. They’re robots, automatons. No minds of their own. I hate to say that about us, but it’s the truth. They are a black body with a white brain. - Malcolm X
If taxation without consent is not robbery, then any band of robbers have only to declare themselves a government, and all their robberies are legalized. - Lysander Spooner
This is part of the answer to the riddle ofchildhood unhappiness: their minds need, and deserve, a whole world of utterly unfenceable freedom where everything has othering, everything is radiant with the possibilities ofelseness. - Jay Griffeths
Only people who are capable of loving strongly can also suffer great sorrow, but this same necessity of loving serves to counteract their grief and heals them. - Leo Tolstoy
Your friend Plato holds that commonwealths will only be happy when either philosophers rule or rulers philosophize: how remote happiness must appear when philosophers won't even deign to share their thoughts with kings. - Thomas More
Don't let others box you into their idea of what they think you should be. A confined identity is a miserable way to exist. Be you and live free. Trust that in living true to yourself, you will attract people that support and love you, just as you are. - Jaeda DeWalt
A leaders gentle reaction and sound instruction are their greatest weapons. - Gary Rohrmayer
But when you cared about someone, you made sacrifices. You put their happiness first. - Sabrina James
I wonder how appropriate it is to try to 'argue someone into the kingdom.' Many apologists hotly deny any such charge, but I don't believe them. The tenor of almost all apologetics literature makes it plain that this is their intent. - Robert M. Price
Bird has to fly with their own wings; we have to think our own thoughts, find our own destiny. - Debasish Mridha
racism it's just a hideaway for ignorant people, they are just murderer for the freedom who beat the bushes to divide and destroy..there only a black hole in their skull that leading them to nowhere..(Ejump, 2016) - Ejump Schiffler
Cats don't need to be possessed; they're evil on their own. - Peter Kreeft
Words were his delight; Hers, a gay gracefulnessOf dancing and moving. But when to the place Of deep loving (Starlight at midnight)At last they came, Their full communion And consummation,Their complete sphere,Was stillness for her,Silence for him. - Theodore Spencer
Recognising our own mistakes helps us to empathise non-judgementally with others and helps enable us to understand their issues. - Jay Woodman
Pornography won’t be enough. Because it never is. Sooner or later, all niggers want to touch the real thing. All dogs want to smell and taste the true information. All artists want to make their fantasies reality. And everyone with a cock wants to use it to fall in love. - Peter Sotos
Very few tyrants argued for the slavery of the masses. Instead, they argued for their right to protect the people from themselves. - A.E. Samaan
I'd spent five minutes looking at Twitter once and felt I'd wandered into a poker game where everyone immediately displayed their hands against the cool green of the felt. - Jeff Abbott
There's more to a person than flesh. Judge others by the sum of their soul and you'll see that beauty is a force of light that radiates from the inside out. - Aaron Lauritsen
The people deny their past won’t have secure and strong future. - Ali Rezavand Zayeri
Practice makes perfect, but it doesn’t make new. The gifted learn to play magnificent Mozart melodies and beautiful Beethoven symphonies, but never compose their own original scores. - Adam Grant
Jesus Christ said 'by their fruits ye shall know them,' not by their disclaimers. - William S. Burroughs
It's not that I am not moved by these things, that I don't them in my life. But lately, their power has diminished." - 140 - Robin Romm
Every person will become three time child in their life.One when they are child, Second when they become parents and third when they become grandparents.It's never be gone. - Savan Solanki
Some writers need to sink in order to feel what their characters feel; in order to write their characters with the truest feeling possible. Those closest to those writers end up feeling the effects of that process. It takes a strong person to be with an emphatic writer. - Lori Goodwin
Do not do unto others as you would they should do unto you. Their tastes may not be the same. - George Bernard Shaw
When someone says you can't do something because of XYZ, is that true? Or are they playing with your life with their good intentions to keep you safe? - Richie Norton
Everyone is their own, though they are so alone. They all sit on their imagined thrones, made only of their own bones. Ego and pride make exquisite delusional cushions. - Hubert Martin
liberty, which means resisting all forms of cultural authoritarianism, be it from the right wing church, black ideologues, black nationalists, or mainstream white media. We have to accent liberty and freedom of expression and thought in all their forms. - Cornel West
People who have cut their teeth on philosophical problems of rationality, knowledge, perception, free will and other minds are well placed to think better about problems of evidence, decision making, responsibility and ethics that life throws up. - Simon Blackburn
Search others for their virtues, thyself for thy vices. - Benjamin Franklin
people are too quick to give their hearts away, i mean, be fearless; run wild into their arms, but for goodness sake know your worth. A being of wisdom knows their heart is the breath of their existence and only a honorable love deserves to feel it at its purest form. - Nikki Rowe
Wealth will always find their way out of societies where truth and honesty are not established into the societies where there are principles of honesty and truth. - Sunday Adelaja
Life had broken her; just as it had broken him. But when they got together, their pieces became whole. And they continued on their journey, together, mended as one. - Steve Maraboli
One of the hallmarks of great men is that they never make us conscious of their presence, instead they dwelve into our unconscious state and transform into conscious being! - Ramana Pemmaraju
When you encourage others, you boost their self-esteem, enhance their self-confidence, make them work harder, lift their spirits and make them successful in their endeavors. Encouragement goes straight to the heart and is always available. Be an encourager. Always. - Roy Bennett
A library implies an act of faith which generations, still in darkness hid, sign in their night in witness of the dawn."À qui la faute? (1872) - Victor Hugo
You must not hate those who do wrong or harmful things; but with compassion, you must do what you can to stop them for they are harming themselves, as well as those who suffer from their actions. - Dalai Lama XIV
Sometimes we will love people not for who they are, nor for what we gain from them but what they are. Those people that reflect a light. Those that make it easy to love, make us willing to give, and make us wanting to be in their presence. - Aisha Mirza
There are those who live and die giving love, without receiving any. And those who live life just taking, never giving. So the universe gives a boon to a few lucky souls: Who they love will love them back—all their lives. - Psyche Roxas-Mendoza
Success takes many forms. Most people strive for something unattainable without realizing that it's already theirs. - Lada Ray
If it is sensible to believe that a person becomes who s/he dreams to be, then it is also reasonable to ponder if the beggars and buggers dreamt to be who they are like in their lives. - Anuj Somany
The thing that breaks the heart of God and makes him to cry out of frustration for his men and their whereabouts is when equity has been squeezed out of the public square - Sunday Adelaja
The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight, but they while their companions slept, were toiling upward in the night. - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
They blame the low income women for ruining the country because they are staying home with their children and not going out to work. They blame the middle income women for ruining the country because they go out to work and do not stay home to take care of their children. - Ann Richards
The children of the 1960's that you call the 'Manson Family' wanted to stop a war and turn the government and world to peace. They gave their lives when they took lives and they knew it. - Charles Manson
For me, time does not seem to pass; rather, it surrounds me. Thus I do not feel removed from memories, nor do they lose their intensity. I have keen recollections not because I have a good memory—I simply retrieve them from the ether. When memories have no velocity, they are very much at hand. - Peter Ruperte Lighte
People who excuse their faults and claim they didn't deserved to be punished - there are lots of them. But those who don't excuse their faults and admit they didn't deserve to be spared - they are few. - Zhuangzi
Rahul had wondered how someone could love their beloved so much that their dedication to them became one of the wonders of the world. - Faraaz Kazi
It's beautiful when you realise how kind, tender, warm and big-hearted a person is that has suffered too much for their own good. - Diana Jaber
Keep your friends close, enemies closer. Takes little effort to drive a sharp knife through their hearts when they outlive their uselessness! - Akuku Mach Pep
The big corporations are suddenly taking notice of the web, and their reactions have been slow. Even the computer industry failed to see the importance of the Internet, but that's not saying much. Let's face it, the computer industry failed to see that the century would end. - Douglas Adams
Only solitary men know the full joys of frienship. Others have their family; but to a solitary and an exile, his friends are everything. - Willa Cather
I am grateful to those who have betrayed me… They thought they were just stabbing me in the back, but they were also cutting me free from their poisonous life. - Steve Maraboli
Black(people) hold onto their God just as the drunken man holds on to the street lamp post—for physical support only. - Tai Solarin
I think that the best thing we can do for our children is to allow them to do things for themselves, allow them to be strong, allow them to experience life on their own terms, allow them to take the subway... let them be better people, let them believe more in themselves. - C. JoyBell C.
Men are not punished for their sins, but by them. - Kin Hubbard
The most beautiful birds do not know how beautiful they are until they see their reflection in water. - Matshona Dhliwayo
People who do not eat butterflies will wear their clothes the wrong way, and people who wear their clothes the wrong way are inviting lemmings inside." -- Muzhduk the Ugli the Third - Alexander Boldizar
Give your Friends Roses while they are still alive; don't wait until their funeral.-Robert L. Biehl (my dad) - Bobb Biehl
The King had advertised the old magic tea set, but for some reason, no one wanted sugar teeth that could gouge their eyes out. - Heather Dixon
My greatest challenge is not what's happening at the moment, my greatest challenge was knocking Liverpool right off their fucking perch. And you can print that. - Alex Ferguson
Even the best bluffers must eventually lay their cards on the table. - Marty Rubin
If people let you down.Improve.You don't have to change for their entertainment. - Janeth Jacinto
Society teaches us that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. The bill of rights informs us that we have the right to keep it to ourselves. - Brian Randleas
Meaningful student involvement is the process of engaging students as partners in every facet of school change for the purpose strengthening their commitment to education, community & democracy. - Adam Fletcher
No parent should have to bury their child. - Theoden
I cannot marry the facts of William Shakespeare to his verse: Other men had led lives in some sort of keeping with their thought, but this man is in wide contrast. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Resignation is what kills people. Once they've rejected resignation, humans gain the privilege of making humanity their footpath. - Kohta Hirano
Arguably insane utility workers that blatantly harass law abiding customers is likely to become more frequent as the long term effects of biologically toxic radio frequency (RF) radiation exposures from their transmitting smart meters continues to emerge. - Steven Magee
But thy strong Hours indignant work’d their wills,And beat me down and marr’d and wasted me,And tho’ they could not end me, left me maim’dTo dwell in presence of immortal youth,Immortal age beside immortal youth,And all I was, in ashes. - Tithonus - Alfred Tennyson
The things we share with each other are deeply felt from within our hearts that neither of us will ever forget. For the gifts that are priceless are the ones that are heartfelt; their roots are within our soul. They are the greatest gifts, of all. - Ellen J. Barrier
Untraumatized people have a natural instinct to make healthy decisions in the best interest of their true selves. They are only limited by their immaturity and the brokenness of their external world. - Daniel Mackler
I loved a woman whose beauty Like the moon moved all the humming heavens to music till the stars with their tiny teeth burst into song and I fell on the ground before her while the sky hardened and she laughed and turned me down softly, I was so young. - Peter Meinke
Nine out of ten people who change their minds are wrong the second time too.
All our emotions are real, but one has to be quite cautious with what supports their reality. - Aleksandra Ninkovic
Not everyone takes action to harvest the experiences of the seasons of life in order to enjoy their bounty. - Andrea Goeglein
It is ashamed that history isolates things that are common to a large populace, but families don’t disperse generational history to prevent their descendants from falling in the same traps as they had. - Stephen and Tiffany Domena
Humans are mostly kind only to their own-self, and their own. To another being, they're mostly indifferent, if not inhumane. - Fakeer Ishavardas
Those who, while they disapprove of the character and measures of a government, yield to it their allegiance and support are undoubtedly its most conscientious supporters, and so frequently the most serious obstacles to reform. - Henry David Thoreau
The masks. that men have as faces, the outward shells they hold up for others to see while their minds shift in hidden directions" Discard 2 - Lois Charles
So many birds sitting around, on a dead wire, a bare branch, a cold ground, a drifting seashore; never realizing the glory in their wings and where it can take them, nor the envy as we look on them. - Anthony Liccione
Outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost the self esteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves it s amazing what they can accomplish. - Sam Walton
He turned his gaze upon her, and their eyes not only met, the pupils shook hands, exchanged business cards, and sat down for tea together. - John Moore
Those who don't know their history are defenseless against those determined to repeat it. - Ray A. Davis
Give up your relentless moralizing, the continual pinpricks which pierce the skin of your fellows. The distinction between good and evil is the sickness of the mind. Give up your morals, and the people will regain a love of their fellows.
Most men's awareness doesn't extend past their dinner plates. - Scott Westerfeld
One day the people of the world will want peaceso much that the governments will have to get outof their way and give it to them. - Dwight D. Eisenhower
Most people, probably, are in doubt about certain matters ascribed to their past. They may have seen them, may have said them, done them, or they may only have dreamed or imagined they did so. - William James
Men can know more than their ancestors did if they start with a knowledge of what their ancestors had already learned....That is why a society can be progressive only if it conserves its traditions. - Walter Lippmann
Good man are those who we have neglected because of their life time. - Uche Daniel Oluwaseun
P.S. It's not schizophrenia, it's creativity, there is a difference. My voices go away after I let them tell their stories. - Ashley Newell
heavily tattooed women can be said to control and subvert the ever-present 'male gaze' by forcing men (and women) to look at their bodies in a manner that exerts control. - Margo Demello
As a comedian, the more you commit the sin of stupidity, three essential things happen to your life:~people applaud you incessantly.~love you more than their parents.~give you a daily bread. - Michael Bassey Johnson
I do not understand when a person is more concerned with the appearance of their house than the state of their home. - Gillian Duce
History is not like some individual person, which uses men to achieve its ends. History is nothing but the actions of men in pursuit of their ends. - Karl Marx
We do not leave those whom we truly love. We only break the hearts of those whom we can tolerate their hurts and can move away from their pain" From "The Jasmine Tree: Love in the time of revolutions - Maha Khlaid
Empires do not suffer emptiness of purpose at the time of their creation. It is when they have become established that aims are lost and replaces by vague ritual. - Frank Herbert
O God, that man should put an enemy in their mouths to steal away their brains! - William Shakespeare
Most people see themselves a certain way their entire lives. When they go through a massive change, such as losing weight, they have to learn to see themselves in a new way. It is one of the biggest struggles her members deal with on their journey.
The historian without his facts is rootless and futile; the facts without their historian are dead and meaningless. - E. H. Carr
The difference between a novelist and someone who tinkers around with writing is this: novelists finish their books. - Nancy Etchemendy
If God grace can only come through slaughtering animals, then their is no need of god.No one is above t humanity. - Vikram Singh Slathia
When people will not weed their own minds, they are apt to be overrun by nettles. - Horace Walpole
Your children are the greatest gift God will give to you, and their souls the heaviest responsibility He will place in your hands. Take time with them, teach them to have faith in God. Be a person in whom they can have faith. When you are old, nothing else you've done will have mattered as much. - Lisa Wingate
We cannot let the future of our children be decided by their zip codes and family incomes. - Sharad Vivek Sagar
Australian Aborigines say that the big stories the stories worth telling and retelling, the ones in which you may find the meaning of your life are forever stalking the right teller, sniffing and tracking like predators hunting their prey in the bush. - Robert Moss
Few people are capable of expressing with equanimity opinions which differ from the prejudices of their social environment. Most people are even incapable of forming such opinions. - Albert Einstein
Those who face that which is actually before them, unburdened by the past, undistracted by the future, these are they who live, who make the best use of their lives; these are those who have found the secret of contentment. - Alban Goodier
It easeth some, though none it ever cured, to think their dolour others have endured. - William Shakespeare
By this marriage, all little jealousies, which now seem great , and all great fears, which now import their dangers would then be nothing. - William Shakespeare
Plainly it is not every error made by a witness which affects his credibility. In each case the trier of fact has to make an evaluation; taking into account such matters as the nature of the contradictions, their number and importance, and their bearing on other parts of the witness's evidence. - H.C. Nicholas
It is senseless to request to the most people to be true to their respective themselves. - Anuj Somany
The problem with defending the purity of the English language is that English is about as pure as a cribhouse whore. We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary. - James D. Nicoll
No people will tamely surrender their Liberties, nor can any be easily subdued, when knowledge is diffused and virtue is preserved. On the Contrary, when People are universally ignorant, and debauched in their Manners, they will sink under their own weight without the Aid of foreign Invaders. - Samuel Adams
What makes the Arabs suitable candidates for democracy is their heritage as human beings, not their specific cultural or historical antecedents. - Gwynne Dyer
P46- As long as the oppressed remain unaware of the causes of their condition, they fatalistically "accept" their exploitation. - Paulo Freire
You must understand: they fear you. There is nothing scarier in their minds than a girl who knows the power of her flames. - Nikita Gill
Harboring bitterness against people is actually confessing their sin to myself, over and over again. Anger is akin to confessing their sin to God, dissatisfied that he hasn't done something and placing myself in his position as judge. - Paul David Tripp
You learn to write by writing, and by reading and thinking about how writers have created their characters and invented their stories. If you are not a reader, don't even think about being a writer. - Jean M. Auel
You can’t argue with religious people; you can’t change their mind even if you prove them wrong. - M.F. Moonzajer
Never forget to love your enemies and pray for their well-being. - Debasish Mridha
People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and, if they can't find them, make them. - George Bernard Shaw
People are like stained glass windows; they sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is light within.
I don't care to be someone's first love, I care to be their second or third; after every heartbreak they had experienced, I was worthy enough for them to move forward and this to me is greater than any first's of someone's heart. - Nikki Rowe
Birds fly because they believe they can. All they have to do is open their wings and fly. You can too. - RVM
People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss Whedon
I think they're being cheap with their lives, that's why. So they seem ravenous for the worst thoughts I can have. - Gwendoline Riley
No one knows who they are more than someone who changes their identity (before I became a farmer, I was a leadership coach). - M.C. Humphreys
The truth is that every true admirer of the novels cherishes the happy thought that he alone - reading between the lines - has become the secret friend of their author. - Katherine Mansfield
When I wrote this song I felt pretty unoriginal because everybody writes love songs, and everybody feels like their love is the most important and when their love ends and they get their heart broken, that nobody understands. And…that’s ridiculous, but so am I. - Tegan Quin
A tree does not despair when a few of its leaves fall off because there is more room for greener ones to take their place. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Is psychiatry a medical enterprise concerned with treating diseases, or a humanistic enterprise concerned with helping persons with their personal problems? Psychiatry could be one or the other, but it cannot--despite the pretensions and protestations of psichiatrists--be both. - Thomas Szasz
Never judge the othersfor each one wears a coverfor their version of the original.(talking about individuals in the stream of consciousness that gives rise to each one of us.) - Jay Woodman
The only thing almost all people don’t understand is something whose monetary benefits they don’t find it coming in their pockets or hand. - Anuj Somany
Many people would be more truthful were it not for their uncontrollable desire to talk. - Edgar Watson Howe
We must not make a scarecrow of the law, setting it up to fear the birds of prey, and let it keep one shape, till custom make it their perch and not their terror. - William Shakespeare
Newspapers are the Bibles of worldlings.How diligently they read them!Here they find their law and profits,their judges and chronicles,their epistles and revelations. - Charles Haddon Spurgeon
Foolish wise folk sneer at you; foolish wise folk would pull up the useless lilies, the needless roses, from the garden, would plant in their places only serviceable wholesome cabbage. But the Gardener knowing better, plants the silly short-lived flowers; foolish wise folk, asking for what purpose. - Jerome K. Jerome
There are some young almond tress, which ordinarily look as if drawn by a childish hand. Now, as the wind sets their weak branches gibbering, they seem like shamanistic scratches on the white bone of the brittle bright night. - John Collier
People who are driven by their values will overcome hurdles, difficulties, and obstacles in ways that people driven only by profit will never be able to - Simon S. Tam
Nobody sees anybody truly but all through the flaws of their own egos. - Tennessee Williams
The lights of stars that were extinguished ages ago still reaches us. So it is with great men who died centuries ago, but still reach us with the radiations of their personalities. - Kahlil Gibran
To be beautiful, be the person who helps others to reveal their own beauty. - Debasish Mridha
The joy of learning is as indispensable in study as breathing is in running. Where it is lacking there are no real students, but only poor caricatures of apprentices who, at the end of their apprenticeship, will not even have a trade. - Simone Weil
Being popular doesn’t always win spiritual change. Christ didn’t pour out the coins of the moneychangers and overturn their tables with any degree of manners when he cleansed the temple. His harshness drew a point—to make people realize how much better they could become. - Shannon L. Alder
We are responsible for our own relationships, their successes, their failures, the good times, the bad times. Take responsibility for creating the relationships that you desire. - Sam Owen
Law enforcement is hired to enforce the law. You call them in to deal with situations you cannot deal with or do not want to deal with. When they arrive let them do their job. You know who you called them for before they got there. Enough said. - Bobby F. Kimbrough Jr.
What then remains, but well our power to use,And keep good humour still whate’er we lose?And trust me, dear, good humour can prevail,When airs, and flights, and screams, and scolding fail.Beauties in vain their pretty eyes may roll;Charms strike the sight, but merit wins the soul - Alexander Pope
The craving for equality can express itself either as a desire to pull everyone down to our own level (by belittling them, excluding them, tripping them up) or as a desire to raise ourselves up along with everyone else (by acknowledging them, helping them, and rejoicing in their success). - Friedrich Nietzsche
Times are bad. Children no longer obey their parents, and everyone is writing a book. - Marcus Tullius Cicero
What is objectionable, what is dangerous, about extremists is not that they are extreme, but that they are intolerant. The evil is not what they say about their cause, but what they say about their opponents.
Don’t ever feel bad for making a decision about your own life that upsets other people. You are not responsible for their happiness. You’re responsible for your own happiness. Anyone who wants you to live in misery for their happiness should not be in your life anyway. - Isaiah Hankel
I sat with the broken; I whispered their names, I let them feel for the first time; serendipity, would change the vision they see for a day - Nikki Rowe
Valuing a writer only for their diversity, but not their humanity or talent that’s tokenism. - Sunili Govinnage
There are only two classes of people. "The Clear", powered by their confusion and "The Confused", powered by their clarity - Prabhukrishna M
To many people fall short of their goals because they mistakenly believe that losing is just another comfortable place to sit. - Johnnie Dent Jr.
The only place men want depth in their women is in their décolletage - Zsa Zsa Gabor
Mostly you love them and you cherish their milestones but occasionally you do want to tape them to a chair. That would be child abuse, DO NOT TAPE YOUR CHILDREN TO CHAIRS. If you want to tape your baby dolls to chairs, be my guest. I am fairly certain that there isn't like a Cabbage Patch CPS. - E. A. Davis
God is merciful to those who want to love Him and who have placed their hopes in Him. - Francis de Sales
Books themselves need no defense. Their spokesmen come and go, their readers live and die, they remain constant. - Lawrence Clark Powell
A rose can never be a sunflower, and a sunflower can never be a rose. All flowers are beautiful in their own way, and that's like women too. - Miranda Kerr
Women have a passion for mathematics. They divide their age in half, double the price of their clothes, and always add at least five years to the age of their best friend. - Marcel Achard
It's something that this country hasn't had to deal with. But there's going to be a whole new generation that doesn't know their father. It's almost selfish of us to die. They train us as warriors. But they don't teach us how to take the pain away. - Jim Sheeler
I want everyone to wear what they want and mix it in their own way. That, to me, is what is modern. - Karl Lagerfeld
Guard well your spare moments. They are like uncut diamonds. Discard them and their value will never be known. Improve them and they will become the brightest gems in a useful life. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
In my experience, economists rarely believe passionately in, or care passionately for, the free market. They are generally more concerned to reveal the market's imperfections, to further their own professional importance. - Terence Kealey
The most reliable predictor of whether students liked a course, it turned out, was their answer to the question ‘‘Did the professor respect you? - Kwame Anthony Appiah
The person who is waiting for something to turn up might start with their shirt sleeves. - Garth Henrichs, writer
Distance between two people is inconsequential when their souls are united. - Matshona Dhliwayo
People lie to cover their mistakes, and then make even worse ones to cover their lies. - Anne Perry
To succeed as a team is to hold all of the members accountable for their expertise. - Mitchell Caplan
The day the soldiers stop bringing you their problems is the day you stopped leading them. They have either lost confidence that you can help them or concluded that you do not care. Either case is a failure of leadership. - Colin Powell
Good leaders have vision and inspire others to help them turn vision into reality. Great leaders have vision, share vision, and inspire others to create their own. - Roy Bennett
God is the immemorial refuge of the incompetent, thehelpless, the miserable. They find not only sanctuary in His arms, but also a kind of superiority, soothing to their macerated egos; He will set them above their betters. - H. L. Mencken
Because they are ignorant and their parents are ignorant. Because they don’t know any better. - Gemma Liviero
Blessed are the forgetful, for they get the better even of their blunders. - Friedrich Nietzsche
Writers don't just create pages in a novel, but depth to worlds that become a safe haven for those who wish to escape the reality of their own. - T.J. Mihaila
Maybe we feel empty because we spend so much of our own time watching other people live their lives, chase their dreams, express their love, and navigate their relationships. And when we turn off our TV or put down our phone... We've nourished nothing of our own. - Steve Maraboli
Feminists who accept the claim made in The Book of Genesis, and, that God is a he, need to make their minds up. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
All things are inconstant except the faith in the soul, which changes all things and fills their inconstancy with light. - James Joyce
Her friends used to tell her it wasn't rape if the man was your husband. She didn't say anything, but inside she seethed; she wanted to take a knife to their faces. - F. H. Batacan
Only the weak blame parents, their race, their times, their lack of good fortunes or the quirks of fate. Everyone has within them the power to say, "This I am today, that I shall become tomorrow." The wish, however, must be implemented by deeds. - Louis L'Amour
Yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters' table. - Bible
We appreciate things not for their beauty but for how they kindle our minds’ generosity. - Debasish Mridha
The strangest experiences in life are apt to lose their effect if dwelt upon long enough. ("Furze Hollow") - A.M. Burrage
The hallmark of great dreams is not their possibility but their impossibility, and the fact that it is the very notion of the ‘impossible’ that inspires us to go and accomplish them anyway. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Everyone has their own calling, but not everyone is looking for the phone, or either they missed the call, or just not answered it. - Anthony Liccione
Your children are not your children. They are sons and daughters of the Life's longing for itself. They come through you but not from you. You may give them your love but not your thoughts. For they have their own thoughts. - Kahlil Gibran
Artists are dishonest creatures really. They foist their version of reality upon us while making it all up. Writers, painters, musicians, auteurs—they’re all the same. - Tom Gething from "Sabotage"
Everybody's got their own fight in different ring. - Innasafa
It is weird to see how people sometimes doesn't value and ignore the love and effort of the people who love them and try to stay. They push them away only to realise everything they did after they leave and make their memories as pillows to sleep over and cry upon it later. - Akshay Vasu
The light of love is the brightest, because it shines into those who contact it and purify their soul. It is also dangerous in the fact that when you come into contact with it just once, you can't truly live life if it is to leave. - Shannan Jacoby
Confident and courageous leaders have no problems pointing out their own weaknesses and ignorance. - Thom S. Rainer
Books choose their authors; the act of creation is not entirely a rational and conscious one. - Salman Rushdie
I thought ten thousand swords must have leaped from their scabbards to avenge even a look that threatened her with insult. But the age of chivalry is gone. - Edmund Burke
There are those who will see your success as their failure. - Taj Shotwell
Never be afraid to offer a smile; sure the risk is that a few foolish people may misinterpret your kindness as weakness, but the sweet reward is that as you make new friends and encourage others, the foolish will learn the error of their ways because you did at least show them your teeth. - Johnnie Dent Jr.
Never judge a person until you've walked a mile in their busted up shoes and haven't had any money for medication for two weeks. - Lori Lesko
By holding hands a couple can always say a lot of things they couldn’t have otherwise said in a public place. Among a million people, they can touch and tickle each other at their most intimate places: their hearts. - Love, Life, and Logic
Witches are liberated from their own fears and limited thinking. In turn, their presence has the power to liberate and consciously expand others. - Dacha Avelin
No true individual has existed yet, able to live, able to die. Only diseased, tragic, or dismal and ludicrous fools who sometimes hoped to achieve some ideal by fiat, by their great desire for it. But usually by bullying all mankind into believing them. - Saul Bellow, Herzog
Don't be a pepper on the eyes of people; Rather be the salt on their tongue and make a difference that influences their sense of belonging to the earth. - Israelmore Ayivor
Socrates seems to be the philosophical napkin with which the ensuing cultural thinkers of history wipe their mouths of pedantic ooze. - Unknown
if we want individuals to take responsibility for their actions we must first establish a rational, effective and empowering means of separating individual responsibility from that of the collective. - Daniel Waterman
Drive-in banks were established so most of the cars today could see their real owners. - E. Joseph Cossman
When you read a holy book, you emphasize that God exists.When you see people, you sympathize their existence. - Mustafa SULTAN
Real women don't love the richest guy in the world they love the guy who can make their world the richest. - Jazz Feylynn
It is an ironic habit of human beings to run faster when they have lost their way. - Rollo May
Some couples go over their budgets very carefully every month, other just go over them.
Many are busy looking for a life partner and they lose touch of their life's purpose. - Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
They aren't capable of doing this... look their thoughts, look how they run, look their faces... So far this tells everything about them,...(Salem's Lot) - Deyth Banger
Parents must try to be, or at least put forth their best efforts to be, what they wish [their] children to be. It is impossible for you to be an example of what you are not. - Joseph Fielding Smith
There are painters who transform the sun to a yellow spot, but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence, transform a yellow spot into the sun. - Pablo Picasso
Bees that have honey in their mouths have stings in their tails. - Scottish Proverb
Cautious, careful people, always casting about to preserve their reputations and social standing, never can bring about a reform. - Susan B. Anthony
Inventions have long-since reached their limit--and I see no hope for further developments." -- , world-famous engineer (Rome, 10 AD) - Julius Frontinus
Keep your standards even when everyone around you is losing theirs. - Habeeb Akande
It was an earthquake, tearing at the sons of America, trying to swallow them up. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful sons, that women had reared, had kissed and screamed at, and that fathers had stared intently in their cots, to see themselves in the wondrous mirrors of their babies. - Sebastian Barry
The smile of lovers is gondola of their desire. (Des amoureux le sourire - Est gondole de leur désir.) - Charles de Leusse
The passions often engender their contraries. - Francois de La Rochefoucauld
People who change their religion should face the death penalty. - Zakir Naik
Everyone's life changes when they meet their Obi-Wan & their Yoda, or their Morpheus & their Oracle; those who help remove the veil. - Brandi L. Bates
He that cannot decidedly say, "No," when tempted to evil, is on the highway to ruin. He loses the respect even of those who would tempt him, and becomes but the pliant tool and victim of their evil designs.
People who spend their lives like to go to parties and cinemas, sit at home and watch movies, TV Series, TV dramas, etc.They think this is life. But it is spending life not living life. - Sunday Adelaja
Earthly Angels do not allow other souls to dim their light; they just keep shining bright as the sun, for this helps other souls to reconnect with their own light and shine brightly too! - Molly Friedenfeld
As far as now I can tell that most Stephen King fans don't know him well. They have read or viewed few works and their judge is based on them... that's now well knowing a writer! - Deyth Banger
PAINTING, n. The art of protecting flat surfaces from the weather and exposing them to the critic. Formerly, painting and sculpture were combined in the same work: the ancients painted their statues. The only present alliance between the two arts is that the modern painter chisels his patrons. - Ambrose Bierce
You can tell the lowest class by their habit of always talking about persons; the next, by the fact that their habit is always to converse about things; the highest, by their preference for the discussion of ideas. - Henry Thomas Buckle
The only way most people recognize their limits is by trespassing on them. - Tom Morris
But all art is sensual and poetry particularly so. It is directly, that is, of the senses, and since the senses do not exist without an object for their employment all art is necessarily objective. It doesn't declaim or explain, it presents. - William Carlos Williams
The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today is Christians: who acknowledge Jesus with their lips, walk out the door, and deny Him by their lifestyle. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable. - Kevin Max
I turn my heart to the light and receive its beauty and nourishment. I turn my heart to the shadows as they reveal hues, shades and textures that contrast the light. I turn my heart to them both and embrace their gifts, for they have graced me with blessings untold. - Kristin Granger
Let's raise children who won't have to recover from their childhoods. - Pam Leo
How would you complete with people who are more talented, more popular, who get better training, better mentoring and who get their share of luck, without some luck? - Daya Kudari
No one does anything inappropriate, given their model of the world. - Neale Donald Walsch
Learning is about seeing things froma a different perspective. My role is to help people improve their vision - Bob Selden
O curse of marriage, that we can call these delicate creatures ours, and not their appetites. - William Shakespeare
Allowing children to fight their own battles is one of the hardest parenting skills to learn.
Success is for those who are persistent in the face of reality. The harsher the truth, the stronger they hold on to their dreams. - Pooja Ruprell
How talented was death. How many expressions and manipulations of hand, face, body, no two alike. They stood like the naked pipes of a vast derelict calliope, their mouths cut into frantic vents. And now the great hand of mania descended upon one hundred-throated, unending scream. - Ray Bradbury
There are plenty of people to whom the crucial problems of their lives never get presented in terms that they can understand. - Robert Chapman
Where dreams may take you fathoms deep within the soul of the forest. Mists close in around your feathered visions, floating phantoms of days gone by, and days to come, their twirling tendrils tempting your thoughts blossom with the unbound less love and passion you hide within..... - Virginia Alison
Our thoughts are so powerful! Be careful what you think!If people only realized how powerful this concept is, they would never allow a negative thought to take space inside their minds. - Zane Baker
You can't always be by the people you love you have to let them live their own life. - Brynlee
Today's public figures can no longer write their own speeches or books, and there is some evidence that they can't read them either. - Gore Vidal
It is found by experience that admirable laws and right precedents among the good have their origin in the misdeeds of others. - Cornelius Tacitus
Being a messenger of love is all about caring for every person in your orbit unconditionally and ceaselessly. The harder the other person makes it for you, the more love you need to send their way. - Pooja Ruprell
I wonder either their God has turned old, sick or died, because even the religious people no more believe in shit. - M.F. Moonzajer
Love is beautiful, yet the worst of crimes are committed in the name of love. So when someone claims to love you, you should question their intent. - Gugu Mona
Arabs used to tell a poem to their children: O young man if you do not achieve greatness by the age of 20 you will never achieve greatness in your entire life. All those below 20 years of age should think about this. - Shaykh Kamaluddin Ahmed
The ritual of marriage is not simply a social event; it is a crossing of threads in the fabric of fate. Many strands bring the couple and their families together and spin their lives into a fabric that is woven on their children.
Zoe leaned closer to Ruth, nearly nose to nose. If they were made from better stuff, they would have pretended the fault was theirs. They would have made a moment of it--a pretty moment. - Michael Benzehabe
The attraction of reading is that it allows you to live, for a few hours, as someone else—grants you access to their head, their thoughts, their secrets. - Alessandra Torre
The masks. that men have as faces, the outward shells they hold up for others to see while their minds shift in hidden directions." Discard 2 - Lois Charles
You will never know the moon or stars, unless you breathe in their solar system and inspect it from many diverse vantage points as possible. - Shannon L. Alder
We must resist impulses to attack people, their credibility or their nature, and focus only on sharing our own positive creations, contributions, ideas and solutions. - Bryant McGill
I was a normal person, living in a rough area with a foreign mother, I endured it and came out of the other side to help hundreds of thousands of people worldwide to change their lives just like I had mine. - Stephen Richards
I don't want any "yes-men" around me. I want everybody to tell me the truth even if it costs them their jobs. - Samuel Goldwyn
What is all wisdom save a collection of platitudes? But the man who orders his life according to their teachings cannot go far wrong. - Norman Douglas
Some people are married to ideas that they do not love, ideas that do not love them in return. They are married to ideas they do not sleep with, ideas that rob them of their sleep. - Justin K. McFarlane Beau
The Bolsheviks killed their own most loyal supporters at Kronstadt in 1921, because they failed to understand that the revolution no longer required revolutionaries, but obedient servants. - Peter Hitchens
This reminds Faron of those stupid dogs that people put in their cars, that when the car moves, the dogs frantically nod their heads, like some demented, freshly graduated psychologist, with their first patients. - Gary Edward Gedall
When one treats people with benevolence, justice, and righteoousness, and reposes confidence in them, the army will be united in mind and all will be happy to serve their leaders'. - Sun Tzu
Perhaps I occasionally sought to give, or inadvertently gave, to the student a sense of battle on the intellectual battlefield. If all you do is to give them a faultless and complete and uninhabited architectural masterpiece, then you do not help them to become builders of their own. - Carl-Gustaf Rossby
As an instructor, my goal has always been to use Jiu Jitsu as a vehicle to help our students achieve their goals, whatever the case may be. I have yet to find a better vehicle for growth, and the moment I do I will certainly pursue it with the rivaled fervor that I approached Jiu Jitsu. - Chris Matakas
We have been called to heal wounds, to unite what has fallen apart, and to bring home those who have lost their way. - Francis of Assisi
Reckless predictions of the second coming of Christ create an artificial excitement among believers followed by a corresponding depression. In addition, it hardens skeptics in their unbelief and provides new fodder for cynics to mock the Christian faith. - Doug Batchelor
Treat your friends as you do your pictures, and place them in their best light. - Jennie Jerome Churchill
The new kind of music seems to create not from the heart but from the head. Its composers think rather than feel. They have not the capacity to make their works exalt - they meditate, protest, analyze, reason, calculate and brood, but they do not exalt. - Sergei Rachmaninoff
The only difference between a rut and a grave... is in their dimensions. - Ellen Glasglow
More than any other attribute of Jesus, his humility is the key to a healthy marriage. If two people make it their goal to imitate the humility of Christ, everything else will take care of itself. - Francis Chan
Academics have given up trying to recover an honest picture of the past and have decided that their history-writing should be simply an instrument of moral hand-wringing. - Gordon S. Wood
If we blind them to The Adversary —decrease their desire for The Desire— while at the same time encourage them to do anything else they desire with increasing freedom of choice, then eventually we snuff out desire while leaving demand in tact. - Geoffrey Wood
As the warm air blew in the car, simple snapshots of the life they'd lived together surfaced in his mind; but as always, those images led inexorably to their final day together. - Nicholas Sparks
Demand the best from yourself, because others will demand the best from you... Successful people don't simply give a project hard work. They give it their best work. - Win Borden
Blessed are those with cracks in their broken heart because that is how the light gets in. - Shannon L. Alder
I looked at the people, then, and I saw how busy they were - how much industry and energy described their lives. - Gregory David Roberts
Everybody looks good in their own mirror! - Manoj Vaz
A persons character is shown through their actions in life NOT where they sit on Sunday. - Navonne Johns
I dream of a morning when Filipinos can wake up from the centuries-long sleep that took them from their past and denied them their destiny as a people. - Psyche Roxas-Mendoza
Everyone is operating and running their lives at their current level of conscious awareness. - Carlos Marin
What is objectionable, what is dangerous about extremists is not that they are extreme, but that they are intolerant. The evil is not what they say about their cause, but what they say about their opponents. - Robert F. Kennedy
If you like or dislike something about them, Say it to their face. - Yasinthan
Those who listen with their hearts will begin to see patterns everywhere. - Grace-Naomi
No one is exempt and everyone's pain has a different smell. At night, when all the colours die,they hide in pairsand read about themselves—in colour, with their eyelids shut. - Craig Raine
Anyone can find the dirt on someone, but very few can wipe it from their own shoes. - Shannon L. Alder
Words are the leaves of the tree of language, of which, if some fall away, a new succession takes their place.
Anarchists have a 'bad name' in the media, not because they can point to one indiscriminate massacre by anarchists--there have been none--but because the one thing holders of power fear is that they personally should be held responsible for their own actions - Stuart Christie
Only the mediocre are always at their best. - Jean Giraudoux
For Christians do not place their hope in their children, but rather their children are a sign of their hope . . . that God has not abandoned this world. - Stanley Hauerwas
When words lose their meaning, physical force takes over.from an essay for Writers by Nancy Crampton - W.H. Auden
The Bible may be an arresting andpoetic work of fiction, but it is not the sort of book you should giveyour children to form their morals. - Richard Dawkins
Everyone sees only their own reflection in the mirror of thought. - Marty Rubin
I'm more interested in arousing enthusiasm in kids than in teaching the facts. The facts may change, but that enthusiasm for exploring the world will remain with them the rest of their lives. - Seymour Simon
The marvel of all history is the patience with which men and women submit to burdens unnecessarily laid upon them by their governments. - William H. Borah
She stared at the stars like they were pillow for her mind and in their light she could rest her heavy head. - Christopher Poindexter
Some people grow up with issues because they did not have their parents around growing up, many others have issues because their parents were around growing up - Quetzal
How often do the poor in the US get to stand in front of their nation's Marie Antoinette's and shove the stale, mass-produced cake of lower class reality back into their mouths? - M.B. Dallocchio
Good novels are not written by orthodoxy-sniffers, nor by people who are conscience-stricken about their own orthodoxy. Good novels are written by people who are not frightened. - George Orwell
There is no better satisfaction than to see your children make your dreams theirs, and achieve them on their terms. - Murad S. Shah
While we thank God for them and their efforts, we must also know that our generation of believers has the responsibility to take the gospel a bit further. To conquer some more territories and to expand the influence of the kingdom to a higher horizon - Sunday Adelaja
In history as in life it is success that counts. Start a political upheaval and let yourself be caught, and you will hang as a traitor. But place yourself at the head of a rebellion and gain your point, and all future generations will worship you as the Father of their Country.
A great teacher is one that helps their students to become great. In return, the students appreciate the teacher for their success. - Debasish Mridha
The victims of Ankara peace rally sacrificed their lives for peace and their only wish was We Want Peace. - Widad Akreyi
The arts especially address the idea of aesthetic experience. An aesthetic experience is one in which your senses are operating at their peak; when you’re present in the current moment; when you’re resonating with the excitement of this thing that you’re experiencing; when you are fully alive. - Ken Robinson
When a society begins to lack men that, that they stand up against the collapse of equity in their land that is the kind of thing that brings sorrow to the heart of our King - Sunday Adelaja
An amber sunset, a flowing river, a snow capped mountain, a beautiful heart, a calm mind, deep eyes, the moon, the earth and the sky - they are all silent. It's the words that give them meaning, decipher their essence and share their message. - Rashmit Kalra
Many do not see that not to have dreams is far worse than seeing that their dreams do not come true. - Luigina Sgarro
Books, in the plural lose their solidity of substance and become a gas, filling all available space. - John Derbyshire
European merchants supply the best weaponry, contributing to their own defeat. - Sultan Salahuddin Ayubi
Curiosity in children, is but an appetite for knowledge. One great reason why children abandon themselves wholly to silly pursuits and trifle away their time insipidly is, because they find their curiosity balked, and their inquiries neglected. - John Locke
Nations rise and fall, flourish and decay, by what they believe in and by what their culture stands for. - Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
To be allowed, no, invited into the private lives of strangers, and to share their joys and fears, was a chance to exchange the Southern bitter wormwood for a cup of mead with Beowulf or a hot cup of tea and milk with Oliver Twist. - Maya Angelou
I support same-sex civil unions and I believe no should be denied their rights - George W. Bush
In order to become great we must allows others to become great before us, and not be envious of their greatness but rather rejoice in it. So that when we become great, there will be others who shall rejoice in ours. - George Mercado
Some people discard their childhood like an old hat. They forget about it like a phone number that's no longer valid. They used to be kids, then they became adults - but what are they now?Only those who grow up but continue to be children are humans. - Erick Kästner
Happiness is surrounding yourself only with those who bestow their unconditional love and support. - Ken Poirot
Some need diamonds some need loveSome need cards some need luckSome need dollar bills lining their clothesall I need is, all I need is two white horses in a line - Beck
Christians should use their prosperity for the glory of the Kingdom of God. - Sunday Adelaja
Good QUOTES have been often used by the bad people better than the others, but to their own best advantage only. - Anuj Somany
The most gifted members of the human species are at their creative best when they cannot have their way, and must compensate for what they miss by realizing and cultivating their capacities and talents. - Eric Hoffer
Theirs was a rare kind of bond and love, protected by the Cosmos. - Pertunia Lehoka
Children are natural mimics; they act like their parents in spite of every effort to teach them good manners.
So remember those who win the gameLose the love they sought to gainIn debitures of quality and dubious integrityTheir small-town eyes will gape at youIn dull surprise when payment dueExceeds accounts received at seventeen - Janis Ian
And what went wrong when other alchemists tried to make gold and were unable to do so?""They were looking only for gold his companion answered. They were seeking the treasure of their personal legend, without wanting actually to live out the personal legend. - Paulo Coelho
Their story, yours, mine - it's what we all carry with us on this trip we take, and we owe it to each other to respect our stories and learn from them. - William Carlos Williams
Everyone chooses their own path in life but it is either to life or death. - Bamigboye Olurotimi
The deer hovered by the trees beyond as the sounds of the ravening wolves came to them across the grass, their own senses almost frozen in impotent horror. - David Clement-Davies
Fuck the weather forecasters and their predictions. With magic, he’d just turned their Doppler radar upside down. (Being Familiar With a Witch) - Sapphire Phelan
I can never endorse sin any more than when I tell people it's their nature to do it. - D.R. Silva
I am in awe of flowers. Not because of their colors, but because even though they have dirt in their roots, they still grow. They still bloom. - D. Antoinette Foy
I have no words to express my sadness, grief, and frustration. I never thought Bengali people could do such a heinous and atrocious thing. My heart goes out to those innocent victims and their families. - Debasish Mridha
One should measure their life by the faith they embrace and the relationships they cherish - John Paul Warren
If the people could be awakened to their senses by mere preaching or writing, then probably no person would be smoking upon seeing the statutory warning on cigarette packets. - Anuj Somany
Those who seek to listen to their own inner voice forget to listen to the judgment of others. - Vironika Tugaleva
Always remember .... The people who usually hide their feelings care the most. - Ziad K. Abdelnour
The greater difficulty, the more glory in surmounting it. Skillful pilots gain their reputation from storms and tempests.
There's so much knowledge to be had that specialists cling to their specialties as a shield against having to know anything about anything else. They avoid being drowned. - Isaac Asimov
No man should bring children into the world who is unwilling to persevere to the end in their nature and education. - Plato
People can be animals. They will use you, take you for a ride, abuse you and take all your precious light away from you. Rise above their manipulation and egotistical bullshit because they are NOTHING without you. No one deserves your light but yourself. - Karen A. Baquiran
You see, the deaf have an intimacy with silence. It’s there in their dreams. - Shane L. Koyczan
She had blue skin. And so did he. He kept it hid, And so did she. They searched for blue Their whole life through, Then passed right by - And never knew. - Shel Silverstein
Some say their world's will end in fire, some say in ice From what I've tasted with desire I hold with those yu favor fire. My world may not be ending although it does feel like it. I do know this, whatever doesnt kill you only makes you stronger. - Genesis
Without an opportunity, their abilities would have been wasted, and without their abilities, the opportunity would have arisen in vain. - Niccolò Machiavelli
Hatred seems to work on the same glands as love: it even produces the same actions. If we had not been taught how to interpret the story of the Passion, would we have been able to say from their actions alone whether it was the jealous Judas or the cowardly Peter who loved Christ? - Graham Greene
Some people say falling in love is the beginning of life, but some people says it is the end of theirs. - Debasish Mridha
Some people are born with tornadoes in their lives, but constellations in their eyes. Other people are born with stars at their feet, but their souls are lost at sea. - Nikita Gill
Not all are called to be artists in the specific sense of the term. Yet, as Genesis has it, all men and women are entrusted with the task of crafting their own life: in a certain sense, they are to make of it a work of art, a masterpiece. - Pope John Paul II
Men want the same thing from women and their underwear: support, comfort, and freedom. - Jerry Seinfeld
Oh, I simply can’t think. When I really want to depress myself, I think of all the brilliant men I know, married to their stupid wives. Enough to break your heart, it really is - Doris Lessing
Great wits are sure to madness near allied And thin partitions do their bounds divide.
Talk not of wasted affection, affection never was wasted, If it enrich not the heart of another, its waters returning Back to their springs, like the rain shall fill them full of refreshment; That which the fountain sends forth returns again to the fountain. - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Laws are a dead letter without courts to expound and define their true meaning and operation. - Alexander Hamilton
Religion is a belief or a curriculum. It can't hurt people or start wars. People hurt people, and people start wars. The real problem is the narcissist, for he can't control his anger and believes no one else is entitled to their own opinion or beliefs . - Mamie Thornbrue
Her characters tend to err when they reject the grubby and complex circumstances of everyday life for abstract and radical notions. They thrive when they work within the rooted spot, the concrete habit, the particular reality of their town and family. - David Brooks
Problems arise when people act as if their "borlders" are daily loads, and refuse help, or as if their "daily loads" are boulders they shouldn't have to carry. The results of these two instances are either perpetual pain or irresponsibility. - Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend
In a democracy, people always vote for their alike! Pig for the pig, raven for the raven! Dull for the dull, wise for the wise! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Look not to the faults of others, nor to their omissions and commissions. But rather look to your own acts, to what you have done and left undone. - Gautama Buddha
All political parties die at last of swallowing their own lies. - John Arbuthnot
Do what you feel is right and good. There will always be haters and naysayers..and their problem..is just that..their problem! - Akiroq Brost
Give it time… The weak in character always get tired of pretending. Their true colors will show. - Steve Maraboli
It's frustrating when our best efforts to help people fail. But if we could see life through their weary eyes and experience their trials with the same frayed emotions, we might understand why. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Don't you think, that there are very few men who know, without raising their voice or changing their tone, to say...what has to be said? - Colette
Churches were never meant to be mental hospitals. They were supposed to be military outposts under orders to storm the gates of hell. Every believer is on active duty and called to serve a higher purpose with the rank of their blessings and talents. - Shannon L. Alder
The point, as I emphasize in the book, is not for players to become professionals, but rather to have innovative and creative ways of thinking about real problems as part of their intellectual toolkit. - David Williamson Shaffer
Beware of those who would pay you lip service but refuse to put their money where their mouths are. - Faydra D. Fields
Leaders inspire accountability through their ability to accept responsibility before they place blame. - Courtney Lynch
People usually feel funny, smile and laugh when I tell them about my strong belief in the very existence of prehistoric advanced technology and great civilizations of wilier races. I just can't wait to see their faces at time the truth is revealed. - Toba Beta
men are undoubtedly more in danger from prosperity than from adversity. for when matters go smoothly, they flatter themselves, and are intoxicated by their success - John Calvin
The trouble with conservatives today is that most of their thinking is so naive. As for the liberals, their thinking is more sophisticated; but their function ought to be to provide new ideas, and they don't come up with any. - John F. Kennedy
Many people wait throughout their whole lives for the chance to be good in their own fashion. - Friedrich Nietzsche
The best things and the best people rise out of their separateness; I'm against a homogenized society because I want the cream to rise. - Robert Frost
Earth is crammed with heaven, and every bush is aflame with the glory of God. But only those who see take of their shoes; the rest just pick the berries. - Elizabeth Browning
We have to heal our wounded world. The chaos, despair, and senseless destruction we see today are a result of the alienation that people feel from each other and their environment. - Michael Jackson
If a nation is ruled by two kings, both the kings and their subjects will perish.
In the whole world, Everyone is a creative with their own way and idea. - Anil prajapati
There is no nobler profession, nor no greater calling, than to be among those unheralded many who gave and give their lives to the preservation of human knowledge, passed with commitment and care from one generation to the next. - Laurence Overmire
Have you heard of the most evil things done by people in their lifetime? They have coveted men's wives, killed hundreds of Christians and sold their best friend's life away for just a few coins. Isn't it interesting that they were God's chosen in the bible? ---Saul, Judas & King David - Shannon L. Alder
In 1963, while my brothers were engaged in their lives, I call this period of my life 'my character-building years.' I adhered to the saying, 'When the going gets tough, the tough get going. - Marc Ashton
The wise will make holiness and purity their priority. - Bamigboye Olurotimi
These dreamsThese empty dreamsfrom the make-believe bedroomstheir parents left themare the after-effectsof television programsabout the idealwhite american familywith black maidsand latino janitorswho are well trainto make everyoneand their bill collectorslaugh at themand the people they represent - Pedro Pietri
Everybody's got their opinion on who they think you are or how strong or how weak you are, but at the end of the day all that matters is who you know you are, don't ever forget that. - Tilicia Haridat
But penetration was a big deal. They protected their anuses the way girls protected their hymen in high school, believing that allowing anything beyond their holy gates would permanently corrupt them. - Maggie Young
When I speak, people know that in my gut, I'm bad. They feel better about being bad in their guts. - Kieron Gillen
There are two types of people: those who just live their lives, and those who have nothing better to do but watch and talk about the first type. - Ali B. Moe
If you truly loved someone you won't become their enemy. You will become their guardian angel. - Shannon L. Alder
The Protestant teachings caused people to view their work as a way of proving their love to God so they tried to do their best and give the best quality to God by giving the best quality to man. - Sunday Adelaja
A friend drops their plans when you're in trouble, shares joy in your accomplishments, feels sad when you're in pain. A friend encourages your dreams and offers advice--but when you don't follow it, they still respect and love you. - Doris Wild Helmering
I think the mystery of art lies in this, that artists’ relationship is essentially with their work not with power, not with profit, not with themselves, not even with their audience. - Ursula K. Le Guin
Since I got rid of syndicated and indoctrinated media my life is a product of what I seek and not what I am told. I recommend everyone in the age of information to demand more of what they seek rather simply pushing the favorite list on their remote control. - James Emlund
Those who find themselves in the "You are going to miss my loving" section Without LOVE are the ones who abused their relationship by not appreciating the person who was giving them the love they no longer have. - Ellen J. Barrier
It is the capacity to develop and improve their skills that distinguishes leaders from followers. - Warren G. Bennis
We have fallen upon evil times and the world has waxed very old and wicked. Politics are very corrupt. Children are no longer respectful to their parents. - King Naram-Sin of Chaldea 3800 B.C. inscription found on an ancient tablet in a Constantinople meseu
The Hobbits are just rustic English people, made small in size because it reflects the generally small reach of their imagination. - J. R. R. Tolkien
It's no more a hidden surprise that most business proprietors have kept advisers only to listen to their voice of solely own choice. - Anuj Somany
It does not surprise so much seeing a person surrounded by many fake supporters as much when he shows elation with them in spite of knowing their true intention and, even more, when all of them know one another’s hidden selfish intent. - Anuj Somany
To be civilized, really, is to be aware of the others, their hopes, their gladnesses, their illusions about life. - Sherwood Anderson
Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination. - Oscar Wilde
The grey of a bitter, starved-looking morning. The town like a mortally wounded creature, torn by shells, gashed open by bombs. Dead streets - streets of death - death in streets and their houses; yet people still able to sleep and still sleeping. - Radclyffe Hall
Our avian brothers are back to roost on the first leg of their annual sojourn south. Why them and not us? Maybe it's because we humans are meant to be rooted in one spot. - Mitchell Burgess
Without harming anyone, how can I make this world more peaceful? How can I help others to fulfill their desires? How can I enhance and enrich the beauty and happiness for humanity? - Debasish Mridha
The people naturally adhere most to doctrines which demand the least self-exertion and the least use of their own reason, and which can best accommodate their duties to their inclinations. - Immanuel Kant
Show me that age and country where the rights and liberties of the people were placed on the sole chance of their rulers being good men, without a consequent loss of liberty? - Patrick Henry
I've never tried to block out the memories of the past, even though some are painful. I don't understand people who hide from their past. Everything you live through helps to make you the person you are now. - Sophia Loren
What's the point of opening yourself up to your friends if they don't notice your vulnerable state? The point of it all is to love friends completely and utterly, at their best and worst, and to love more than just the good things. - Arka Pain
The loneliest moment in someone’s life is when they are watching their whole world fall apart, and all they can do is stare blankly. - F. Scott Fitzgerald
When people walk away from you, let them go. Your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you, and it doesn't mean they are bad people. It just means that their part in your story is over. - Tony McCollum
Ninja Mom's can't be all their called to be, if their so stressed out about how their going to pay their Mastercard bill - Anna M. Aquino
The bubbly play of wit, the chesty laughs, the resonant voices of men when glass in hand they shut the grey world outside and prod their brains with the fun and folly of an accelerated pulse. - Jack London
JOSS-STICKS, n. Small sticks burned by the Chinese in their pagan tomfoolery, in imitation of certain sacred rites of our holy religion. - Ambrose Bierce
Dreamers can find their way by moonlight and their only punishment is that they see the dawn before the rest of the world. - Oscar Wilde
In the arena of human life the honours and rewards fall to those who show their good qualities. - Aristotle
Everybody is too busy with their own lives to give a damn about your book, painting, screenplay etc, especially if you haven't sold it yet. And the ones that aren't, you don't want in your life anyway. - Hugh Macleod
The truth is Christmas evolved from the Roman holiday Saturnalia, a winter festival where men gave gifts to each other. They also would get drunk, have sex with each other and beat their wives - Huey Freeman The Boondocks
The lines gradually become their own demiurges and, like some witless yet miraculous participant, I witness the birth on paper of sentences that have eluded my will and appear in spite of me on the sheet, teaching me something that I neither knew nor thought I might want to know. - Muriel Barbery
It seems symbolic of this all-pervading unpredictability that those engaged in the perfection of the means of destruction have finally brought about a level of technical development where their aim, namely warfare, is on the point of disappearing altogether. - Hanna Arendt
I am an atheist and I consider religions to be a form of collective neurosis. I am not an enemy of the Catholics, as I am not an enemy of the tuberculars, the myopic or the paralytics; you cannot be an enemy of the sick, only their good friend in order to help them cure themselves. - Diego Rivera
Every oak tree started out as a couple of nuts who decided to stand their ground. - Unknown
Hate is contagious. A few seconds after Donald Trump has told me something hateful, somebody else repeats it. He has legitimized what people only dare say in their kitchens and bedrooms. - Jorge Ramos
Politics is like a branches on a tree, they all grow in different directions but their roots remain as one. - Saminu Kanti
White supremacy is a black person telling the people of Baltimore to chill out and try peace, thinking they came up with that thought all on their own. - Darnell Lamont Walker
I would argue that a truly developed country would be beyond Presidents and Kings. In a world with some semblance of equality, each liberal-minded woman, each gay person, and indeed almost every person could be their own President. In a world of equals, what real service does a ruler provide? - Isaac Asimov
Musicians are artists, as silence is their canvas. - Mark Hewer
Things began happening with odd synchronicity, as if the universe itself was conspiring on behalf of their love story. - John Mark Green
Their friendship had made them so thankful for all they still had that they couldn't be sad for what they had lost. - Jeremy D. Shapiro
The fact that political ideologies are tangible realities is not a proof of their vitally necessary character. The bubonic plague was an extraordinarily powerful social reality, but no one would have regarded it as vitally necessary. - Wilhelm Reich
The spread of secondary and latterly of tertiary education has created a large population of people, often with well-developed literary and scholarly tastes, who have been educated far beyond their capacity to undertake analytical thought. - Peter Medawar
Greeders who plunder and steal from their people - not only steal their supporters and their childrens' future, but they also smash their mindsets and create learned helplessness that ensures people stay small. - Tony Dovale
While we thank God for them and their efforts, we must also know that our generation of believers have the responsibility to take the gospel a bit further - Sunday Adelaja
How would it be if we discovered that aliens only stopped by earth to let their kids take a leak? - Jay Leno
The aim (of education) must be the training of independently acting and thinking individuals who, however, can see in the service to the community their highest life achievement. - Albert Einstein
To ask women to become unnaturally thin is to ask them to relinquish their sexuality. - Naomi Wolf
I hate it when life tempt or test the integrity, friendship, loyalty,honesty,commitment ,care and love of the people close to me or around me, Because they fail the test and fail me. Its sad how they react towards my situation than how I would have reacted to their situation. - De philosopher DJ Kyos
Everybody has their taste in noises as well as in other matters; and sounds are quite innoxious, or most distressing, by their sort rather than their quantity. - Jane Austen
Listen closely. Even the trees exhale sweet love songs that roll off their boughs and echo out to all of creation. Love is always in the air. - Cristen Rodgers
They deem him their worst enemy who tells them the truth. -, philosopher (427-347 BCE) - Plato
The only thing standing between most people and their dreams is the fear of failure. - Robin S. Sharma
I never trust people's assertions, I always judge of them by their actions. - Ann Radcliffe
Those who indulge themselves in sense stimulation throughout their lives often end up exhausted, with an enfeebled will and little capacity to love others. - Eknath Easwaran
Even though we live in an unfair world, where some men and nations acquire their wealth in ways that are not always as straightforward as we would like it to be, yet in the midst of it all, it is not impossible to discover principles and secrets for the greatness of nations. - Sunday Adelaja
Washington DC is the only place in America where people put bumper stickers on their cars the day *after* the election.
There's a whiff of the lynch mob or the lemming migration about any overlarge concentration of like-thinking individuals, no matter how virtuous their cause. - P. J. O'Rourke
The measure of a society is found in how they treat their weakest and most helpless citizens. As Americans, we are blessed with circumstances that protect our human rights and our religious freedom, but for many people around the world, deprivation and persecution have become a way of life. - Jimmy Carter
Many of my movies have strong female leads- brave, self-sufficient girls that don't think twice about fighting for what they believe with all their heart. They'll need a friend, or a supporter, but never a savior. Any woman is just as capable of being a hero as any man. - Hayao Miyazaki
In every era, humanity produces demonic individuals and seductive ideas of repression. The task of statesmanship is to prevent their rise to power and sustain an international order capable of deterring them if they do achieve it. - Henry Kissinger
The prostate might as well have been a mythological creature like a unicorn or Leprechaun only acknowledged through whispery giggles among women brunching with their gay friends. - Maggie Young
After all, no one is stupid enough to prefer war to peace; in peace sons bury their fathers and in war fathers bury their sons. - Herodotus
A lot of parents tell their children that if they want to be an actor, that's fine, but they should do something else first, so they've got something to fall back on. It doesn't work like that, as far as I'm concerned. - Ewan McGregor
You will come across people who always affirm by everything you say, but at the hour of need, they simply disappear! Stay away from such people or simply don't fall for their promises. - K. Hari Kumar
People who count their chickens before they are hatched act very wisely because chickens run about so absurdly that it's impossible to count them accurately. - Oscar Wilde
Ordinary men earns responsibility towards their family, extraordinary men earns duty towards their nation. - Amit Kalantri
There is nothing in which people more betray their character than in what they laugh at. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Does anyone act more like an overserious senior citizen with time running out on their chance for immortality than someone in their twenties? - Patton Oswalt
All people are brave when their power is rising. - Abū Muslim
Men of sense often learn from their enemies. It is from their foes, not their friends, that cities learn the lesson of building high walls and ships of war . . . - Aristophanes
The atrocities of war are only overshadowed by the heroism of their dead. - Todd Stocker
Badmouthing things and other people is another way to appear smarter in front of the many.It's sad that some people use this dirty trick just to increase their self worth... - Adrian Alconera
Anyone who goes through life trusting people without making sure they are worthy of trust is a fool. Yet there are people who may be trusted, men as well as women. There are are as many difference in their natures as there are flowers in these meadows. - Elizabeth Aston
Consider an achievement accidental if it is not coupled with modesty. Because if the achiever had endeavoured for it, it would certainly have killed their pride. - Raheel Farooq
Nestled in the valley of darkness, in the deepest depths of depression, are the priceless gems of; creativity, intuition and sensitivity. The trick is learning how to navigate the dark, so these precious gems can be unearthed and their beauty beheld. - Jaeda DeWalt
Their banter was rich and comfortable, their teasing intimate and profound; their 'I love you' without the use of those startling words. - Sarah Winman
People who know their worth understand the power of their own words. - Gugu Mona
Humans and their wars. You call me monster, , but look what you've gone and done to one another! Good riddance to you now and, if I'm lucky, forever. Have your war. I'll have my radish stew. - Aaron Burdett
Enjoy the present, bid defiance to the future, laugh at all those reasonable beings who exercise their reason to avoid the misfortunes which they fear, destroying at the same time the pleasure that they might enjoy. - Giacomo Casanova
There is no reason for any individual to have a computer in their home. - Ken Olsen
Let us express our deepest gratitude to those who sacrificed their lives to give us freedom. Wish you all a very joyful Independence Day! - Debasish Mridha
Acquire inner peace and a multitude will find their salvation near you. - Catherine de Hueck Doherty
When two lovers discover a language of their own. - Saleem Sharma
Philosophers, for example, often fail to recognize that their remarks about the universe apply also to themselves and their remarks. If the universe is meaningless, so is the statement that it is so. - Alan W. Watts
In truth, ideas and principles are independent of men; the application of them and their illustration is man's duty and merit. The time will come when the author of a view shall be set aside, and the view only taken cognizance of. This will be the millennium of Science. - Edward Forbes
O God, that men should put an enemy in their mouths to steal away their brains!
Children are remarkable for their intelligence and ardour, for their curiosity and tolerance of shams, the clarity and ruthlessness of their vision. - Aldous Huxley
Even those, who some time ago believed all the stories about God, that is who believed that divine power exists, have now come to be so ashamed of their own belief, hiding their ignorance, they are now struggling hard to prove those stories as scientifically true. - Periyar E.V. Ramasamy
If you wish to befriend someone, look for a person who loves first God then themselves. If they love God, they will be able to love their neighbor, too. - Petar Dunov
I have a dream that one day this world will be very peaceful and people will fight, not with their weapons, but with their love. - Debasish Mridha
Their long years together had shown him that it did not so much matter if marriage was a dull duty, as long as it kept the dignity of duty: lapsing from that, it became a mere battle of ugly appetites. - Edith Wharton
If women had power, what would men be but women who can't bear children? And what would women be but men who can?...I mean, men give her [a queen] power. They let her use their power. But it isn't hers, is it? It isn't because she's a woman that she's powerful, but despite it. - Ursula K. Le Guin
The response of a loyal man against the most severe grief from their love once, is always a silence, a silence forever." - T.R.Fraz
It is a sad state of affairs that I donot know of any astronomer who fully understands the energy in their own daily environment. Untilthat changes, Dark Energy will always be a mystery to the astronomical community. - Steven Magee
A negative person vociferously retaliates to defend their own vested interest only whereas a positive person vigorously substantiate own valid points to show the bright aspect, but surprisingly often both appears to be arguing with others only and they can be differentiated in the said respect. - Anuj Somany
People are naturally born as Libertarians till governments and oppressive societies force them to adopt their ideologies and their ways. - Hany Ghoraba
For a control freak, love and the desire to control others are synonymous. Once they lose control over the object of their desire, hostility takes over in full force. - Natalya Vorobyova
I choose not to waste my energy hating someone and I recognise that their negativity drags me down, so I walk away from them. - Karon Waddell
Art is a language which everyone understands in their own way. - Debasish Mridha
Premenstrual Syndrome: Just before their periods women behave the way men do all the time.
Advocating sexual repression as a solution to violence against women ends up mobilizing women around their fears rather than their visions. - Alice Echols
To someone you may be their only sunlight; so don't dim the light. Keep shinning - Bernard Kelvin Clive
We spend too much time keeping up with celebrities. They're living their dreams, what about you? Are you where you want to be in life. Get off the couch, turn off the tv and start achieving your goals. - Bianca Frazier
What moves men of genius, or rather, what inspires their work, is not new ideas, but their obsession with the idea that what has already been said is not enough. - Edouard Delacroix
A liar only uses the truth when they want their lies to sound truthful. - Al David
It is a very lonely life that a man leads, who becomes aware of truths before their times.
Children have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them. - James Baldwin
You call me a misanthrope because I avoid society. You err; I love society. Yet in order not to hate people, I must avoid their company. - Caspar David Friedrich
I know no method to secure the repeal of bad, obnoxious, or unjust laws so effective as their strict execution. - Ulysses S. Grant
I'm in my body like most people drive their cars. - Laurie Anderson
In time, all great masterpieces turn into shameless creatures who laugh at their creators. - Erol Ozan
Sunflowers hellos from gate to gate. The hour at the square. Candy, art, books, look. A warmth given. Beauties with rain forest hair Walk by the clock tower. Sunlight of neon, the keys inside their eyes. No storms. Traffic sounds, salt air. Salt that moves the thirst and destroys all the fears. - Gwen Calvo
A vampire's thirst can only be quenched by the blood of their loved ones. - Matsuri Hino
Some dream and dream but their dreams remain dreams... - Ankala V Subbarao
Good management is the art of making problems so interesting and their solutions so constructive that everyone wants to get to work and deal with them. - Paul Hawken
It seems some women choose to follow men, and some women choose to follow their dreams " haha - irak.ibrahim hussain didi
Giants too need a shoulder to lean on. They might be the shoulder to stand on when they're on their feet. - David Gatata
Every individual lives their life with some bitter past....!!So do I... - Gargi Pattanayak
The only person that deserves a special place in your life is someone that never made you feel like you were an option in theirs. - Shannon L. Alder
Women have always been the strong ones of the world. The men are always seeking from women a little pillow to put their heads down on. They are always longing for the mother who held them as infants. - Coco Chanel
The way people want to get respect for their culture and language, it is critical to reciprocate the same to other else you don't have any right to condemn others - Pankaj Gupta
Their disappearance from the human family would be no great loss to the world. - Henry Clay
Men and women believed and proclaimed God was firmly on their side and easy and shallow assertion that reduced God to a sort of house deity. - Gustav Niebuhr
Nations are not poor or rich because of their wealth but exceptional morality. - M.F. Moonzajer
I dropped my hoe and ran into the house and started to write this poem, '.’ It began as a celebration of wild geese. Eventually the geese flew out of the poem, but I like to think they left behind the sound of their beating wings. Stanley Kunitz - End of Summer
Men may make progress, but man never changes. Man loves power and money. No matter the skin color, religion or income level. These symbols of our nation make men drunk with power, who then justify their lust for more by claiming they are public servants. - Glenn Beck
Evolutionary biology is imperialistic, overtaking entire fields of endeavor simply by attaching the prefix bio or neuro -- to their names: bioethics, no comics, even, God help us, neurotheology. Its logic is deployed against helpless laymen as a bully's truncheon or an argument stopper. - Andrew Ferguson
We are not subjects of an autocratic King, but are citizens of the country contributing to the advancement of our people who pay taxes out of their hard earned income. - Nilantha Ilangamuwa
America's racism is among their own fellow whites. That's where sincere whites who really mean to accomplish something have got to work. - Malcolm X
Everybody believes in something and everybody, by virtue of the fact that they believe in something, use that something to support their own existence. - Frank Zappa
Thanks to arranged marriages: There are countless women who have never been their husband's girlfriend. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Don't act so callous to blank out good friends who failed on their way to success, just because something unusual hindered them, but you meandered out by a stroke of luck. - Michael Bassey Johnson
A painter paints pictures on canvas. But musicians paint their pictures on silence. - Leopold Stokowski
A persons limitations are only measured by their drive to succeed - Brian A. Leslie
People who don't Think probably don't have Brains; rather, they have grey fluff that's blown into their heads by mistake.
They all behaved as if they were absolutely disgusted by this, and amid the ribbing and hilarity that this elaborate performance of disgust and envy produced they were able to hide their true feelings of disgust and envy. - Jonathan Lynn
It would seem no matter how progressive we get there are always those few who are backwards in their ways. - Solange nicole
If toast always lands butter-side down, and cats always land on their feet, what happen if you strap toast on the back of a cat and drop it? - Steven Wright
Some will wear masks their entire life because they care about what other people think, while others remove the mask to be who they truly are. The difference between the two is not the ability to trust others, but to trust in God. - Shannon L. Alder
Thanks to photography, some memories overstay their welcome. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Yet simple souls, their faith it knows no stint:Things least to be believed are most preferred.All counterfeits, as from truth's sacred mint,Are readily believed if once put down in print - John Clare
Herschel removed the speckled tent-roof from the world and exposed the immeasurable deeps of space, dim-flecked with fleets of colossal suns sailing their billion-leagued remoteness. - Mark Twain
Character is the indelible mark that determines the only true value of all people and all their work - Orison Swett Marden
One would think that if you're anonymous, you'd do anything you want, but groups have their own sense of community and what we can do. - John Allen
Men always want to be a woman’s first love. That is their clumsy vanity. We women have a more subtle instinct about these things. What (women) like is to be a man’s last romance. - Oscar Wilde
You can buy a person’s time and work, but you cannot buy their enthusiasm, effort, and passion. Those are earned, and as such, given freely. - Jeffrey Fry
Even the models we see in magazines wish they could look like their own images. - Cheri K. Erdman
The wild women in his lap,' my father enthused, 'laying their breasts on his head.'There was a moment of stunned silence. Then my mother spoke slowly, with an edge to her voice. 'I think you mean "wild beasts laying their heads in his lap".''Do I? - Patrick Rothfuss
And I have seen people on Facebook with their real names and own pictures but fake personalities - Jasmine Kiyani
What these thinkers, chroniclers, and interpreters have written about, how they have theorized their scholarly endeavors, and their approaches and methodologies have inevitably been informed and shaped by the times in which they existed. - Pero Gaglo Dagbovie
It takes no compromise to give people their rights...it takes no money to respect the individual. It takes no political deal to give people freedom. It takes no survey to remove repression. - Harvey Milk
Oh God, how do the world and heavens confine themselves, when our hearts tremble in their own barriers! - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Those who mistrust their own abilities are being too wicked to themselves, discouraging themselves from doing what they should have been excelling in. If you are good at discouraging yourself, you can't be a good leader because leadership is built on inspiring others to face challenges. - Israelmore Ayivor
All hate is the result of people refusing to take responsibility for their own lives. - Marty Rubin
Passion is the fuel that drives ordinary people to achieve extraordinary results by aligning their hearts, minds, beliefs and efforts. - Dr. Asoka Jinadasa
Passing their toilet training is the very last thing that some adults did that has made their parents proud of them. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
A prisoner should know that there are thousands of imprisoned freemen living in this world…jailed in their own society, handcuffed by duties.. - Munia Khan
They have their opinions, but we have the answers. - Anthony Liccione
This sick strange darkness comes creeping on so haunting everytimeAnd as I stared I counted the webs from all the spiderscatching things and eating their insidesLike indecision to call youAnd hear your voice of treasonWill you come home and stop this pain tonightstop this pain tonight - Blink-182
It is much easier to break the rules when one s surrounded by strangers. One does not know any of them, so one cannot really care for their opinion. - Monica Fairview
A perfectly healthy sentence, it is true, is extremely rare. For the most part we miss the hue and fragrance of the thought; as if we could be satisfied with the dews of the morning or evening without their colors, or the heavens without their azure. - Henry David Thoreau
One of the major obstacles impeding any positive future change in our lives is that we are too busy with our current work or activity. Levi quit his tax-work, Peter stopped fishing at lake, Paul ceased being a priest. They all left their jobs because they thought it was necessary. - John Ruskin
When you steal from an artist you are stealing their blood, sweat and tears. - Tyler Shields
It's my opinion, with some people, just knowing they are alone, living inside of their own miserable, self hating, dysfunctional mind, with their own immature, insecure, self pitying self is its own revenge. Their existence is their karma. - Colleen Truscott Fry
The world is like a giant Alcoholic whining day to day about what others are doing. Instead of of living harmoniously and individually for Good Orderly Direction. If we have faith in our God, than why should we care how others are living their lives? - B.L. Kennison
I don't care how poor and inefficient a little country is; they like to run their own business. I know men that would make my wife a better husband than I am; but, darn it, I'm not going to give her to 'em. - Will Rogers
The cruelest thing you can do to an artist is tell them their work is flawless when it isn't - Yahtzee Croshaw
We must help young women immerse themselves in a selfless work, perhaps receiving little public praise or attention. Instead, they must feel the Lord’s great love for them and their efforts through the influence of the Holy Ghost. - Neill F. Marriott
That was the moment when Alice knew for sure that she and Charlie Erdling would be friends for the rest of their lives. - Sarah Weeks
USA corporations are legally regulated by laws which their managers know are rarely enforced. This criminal activity is what the USA government calls: Deregulation. - Steven Magee
Some people don't care if they live or they die.Some people want to know what it feels like to fly.They gather their courage and they give it a tryAnd fall under the wheels of time going by. - Patty Griffin
It's none of their business that you have to learn how to write. Let them think you were born that way. - Ernest Hemingway
Marriage is a lottery in which men stake their liberty and women their happiness. - Virginie des Rieux
Sometimes the greatest act of love is to walk away, so that the other person can find their true self and direction again. - Auliq Ice
Disruptive innovation is entrepreneurs changing their industry with unique creativity. - Onyi Anyado
Follow your passion? Sure...but for most one needs to follow their passion after work and on weekends. - Bobby Darnell
The truth is, Everyone was taken before, What hurts is that, sometimes they are imprisoned with their past. - Bradley B. Dalina
While we read a novel, we are insane—bonkers. We believe in the existence of people who aren't there, we hear their voices... Sanity returns (in most cases) when the book is closed. - Ursula K. Le Guin
The highest goal of a leader is to help others fulfill their purposes in life. - Debasish Mridha M.D.
In order that people may be happy in their work, these three things are needed: They must be fit for it. They must not do too much of it. And they must have a sense of success in it. - John Ruskin
believe me when i say this.when you lovesomeone.you can travel the worldin their laugh. - Sanober Khan
To be acknowledged that we do not believe in their misleading notion and fallacy, today, tomorrow and forever even if it costs us our life. They have suffocated people for hundreds of years and if we don’t stop them today no one else would do it tomorrow. - M.F. Moonzajer
...you'll find that being a friend is to like a person for who they are, even the parts you don't understand. You don't have to understand, or do the same, or live their lives for them. If you truly care for them, then you want them to be who they are; that was why you liked them in the first place. - Terry Goodkind
Prejudice is a disease. And when they come for you, or refuse your worth, I will be ready for their stones. I belong to you. - Lady Gaga
Not everyone will appreciate the beauty of their surroundings like you do. Spend time with those that do. - April Mae Monterrosa
Never argue with an idiot, because they will only bring you down to their level and beat you by experience.
To be out of touch with a society in which women have internalized their subjugation is an admirable thing. - Mona Eltahawy
When people don't understand the meaning of freedom in their lives, they will continue to live as though they're still oppressed. - Gugu Mona
We always protect our heads, our faces,' he commented as he followed a half-step behind and to her left. It's pure instinct; to shield the eyes. The irony is that the blind have no eyes to protect, and suffer most of their injuries on their legs. But instinct can be blind, too. - Melinda Cross
I think men think about their penises as much as women think about molestation. - Christy Leigh Stewart
If you learn to develop an abundant mentality you will not be envious of others, you will celebrate their successes, you share in their joys and pains; don't see life as a competition but a complimentary. - Bernard Kelvin Clive
Men and women are not limited by the place of their birth, not by color of their skin, but by the size of their hope. - John Johnson
As it turns out, Plutarch, consciously or unconsciously, touched on a truth that most of us feel, but rarely meditate upon: the little things in behaviour are the door not only to the real character of people but also to their soul. - Nicos Hadjicostis
Poets find their voices when they articulate the wishes of the dead, especially those slain as sacrificial talismans to a larger frame of existence. - Michael S. Harper
A sure way to have someone crushed by their doubt is to preach a sermon on how to remove your doubt. - Matt Chandler
Liberals feel unworthy of their possessions. Conservatives feel they deserve everything they've stolen. - Mort Sahl
It is inexcusable for scientists to torture animals; let them make their experiments on journalists and politicians. - Henrik Ibsen
A Muslim who meets with others and shares their burdens is better than one who lives a life of seclusion and contemplation.
Too bad children don't know how profound their thoughts are. - Darnell Lamont Walker
Only children simply accept the fact that their parents have the right to make choices for them. Even disobedient children never question the fact that their parents have that right. They may choose to flout the rules, but they don't question their parents' right to make those rules. - The Mirror of Maybe
When a man's girlfriend's parents ask him what it is that he does for a living: they’re not really concerned about him; they’re concerned about their daughter’s tummy. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Realities disguised as symbols are, for me, new realities that are immeasurably preferable. I make an effort to take them at their word. To grasp, to carry out the diktat of images to the letter. - Claude Cahun
Press them continually with memory and dream and have them waste their Present there. - Geoffrey Wood
Let me open my heart so that everyone can love. Let me love so that everyone can open their hearts. - Debasish Mridha
Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched. - Bible
Never abbreviate your dreams. Only short-hand people always do that. Their punishment is that they can't stretch far, further and forward into the future. Dream only big dreams! - Israelmore Ayivor
When you meet someone, and you find that they are prejudiced against your kind, it might be your chance, not to confirm, but to be the one to finally change their mind. - Criss Jami
Those leaders who fail, lack the capability to resonate their idea & thoughts - Aayush Jain
Little, vicious minds abound with anger and revenge, and are incapable of feeling the pleasure of forgiving their enemies. - Lord Chesterfield
Too many people think only of their own profit. But business opportunity seldom knocks on the door of self-centered people. No customer ever goes to a store merely to please the storekeeper. - Kazuo Inamori
All artists are willing to suffer for their work. But why are so few preparedto learn to draw? - Banksy
No one is much pleased with a companion who does not increase, in some respect, their fondness for themselves. - Samuel Johnson
We own the things that claim that we are theirs. - Jay Mark D. Saga-ad
They were absolutely lovely, and in their presence, so was she. - Ann Brashares
You know how writers are... they create themselves as they create their work. Or perhaps they create their work in order to create themselves. - Orson Scott Card
If people confess to you their mistakes; Give them a chance, Because you really need those who have learnt what is right. - Mohith Agadi
Great men are strong men with great leadership qualities. They inspire others to be loving and caring like themselves. By this their character is made stronger. - Ellen J. Barrier
I would wish that people would accept people for who they are, not be judgmental, allow people to live their lives and enjoy themselves and that would be my wish for people. - John Barrowman
Harrogate saw them going along Blount Avenue Sunday morning. They wore outfits all cut from the same bolt of cloth and in the church pew standing six across they looked like a strip of gaudy wallpaper cut into those linked dolls madfolk pass their time in fashioning. - Cormac McCarthy
According to the historian William H. McNeil, European churches did not have pews until sometime in the eighteenth century. People stood or milled around, creating a very different dynamic than we find in today's churches, where people are expected to spend most of their time sitting. - Barbara Ehrenreich
Racists will always call you a racist when you identify their racism. To love yourself now - is a form of racism. We are the only people who are criticized for loving ourselves. and white people think when you love yourself you hate them. No, when I love myself they become irrelevant to me. - John Henrik Clarke
He's a complete and total psychopath. I don't mean that in the criminal sense, of course, but in a professional sense. People like that will do anything to hold on to their jobs.
Writers are like tricksters. Their words lure us to embark on journeys and unlock our emotions. - Ogwo David Emenike
Foreign lands never yield their secrets to a traveller. The best they offer are tantalising snippets, just enough to inflame the imagination. The secrets they do reveal are your own - the ones you have kept from yourself. And this is reason enough to travel, to leave home. - Graeme Sparkes
Anyone who objects to any government whatsoever as a form of socialism ought not to pull that socialist lever in their home, the one that makes their waste disappear in a whirlpool into the socialized sewage treatment plant. - John Médaille
My concern is to help people find out how they could best live their lives to hit the mark almost every single time. - Sunday Adelaja
I muse with the greatest affection on every flower I have known from my infancy - their shapes and colours are as new to me as if I had just created them with a superhuman fancy - It is because they are connected with the most thoughtless and happiest moments of our lives. - John Keats
[Men] are incomprehensible animals... They walk about boasting of their wisdom, strength, and sovereignty, while they have not sense so much as to swallow an apple with the aid of an Eve to put it down their throats. - Frances Wright
A strong person knows how to keep their life in order. Even with tears in their eyes, they still manage to say 'I'm grateful' with a smile. - Steven Cuoco
There are two political truisms: Old people vote and Republicans eat their young. - Eddie Whitlock
There is a tide in the affairs of men, Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune; Omitted, all the voyage of their life Is bound in shallows and in miseries. - William Shakespeare
All the perplexities, confusions, and distress in America arise, not from defects in their constitution or confederation, not from want of honor or virtue, so much as from the downright ignorance of the nature of coin, credit, and circulation. - John Adams
Leaders spend time reviewing their mistakes rather than having fantasies over their achievements! They look for every way to do the undone! - Israelmore Ayivor
Everyone wants to protect their heart, but without pain, one can never have joy. - Jaycee Ford
Happiness is not something to be pursued, it is something met, an encounter. Most encounters, however, have a sequel; this is their promise. The encounter with happiness has no sequel. All is there instantly. Happiness is what pierces grief. - John Berger
If you are without contention and still have the ability to make people think, their ego is going to take a hit and as a result they're not going to like you. They don't want to think. They want to be right, unrivaled or entertained. - Donna Lynn Hope
He's loved of the distracted multitude, who like not in their judgement, but their eyes. - William Shakespeare
Is it possible to have memories from the future? Yes, it is! Just dream about the future and these dreams will take their places on your memories, they will be your memories from the future! - Mehmet Murat ildan
they thought they were heroes when they were only cinders in the eye of humanity too many creatures both insects and humans estimate their own value by the amount of irritation they are able to cause greater personalities than themselves - Don Marquis
Love isn't always a physical emotion. Sometimes it's the ones who never got to actually hold you in their arms that appreciate you for who you are - Sarah Sprague
A poor man in this world can be done to death in two main ways, by the absolute indifference of his fellows in peacetime or by their homicidal mania when there's a war. - Louis-Ferdinand Céline
Maybe it's just that some of us have had certain facts and truths slapped up against our heads so hard and so often that we have to see them and pay our respects to their reality. - Ralph Ellison
People need to stand up for their wrongs, as they stand up for their rights. - Anthony Liccione
Have not all races had their first unity from a mythology that marries them to rock and hill? - William Butler Yeats
Often we don't even realize who we're meant to be because we're so busy trying to live out someone else's ideas. But other people and their opinions hold no power in defining our destiny. - Oprah Winfrey
It’s been easier to convince people to hand over half their income, their children to war, and their freedoms in perpetuity, than to engage them in seriously considering how roads might function in the absence of taxation. - Stefan Molyneux
It is up to the individual to 'choose' their repertoire of the self. If they do not have access to the range of narratives and discourses for the production of the ethical self they may be held responsible for choosing badly, an irresponsible production of themselves - Bev Skeggs
You can discover a person's true character by examining how their actions align with their words. - Janice Anderson
We care about moral issues, nobility, decency, happiness, goodness—the issues that matter in the real world, but which can only be addressed, in their purity, in fiction. - Orson Scott Card
Not every poor or unemployed person who has one wears a political party’s t-shirt to reveal their political affiliation; some use it merely to conceal their nipples. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
It was nothing but a hole, a mouth open wide. You could lean over the edge and peer down to see nothing. All I knew about the well was its frightening depth. It was deep beyond measuring, and crammed full of darkness, as if all the world’s darkness had been boiled down to their ultimate density. - Haruki Murakami
What most experimenters take for granted before they begin their experiments is infinitely more interesting than any results to which their experiments lead.
For rarely are sons similar to their fathers: most are worse, and a few are better than their fathers. - Homer
Those who say truth is stranger than fiction have wasted their time on poorly written fiction. - Mark Twain
Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. - Abraham Lincoln
We can tell a lot about a creature's level of consciousness by understanding their perception of death. - Abhijit Naskar
Have you seen what wolves do to their prey? But they do mate for life. - Donna Lynn Hope
However my mother had once said, ‘When you go to art school, you’ll find everybody sitting around practicing how to do their signature'; and sure enough, there they were, some of them doing just that. - Richard Williams
Imagine that the world had created a new 'dream product' to feed and immunize everyone born on earth. Imagine also that it was available everywhere, required no storage or delivery, and helped mothers plan their families and reduce the risk of cancer. Then imagine that the world refused to use it. - Frank A. Oski
Lost love is still love. It takes a different form, that's all. You can't see their smile or bring them food or tousle their hair or move them around a dance floor. But when those senses weaken another heightens. Memory. Memory becomes your partner. You nurture it. You hold it. You dance with it. - Mitch Albom
Not only do you become what you think about, but the world also becomes what you think about. Those who think that the world is a dark place are blind to the light that might illuminate their lives. Those who see the light of the world view the dark spots as merely potential light. - Wayne W. Dyer
There are other grounds for believing that gays and lesbians should be respected and protected from oppression: their right to privacy and freedom of actionand expression; the "victimless" nature of homosexual relations; and the many valuable contributions that gays and lesbians make to society. - Simon LeVay
How can you read this? There’s no pictures! Well, some people use their imagination. Gaston & Belle - Walt Disney Company
I don't care what your liberal agenda is, you'll never accomplish anything if the people don't trust us with their money, and they don't trust us Democrats.
Some people each left their spouse or lover because he or she was no longer the primary source of their happiness; some, because their spouse or lover was, at that time, the primary source of their unhappiness. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
The ball laughs, radiant, in the air. He brings her down, puts her to sleep, showers her with compliments, dances with her, and seeing such things never before seen his admirers pity their unborn grandchildren who will never see them. - Eduardo Galeano
What now strikes as remarkable about the new moneyed class of the nineteenth century is their complete irresponsibility;they see everything in terms of individual success, with hardly any consciousness that the community exists. - George Orwell
I think we have underestimated their Gods; they have made millions stupid, and we are even not able to get one out of that stupidity. - M.F. Moonzajer
I think people want their illusions and writers are mostly illusion. When you read their words, you read a flattened, incomplete version of the writer. - Gordon Atkinson
A town with many men who are less educated and as such ignorant of the real solution to the woes of their society has the same problem as a town with many intellectuals and yet with many problems - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
If the people you talk to on a daily basis are not the ones living your life dealing with your daily obstacles, are not uplifting for your well being then why should you buy into their opinion? - Matthew Donnelly
You have to keep doing it, Even if no one is watching. The best artists, are those Who live from their expressions, Not chasing the impressions. - Nikki Rowe
I don't think anyone, until their soul leaves their body, is past the point of no return - Tom Hiddleston
If everyone practices the power of their love, there will be happiness and no war. - Debasish Mridha
Time's the king of men; he's both their parent, and he is their grave, and gives them what he will, not what they crave. - William Shakespeare
The rich of this world will vanish like smoke, and no memory of their past pleasures will remain. But even in their lifetime they do not enjoy them without bitterness, weariness and fear, for the very things whence they derive their pleasures often carry with them the seeds of sorrow. - Kempis 1380-1471 Thomas
For the most part, people strenuously resist any redefinition of morality, because it shakes them to the very core of their being to think that in pursuing virtue they may have been feeding vice, or in fighting vice they may have in fact been fighting virtue. - Stefan Molyneux
Societies where there are worthy men and women of God, not necessarily preachers or religious men, but men that know the ways of God, they stand up against the collapse of equity in their land - Sunday Adelaja
Some are taxed on their success, true. Some are taxed on their survival, also true. - Benjamin Kane Ethridge
You see, in their last moments people show you who they really are. - The Joker Heath Ledger
When a woman marries again, it is because she detested her first husband. When a man marries again, it is because he adored his first wife. Women try their luck; men risk theirs. - Oscar Wilde
The devil, darkness, and death may swagger and boast, the pangs of life will sting for a while longer, but don't worry; the forces of evil are breathing their last. Not to worry...He's risen! - Charles R. Swindoll
I hate telling people this. I never know exactly how my voice is going to sound saying it, and I hate the stricken looks they get on their faces when they don't know what to say back. - Kendra Blake
Beware of the man who works hard to learn something, learns it, and finds himself no wiser than before... He is full of murderous resentment of people who are ignorant without having come by their ignorance the hard way. - Kurt Vonnegut
We cannot control other people and their actions but we can control how we act and react to them. - Elizabeth George
Who hateth me but for my happiness? Or who is honour'd now but for his wealth? Rather had I, a Jew, be hated thus, Than pitied in a Christian poverty; For I can see no fruits in all their faith, But malice, falsehood, and excessive pride, Which methinks fits not their profession. - Christopher Marlowe
They reel to and fro, and stagger like a drunken man, and are at their wit's end. - Bible
It's not only children who grow. Parents do too. As much as we watch to see what our children do with their lives, they are watching us to see what we do with ours. I can't tell my children to reach for the sun. All I can do is reach for it, myself. - Joyce Maynard
The goal of education is to enable individuals to continue their education. - John Dewey
...God is already out there in the world ahead of us. In our teaching, therefore, we must do more than merely help people learn how to be good church members. We are directors preparing people for roles in a drama that encompasses every part of their lives. - Richard Robert Osmer
Novels are readOr their authors are blue.Support Indie writers:Buy their books, post reviews! - Cheri Gillard
People should fall in love with their eyes closed. - Andy Warhol
Some people talk in their sleep. Lecturers talk while other people sleep - Albert Camus
Do not be desirous of having things done quickly. Do not look at small advantages. Desire to have things done quickly prevents their being done thoroughly. Looking at small advantages prevents great affairs from being accomplished. - Confucius
They (the French) have taken genius instead of reason for their guide, adopted experiment instead of experience, and wander in the dark because they prefer lightning to light. - Gouverneur Morris
Apparently people don't like the truth, but I do like it; I like it because it upsets a lot of people. If you show them enough times that their arguments are bullshit, then maybe just once, one of them will say, 'Oh! Wait a minute - I was wrong.' I live for that happening. Rare, I assure you - Lemmy Kilmister
Always be lenient with people and keep their privacy, as they can share their problems with you. These steps can help you in making your relationship strong. - Faisal Nawaz Maitlo
Writing is the only art form where a good number of the artists make a slice of their living criticizing one another in print, in public. - Christian Bauman
[Self] Perception is directly proportional to performance. Change a youth's perception, and you change their performance, their future... and their life. - Justin Young
People who know God truly change the life of their nation, and not the government. - Sunday Adelaja
Eventually, all things merge into one, and a river runs through it. The river was cut by the world's great flood and runs over rocks from the basement of time. On some of the rocks are timeless raindrops. Under the rocks are the words, and some of the words are theirs. I am haunted by waters. - Norman Maclean
And, of course, you have the commercials where savvy businesspeople Get Ahead by using their MacIntosh computers to create the ultimate American business product: a really sharp-looking report. - Dave Barry
It took me a long time to realiseThat mothers are women who carry you And not necessarily in their womb. - Stacy Morris
Men have as exaggerated an idea of their rights as women have of their wrongs. - Edgar Watson Howe
Selfie is like asking others to cast their likes on a own social media picture in liking or loving only and solely me. - Anuj Somany
They were untouched by modern education, but their government was striving with might and main to procure this inestimable benefit for them; anticlericalism and American bustle would soon free them from belief in miracles and holy likenesses. - Robertson Davies
I think it's cool to wear roadkill. If I died and somebody wanted to wear my teeth around their neck to VMAs, I'd feel honored. - Ke$ha
Not asking questions: Giving up on your dreams: Settling for less than you deserve causes you pain, a pain owned by the majority. Be among the few who are inquisitive, forge plans to chase their dreams and take intentional action to live the life aligned with their potential. - Tony Curl
Assert your right to make a few mistakes. If people can't accept your imperfections, that's their fault. - Dr. David M. Burns
The most important scientific revolutions all include, as their only common feature, the dethronement of human arrogance from one pedestal after another of previous convictions about our centrality in the cosmos. - Stephen Jay Gould
Pride is holding your head up when everyone around you has theirs bowed. Courage is what makes you do it. - Bryce Courtenay
Smile at everyone and brighten their day! - Ramana Pemmaraju
As ages passed we the people, were all blinded and misled in their ventures, by the heralds of the past. In the art of suppression apartheid and slavery were born and raised. In the final stage we established our earth as a drain of fuel and the religion of money made his appearance. - Nynke Visser
Everyone had their own responsibilities, duties and feeling, only you don't have yourself, when you are in love. - Nutan Bajracharya
Stoning prophets and erecting churches to their memory afterwards has been the way of the world through the ages. Today we worship Christ, but the Christ in the flesh we crucified. - Mahatma Gandhi
Even though people may be well known, they hold in their hearts the emotions of a simple person for the moments that are the most important of those we know on earth: birth, marriage and death. - Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis
If we would build on a sure foundation in friendship, we must love friends for their sake rather than for our own. - Charlotte Bronte
When others cannot find something to hold onto we can reach out and be their anchor in that moment. - Aaron Woodall
The hands of man can manufacture many things both penetratingly brilliant and utterly astounding. Yet, despite their amazing dexterity and profound skill they cannot manufacture hope. Such a masterpiece as that is left for the hands of God and a manger crafted by those hands. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
People add color to their story because they think it happened in black and white. - Tawny Lara
Always have the guts to tell people the things they must hear. Because your words, no matter how difficult to say, might be the gift to their freedom. Maybe, your unfounded fears were never theirs. Because truth is how people move on. - Shannon L. Alder
I don't care what people say about how I look or even their opinion on my relationship. But the moment you judge my character is when we have a problem. - Rachelle Friedman
A lot of companies have chosen to downsize, and maybe that was the right thing for them. We chose a different path. Our belief was that if we kept putting great products in front of customers, they would continue to open their wallets. - Steve Jobs
Alas, their love may be call'd appetite. No motion of the liver, but the palate. - William Shakespeare
God preordained, for his own glory and the display of His attributes of mercy and justice, a part of the human race, without any merit of their own, to eternal salvation, and another part, in just punishment of their sin, to eternal damnation. - John Calvin
Leadership is when you build the team,have the tools,teach the trade,use their skills to ready them for success.~ - Bluenscottish
The cost to reconnect animals to live in natural settings without human support is a debt that many animals in transition must honor with their lives. - Young Tim
We can never judge the lives of others, because each person knows only their own pain and renunciation. It's one thing to feel that you are on the right path, but it's another to think that yours is the only path. - Paulo Coelho
With Truth, Reason, and Morality off the board, we then capture their last Rook —that prissy little virtue, Temperance— for she depends on those other three for her beauty and was thus left wholly undefended. - Geoffrey Wood
A clarion call to the 7000 remnants who are yet to bow their knees to Baal, to arise and come out of the wilderness to take charge of the guard that would lead their Nations and church to the promise land - Sunday Adelaja
We can assist other souls’ hearts and make their world brighter when they are traveling through a difficult experience not by lowering ourselves to their level of sadness but by lifting them up with the light of our joy. - Molly Friedenfeld
The work of a motivational speaker is not that of a shopkeeper, so s/he has to give what people actually need than what they merely want to just satisfy their greed. - Anuj Somany
people ask to much because they live in their own reality. not what reality really is. - Rob Lyon
I felt for the tormented whirlwindsDamned for their carnal sinsCommitted when they let their passions rule their reason. - Dante Alighieri
I'm not judging people, I'm judging their actions. It's the same type of distinction that I try to apply to myself, to judge, but not be judgmental. - Jeff Melvoin
Scientists are in the strange position of being confronted daily by the indisputable fact of their own consciousness, yet with no way of explaining it. - Christian de Quincey
One by one she slew her fears, and then planted a flower garden over their graves. - John Mark Green
There can be no greater stretch of arbitrary power than to seize children from their parents, teach them whatever the authorities decree they shall be taught, and expropriate from the parents the funds to pay for the procedure. - Isabel Paterson
Rich people is people who only cares for themselves, and their money but, poor people doesn't care how much money they have because they have a big heart - Emanuelle Rivet
Anyone we truly love should come with their own dictionary. - Carrie Brownstein
The person born with a talent they are meant to use will find their greatest happiness in using it. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Much education today is monumentally ineffective. All too often we are giving young people cut flowers when we should be teaching them to grow their own plants. - John W. Gardner
Build my fear of what's out thereAnd cannot breathe the open airWhisper things into my brainAssuring me that I'm insaneThey think our heads are in their handsBut violent use brings violent plansKeep him tied, it makes him wellHe's getting better, can't you tell? - Metallica Welcome Home Sanitarium
Those who would abuse your trust for their own benefit can do it well, but only one time. - JA Perez
The only thing sillier than believing in gods is arguing against their existence. - Marty Rubin
We have deficited upon their attention in the most disorderly fashion. - Geoffrey Wood
What an ambiance, and such a pity I'm alone: Candles giving off their glow, gusts of wind and the light tapping of rain on the windowpane - a massage for the mind. And a comforting one, too. - Donna Lynn Hope
In a culture of hyper-consumption the advertising industry has brainwashed many people into believing they can raise their status just by driving a particular brand of whatever it is they are pushing at you. - Stephen Richards
ALLIANCE, n. In international politics, the union of two thieves who have their hands so deeply inserted in each other's pockets that they cannot separately plunder a third. - Ambrose Bierce
Everybody will get their wants, when they heartily want. - Santosh Kalwar
The blessed in the kingdom of heaven will see the punishments of the damned, in order that their bliss be more delightful for them. - Thomas Aquinas
Those who generate fog are Wizards of Oz hoping desperately that nobody pulls the curtain to reveal a trembling little writer behind it. This seldom happens. Readers who dare to point out that incomprehensible writing can't be comprehended risk being told that the problem is theirs. - Ralph Keyes
Think upon the numbers I have been sharing with you. Of your competitors, five out of ten will do little more than take their customer's money immorally. A further three out of ten will leave them dissatisfied. - Chris Murray
There's a tide in the affairs of men, which taken at the flood, leads onto fortune, omitted, all their voyages end in shallows and miseries. Upon such tide are we now... - William Shakespeare
Darkness and anger, when combined, are their own master. - S.R. Ford
From space this Earth is incandescent with abominations - the gods write their signature in our entrails - Steve Aylett
Perhaps people like us cannot love. Ordinary people can - that is their secret. - Hermann Hesse
A year earlier my parents had moved us out of the city to a split-level on Long Island, their idea of the American dream, which meant it as now an hour-and-a-half commute via the 7:06 Hicksville to Penn Station every morning. (Dark City Lights) - Jonathan Santlofer
Church was never meant to be a place for gods to gather, but for devils wanting to shed their horns for halos. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Products come with a WARNING label that reveals what they are made of. People come with one too; it is found in their actions. - Steve Maraboli
Only a demon would prevent a person from saving lives or fulfilling their life mission. There is no reasoning with the devil. Stand with pride because your heart is filled with the goodness of helping others, while theirs is filled with helping themselves. - Shannon L. Alder
Those who stare at the past have their backs turned to the future. - Unknown
The only private sector industry where employees work with their lives on stake for the interest of common people is media industry. - Amit Kalantri
You can try to defend discrimination on grounds that people are acting according to their conscience, but never forget that those same people may find it conscionable to discriminate against you next. - DaShanne Stokes
As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron. - H.L. Mencken
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. - Martin Luther King Jr.
Government today is growing too strong to be safe. There are no longer any citizens in the world there are only subjects. They work day in and day out for their masters they are bound to die for their masters at call. Out of this working and dying they tend to get less and less. - H.L. Mencken
God is all that exists. Every stone, flower, tree, animal and human being are on a spiritual journey to recognize their true self, their divine essence. - Swami Dhyan Giten
When I left, they were stuck with the burden of finding someone else to blame for their life... Pointing their anger everywhere, but never looking in the mirror... Continuing the cycle that led to their misery. - Steve Maraboli
The people who enlighten us are the ones who tell us their secrets. - Marty Rubin
VITUPERATION, n. Saite, as understood by dunces and all such as suffer from an impediment in their wit. - Ambrose Bierce
I have a friend who likes to date younger women because their stories are shorter. Old men like us, our stories are longer. - Jerry N. Uelsmann
If you want to foresee the behavior of someone, their personality is a better predictor than their intelligence. - Luigina Sgarro
Love the trees until their leaves fall off, then encourage them to try again next year. - Chad Sugg
There are some great positive quotes out there that I can't quite share as I wonder how a victim in a war torn country could be expected to see from their perspective? - Jay Woodman
The proud cannot accept the authority of God giving direction to their lives. (See Helaman 12:6.) They pit their perceptions of truth against God’s great knowledge, their abilities versus God’s priesthood power, and their accomplishments against His mighty works. - Ezra Taft Benson
Most people use less brains in selecting the person with whom they are to spend their lives than they do in choosing an automobile, a bicycle or a cut of steak. Love isn’t enough; there must also be understanding. - Elsie Lincoln Benedict
All men have their frailties; and whoever looks for a friend without imperfections, will never find what he seeks. - Cyrus the Great
Successful people use failures to sharpen their intuition by acknowledging mistakes for what they truly are - feedback. - Gordana Biernat
Most so-called brave people lack imagination. As though they can’t conceive of what would happen if something went wrong. The truly brave overcome their imagination and do what they have to do. 2 - Charles Bukowski
Although I deeply love oceans, deserts and other wild landscapes, it is only mountains that beckon me with that sort of painful magnetic pull to walk deeper and deeper into their beauty. They keep me continuously wanting to know more, feel more, see more. - Victoria Erickson
Sometimes we have to behave indifferent towards people who proclaim their love to us, just to see if they are really different. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Never joke about the job of your friend. He/she feeds their family with it and it affects their dignity! - Rossana Condoleo
Everybody counts—the Happy ones Count their Blessings and the sad ones Count their Troubles. - - RVM
The art of leading, in operations large or small, is the art of dealing with humanity, of working diligently on behalf of men, of being sympathetic with them, but equally, of insisting that they make a square facing toward their own problems.
Two good indicators of revealed preferences are things the people tend to value a lot: time and money. If you look at how they spend their time and how they spend their money, you can infer quite a lot about their real preferences. - Douglas W. Hubbard
I realize that they giggle and I actually laugh, that they show their cleavage and I have none to show, but just so you know, I am also a girl. I'm one of the three wise MEN. And it's gay to think that James Bond is hot. - John Green
I am aware, of course, that many men do hate the sight of their wife and children. Doctors even have a name for these people: 'anglers'. - Jeremy Clarkson
This is a place where grandmothers hold babies on their laps under the stars and whisper in their ears that the lights in the sky are holes in the floor of heaven. - Rick Bragg
109They all were children as it were" she saith. Tiring, complaining, and with any colorful thing they are charmingly possessed. Have a second look at their faces; you might be having other things ought to be expressed. - Bela Anĝelo
Aunts offer kids an opportunity to try out ideas that don't chime with their parents and they also demonstrate that people can get on, love each other and live together without necessarily being carbon copies. - Sara Sheridan
Everybody counts—the Happy ones Count their Blessings and the sad ones Count their Troubles. - RVM
Many surround themselves with luminaries, but in so doing they dull their own sparkle. If you want to shine bright, look to the heavens and see how the brightest star always stands apart from those lesser shining stars. - Stephen Richards
Everyone has that turning point in their life, whether you are going to make it or not it will come into your life nevertheless. - Manula Withanage
Think of how many religions attempt to validate themselves with prophecy. Think of how many people rely on these prophecies, however vague, however unfulfilled, to support or prop up their beliefs. Yet has there ever been a religion with the prophetic accuracy and reliability of science? - Carl Sagan
Apparently these new rulers of the world did not indulge in any drinking or smoking to soften their moods when they met, which Menelaus knew to be a big mistake. The Congress of the United States, back before the Disunion, always met sober, and look at what had come of that. - John C. Wright
The animals of the world exist for their own reasons. They were not made for humans any more than black people were made for white, or women created for men. - Alice Walker
Everyone is a genius at least once a year. The real geniuses simply have their bright ideas closer together. - Georg Christoph Lichtenberg
You have always known they exist. Everyone feels their presence. Few know the truth. The world of Real Immortals is about to be revealed! - John T. Montgomery
Those who try to kill the body violate God's law. Those who try to kill the soul also violate God's law, even though their crime is less visible to others."By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept - Paulo Coelho
It takes a strong individual to live passionately, and with having quality in their conviction, that sets the results one achieves. - Steven Cuoco
A well-spun tale can transport listeners away from their humdrum lives and return them with an enlarged sense of the world. (Peter Nimble) - Jonathan Auxier
The master class has always declared the wars; the subject class has always fought the battles. The master class had all to gain and nothing to lose, while the subject class has had nothing to gain and all to lose - especially their lives. - Eugene V. Debs
[Feminism is] a socialist, anti-family, political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians. - Pat Robertson
And watch two men washing clothes,one makes dry clothes wet. The other makes wet clothes dry. they seem to be thwarting each other, but their work is a perfect harmony.Every holy person seems to have a different doctrine and practice, but there's really only one work. - Jalaluddin Rumi
Before publishers' blurbs were invented, authors had to make their reputations by writing. - Laurence J. Peter
When you sweep the universe, nothing changes, only the things change their places; when the universe sweeps you, nothing changes, only the things change their places! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Men who fish at shallow waters can never have enough fish to feed their family talk less of a nation or a generation - Olojo Daniel Olatunji
All children should be taught to unconditionally accept, approve, admire, appreciate, forgive, trust, and ultimately, love their own person. - Asa Don Brown
Most so-called brave people lack imagination. As though they can’t conceive of what would happen if something went wrong. The truly brave overcome their imagination and do what they have to do. - Charles Bukowski
Walk with the dreamers, the believers, the courageous, the cheerful, the planners, the doers, the successful,people with their heads in the clouds and their feet on the ground. - Wilfred Peterson
Behind everyday reality, there is a deeper reality so cruel that it condemns to death those who crime is no greater than the pursuit of their own curiosity.("Shem-El-Nessim: An Inspiration In Perfume") - Chris Bell
The actual tragedies of life bear no relation to one's preconceived ideas. In the event, one is always bewildered by their simplicity, their grandeur of design, and by that element of the bizzare which seems inherent in them. - Jean Cocteau
See with your soul and not your eyesbecause to dance with the beasts youmust penetrate their disguise. - P.C. Cast
You're a good example of why some animals eat their young. - Jim Samuels
They were so strong in their beliefs that there came a time when it hardly mattered what exactly those beliefs were; they all fused into a single stubbornness. - Louise Erdrich
What a world we are living in.Their is rain for rain, light for light and trees for all. - J.T.Abraham
To seek the praise of men as our motivation is to abandon truly great things, for more often than not truly great things elicit the ire of men far more than they garner their praises. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
The bastards had done their job well. - Stephen Charles Gould
Feel pity for the person who judged you rudely. For they are selfish in their judgment, trying to make their life feel just a little bit better. It was never about you it was all about them. - Ron Baratono
Isn't it funny how we all will end up? Best friends today, communicating via internet tomorrow. Crush today, dancing at their weddings tomorrow. - Manasa Rao Saarloos
(Emerson's) aphorisms tend to be chicken soup for the academic soul or gobledygook of a man who prefers the sounds of words to their meanings. - Micah Mattix
Ignorance is an evil weed, which dictators may cultivate among their dupes, but which no democracy can afford among its citizens. - William Beveridge
You don't need another Human Being to make your life complete, but let's be honest. Having your wounds kissed by someone who doesn't see them as disasters In your soul, but cracks to put their love into, Is the most calming thing In this World. - Emery Allen
Don't Judge People By Their Outer Appearances, Even The Bright Beautiful Moon Has Its Dark Side Which It Keeps Hidden All The Time.... - Muhammad Imran Hasan
It is not until you rhyme with a person that makes you their perfect match, it is when you are satisfied with each others peculiarities, and find jewels in their loopholes. - Michael Bassey Johnson
At the moment that we persuade a child, any child, to cross that threshold, that magic threshold into a library, we change their lives forever, for the better. - Barack Obama
From each according to their ability, to each according to their need. - Karl Marx
Listen, there is no way any true man is going to let children live around him in his home and not discipline and teach, fight and mold them until they know all he knows. His goal is to make them better than he is. Being their friend is a distant second to this. - Victor Devlin
If people think nature is their friend then they sure don't need an enemy. - Kurt Vonnegut
Feel oddly barren. My sickness is when words draw in their horns and the physical world refuses to be ordered, recreated, arranged and selected. I am a victim of it then, not a master. - Sylvia Plath
If you can keep your wits about you while all others are losing theirs, and blaming you. . . . The world will be yours and everything in it, what's more, you'll be a man, my son. - Rudyard Kipling
Man can be categorized into three levels on social strata: One who are Consciously Unconscious, second who are Unconsciously Conscious - while both are inter-dependent for their survival; the third by and large a rare breed, Consciously Conscious sect who don’t ever relate to this world! - Ramana Pemmaraju
sing the song and let people do the interpretation. It is your duty to sing the unsung songs and it is their duty to do the interpretation - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Sometimes it's like you're a big pie settin' on the table, and everybody runs up and gets their piece of you. When it's over, the plate's empty.
When we help others to perform at the highest level of their potential, we receive something of value; our character is strengthened. - Ellen J. Barrier
Nobody is responsible for your sorrows and poverty, not even the devil. It is the work of the enemies of time that lives in some men, and their names are, 'Laziness and Procrastination'. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Children are happy because they don't have a file in their minds called "All the Things That Could Go Wrong. - Marianne Williamson
Some people will only love you as much as they can use you, their loyalty ends where the benefits cease. - honeya
it's difficult to root for America when the villains of the story live in a ditch and are armed with jagged rocks. At some point in recent years they looked up from their international heroism to realize they'd alienated the entire world. - Yahtzee Croshaw
[...] drink of their seas, illuminate yourself with their lights, swim in the ocean of Ihya so that you become one of the living (Ahya) [...]. - Shaykh 'Abdallah ibn Ahmad Ba-Sawdan
Spiders will build their webs no matter how many laws you pass against it. - Marty Rubin
I used to have this toy, a magic slate. You wrote or drew on it and then, just by pulling up the plastic cover, everything you did disappeared and you could start new. Maybe everyone feels that on New Year's Eve: They can pull up the magic sheet and rewrite their lives. - V.C. Andrews
Every person takes the limits of their own field of vision for the limits of the world. - Arthur Schopenhauer
Conscientious stupidity is a religion for most. Many will deny it, but it's those same people that find it easier to ignore the truth. This religion can only be followed by their humble ignorance. It's safe to assume, that this religion is an illusion of knowledge. - Lionel Suggs
Unless individuals have the power to defy commoditization and define their own lives, their potential is vulnerable to the crushing forces of objectification. - Tom Hayes
It's hard to say. Sometimes people have had terrible childhoods. And sometimes they just haven't found their special place in life. And sometimes they're dogs from hell and must be destroyed. - Charles Addams
Every dreamer thinks their dream is the true one. - Marty Rubin
Remember, too, that at a time when people are very concerned with their health and its relationship to what they eat, we have handed over the responsibility for our nourishment to faceless corporations. - Lynne Rossetto Kasper
Not necessary that every problem has a solution, you have to live with 'some' problems..rather than forcing a solution and doing a blunder, live with it.. People always have solutions for 'your' problems but none for their own.. - honeya
Those that have lost their lives to suicide were good people, who were in deep, deep pain. Keep speaking about mental illness and keep it out of the darkness. - Mariel Hemingway
Small is the number of them that see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts. - Albert Einstein
I never minded the random scribblings of other readers, found them interesting in fact. It is a truth universally acknowledged that people write the darndest things in the margins of their books. - Tara Bray Smith
Its just human nature. People forget past and only care about their present and don't think what will happen in future... - Taimoor Madni
If my work has a theme, I suspect it is a simple one: that most human beings are inescapably alone, and therein lies their tragedy. - Richard Yates
It should surprise no one that modern soldiers return home just as conflicted and detached as previous generations. The difference is that in the age of vapid American decadence, their simpler fundamental values are largely irrelevant to we civilians. - Tiffany Madison
When will women become civilized enough to stop mistreating men? When will they cease from training their lovers to become providers, merely because they have the power to do so?As long as they continue as they are, men have no alternative to polygamy. - Esther Vilar
The locals died and shrivelled with the autumnal leaves as their plastic, seasonal smiles faded with the last of the holidaymakers. - Moonshine Noire
You can never really know where exactly people are looking at! At the place they are staring at? Or at their past? Or at their future? - Mehmet Murat ildan
Taking good care of your husband or wife is the best way to thank their parent or parents for having taken good care of them. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Hate no one; hate their vices, not themselves. - J. G. C. Brainard
Some people lose their health getting wealth and then lose their wealth gaining health.
I see where we are starting to pay some attention to our neigbors to the south. We could never understand why Mexico wasn't just crazy about us; for we have always had their good will, and oil and minerals, at heart. - Will Rogers
Let us be kind and compassionate to all beings. Everyone wants to enjoy their lives, everyone has sufferings, and everyone wants peace and happiness. - Debasish Mridha
The crimes of children reproduce themselves, closing their victims in cages built of nightmares. - Miri Yū
It doesn't matter how much moisturiser you rub into a raisin. It will never be a grape again. I don't see why people buy moisturiser for their faces... - Viveca Benoir
The assholes are always puzzled when the order of the universe is restored, when they are held accountable for their cowardly, pretentious, loveless ways. - Carol Kepnes
Mahatma Gandi was what wives wish their husbands were: thin, tan and moral. - Unknown
All beings are vast multidimensional masters. They may be exploring divinity or limitation, but they are masters nonetheless. Then it becomes ok to simply allow them their process. - Ariel Tachi-ren
When people cheat in any arena, they diminish themselves-they threaten their own self-esteem and their relationships with others by undermining the trust they have in their ability to succeed and in their ability to be true. - Cheryl Hughes
You told me once that too much good in a person's life will stunt their growth. You said pain is necessary, because in order for a person to succeed, they must first learn to conquer adversity. And that's what you do... you deliver adversity where you see fit. - Colleen Hoover
If someone thinks you can help or heal them, and you think you can’t, choose their faith over your doubt. - Alan Cohen
People are so busy polishing their past, that they forget to paint their future. - Himanshu Vassanpal
Some people’s self-esteem was secretly improved when they discovered that their then-lovers had killed themselves over them. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
The determined scholar and the man of virtue will not seek to live at the expense of injuring their virtue. They will even sacrifice their lives to preserve their virtue complete. - Confucius
Those who control their passions do so because their passions are weak enough to be controlled. - William Blake
One problem with the way the educational system is set up is that it only recognizes a certain type of intelligence, and it’s incredibly restrictive - very, very restrictive. There’s so many types of intelligence, and people who would be at their best outside of that structure get lost. - Bruce Springsteen
It is naive to think that self-assertiveness is easy. To live self-assertively--which means to live authentically--is an act of high courage. That is why so many people spend the better part of their lives in hiding--from others and also from themselves. - Nathaniel Branden
Audiences who behave obscene toward prominent people have no clue that their opinions can result others to have a bad impression on them. - Saaif Alam
Women lose their lives not knowing they can do something different..." from Two or Three Things i Know For Sure - Dorothy Allison
This was the book I read over and over. I really felt so in tune with them- I knew all the dates of their lives, what they had been doing, whre they had been. They were always my heroes, creating something fantastic against all odds, and against their real life. - Christian Tetzlaff
I think what creates a winner is a person who can connect with their partner - another human being.. connect with their soul - Patrick Swayze
Remember that happiness is as contagious as gloom. It should be the first duty of those who are happy to let others know of their gladness. - Maurice Maeterlinck
Some people tap their feet, some people snap their fingers, and some people sway back and forth. I just sorta do 'em all together, I guess. - Elvis Presley
Soon enough the tears came but of course nobody came down to see if she was all right, it was just the slut in the kitchen who'd ruined their lives, getting drunk of neat gin and howling for her lost lunatic offer. - Patrick McGrath
People live their lives bound by what they accept as correct and true. That’s how they define Reality. But what does it mean to be correct or true? Merely vague concepts… Their Reality may all be a mirage. Can we consider them to simply be living in their own world, shaped by their beliefs? - Masashi Kishimoto
I could meet dreadful people and end up seeing the world through their eyes, seeing their frailties, their needs. You refer to yourself in order to understand other people. That's the novelist's gift, isn't it? - V.S. Naipaul
The major work of the world is not done by geniuses. It is done by ordinary people, with balance in their lives, who have learned to work in an extraordinary manner. - Gordon B. Hinckley
There's folks 'ud stand on their heads and then say the fault was i' their boots. - George Eliot
Men should not try to overstrain their goodness more than any other faculty. - Samuel Butler
You will not reap the fruit of individuality in your children if you clone their education. - Marilyn Howshall
If doctors are paid the same salary as bus drivers, community would not be crazy about making their children doctors - Nouman Ali Khan
Vacant minds must have their uses, yet it seems a pity to waste first-class bodies on them.
I helped with customers who raced through the front door in a mad search for the perfect gift. One that looked as if they'd put hours of thought into their choice. And yes, you're right. They were mostly men." -- Abby Shaw, Sucker Punched - Sammi Carter
Why do all great men, live not long enough, to see their greatness? - Borgohain J.
Brass bands are all very well in their place - outdoors and several miles away. - Sir Thomas Beecham
The very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common. Instead of altering their views to fit the facts, they alter the facts to fit their views...which can be very uncomfortable if you happen to be one of the facts that needs altering. - Doctor Who
Have you ever noticed how statists are constantly reforming their own handiwork? Education reform. Health-care reform. Welfare reform. Tax reform. The very fact they’re always busy reforming is an implicit admission that they didn’t get it right the first 50 times. - Lawrence W. Reed
The wisest men follow their own direction. - Euripides
...I did what most kids do when their world feels destroyed. I tried to care less about what remained...This was untrue, of course. - Adam Haslett
The best inheritance a parent can give to his children is a few minutes of their time each day.
As I watched the sky morph shades of amber and amethyst, of fiery orange and smoldering pink, I always wondered if colors and images like these once inspired the greats before us to construct their beauty and masterpieces. - Hubert Martin
As for my feelings toward 'Over the Rainbow,' it's become part of my life. It is so symbolic of all my dreams and wishes that I'm sure that's why people sometimes get tears in their eyes when they hear it. - Judy Garland
Though the word ‘I’ signifies ‘Ego’, yet wondering why it has been easier often to relatively believe more a person speaking with many ‘I’ than the people who talk too much with ‘YOU’ in their voice. - Anuj Somany
The law, in its majestic equality, forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal their bread. - Anatole France
There are moments when one feels a desperate gratitude for museums, whatever their own ambiguous histories. Their objects from lost cities lead us back to who we are. - Amy Davidson
Man Thinking must not be subdued by his instruments. Books are for the scholar's idle times. When he can read God directly, the hour is too precious to be wasted in other men's transcripts of their readings. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
It’s when you feel low about yourself, others actions and opinions will affect you. When you look at yourself as a confident person, it’s then; you’ll find the most peace and understanding, that it’s your world you have to live with not theirs. - Ron Baratono
The physician can bury his mistakes, but the architect can only advise his client to plant vines - so they should go as far as possible from home to build their first buildings. - Frank Lloyd Wright
In the long-run every Government is the exact symbol of its People, with their wisdom and unwisdom; we have to say, Like People like Government. - Thomas Carlyle
Under the United States Constitution, the federal government has no authority to hold states "accountable" for their education performance...In the free society envisioned by the founders, schools are held accountable to parents, not federal bureaucrats. - Ron Paul
Goals doesn't leave you like men, goals wait, they wait for their achievers. - Amit Kalantri
My dad told me that God allows people to make their own choices and doesn’t override their free will. That is why bad things happen. People don’t do the things they should. - J.W. Lord
I say illusion of choice because, in many cases, the nature of their choices hardly reaches the level of will, but of merely perfunctory activity. For the most part, their desires are not too strong, they are too weak, apathetic and easily placated. They often can be tempted into doing Nothing. - Geoffrey Wood
Everything meaningful encounters resistance, don't get scared of whatever comes your way, just go with the right strategy and plan, their you'll overcome it at last. - Auliq Ice
This proves the significance of individualism; being able to face the music, to embrace it, and then create something beautiful from it. You can’t truly be happy unless you’re unhappy sometimes and the pinnacle of life can only be reached when one can carve their own path. - Nadège Richards
As individuals, great writers from Villon to Diderot to Voltaire toRousseau to Byron or Shelley have often shown themselves to beirresponsible, selfish, mean or sometimes even cowardly people. Their lives were drab or self destructive or reckless.We read them for their Words, not for their deeds. - Max Vegaritter
Fools follow foolishly their imaginary lookalikes as god. Such silly follies exist not. Seek 'What Is'. And is not. - Fakeer Ishavardas
Men's evil manners live in brass; their virtues we write in water. - William Shakespeare
How dismal it is to see present day Americans yearning for the very orthodoxy that their country was founded to escape. - Christopher Hitchens
Every year, back come Spring, with nasty little birds yapping their fool heads off and the ground all mucked up with plants. - Dorothy Parker
You may not be able to do anything about how you feel; but you can do something about how you act. People will definitely offend you willing or unwilling by their words and actions...but you can choose to let that offence sink you down or not.... - Israelmore Ayivor
God has hewn out a hidden path more glorious, tantalizing and adventuresome than the path trod by most, and it is a path seen only through the eyes of our wounds, felt solely through the heart of our losses, and singularly traversed by those with a limp in their step. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
So many people live their lives not knowing the real and exact reasons why they live. They follow anything for something and they do something for anything. When you live life with a blurry vision, you live a blurry life. Vision is life, and a life without vision is a dead life - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
It's okay to not know who you are and what you want. Those with the answers are usually very happy in their own stuck-ness - Darnell Lamont Walker
Most employees are smarter than their employers. All employers are braver than their employees. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
If everyone was cognisant of their purpose on earth, we would only need weapons for hunting and nothing else. - Gugu Mona
People should train their brain by watching films, by listening music, by playing games, by reading quotes. If people do this, I can said from this a big percent from here you can become clever. - Deyth Banger
Cowards only find courage in the number of their likeness, citing their lofty strongholds as havens for their impunity. - Justin K. McFarlane Beau
Islam desists violence practised by terrorists who kill their brethren and commit all despicable actions under the shelter of religion. Islam dissociates itself strictly from these people and their actions. - Sheikh Zayed Al Nahyan
THE THINGS POETS & WRITERS DO THAT I LOVEListen to the AncestorsAcknowledge their influences Trust their gut-feelings and act on themMaintain openness. Play Dance with languagesBe bold Refuse servilityAvoid arroganceEmbrace the unknownLove the journey Respect one’s fellow journeyers - Billy Marshall Stoneking
A Data Scientists strength lies solely in their tenacity. - Damian Mingle
History's greatest composers would be appalled to hear their greatest works reduced to distorted hold music for businesses. - michael p naughton
It is an interesting question how far men would retain their relative rank if they were divested of their clothes. - Henry David Thoreau
The essence of oppression is that one is defined from the outside by those who define themselves as superior by criteria of their own choice. - Andrea Dworkin
Storms pass by on their way to get all the colors needed to paint your rainbow. - Matshona Dhliwayo
NEGRO, n. The _piece de resistance_ in the American political problem. Representing him by the letter n, the Republicans begin to build their equation thus: "Let n = the white man." This, however, appears to give an unsatisfactory solution. - Ambrose Bierce
When men exercise their reason coolly and freely on a variety of distinct questions, they inevitably fall into different opinions on some of them. When they are governed by a common passion, their opinions, if they are to be called, will be the same. - Alexander Hamilton
On with you, horse-taming Trojans! Never give Greeks best in your will to fight! They are not made of stone or iron. Their flesh can't keep out penetrating spears when they are hit. - Homer
The most important thing that parents can teach their children is how to get along without them. - Frank Clark
And the night shall be filled with music, And the cares, that infest the day,Shall fold their tents like the Arabs,and silently steal away. - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Most people who spend their lives are dreaming of having a summer house somewhere in the suburb of their city where they could lie in the hot sun all day long, drinking coffee and juice. They think they are enjoying life, but really they are spending life. - Sunday Adelaja
If any choose to maintain, as many do, that species were gradually brought to their maturity from humbler forms ... he is welcome to his hypothesis, but I have nothing to do with it.
Tell your story to inspired other people to rise up and live their dreams. - Lailah Gifty Akita
If you have to choose between your self-respect & ego and other person; choose your self-respect & ego.Because other person may leave you at their will but your self-respect & ego will always support and carry you even in toughest situations. - Nikita Dudani
America is now wholly given over to a damned mob of scribbling women, and I should have no chance of success while the public taste is occupied with their trash. - Nathaniel Hawthorne
Radio is a bag of mediocrity where little men with carbon minds wallow in sluice of their own making. - Fred Allen
For all their strength, men were sometimes like little children. - Lawana Blackwell
If money could buy happiness, the rich would not drown their sorrows in expensive wine. - Matshona Dhliwayo
There is no such thing as a problem without a gift for you in its hands. You seek problems because you need their gifts. - Richard Bach
Those who with high self esteem makes deep and lasting connections with their own unique way to make all the difference in the world. - Kishore Bansal
ELYSIUM, n. An imaginary delightful country which the ancients foolishly believed to be inhabited by the spirits of the good. This ridiculous and mischievous fable was swept off the face of the earth by the early Christians -- may their souls be happy in Heaven! - Ambrose Bierce
Freedom of speech means setting words free. Imprisoned and freed words are consequential. All words have consequences. Restrain and release words with respect for their consequentialness. - John R. Dallas Jr.
When one is trying to do something beyond his known powers it is useless to seek the approval of friends. Friends are at their best in moments of defeat. - Henry Miller
The people can always be brought to the bidding of their leaders. All you have to do is tell them that they are in danger of being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. - Hermann Goering
It's only artists who know how to use their eyes - Grant Albert Camus
All the perplexities, confusions, and distresses in America arise, not from defects in their constitution or confederation, nor from want of honor or virtue, as much from downright ignorance of the nature of coin, credit, and circulation. - John Adams
The women’s entire education should be planned in relation to men. To please men, to be useful to them, to win their love and respect, to raise them as children, care for them as adults… these are women’s duties in all ages and these are what they should be taught from childhood. - Jacques Rousseau
Let those who can sing to sing on top of their voices and those who dance to dance to their very best rhythm. - Euginia Herlihy
Silence is where my demons lurk, taunting me endlessly day after day until the end of time...yet still I wait, revelling in their company... - Virginia Alison
The worst grudge is being told that you are forgiven, yet your sins are still glowing in their hearts like a burning coal. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Their beauty had always seemed to him like the beauty of pressed flowers-lovely, but dead. - Cassandra Clare
I was determined to get them away from the idea that their education is a private experience. - Joan Countryman
I ain’t the only old woman looking. I’m just the only one honest enough to admit it. The others just hire the boy to cut their grass so they can sit at the window and drool. - Abbi Glines
Ignorant men don't know what good they hold in their hands until they've flung it away. - Sophocles
A male-female close-friendship hardly differs from a relationship; it takes "relating" to be friends. But sadly, not every relationship has friendship in it. It's just ironical that two people who are not good enough to be best friends are in love and want to spend the rest of their lives together. - Olaotan Fawehinmi
To know what should be going on in a household: spend a few minutes with the wife, or, the husband. To know what’s really going on: spend a few minutes with their kid(s). - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Transitions themselves are not the issue, but how well you respond to their challenges! - Jim George
Controlling people do not like to be controlled. Controlling people do not like to have their agendas obstructed. - Traci Lawrence
It's nice to think that picking uncertain paths may not necessarily alter their destination too drastically, simply the journey undertaken to reach it. - Emma Cameron
People who made their dreams come true didn’t simply go after it. They changed the person they were, in order to fit the type of person that would live that type of dream. - Shannon L. Alder
Lots of people think they're charitable if they give away their old clothes and things they don't want.
His hand cupped her cheek as he lowered his head to hers. Just before their lips touched, a light knock sounded on the door. - Lia Davis
Chess is a foolish expedient for making idle people believe they are doing something very clever when they are only wasting their time. - George Bernard Shaw
We draw people to Christ not by loudly discrediting what they believe, by telling them how wrong they are and how right we are, but by showing them a light that is so lovely that they want with all their hearts to know the source of it. - Madeleine L'Engle
People sell their soul in such small quantities - a seemingly trivial compromise here, a rationalization of a minor evil there - that they don't realize what they're doing until it is too late. - Mike Klepper
And a home is under progressCause as he said to her from week oneHe isn’t a king... He is a wolf...First his alpha then their homeHouse... Cause home is where her heart pumpsInside her arms - Konstantinos Kyriakou.K.K
I respect the man who knows distinctly what he wishes. The greater part of all mischief in the world arises from the fact that men do not sufficiently understand their own aims. They have undertaken to build a tower, and spend no more labor on the foundation than would be necessary to erect a hut. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
If you truly love film, I think the healthiest thing to do is not read books on the subject. I prefer the glossy film magazines with their big color photos and gossip columns, or the National Enquirer. Such vulgarity is healthy and safe. - Werner Herzog
Three-fourths of the miseries and misunderstandings in the world will disappear if we step into the shoes of our adversaries and understand their standpoint. - Mahatma Gandhi
Some females are so "pretty", that all they have are their looks. Don't allow your attitude and ego to deduct from your pretty ladies. No matter how cute you think you are... your attitude can make you ugly real quick. - Randa Manning-Johnson
...in the lexicon of the political class, the word "sacrifice" means that the citizens are supposed to mail even more of their income to Washington so that the political class will not have to sacrifice the pleasure of spending it.
The wit makes fun of other persons; the satirist makes fun of the world; the humorist makes fun of himself, but in so doing, he identifies himself with people--that is, people everywhere, not for the purpose of taking them apart, but simply revealing their true nature. - James Thurber
I have voices in my headI'm a slave to imaginary peopleI feel what they feelI experience what they experience I live in their world And I'm devoted to translating their storiesI'm not crazy, I'm a writer - Charisse Spiers
Leaders who listen to their team ,encourage dreams, they inspire success by example andl ignite the passion needed to achieve ~ - Bluenscottish
There's nothing more devastating in a marriage than when a spouse puts their work, their desires above their partner's heart. - Solange nicole
Great art is always a way of concentrating, reinventing what is called fact, what we know of our existence- a reconcentration… tearing away the veils, the attitudes people acquire of their time and earlier time. Really good artists tear down those veils - Francis Bacon
It’s not in the book or in the writer that readers discern the truth of what they read; they see it in themselves, if the light of truth has penetrated their minds. - Augustine of Hippo
Fiction gives us empathy: it puts us inside the minds of other people, gives us the gifts of seeing the world through their eyes. Fiction is a lie that tells us true things, over and over. - Neil Gaiman
The proud wish God would agree with them. They are not interested in changing their opinions to agree with God's. - Ezra Taft Benson
If men saw that a term was set to their troubles, they would find strength in some way to withstand the hocus-pocus and intimidations of the prophets. - Lucretius
How sweet all at once it was for me to be rid of those fruitless joys which I had once feared to lose..! You drove them from me, you who are the true, the sovereign joy. You drove them from me and took their place.... O Lord my God, my Light, my Wealth, and my Salvation. - Augustine of Hippo
He was scanning her soul continuously and inevitably she became his soul stripper... I guess this is what you may call an action and reaction of their spirits - Konstantinos Kyriakou.K.K
People who lost their mother should be careful about committing crime, because probably no one else is praying to save you. - Amit Kalantri
Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop away from you like the leaves of Autumn. - John Muir
The person who is rich is the one who possess kindness, caring, help others when needed, gives things that money can't buy, and spend time with those who need someone to listen to their stories. Sometimes money isn't needed. - Ellen J. Barrier
I would like to spare the time and effort of hack reviewers and, generally, persons who move their lips when reading. - Vladimir Nabokov
If I've learned one thing about a woman: they'll get over every damn single tragedy without losing the charm of their smile. - Sarvesh Jain
His adolescents are displaced aristocrats who have lost their kingdom and wealth, which was childhood. [On J.D. Salinger] - Heather O'Neill
My vision is to help each man, woman and child connect with their inherent psychic ability. I believe that each person has the potential to tap into their abilities and access them to empower their life and reach their full potential. - Sandy Anastasi
Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one. - Charles Mackay
People will always have opinions about your decision because they're not courageous enough to take action on their opinion. - Steve Maraboli
Simply thinking creatively is not the same as being innovative, and only those who risk breaking out of their comfort zone by putting thought into action will discover the profusion of opportunity that exists. - Michael Lum
People wishes their friends to be in politics, but their sons in professions. - Amit Kalantri
Most complain about dried up lawns; others envy a neighbor's green lawn, but winners learn from all lawns while cultivating their own. - Orrin Woodward
The worst thing to call somebody is crazy, it's dismissive. 'But I don't understand this person', so they're crazy. That's bullshit cause people are not crazy, they strong people, maybe their environment is a little sick. - Dave Chapelle
Don't depend on anyone else to toot your horn. I mean, do you really want their lips on it, anyway? - Faydra D. Fields
Falsehoods, rob the good in the hood, of the good wood. The good wood, that the good in the hood are descended from, is their birthright. - Justin K. McFarlane Beau
Failure fear people who pursue success, cause their bravery to become successful is far more than failure to understand. - Festus adeoye
All she wanted was a family, all he wanted was fame; as their relationship famished. - Anthony Liccione
The Indians say to draw someone's portrait is to steal their soul, i am taking photographs, does it mean that i am just borrowing them? - T.A
Virtues are acquired through endeavor, Which rests wholly upon yourself. So, to praise others for their virtues Can but encourage one's own efforts.
Our minds are like our stomachs; they are whetted by the change of their food, and variety supplies both with fresh appetites. - Quintilian
OBSERVATORY, n. A place where astronomers conjecture away the guesses of their predecessors. - Ambrose Bierce
I believe the visionaries and true reflections of society will be rewarded after their lives. Those being rewarded now are giving the public what it needs now, usually applauding its current state and clearing consciences. - Hollace M. Metzger
We belong to the 'Stardust Family'. Thanks to those initial stars who sacrificed their precious lives for us! We're STARDUST! ~ UNIVERSE LOVES YOU & SO DO I ‪#‎StardustAK‬ - Abhishek Kumar
Porn mainly exists to satisfy the physical needs of men. Unfortunately many young men use porn to get educated about sex. But porn is not romance, lovemaking and about an emotional connection with their girlfriend, wife, or lover. - Dr. Warren Shepell
The promise of a dreamer’s future will always remain greater than their present ability. God will always give them dreams that are further along than their current level of maturity. - Wayne Cordeiro
The insufferable arrogance of human beings to think that Nature was made solely for their benefit, as if it was conceivable that the sun had been set afire merely to ripen men's apples and head their cabbages. - Cyrano de Bergerac
Most priests wish they were as righteous as they seem to most members of their congregations. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Only a fool drops their chest of treasures for a single diamond in the gravel. - Eunice Pinkard
When men are brought face to face with their opponents, forced to listen and learn and mend their ideas, they cease to be children and savages and begin to live like civilized men. Then only is freedom a reality, when men may voice their opinions because they must examine their opinions. - Walter Lippmann
Everybody should read something. Otherwise we all fall down into the pit of ignorance. Many are down there. Some people fall in it forever. Their lives mean nothing. They should not exist. (From the short story, "Charity".) - Charles Baxter
There's the good girl leading a charmed life who secretly covets to be the rare and elusive femme fatale and the femme fatale who yearns to be good and then there is their nemesis - men who dream and desire both. - Donna Lynn Hope
I choose my friends for their good looks, my acquaintances for their good characters, and my enemies for their good intellects. - Oscar Wilde
When I see Ann Coulter and Sean Hannity baying across the television screen, I find it hard to take them seriously. I assume that they must be saying what they do primarily to boost book sales or ratings, although I do wonder who would spend their precious evenings with such sourpusses. - Barack Obama
When they look at a beautiful view, most people see their memories, not the view! - Mehmet Murat ildan
If the Prince of Peace should come to earth, one of the first things he would do would be to put psychiatrists in their place. - Aldous Huxley
Only those who ignore d sea waves&tides to fish in deep waters can have abundance of fishes to feed their generation. - Olojo Daniel Olatunji
Heroes are higher than their vulnerability that is why they are heroes. - Amit Kalantri
It was like setting up a guillotine in the public square.You don't expect a thousand people to line up to put their heads in it. - Dave Eggers
I’ve known people that the world has thrown everything at to discourage them...to break their spirit. And yet something about them retains a dignity. They face life and don’t ask quarters. - Horton Foote
A thousand times, people may have touched each other, but never ever sensed a single vein of oneness or complicity in the wilderness of their inner world, since obdurate mental impediments have been barricading the road to understanding and propinquity. (A thousand times) - Erik Pevernagie
As private parts to the gods are we! They play with us for their sport. (Lord Melchett, Blackadder.) - Richard Curtis & Ben Elton
The meaning of pain is different for different people ... It depends on their age, their experience and their knowledge. But the intensity of it is the same, young or old ... and unfortunately it is inevitable ... just like failure, that results in more pain ...It's a vicious cycle. - Shreyas Tripathy
DISARM ALL RAPISTSBut what will we doWith their legs? - Chocolate Waters
The best words of wisdom that a parent can say to their child is "I Am proud of you". - Unarine Ramaru
There are only two kinds of people who can drain your energy: those you love, and those you fear. In both instances it is you who let them in. They did not force their way into your aura, or pry their way into your reality experience. - Anthon St. Maarten
I wanted to make people think, to open their minds, to give them a full picture of what was happening in Iraq so they can decide whether they supported our presence there. - Lynsey Addario
You learn from mistakes so the best leaders are constantly making new mistakes on their success journey. - Orrin Woodward
If any morality or ethics does not include kindness as their fundamental ingredient, then they are just an absurdity. - Debasish Mridha
Artists, by their free expressions, encourage others to be free. This is the quality that makes works of art enduring. - Marty Rubin
We make the world most possible by helping the people we encounter be their most possible. - Tara Lemméy
My tears stuck in their little ducts, refusing to be jerked.
I choose my friends for their good looks, my acquaintances for their good characters, and my enemies for their good intellects. A man cannot be too careful in the choice of his enemies. - Oscar Wilde
Do not listen to those who weep and complain, for their disease is contagious. - Og Mandino
We often blame our government for their lack of responsibility, socially and politically. We forget that that is only a result of the societal irresponsibility in general. - Sunday Adelaja
More people would learn from their mistakes if they weren't so busy denying them - Harold J. Smith
A truly honorable person, would never convince another to stray, from their personal pursuit of honor. No, only one lacking this noble quality would try to justify and market, an existence without it. - Justin K. McFarlane Beau
Never expect someone to care for you or to care about your feelings and emotios Everyone's fucking heartless, people just don't give a damn about your stupid feelings or your boring stories. People only know how to fool you around and use you for their own benefits. - Taimoor Madni
Hope keeps dreams alive through the prayers of those who never give up. They are able to pursue their dreams with confidence and reach their goals.For every one that asks receives, and he that seeks finds; and to him that knocks, it shall be opened. Matthew 7:8 words of Jesus Christ - Ellen Jean Barrier
We believe more readily in the abstract application of God's promises than we do in their application to us personally. - Matt Chandler
Forever echoed in their favor. "Never say never", she said softly. For you see, Forever had never heard of Never. - Shannon L. Alder
People are not measured by their accomplishments, but by how many times they screw up trying to achieve them. - James McGregor
What kids are doing are killing themselvesThey feel they have no control of their prisoner's cellAnd if you're one of them then you're one of meAnd you would do almost anything just to feel free...- From the song Fake You Out - Twenty one pilots
People will not look forward to posterity who never look backward to their ancestors. - Edmund Burke
Unforgiveness denies the victim the possibility of parole and leaves them stuck in the prison of what was, incarcerating them in their trauma and relinquishing the chance to escape beyond the pain. - T.D. Jakes
Everyone has to have hope in their life, or they will eventually become your enemy. - Jim Morris
Vulnerability brings honesty. We become most honest with ourselves when we are faced with real fear around a situation or an outcome. Yet many still stay in their comfort zone, listening to their own excuses and lies. - Tony Curl
Vanity might be a "sin" according to some lights, but he thought in measured doses it was one of life's allowable simple pleasures. It helped everyone get through their days. - G.M. Malliet
The least I can do is speak out for the hundreds of chimpanzees who, right now, sit hunched, miserable and without hope, staring out with dead eyes from their metal prisons. They cannot speak for themselves. - Jane Goodall
It is not your fault you believe what your parents tell you. It is theirs for telling you unbelievable things. -- ME - Tammy Wooster
If everyone realized this truth about their own inherent power to create and to attract whatever they desired, not everyone would want to be the president of a country, not everyone would want to live on that mansion on the hill, and not everyone would want the same things you would. - Stephen Richards
A man can know nothing of mankind without knowing something of himself. Self-knowledge is the property of that man whose passions have their full play, but who ponders over their results. - Benjamin Disraeli
Friendship is one of the sweetest joys of life. Many might have failed beneath the bitterness of their trial had they not found a friend.
A fortunate few may find...their work to be a source of love, but it is also everyone’s right to find love elsewhere. - Miya Tokumitsu
The voices in my head does not likes attitude of some people. I know how to defend myself, but I do not want to hurt their feelings for ease my pain. - Sammy Toora Powerlifter
If you have men who will exclude any of God's creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who will deal likewise with their fellow men. - Francis of Assisi
Allocate your resources wisely for all men have been endowed with abilities that are more than sufficient to accomplish even the greatest of their dreams. - Stella Payton
People who are unwilling to talk about deep personal issues do not trust their own emotions. - David W. Earle
It is sad, people what to control others. But they have not learned to know their soul. - Lailah Gifty Akita
When the early Church recited the Apostles Creed, it was simultaneously their greatest act of rebellion, and their greatest act of submission. - Matt Chandler
Myriam and I are both hard workers, and together we make a strong team. We found ways to make a living, educate our children, and to take care of my parents until their last days, and we managed to have fun doing it. ...The friendships we made along the way were the biggest treasure of all. - Marc Ashton
No state has an inherent right to survive through conscript troops and in the long run no state ever has. Roman matrons used to say to their sons: "Come back with your shield, or on it." Later on, this custom declined. So did Rome.
You will never know the purest love you can give a person, until the day you hurt because they hurt. You genuinely want them to succeed in life and be free from all the chains that keep them from being happy, whether you are in their life or not. - Shannon L. Alder
Hundreds of hysterical persons must confuse these phenomena with messages from the beyond and take their glory to the bishop rather than the eye doctor. - James Thurber
As my mind changes, so do my quotes. I empathize with those who, by force, are put on trial for their own clarity of conscience. For that, we must convene by force of argument. - Michael Brett Turner
I'm always angry about the death of people who are still alive, their eyes are opened, yet they can't see anything...the spell of ignorance - Michael Bassey Johnson
And if insight were sufficient, if the inner life were the whole of life, their happiness has been assured. - E.M. Forster
I have a strong theory that you can tell a lot about someone by their coffee order - Emmie Lee Dean
You only have to doze a moment, and all is lost. For ruin and salvation both have their source inside you. - Epictetus
But whose problem is it when you make people talk about you?" "Theirs. - Yiyun Li
Few lack talent, but most people lack the vision & perseverance to develop their talents. - Orrin Woodward
Not all those who know their minds know their hearts as well. - Francois De La Rochefoucauld
Most men would feel insulted if it were proposed to employ them in throwing stones over a wall, and then in throwing them back, merely that they might earn their wages. But many are no more worthily employed now. - Henry David Thoreau
I don't kill flies but I like to mess with their minds. I hold them above globes. They freak out and yell, 'Whoa, I'm way too high!'
A writer draws a road map where readers walks with their love, joy, anger, tears, and dismay. Every story, every poem, has different meanings for every reader. - Debasish Mridha
We call ourselves Protestants, but we have totally departed from the teachings of the early Protestants. Martin Luther, John Wesley and John Calvin would turn in their graves, if they hear the kind of teachings we are now feeding the people of God with. - Sunday Adelaja
Men are rewarded or punished not for what they do but for how their acts are defined. That is why men are more interested in better justifying themselves than in better behaving themselves.
Books, like proverbs, receive their chief value from the stamp and esteem of the ages through which they have passed
Instead of getting hard ourselves and trying to compete, women should try and give their best qualities to men - bring them softness, teach them how to cry. - Joan Baez
If everyone sweeps their own doorstep, their own neighbourhoods, the world will be a clean, pure and healthy place for life to prosper. - Vishwas Chavan
But Jesus, our Advocate, presents an effectual plea in behalf of all who by repentance and faith have committed the keeping of their souls to Him.He pleads their cause, and by the mighty arguments of Calvary vanquishes their accuser. - Ellen G. White
The lies they've convinced their eyes that they're seeing, will not mar the truth in my lens. - Justin K. McFarlane Beau
Privilege doesn't just insulate people from the consequences of their prejudice, it cuts them off from their humanity. - DaShanne Stokes
Serving others means being willing to make sacrifices for their good. - Jim George
If two people truly have feelings for one another then they don’t have an affair. They get a divorce and they sort out their feelings. You are accountable for the people you hold hostage in a marriage when your mind and heart refuse to fully commit to them. - Shannon L. Alder
Humans are not proud of their ancestors, and rarely invite them round to dinner. - Douglas Adams
And though they fell as ashes, their shadows drifted as leaves. - Hubert Martin
Most doctors are prisoners of their education and shackled by their profession. - Richard Diaz
People are crazy about food, smoking, drinking, girls but not about their dreams. - Amit Kalantri
America's leaders should be examples of integrity and high moral standards. When their behavior evokes shame rather than pride and becomes something that we don't want to discuss in front of the children at the kitchen table, we should consider impeachment. - Ben Carson, M.D.
When someone obtains peace and serenity, this shines a bright spotlight on others’ own unhappiness making their discomfort even more apparent. - David W. Earle
It [feminism] is mixed up with a muddled idea that women are free when they serve their employers but slaves when they help their husbands. - G.K. Chesterton
Writers seldom choose as friends those self-centered characters who are never in trouble, never make mistakes, and always count their change as it is handed to them. - Catherine Drinker Bowen
Conversations sometimes are so hard to follow.People are so confusing with the wrong facialexpressions for their words. - Tina J. Richardson
Self-interest lies behind all that men do, forming the important motive for all their actions; this rule has never deceived me - Marquis de Sade
I am firmly of the opinion that people who can’t speak have nothing to say. It’s one more thing we do to the poor, the deprived: cut out their tongues allow them a language as lousy as their life - William H. Gass
So I had nothing to distract me from my books and their other worlds that swallowed me whole, from Narnia to the Wisconsin woods, from a small town in Sweden to the red earth of Prince Edward Island. Nothing and no one interested me as much as my books. - Luisa Weiss
Blessed are you when you enjoyed the company of elderly people. They are always ready to share their rich experience and wisdom with young people. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Let them enjoy their Eden while they can; though there's plenty of apples, I fear, on the tree yet, Mr Lawford. - Walter de la Mare
Don't be an escort to people on their way to success, for it is equally as if you're a sign post, leading the way, and rusting at the end. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Public opinion only affects those who do not know their destiny. - Daryl Baugh
A country road, a gravel road, is a sign of civilization, sure, but it’s just a farm, an easy conquest. Iron means a stronghold, people who can defend what’s theirs. - Kathy Bryson, Fighting Mad
Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option. - Mark Twain
There are men who wants only the woman; such are tagged, 'real men', and there are ones who want only their bodies; such are tagged, 'fake men', and there are others who wants neither the woman, nor the body; such are tagged, 'GAY MEN - Michael Bassey Johnson
The peace of heaven is theirs that lift their swords, in such a just and charitable war. - William Shakespeare
The shortest and best ways to make your fortune is to let people see clearly that it is in their interests to promote yours. - Jean de la Bruyere
We judge others by their actions and ourselves by our intentions. We need to offer grace to all, because we all need a little grace. - Jayce O'Neal
Humility can weep over other men's weaknesses, and joy and rejoice over their graces. - Thomas Brooks
Maybe comfort exists in believing there is order in the world, even when someone is making the most disorderly decision we know: running toward death instead of away from it.In their absence, we're left trying to pin meaning to air. - Kate Fagan
Look at the stars. See their beauty. And in that beauty, see yourself. - Draya Mooney
I feel like these characters, these places, these beings and plots, and even these inanimate objects are counting on me for survival. It’s my responsibility to reveal them to the world, to show my readers the names of these things, to show them their histories and stories. - Nicholas Trandahl
The great successful men of the world have used their imaginations, they think ahead and create their mental picture, and then go to work materializing that picture in all its details, filling in here, adding a little there, altering this a bit and that bit, but steadily building, steadily building. - Robert Collier
We falsely attribute to men a determined character - putting together all their yesterdays - and averaging them - we presume we know them. Pity the man who has character to support - it is worse than a large family - he is the silent poor indeed. - Henry David Thoreau
Lawyers spend a great deal of their time shoveling smoke. - Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.
One who says unpleasant things about others, will himself quickly become a target of their scandal.
Every man produces only to the capacity of their philosophies of life or doctrines as we Christians call it. - Sunday Adelaja
Empathy is a creative act. It is the act of imagining ourselves not only in another's shoes, but perhaps inhabiting their very heart and soul. - Michele Jennae
Love is one of the most powerful healing tools in the universe. Most people forget to use it to build rapport, to deepen their relatedness, and to mend the upset that underlies disagreement and expectation. Sprinkle more love and you will heal only 100% of the time. - Monika Zands
Everyone should have their mind blown once a day. - Neil deGrasse Tyson
Those focused on the future don't complain about their past; those complaining about their past aren't focused on their futures. - Orrin Woodward
When your share your story with someone, it becomes their story too. - Marty Rubin
Learn to forgive "HATERS" and people who think less of you. Don't bring yourself down to their level, because you know who you are. Be HUMBLE and shower them with unexpected love. - Henry Johnson Jr
And that day will come, when the feminists will come out of their central top secret worldwide headquarters, and say 'It`s on now, motherfuckers! - Kenji
People are far more sincere and good-humored at speeding their parting guests than on meeting them. - Anton Chekhov
Pardon all runners,All speechless, alien winds,All mad waters.Pardon their impulses,Their wild attitudes,Their young flights, their reticence.When a message has no clothes onHow can it be spoken. - Thomas Merton
A PHD is not the end of education. Education exists even among the bees who feed their queen only with the purest - Sahndra Fon Dufe
When things are at their blackest, I say to myself, 'Cheer up, things could be worse.' And sure enough, they get worse. - Robert Asprin
Prose: words in their best order; poetry: the best words in the best order. - Samuel Taylor Coleridge
If you weren't built for this life, you'd be dead by now. i think the problem is people don't share enough of their pain with the world, so they never know who else is in pain, too, and what others are going through. we're never really alone in anything. - Darnell Lamont Walker
What a more beautiful world this would be if we didn't wait til people were dead before we honored their spirit. - Kellie Elmore
To forgive others, in order to forgive ourselves, because in their roles as our mirrors, they have been nothing other than a tool to our lack of self-love, a lack of self-recognition, and a lack of self-respect. - Human Angels
At best, people are open to scrutinizing themselves and considering their blind spots; at worst, they become defensive and angry. - Sheryl Sandberg
Very few people see their own actions as truly evil,... It is left to their victims to decide what is evil and what is not. - Laurell K. Hamilton
The only time some fellows are ever seen with their wives is after they've been indicted. - Kin Hubbard
What is love really, but two imperfect people staring at their reflection and loving what they see...because someone chose to stand beside them. - Bella Vespira
We should learn from flowers, earthly stars which spend their entire lives shining, shining and growing despite all the difficulties they encounter. They know how to listen and understand the whispers of time, for it is an eternal friend that teaches the importance of friendship and sparkling hope. - Nur Bedeir
If typos are God's way of keeping a writer humble, plot holes certainly keeps one on their knees. - E.A. Bucchianeri
Men's best successes come after their disappointments. - Henry Ward Beecher
I Write books for the little girl in the adult woman who some man told she was not good enough. Let us dismantle the notion that a woman cannot be free with her sexuality or that she needs a man to make her complete. This one is for the little girls with hearts on their sleeves. - Crystal Evans
Gemini....You revere scientists and shamans alike, providing them with what they need to do their good work for the enhancement of the realm." (Rob Brezsny) - Lesley Thomas
Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing. - Robert E. Howard
The greatest story every(any)one can tell is the story of their life. Just don't let the climax of your story be unrealized dreams. - Unarine Ramaru
Blaming someone for their mistake seem to be unkind, corrections could have be favoured. - Uche Daniel Oluwaseun
The love, loyalty, and dedication of Mary and Joseph are an example for all Christian couples, who are neither the friends nor masters of their children’s lives, but the guardians of this incomparable gift from God. - Pope Benedict XVI
Girls, watch out for the bad guys!...there are those capable of showering their resources on you just to dance on top of you, and finally destroy your good image and reputation. - Michael Bassey Johnson
The difference between successful and unsuccessful people isn’t really aboutresources that were available to them when they started out, Instead its their resourcefulness or personal initiative that makes the difference. - Derric Yuh Ndim
I am a politician which means I am a liar and a crook. When I am not kissing babies I am stealing their lollypops. - Tom Clancy
Stars do not shine on their friends alone. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Some people will never know how close they really were to success because they threw in the towel right before their big break. - Dawn Gluskin
I have met many Masters and most have an abundance of flaws and social failings. However, the one thing that separates them from the rest of us is their fearless ability to walk their own path regardless of the opinions of others. - Gary Hopkins
I can think of nothing more boring for the American people than to have to sit in their living rooms for a whole half hour looking at my face on their television screens. - Dwight D. Eisenhower
Riches do not delight us so much with their possession, as torment us with their loss. - Dick Gregory
Children begin by loving their parents; as they grow older they judge them; sometimes they forgive them. - Oscar Wilde
People are strange: They are constantly angered by trivial things, but on a major matter like totally wasting their lives, they hardly seem to notice. - Charles Bukowski
Love someone because their soul inspires you, not because you’re interested in the relief from loneliness and companionship they can provide. Anybody can do that. Not just anybody can show you to yourself. - Brianna Wiest
Everyone has their first date and the object is to hide your flaws. And then you're in a relationship, and it's all about hiding your disappointment. And then, once you're married, it's about hiding your sins. - Joss Whedon
She was drawn to the wild warriors, they had to have a little gypsy in their veins. - Nikki Rowe
We are in the Dark to one another's Purposes and Intendments, and there are a thousand Intrigues in our little Matters, which will not presently confess their Design, even to sagacious Inquisitors... - Joseph Glanville
There are persons who always find a hair in their plate or soup for the simple reason that, when they sit down before it, they shake their heads until one falls in. - Christian Friedrich Hebbel
The most dangerous diminutions of freedom come from those who are convinced of their moral rectitude. - Daniel Hannan
Nearly every parent on earth operates on the assumption that character matters a lot to the life outcomes of their children. Nearly every government antipoverty program operates on the assumption that it doesn’t. - David Brooks
I never wanted to feel ashamed for striving, for desiring, for ambition. And I never wanted to judge another woman, or anyone, for that matter, for their own aspirations, even if they differed from my own - Carrie Brownstein
No one destined is to know their own destiny untill it is to late - Joseph mcbrearty
Men are more often bribed by their loyalties and ambitions than by money. - Robert Jackson
Some people will leave you soon no matter how, but it's not the ending of your story, it's just the ending of their role in your story. cause life goes on, and you should just expect damage from others. - Marouane LAASSAFAR
The Law Polarity decrease that everything has an opposite it's the flip side of the coin, you're right my left, consider this next time you disagree with someone because their right from their point of view. - Bob Proctor
their is no better job elsewhere than serving humanity - Adechian Olabode
The Fanatics have dirtied its fiber, and their mottos have reated a thick layer of mold over its wounds, one of total intolerance, feeding on the indoctrination of the youth cliques. - Rami Ollaik
The fledgling and ragtag American army turned its state into a semi-plausible advantage, encouraging enlistees to wear their own "hunting shirts" to build on the reputation of frontier marksmen. - Joseph J. Ellis
It is not a lucky word, this name "impossible"; no good comes of those who have it so often in their mouths. - Thomas Carlyle
Some friends gladly stay, some move away. Some come and go, but their affections grow. While some, I recall, are not friends at all. - Primadonna Angela
If the future generation has a difficult life, if they engage in war or commit crime it's not their fault, it's our fault because we fail to educate them. So responsibility resides on me, on us, to educate them in proper ways. - Debasish Mridha
I hate to complain...No one is without difficulties, whether in high or low life, and every person knows best where their own shoe pinches. - Abigail Adams
Don’t judge people for their success or what they have today, when you don’t know their past. - Steeven Shaw
Choose your audience wisely, for its not your performance that varies but their response is what matters! - Ramana Pemmaraju
God loves His people despite their sins and faults. - Jim George
Submission to what people call their 'lot' is simply ignoble. If your lot makes you cry and be wretched, get rid of it and take another. - Elizabeth von Arnim
It is my assessment that most police officers who spend their days driving around USA cities will have some levelof radiation sickness and this is concerning! - Steven Magee
I'm completely in favor of the separation of Church and State. ... These two institutions screw us up enough on their own, so both of them together is certain death. - George Carlin
When someone tells you they’re too busy, it’s not that they mismanage their time, it’s that you’re not a priority. - Rob Liano
Some people talk about illogical things like love.. But then they can rationally sacrifice their relatives. - Sebastian Michaelis - Yana Toboso
No man is ordinary, only their performances are ordinary. - Amit Kalantri
I value my garden more for being full of blackbirds than of cherries, and very frankly give them fruit for their songs. - Joseph Addison
Courting is an activity where a man and a woman flaunt their virtues. Dating is an activity where life exposes the other’s vices. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
For if you suffer your people to be ill-educated, and their manners to be corrupted from their infancy, and then punish them for those crimes to which their first education disposed them, what else is to be concluded from this, but that you first make thieves and then punish them. - Sir Thomas More
Calling upon the angels when we are in need, helps the angels fulfill their heavenly mission. We are truly co-creators with them. - Eileen Anglin
When their minds mingle with His magnanimity, something of eternity rubs off on their imaginations. - Geoffrey Wood
An educated person is a person who has so developed the faculties of their mind that they can acquire anything they want - Bob Proctor
ECCENTRICITY, n. A method of distinction so cheap that fools employ it to accentuate their incapacity. - Ambrose Bierce
And they shall beat their swords into plough-shares, and their spears into pruning-hooks. - Bible
The voices in my head wouldn't shut up, so I let them write their story. - Shandy L. Kurth
We all ought to be like little children in the way we treat each other as human beings; quick to forgive, slow to offend, children are friends to each other irrespective of their gender, religion, and color. - Paul Bamikole
If someone’s beliefs are fixed and false, he or she can do anything to justify their beliefs. - Debasish Mridha M.D.
The idea that I can't share my problems with other people makes me not give a shit about their problems. - Chuck Palahniuk
I help people achieve their dreams. - Ken Poirot
Some live in poverty but with their honor; some live in wealth but with no honor! Some lives are respectable, some are disgraceful! - Mehmet Murat ildan
A true survivor is someone who, after 12+ years of being schooled, remains independent in their thinking. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Good lovers are not good fuckers; because they cannot bear hurting their beloved. - M.F. Moonzajer
I was alone with myself. And disgusting as I was it was better than being with somebody else, anybody else, all of them out there doing their pitiful little tricks and handsprings. - Charles Bukowski
God has a way of picking a nobody and turning their world upside down, in order to create a somebody that will remove the obstacles they encountered out of the pathway for others. - Shannon L. Alder
To understand women who look both ways requires hearing their stories, not just noting the sex of their current partner. And when you listen closely, it's apparent these women have learned something crucial in these relationships. - Jennifer Baumgardner
They surrounded me, bare me. Their fingers like tentacles and their desires like knives. Their fingers traced my secrets and their desires carved my skin. - Hubert Martin
Usually when people are sad, they don't do anything. They just cry over their condition. But when they get angry, they bring about a change. - Malcolm X
so many people would be afraid to look in the mirror if the saw their character and not their face…it would be like american horror story. - Turcois Ominek
متى استعبدتم الناس وقد ولدتهم أمهاتهم أحرارا When did you start enslaving people, when their mothers gave birth to them free? - Umar ibn Al-Khattab
All charming people have something to conceal, usually their total dependence on the appreciation of others. - Cyril Connolly
Managers receiving hundreds of thousands a year—and setting their compensation for themselves—are not being paid wages, they are appropriating surplus value in the guise of wages. - Michael Harrington
Hell says hallelujah when fools say amen without understanding or applying truth to their lives. - Eveth Colley
The reading of all good books is indeed like a conversation with the noblest men of past centuries who were the authors of them, nay a carefully studied conversation, in which they reveal to us none but the best of their thoughts. - Rene Descartes
...What's more, I live in Berkeley, California. If princesses had infiltrated OUR little retro hippie hamlet, imagine what was going on places where women actually shaved their legs! - Peggy Orenstein
Getting the poison to them is more difficult than it should be. I cannot just slip it into their food, they eat with the rest of the household, and as much as I dislike everyone here, I am not willing to poison them all. At least not yet. - Robin LaFevers
Everything has changed. . . except the way we think. The aim [of education] must be the training of independently acting and thinking individuals, who, however, see in the service of community their highest life problems - Albert Einstein
Their fingers seemed to fit together in just the right way- effortlessly clasped,like perfect complements. - Nicholas Sparks
His eyes were closing again, all of their own accord, so that he lay in red, pain-filled darkness. It occured to him that he was dying and he didn’t care. ‘He’s alive!’ Blue said again ‘He’s breathing!’ ‘I can’t see him breathing. - Herbie Brennan
Emilio, I am getting rusty and old, I cannot follow the highbrow theory developed by Oppenheimer's pupils any more. I went to their seminar and was depressed by my inability to understand them. Only the last sentence cheered me up. It was: "And this is Fermi's theory of beta decay. - Enrico Fermi
It takes many years to build good reputations, but it takes a few minutes for their destruction. - Debasish Mridha
Some women sleep their way to the top. Most men sleep their way to the bottom. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Be aware of the high notes, of the blissful faces and their soft messages, and listen for the silent message of a highly decorated gift. - Dejan Stojanovic
It is aptly said FACEBOOK for it being used only as a BOOK by most people for the compilation of own photo to show their true FACE only. - Anuj Somany
People are looking for chimes and resonances. Chimes leave echoes, and that's what rhyme is. Poetry is about leaving an echo imprint in somebody else's head, in the dark snow of their mind. - Diana Georgeff
Nothing has a stronger influence psychologically on their environment and especially on their children than the unlived life of the parent. - Carl Jung
The Americans combine the notions of Christianity and of liberty so intimately in their minds, that it is impossible to make them conceive the one without the other. - Alexis de Tocqueville
...when 'empowering women' becomes 'overpowering women' not only is it the polar opposite of feminism; it is the opposite of ‘right.’ Empowering women begins by respecting their individual choices. - Sharon Nir
Novelists and the literary world play an important part in shaping languages. The Swahili they write influence the readers and their languages. The literary obstacle in Tanzania is not that people do not read, but that they don’t read because there are no interesting writers. - Enock Maregesi
I don't need to be tame, because dragons choose their partner by themselves. - Olivia Sinaga
An advice is truly valuable when people not just give it their ears but also their obedience. - Amit Kalantri
There is some magic in wealth, which can thus make persons pay their court to it, when it does not even benefit themselves. How strange it is, that a fool or knave, with riches, should be treated with more respect by the world, than a good man, or a wise man in poverty! - Ann Radcliffe
MOTHERSMeasuringOutTheirHighestEffortsRearingSouls - Richelle E. Goodrich
The bliss of the elect in heaven would not be perfect unless they were able to look across the abyss and enjoy the agonies of their brethren in eternal fire. - Gregory the Great
Stop trying to explain yourself. People only understand things from their level of perception; within the parameters of their agreement with reality. Save your energy. - Steve Maraboli
Let their faculties have room to unfold, and their virtues to gain strength, and then determine where the whole sex must stand in the intellectual scale. - Mary Wollstonecraft
You'll be happy if you'll remember that men don't change much. Women do. Women adapt themselves, and if you think that means they lose their individuality, you're wrong. Show me a happy marriage and I'll show you a clever woman. - Elizabeth Cadell
ONLY' having the Gift, people appreciate this madness as Art. Everybody wants to have Art in their lives, but no body wants to have what the Art came out from in their lives... - Hiroko Sakai
A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices. - William James
Life moves for people who move their bodies! - Toni Sorenson
What makes someone irresistible,is not their looks, but the way they can make your mind tickle,your heart race and your soul smile, all at once. - Wordions
Do it for the kids! The ones who look up to you especially when they are pleading for their lives." Bats 2015 - Fred Barnett
People who work in an environment where doing their best is recognized have a better chance of feeling good about their work. - Marilyn Suttle
I have always been impressed by the fact that there are a surprising number of individuals who never use their minds if they can avoid it, and an equal number who do use their minds, but in an amazingly stupid way. - Carl Jung
The truth therefore is that great nations become great not because of their amount of wealth an Great nations become great thanks to their wealth of truth, honesty and other virtues the natural resources. - Sunday Adelaja
FORGETFULNESS, n. A gift of God bestowed upon doctors in compensation for their destitution of conscience. - Ambrose Bierce
A person must first learn how to walk on their own before you can guide them in the right direction. - Craig Mercier
True artists unburden their envies and work toward encouraging amateurs. - Aniruddha Sastikar
Insurances are like very expensive flat rates, except that you have to live by their rules in hope to get back a small share of your money. - L.H.
Every writer dreams about the day they can step into their fiction and wander its hallways. - Shannon L. Alder
Honesty is my true nature, but if people wants to use it that is their nature. - - Abhinav Rajput
...I did what most kids do when their world feels destroyed. I tried to care less about what remained...It was untrue, of course. - Adam Haslett
Seeds of faith are always within us; sometimes it takes a crisis to nourish and encourage their growth.
If you love someone, be their everything. - T.A
Men have become fools with their tools.
Most parents are not really ‘supportive’ because they want their kid(s) to succeed; they ‘support’ their kid(s) as an attempt to avoid appearing to have bred a failure, or, failures in the eyes of their peers and/or neighbours. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Those who do not have power over the story that dominates their lives, power to retell it, to rethink it, deconstruct it, joke about it, and change it as times change, truly are powerless. - Salman Rushdie
I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
If seeds despaired in their darkest hours, they would never rise to enjoy their brightest days. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Let me be one of the people who writes their life history, not with ink, with the colors of a caring heart. - Debasish Mridha
It may be in the cultural particularities of people in their oddities that some of the most instructive revelations of what it is to be generically human are to be found. - Clifford Geertz
I discovered that those who seldom dwell on their emotions know better than anyone else just what an emotion is. - John Cage
When I see a dancing butterfly, When I see a half blooming flower,Their eager wish to make this world happy,My mind dances with joy,My soul emerges in happiness. - Debasish Mridha
Did you feel it? Did you feel the darkness in their souls and their countless evil deeds? Their fate was to die in my grasp, beneath the sting of my bite. - Demetri Bithanos from the Dragon Queen Series
The truly terrible thing is that everybody has their reasons. - Jean Renoir
Those who wish to sit, shut their eyes,and meditate to know if the world's true or lies,may do so. It's their choice. But I meanwhilewith hungry eyes that can't be satisfiedshall take a look at the world in broad daylight. - Rabindranath Tagore
We attacked a foreign people and treated them like rebels. As you know, it's all right to treat barbarians barbarically. It's the desire to be barbaric that makes governments call their enemies barbarians. - Bertolt Brecht
Why don't those stupid idiots let me in their crappy club for jerks? - Homer Simpson
For some folks fate has set countless falls and a fewer loves. If they farewell faith, then, farewell their chance of lifelong happiness. - Darmie Orem
There were millions of such families anxious only for peace and quiet in their own little nests. These were the mounting blocks by which the criminals climbed to power and kept it. - Simon Wiesenthal
Most politicians are corrupt as they do not represent the masses that voted for them, but rather they choose to return numerous favors to the corporations that funded their election campaigns. - Steven Magee
When nothing else subsists from the past, after the people are dead, after the things are broken and scattered...the smell and taste of things remain poised a long time, like souls...bearing resiliently, on tiny and almost impalpable drops of their essence, the immense edifice of memory - Marcel Proust
Never expect someone to care for you or to care for your feelings and emotions, Everyone's fucking heartless, people just don't give a damn about your stupid feelings or your boring stories. People only know how to fool you around for their own benefits... - Taimoor Madni
No matter what genre of Author you are, the true merit of your work lies not within what dreams you inspire in others with your work, but who you help to to achieve their dreams. Author Jude Ouvrard has gone over and beyond, as had Author Anna Othitis in that department. - Books On Fire Tour
No company is preferable to bad, because we are more apt to catch the vices of others than their virtues, as disease is far more contagious than health.
If you have great talents, industry will improve them; if you have but moderate abilities, industry will supply their deficiency. - Sir Joshua Reynolds
She had not thought it would be so easy to slip into the old roles. Cambridge had changed her fundamentally and she thought she was immune. No one in her family, however, noticed the transformation in her, and she was not able to resist the power of their habitual expectations. - Ian McEwan
women at their 40 are more fulfilled because they knows,social customs are not going to restrict her freedom - litymunshi
Soon or late, every dog's master's memory becomes a graveyard; peopled by wistful little furry ghosts that creep back unbidden, at times, to a semblance of their olden lives. - Albert Payson Terhune
A mistake made by many people with great convictions is that they will let nothing stand in the way of their views, not even kindness. - Bryant McGill
Every well-written book is a light for me. When you write, you use other writers and their books as guides in the wilderness. - Kate DiCamillo
Men of ill judgment oft ignore the goodThat lies within their hands, till they have lost it. - Sophocles
The masses who complain about bad leadership must first check their unbiased choices. - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
.."I let people walk away, the one who loved me, the one who cares for me, I push them to their limits but the saddest part is...I felt nothing, too much pain makes me numb.. - gracetamio
The greatest way to ensure your company’s failure is to appoint leaders who see a divide between themselves and the team; who are more fixated on their elevated role than on the act of leading. - Steve Maraboli
Humor is the great thing, the saving thing. The minute it crops up, all our irritations and resentments slip away and a sunny spirit takes their place. - Mark Twain
Love is blind. Love of money is blind. Greed and money make people forfeit the quiddity of life, banish them from what is essential and alienate them from themselves. They lose their identity and become drifting exiles. ( "Money rocking and rolling" ) - Erik Pevernagie
The damps of autumn sink into the leaves and prepare them for the necessity of their fall; and thus insensibly are we, as years close around us, detached from our tenacity of life by the gentle pressure of recorded sorrow. - Walter Savage Landor
Fears are like vampires; not only do they drain your life energy, but they also disintegrate when they are brought into the light. By constantly facing your fears, they eventually lose their power, as the suppressed and repressed energy behind them dissipates. - Maximus Freeman
Any child who can spend an hour or two a day, or more if he wants, with adults that he likes, who are interested in the world and like to talk about it, will on most days learn far more from their talk than he would learn in a week of school. - John Holt
Some have half-baked ideas because their ideals are not heated up enough.
It is, of course, we who house poems as much as their words, and we ourselves must be the locus of poetry's depth of newness. Still, the permeability seems to travel both ways: a changed self will find new meanings in a good poem, but a good poem also changes the shape of the self. - Jane Hirshfield
It is one of life's great ironies that most people's only connection to success is their attachment to the pain of not having achieved it. - Stephen Smoke
As long as human labor power, and, consequently, life itself, remain articles of sale and purchase, of exploitation and robbery, the principle of the sacredness of human life remains a shameful lie, uttered with the object of keeping the oppressed slaves in their chains. - Leon Trotsky
The biggest mistake brands make are trying to sell their stuff rather than clarifying what people are actually buying. - David Brier
Claudius, you're luckier than you realize. Guard your appointment jealously. Don't let anyone usurp it.""What do you mean, girl?""I mean that people don't kill their butts. They are cruel to them, they frighten them, they rob them, but they don't kill them. - Robert Graves
People often make very bad mistakes because people often don’t ask very simple crucial questions before their actions! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Awesome ‪‎Leadership‬ is encouraging others to take initiative,challenge what is status quo improve it and feel pride in their commitment~bns~ - Bluenscottish
If everyone in the world sat quietly at the same time, closed their eyes and concentrated as hard as they could on peace and goodwill, all the killing and cruelty in the world would continue. And probably increase. - George Carlin
Somewhere along the journey i lost myself; i learnt to be who they told me to be, i lived that girl for decades until their truth showed me; the words they were preaching didnt match the the steps they were walking, so i was done with their opinion and went on my unique way. - Nikki Rowe
Indeed, if their wristbands asked them the question: What-Would-Jesus-Buy—well now, that could very well revolutionize the Christian church in America. - Geoffrey Wood
People are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. - Abraham Lincoln
Fools, their wisdom weak,are their own enemiesas they go through life,doing evilthat bearsbitter fruit. - Juan Mascaró
Screaming at children over their grades, especially to the point of the child's tears, is child abuse, pure and simple. It's not funny and it's not good parenting. It is a crushing, scarring, disastrous experience for the child. It isn't the least bit funny. - Ben Stein
[R]aising children ... was about identifying and amplifying their strengths and virtues, and helping them find the niche where they can live these positive traits to the fullest. - Martin E.P. Seligman
Three people I take their words with a grain of salt: a person in love, a drunk and an insurance agent. They never really mean exactly what they say. - E. Obeng-Amoako Edmonds
All children are born to grow, to develop, to live, to love, and to articulate their needs and feelings for their self-protection. - Alice Miller
In the end, people should be judged by their actions, since in the end, it was actions that defined everyone. - Nicholas Sparks
Do the dreams have also their own dreams? Yes they have and those dreams also have their own dreams! So when you create a dream, you create infinite number of dreams! When you dream of a beautiful house, then that beautiful house will create new dreams! - Mehmet Murat ildan
If Christians are all loving and full of God's grace (like some of us really are), do they truly love their neighbor? Would they catch a grenade for one of us (like some of us would for them because we truly have love in our hearts)? - Solange nicole
My parents and grandparents did not tolerate idle thoughts or behavior. If the action did not have a purpose or lead you in a positive direction, their feeling was why bother? This is how I was built. This is why I refuse to fail. - Carlos Wallace
It was one of those days when I was thinking too much, too fast. Only it was more like the thoughts had a mind of their own and going all by themselves at a hundred miles a second, and I was just sitting back, feeling the growing paranoia inside of me. - Sasha Mizaree
Children have such an innocent view of their world and surroundings; every thought is a garden full of wonder. - C.J. Heck
Real Fathers make a positive impact on their generation, and so give the next generation the advantage of a better nation to live in - Fela Durotoye
The exact symptom of sad people is their innocence and honesty but these kind of people always at the top of success... - Agha Kousar
Your greatest contribution to helping other people live their destiny is for you to live your own. - Alan Cohen
The spirit of man is not a created being; it existed from eternity and will exist to eternity. Anything created cannot be eternal; and earth, water, ect., had their existence in an elementary state, from eternity." ~Joseph Smith, Jr., 2 July 1839 - Documentary History of the Church 3:387 - Joseph Smith Jr.
If women understood and exercised their power they could remake the world.
When some of my friends have asked me anxiously about their boys, whether they should let them hunt, I have answered yes-- remembering that it was one of the best parts of my education-- make them hunters. - Henry David Thoreau
Gazing into his eyes, I was lost in their intensity. It was like looking into the bluest sky and carrying on to infinity. I felt mesmerised, hypnotised and transfixed all at once. - Pat Spence - Blue Moon
A few minutes ago every tree was excited, bowing to the roaring storm,waving, swirling, tossing their branches in glorious enthusiasm likeworship. But though to the outer ear these trees are now silent, theirsongs never cease. -, naturalist, explorer, and writer (1838-1914) - John Muir
Keep extending hand for friendship. Those alive will grip yours with theirs, while the morally dead will inflate; rubbing their own palms. - Aniruddha Sastikar
He that embarks on the voyage of life will always wish to advance rather by the impulse of the wind than the strokes of the oar; and many foulder in their passage; while they lie waiting for the gale.
The Constitution shall never be construed... to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms.
An author is like a jeweller, with words as their gemstones and imagination the precious metals. - Steve K. Smy
I had rather that the human race, having a certain quality in their lives, should continue for only a few centuries than that, losing freedom, friendship, dignity, and mercy, and learning to be quite content without them, they should continue for millions of millennia. - C.S. Lewis
The average author hawks their books at many events. They are vigilant promoters, waiting for a breakthrough. They do this, or else watch their novel wither away. - Michael J. Kannengieser
Pleasure, ecstasy, they cannot seem to bear: their escape from it is in violence, in drinking and fighting and apparently inescapable----And so why should not their religion drive them to crucifixion of themselves and one another? he thinks. - William Faulkner
Intelligent individuals learn from every thing and every one; average people, from their experiences. The stupid already have all the answers. - Socrates
If only I could stand on a street corner with my hat in my hand, and get people to throw their wasted time into it! - Bernard Berenson
Those not chasing their dreams should stay out of the way of those who are. - Tim Fargo
A painter paints the appearance of things, not their objective correctness. In fact, he creates new appearances of things. - Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Whatever their future, at the dawn of their lives, men seek a noble vision of man's nature and of life's potential. - Ayn Rand
No poor bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making other bastards die for their country.
We require from buildings, as from men, two kinds of goodness: first, the doing their practical duty well: then that they be graceful and pleasing in doing it; which last is itself another form of duty. - John Ruskin
Don't ever brag about the funds(money) of your parents because they might leave wuth it when their time comes instead strive to make yours and have your personal bragging rights - Chuka Osa-Afiana
As man sows, so shall he reap. In works of fiction, such men are sometimes converted. More often, in real life, they do not change their natures until they are converted into dust. - Charles W. Chesnutt
You can pick out actors by the glazed look that comes into their eyes when the conversation wanders away from themselves.
People who don't think probably don't have brains; rather, they have gray fluff that's blown into their heads by mistake.
Imagine a man who doesn't believe in anything, hope for anything, doesn't love anyone. This is a description of a dead or paralyzed soul. This happens from great grief, or from an unhappy upbringing when parents make from their children's souls paralytics. - Simon Soloveychik
It’s exciting to watch young children read poetry for the first time. You can sense the wheels turning and you just know their brain is doing this wonderful thing called learning. It’s magical! - Elaine Grey
when there is no sound mind in the society people are compromised in their judgement - Sunday Adelaja
You’re not a creature in body.You exist as the stars exist,participating in their stillness, their immensity. - Louise Glück
Many pride themselves, staking claim to the noble virtue that is loyalty. However, many resolve to give their allegiance to nothing. How can one demand loyalty, if one stands by nothing, nor commits to the realization of an ideal? - Justin K. McFarlane Beau
Characters have to be seen and felt when written, not told about. Writers are merely vessels of their manifestations. - Linda Durbin
Remember, before they promoted to the chair of CEO, they were the best employees of their companies. - Amit Kalantri
But I assure you, a government that is willing to put their own children in danger, their own future, just to see their potential, is twisted. We do not grab babies, newborns, and throw them out of windows just to see if they sprout wings. - S. Elizabeth Dover
There are those dreamers who make excuses for why they aren't passionate about or creating anything to match their desires and then there's those dreamers who stay up late just to finish a goal that will get them up the next set of stairs. We all have dreams but not everyone makes it a reality. - Nikki Rowe
Those who donated their life for humanity lived a perfect life. - Debasish Mridha
Bass players share a secret fellowship, a sort of gnosis peculiar to their breed, a kind of smart that is hard for others to recognize or understand: the art of the whole sound. Bass players actually believe in musical epistemology, they are practitioners of musical metaphysics. - Randall E. Auxier
Listen. Do not have an opinion while you listen because frankly, your opinion doesn't hold much water outside of Your Universe. Just listen. Listen until their brain has been twisted like a dripping towel and what they have to say is all over the floor. - Hugh Elliott
It was then that the seven-year-old said, I am ready. What wonderful place will we visit tonight? I can take you wherever your dreams desire, the calico pony replied on their first night together. - Cheryl Price
I’ve always wondered why women are expected to deny their true age. Why? To be a woman of 50 and up is a badge of triumph—a hard-earned certificate that says you survived the shallowness, the violence, the meanness, and the caprice of a male-dominated society without losing your mind! - Psyche Roxas-Mendoza
As child, when the elders spoke their wise words, it only echoes in my ears. As an adult, I have crystal clear insight to the wise aphorisms by the elderly. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Efforts are meant to optimize, not to waste. The right time to optimize it is when others are open to giving their buy-ins to participate. - Ashish Patel
Afflictions are light when compared with what we really deserve. They are light when compared with the sufferings of the Lord Jesus. But perhaps their real lightness is best seen by comparing them with the weight of glory which is awaiting us. - Arthur W. Pink
I believe that flowers are like people. Flowers come in different colours, shapes and sizes. Some extremely rare and some very common. They are all beautiful in their own unique way. - Alex Haditaghi
The best parenting strives to educate their children in HOW TO LIVE LIFE -- competitive, compassionate, void of greed, & striving to make a better world. - David R. Wommack
I think that it's important for scientists to explain their work, particularly in cosmology. This now answers many questions once asked of religion. - Stephen Hawking
I never think of policemen's wives; their beauty maddens me like wine. - Kyril Bonfiglioli
The truth is that all of us attain the greatest success and happiness possible in this life whenever we use our native capacities to their greatest extent. - Dr. Smiley Blanton
Men's arguments often prove nothing but their wishes.
For those who believe executive branch officials will voluntarily interpret their surveillance authorities with restraint, I believe it is more likely that I will achieve my life-long dream of playing in the NBA. - Ron Wyden
No one truly knows what they will do in a certain situation until they are actually in it. It's very easy to judge someone else's actions by what you assume your own would be, if you were in their shoes. But we only know what we THINK we would do, not what we WOULD do. - Ashly Lorenzana
The only thing I like about rich people is their money. - Nancy Astor the Viscountess Astor
Don’t ever feel bad that someone couldn’t give you all of their heart. Be grateful that you can take the least complicated part of their soul with you, wherever you go. This is more than some people will ever have. - Shannon L. Alder
Ordinary people merely think how they shall 'spend' their time; a man of talent tries to 'use' it. - Arthur Schopenhauer
Doctors are not servants of their patients, they are traders like everyone else in a free society and they should bear that title proudly considering the crucial importance of the services they offer. - Ayn Rand
Freedom of religion is not enough; we need the extinction of it, because no one has turned to be a religious by their own choice. - M.F. Moonzajer
From bigots who hawk their goddoor-to-door, preserve us. - A.J. Beirens
Who thinks to interview their own mother? As a self-fixated teen, I never imagined that she had an actual personal history. To my young eyes, she was Source of Cash Obsessed With De-Cluttering - Jancee Dunn
Not snow, no, nor rain, nor heat, nor night keeps them from accomplishing their appointed courses with all speed. - Herodotus
LEFTISTS EAT THEIR CHILDREN: The poets, artists, and radicals are murdered first once the "revolution" actually comes about. - A.E. Samaan
I want to figure out how people can go on with their lives when mine has changed so much. I want to relearn how to breathe without carrying this big, empty cave inside me. - Edwidge Danticat
When people die and especially when they die tragically, others can't help but get carried away. They come up with their implausible interpretation and usually resort to cheap psychology. A sense of fatalism is the only form of relief left. - Francesca Marciano
A wise quote can only change a wise man! Therefore, wise sayings are for the wise men, not for the fools! The sunflowers turn their face toward the Sun, the fools, toward the darkness! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Men make their own history, but they do not make it as they please. - Karl Marx
When parents neglect their responsibility to correct and discipline their children society suffers. The results are crimes and harm committed against others. - Ellen J. Barrier
People are already disappointed by their acquaintances, they can not handle anymore hate from stranger, so show some instantaneous kindness and forgiveness to them. - Amit Kalantri
A thick, intense fog was rolling in from the ocean, which created long, strange shadows to form like creatures of their own kind. - Keira D. Skye
Never trust on unknown hands, You will never know how they stand by you and back stab with their brains. - Debolina Bhawal
It is to the prodigals...that the memory of their Father's house comes back. If the son had lived economically he would never have thought of returning. - Simone Weil
The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.
Walking women want to see the southern cross at night And so they set aside a sock, and tie their laces tight Yes mournful is the melody that echoes in their heads Without a beat they march along, believing Bach is dead.
Sharks are as tough as those football fans who take their shirts off during games in Chicago in January, only more intelligent. - Dave Barry
We are like dwarfs on the shoulders of giants, so that we can see more than they, and things at a great distance, not by virtue of any sight on our part, or any physical distinction, but because we are carried high and raised up by their giant size.
Men are taught to apologize for their weaknesses, women for their strengths. - Lois Wyse
It's their failure, my little Anna, not yours. Men who try to understand the world without the help of children are like men who try to bake bread without the help of yeast. - Gavriel Savit
I give no shit to what extent they believe in superstitions and fanaticism. But I will fight till death, if their fallacious belief hurts any individual. - M.F. Moonzajer
The gentleman does not promote people merely on the basis of their words, nor does he reject words merely because of the person who uttered them. - Confucius
All women are not Helen, I know that, but have Helen in their hearts. - William Carlos Williams
They have exiled me now from their society and I am pleased, because humanity does not exile except the one whose noble spirit rebels against despotism and oppression. He who does not prefer exile to slavery is not free by any measure of freedom, truth and duty.
Every poet creates their own universe that looks more beautiful than reality. - M.F. Moonzajer
Great novels are always a little more intelligent than their authors. - Milan Kundera
No nation ancient or modern ever lost the liberty of freely speaking, writing, or publishing their sentiments, but forthwith lost their liberty in general and became slaves.
As each child looks at the world through innocent eyes all they can see, Is the worlds way of life and the way they think their lives should be.
You know, I think that if parents would spend less time worrying about what their kids watch on TV and more time worrying about what's going on in their kids' lives, this world would be a much better place. - Trey Parker and Matt Stone
A great many people think they are thinking when they are really rearranging their prejudices. - William James
The void is 'not-being,' and no part of 'what is' is a 'not-being,'; for what 'is' in the strict sense of the term is an absolute plenum. This plenum, however, is not 'one': on the contrary, it is a 'many' infinite in number and invisible owing to the minuteness of their bulk. - Aristotle
If human beings were really progressive creatures, then all boys would be smarter, healthier, and, wealthier, than their grandfathers. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Americans are the only people in the world known to me whose status anxiety prompts them to advertise their college and university affiliations in the rear window of their automobiles. - Paul Fussell
Many confuse things with their names. This is a mistake. A name is only a word and a word will never be the thing itself. And, yet, names as words have power, not inherently, but because we give it to them. - Roselynn Cannes, Fallen
You cannot write your character until you know how he or she thinks, until you know what their philosophy is in the world that they occupy. - Don Roff
The reason some people put on a mask in not in their blood but it is in their fear that we judge them too soon. - Ameya Agrawal
Angels do walk among us. Sometimes the only thing we may not see are the wings resting upon their backs. - Molly Friedenfeld
Those in power must spend a lot of their time laughing at us. - Alice Walker
Be leery of silence. It doesn't mean you won the argument. Often, people are just busy reloading their guns. - Shannon L. Alder
People mean well; they just aren't here enough to get what we are dealing with or what home means to my mother. Everyone thinks they know what should be done, and their suggestions make me suspect they must consider me an idiot who doesn't comprehend the situation. - George Hodgman
Almost none of the poetries I admire stick to their labels, native or adopted ones. Rather, they are vagrant in their identifications. Tramp poets, there you go, a new label for those with unstable allegiances. - C.D. Wright
The real distinction is between those who adapt their purposes to reality and those who seek to mold reality in the light of their purposes. - Henry Kissinger
Judge men not by their opinions, but by what their opinions have made of them. - Georg Christoph Lichtenberg
And I'd pray for them. And I'd imagine peace they couldn't expect and couldn't account for descending on their illness or their quarreling or their dreams. - Marilynne Robinson
Perhaps, I am yet to be written. I am yet to be described in those poetic gestures lovers use to describe their soulmate. - Dishika Zaman Tasnim
I find it sad that too many do not understand themselves, or their potential. They don't even take the time to get to know their unconsciousness. You can truly learn so much, by simply getting to know the "you" that is behind the reality of yourself. - Lionel Suggs
No one can go back and correct his mistakes, but everyone can go forward and change their thoughts and perceptions. - Debasish Mridha
A person who values their goals actually values their achievements. - Onyi Anyado
Most people enjoy the inferiority of their friends. - Lord Chesterfield
The main things which seem to me important on their own account, and not merely as means to other things, are knowledge, art, instinctive happiness, and relations of friendship or affection. - Bertrand Russell
An oppressed people are authorized whenever they can to rise and break their fetters. - Henry Clay
Don't try to impress a loser because If one is not happy about the things happening in their life, one cannot be happy about the things happening in someone else's life. - Michael Bassey Johnson
If their tears could be read,as the blind can read brailleWould your eyes then be openedto another & how they feel?Without condemnation or any aversions from withinCould you set aside judgementwhile seeking total absolution? - Christine Upton
True writers have a lot more invested in the way they've written their books than in what those books happen to be about. - Po Bronson
Any system which allows men to choose their own future will end by choosing safety and mediocrity, and in such a Reality the stars are out of reach. - Isaac Asimov
With tens of thousands of dollars in annual educator-directed scholarships to the teachers, he has encouraged teachers to help their students by deferring the cost of various LeadAmerica programs. - Chris Salamone
There is more religion in men's science, than there is science in their religion. - Henry David Thoreau
OBLIVION, n. The state or condition in which the wicked cease from struggling and the dreary are at rest. Fame's eternal dumping ground. Cold storage for high hopes. A place where ambitious authors meet their works without pride and their betters without envy. A dormitory without an alarm clock. - Ambrose Bierce
Brilliance occurs, not when everyone is looking at you, but when they turn their heads.
Humans are odd. They think order and chaos are somehow opposites and try to control what won't be. But there is grace in their failings. - The Vision
The road that connects our thoughts to the ears of others is our tongue. What travel on this road is our word. Our action is the energy which transmits our emotions to the eyes of others and causes a great change in their minds - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Men are like steel. When they lose their temper, they lose their worth. - Chuck Norris
time does stop sometimes, you see everyone passing by, following their destiny and the destination it is leading, and you conclude its better where you are then moving again....often history repeats itself before it changes..... - Prashant
People who keep their feelings to themselves tend not to know, after a while, what their feelings are. - Paul Berman
The very thought of such people’s intolerant worldview, their inflated sense of self superiority, and their callous imposition of their own beliefs on others was enough to fill her with rage. - Haruki Murakami
People who truly live their lives don't have time to complain or judge others. They're too busy enjoying life and love and everything in between! - Charlotte Eriksson
Humanity has one strength that no one has: that is we may feel the feelings, pain, jealousy, failure, love, happiness of others and identify with them, and even see the world through their own eyes. - Orhan Pamuk
Most people don't grow up. Most people age. They find parking spaces, honor their credit cards, get married, have children, and call that maturity. What that is, is aging. - Maya Angelou
Why when people are on their deathbed, they finally come to terms with life? - Anthony Liccione
It's because the door hasn't been closed yet that the nightmares still find their way in. - Joyce Rachelle
You just became the most interesting person at this party. I don't think anyone here has worked an honest day in their lives. - Minority Report (TV show)
As if you are their mother, be kind to others. - Debasish Mridha
The trees are born, they develop their leaves and fruits, they grow and die. I can't ever understand why a tree is a "what" and not a "who". - Sophia Newtown
How often do the poor daydream of a better life? Plenty, no doubt, and where does it get them? It is the poor who begin with a daydream and realize at some point that they have to get up, roll their sleeves, and start doing something about those day dreams who succeed. And there are many who have. - Stephen Richards
I love the flowers for their beauty and dazzling smile. I love the moon for its soothing light and changing style. - Debasish Mridha
A parents wishes for their children shouldn't be to be as good as them but to surpass their own abilities and hopefully lead to a better world. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
Those in the West who have adopted Christ as their own should remember that he was an Oriental. Love and sympathy for Jesus should be expanded into love and sympathy for all Orientals, and for all the world. - Paramahansa Yogananda
I’m afraid, my blue-skinned friend - that matters of religion are absolute. True believers cannot be reasoned with. You either agree with their beliefs or you accept that you will be in eternal conflict with them.’"~Saul KarzaDeathsworn Arc 4: Rise of the Archmage - Martyn Stanley
The nearer persons come to each other, the greater is the room and the more are the occasions for courtesy; but just in proportion to their approach the gentleness of most men diminishes. - George MacDonald
At first cock-crow the ghosts must go Back to their quiet graves below. - Theodosia Garrison
I don't know what's the matter with people: they don't learn by understanding, they learn by some other way by rote or something. Their knowledge is so fragile! - Richard Feynman
People don't believe what you tell them.They rarely believe what you show them.They often believe what their friends tell them.They always believe what they tell themselves. - Seth Godin
Even if things do not work out as you thought they should for you, they do - in their own way, as they were meant to. - Fakeer Ishavardas
I have learned its the most difficult thing to become financially free from earning the minimum wage. So even if employees increase the minimum wage its the same thing. But once employees improve on their skills and personal value their wages go up and then financial freedom is posible. - Derric Yuh Ndim
To truly motivate others 1) discover what their motives, desires & drivers are 2) genuinely connect with and support them from the heart. - Rasheed Ogunlaru
Sometimes what a person expresses in their eyes is more than all the books you could read on suffering. - Shannon L. Alder
Poets are Prisoners8-29-2015Poets are prisonersPractitioners, commissioners &conditioners of the spoken word Caged by their own mindsWords are shackles - Debbie Tosun Kilday
Whenever pastors assume people in their congregation know certain things, they miss opportunities to teach. If a pastor makes assumptions year after year, then a whole generation has never heard [that truth] for the first time. If we assume too much, we communicate too little. - Andy Stanley
Like you begin your day with a cup of coffee or tea. Some begin their relationship with love and trust.It's not merely a choice - it's a habit and a lifestyle. - Saru Singhal
I Have Learned Why People Work So Hard To Succeed: It Is Because They Envy The Things Their Neighbors Have. But It Is Useless. It Is Like Chasing The Wind....It Is Better To Have Only A Little, With Peace Of Mind, Than Be Busy All The Time With Both Hands, Trying To Catch The Wind - Anonymous
What separates people who made their dreams come true is not setting goals to achieve a life the way they expect it to be, but how they expect to be, in order to achieve it. - Shannon L. Alder
Even gods are following trends. They are afraid to be forgotten by their creators - Bangambiki Habyarimana
Death gives people the courage to be honest, sometimes for the first time in their lives. - Elise Maybelle, Timecrest
The people need poetry that will be their own secretTo keep them awake forever,And bathe them in the bright-haired wave of its breathing. - Osip Mandelstam
No mother ever wants a war, they want to see their children grow up in peace, surrounded by love. - Debasish Mridha
Artists become their myths. - Marty Rubin
Good books don't give up all their secrets at once. - Stephen King
Men seek but one thing in life - their pleasure. - W. Somerset Maugham
People that have been consistently hurt by others in life will only see the one time you hurt them and be blinded to all the good your heart has to offer. They look no further than what they want to see. Unfortunately, most of them remain a victim throughout their life. - Shannon L. Alder
Point of view." I never got that phrase, point of view; doesn’t everyone have a point in their view? If not thenthey don’t have a view on a certain topic they are just indifferent. Anyone who has a view certainly cares enough to have apoint! - CV
Sometimes, when people look at me, I can see the pity in their eyes. All I want is hope, but neither of us can give it to each other. - Genesis Quihuis
Next to theology I give to music the highest place and honor. And we see how David and all the saints have wrought their godly thoughts into verse, rhyme, and song.
Still reading but learning a lot about true education and the process of guiding our children in their educational pursuits. - Oliver DeMille
We both liked children; we just didn't want any ourselves. There were children everywhere, and we saw no reason to start our own brand. Young couples plunge into parenthood and about half the time they end up with some ghastly problem on their hands. We thought we'd leave that to others. - Thomas McGuane
Criminal court is where bad pople are on their best behavior. It's much more dangerous for lawyers and judges In family court, where good people are at their worst.
Jesus also function on the earth through the power of light. Light, illumination, knowledge, insight, understanding, wisdom. That is their real power on earth. - Sunday Adelaja
You are free to lecture someone on their bad morals, and they are free to tell you to fuck off. - Marty Rubin
I do not judge a person by their mistakes nor their failures. I judge a person by what they have learned. Because it's those failures that they learn from. A person who has never made a mistake nor failed at anything has never learned. By - Bonnie Zackson Koury
While the whole world is struggling to help people get their freedom from the dangers of smoking, yet the over five million people, who yearly die from smoking still voluntarily head towards that deadly part. - Sunday Adelaja
Far away there in the sunshine are my brightest aspirations. I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty, believe in them and try to follow where they lead. - Louisa May Alcott
Piety /pi•e•ty/ (modern definition)1. When you use Christ’s teachings to put someone in their place out of anger and self-righteousness. It is the number two reason people leave the faith. The first is pride. - Shannon L. Alder
Irish and English are so widely separated in their mode of expression that nothing like a literal rendering from one language to the other is possible. - Robin Flower
Some things I never learned to like. I didn't like to kiss babies, though I didn't mind kissing their mothers. - Pierre Trudeau
Dreamers are mocked as impractical. The truth is they are the most practical, as their innovations lead to progress and a better way of life for all of us. - Robin S. Sharma
When female stories are muted, we are teaching our kids that their dignity is second class and the historical accounts of their lives [are] less relevant. This lowered value carries over when women face sexual objectification and systemic brutalization from inside and outside the community. - Aurin Squire
Those who know how to win are much more numerous than those who know how to make proper use of their victories. - Polybius
You have to look at people now that were members of the Klu Klux Klan or whatever else and now are trying to rewrite their personal histories to tell that they've always been tolerant. It's not peculiar to want to sanitize what you did. - Ruth Hanna Sachs
Don't forget, and don't let your reader forget, that the small world in which you have held him for the last hour or two hasn't ended. Be aware, and make him aware, that tomorrow all of its remaining inhabitants will pick up the broken fragments of their lives, and carry on. - Joseph Hansen
Sometimes life holds more than people allow themselves to see. Such individuals may continue to live as though they are blind for eternities before realizing they were merely clamping their eyes shut. - Emily Herr
People seem not to see that their opinion of the world is also a confession of their character. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Temptation rarely comes in working hours. It is in their leisure time that men are made or marred. - W. N. Taylor
One cause, which is not always observed, of the insufficiency of riches, is that they very seldom make their owner rich.
Beating children will not make them wise. They will grow wilder and wilder and the cane will feel like paper on their skins. - Michael Bassey Johnson
It is as difficult for most poor people to truly believe that they could someday escape poverty as it is for most wealthy people to truly believe that their wealth could someday escape them. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Men learn wisdom from their sins, not from their righteous deeds. - Marmaduke William Pickthall
These is nothing divine about deprecating your gifts and talents or diminishing their worth in any way. Shining is sharing an abundance with us all. - Tama Kieves
Ordinary people are products of their environment and fit in. Artists transcend their environment and stand out. - Oliver Gaspirtz
A vicious circle develops in which the people around you expect you to be there for them all the time and comply with their wishes. - Auliq Ice
If you begin the day with love in your heart, peace in your nerves, and truth in your mind, you not only benefit by their presence but also bring them to others, to your family and friends, and to all those whose destiny draws across your path that day. - Unknown
I paint paintings because I can't get the experience in any other way but there are many more experiences that are equally satisfying to me and equally inept at answering all my questions, but hover in exactitude in describing themselves and defying me to define their logic.
Of all creatures on earth, in proportion to their size and weight, humans have the smallest footprint on the ground and the largest on the environment. - R. N. Prasher
Most people die with their music still locked up inside them. - Benjamin Disraeli
Their guilt plus their repentance should have equalled forgiveness. But they don’t feel forgiven, so they failed, which makes them feel guilty, which was why they repented in the first place, so they’re stuck right where they started: Guilty. - Geoffrey Wood
Everyone can rise above their circumstances and achieve success if they are dedicated to and passionate about what they do. - Nelson Mandela
When people view their lives as insignificant, they escape using pleasure. - Moxie Will
I call upon the scientific community in our country, those who gave us nuclear weapons, to turn their great talents now to the cause of mankind and world peace: to give us the means of rendering these nuclear weapons impotent and obsolete. - Ronald Reagan
4. Real men are men who have devoted their lives to solving the problem of others and giving a helping hand to those they meet in their journey through life. These are the kind of men that history can never forget. - Dr. Bien Sufficient
Best friend is like a pen and we're the paper. We'll not complete without their ink - Lucy 'Aisy
If people cannot write well, they cannot think well, and if they cannot think well, others will do their thinking for them. - George Orwell
People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who get on in the world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they can't find them, make them. - George Bernard Shaw
Furious and wild with fear, the potatoes flailed the air with their leaves and stamped their roots, but obviously this got them nowhere. - Stanisław Lem
Non Violence and Religion: Both designed to keep the oppressed from murdering their oppressors. - Darnell Lamont Walker
The key to holding a logical argument or debate is to allow oneself to understand the other person’s argument no matter how divergent their views may seem. - Auliq Ice
We know that in the attempt to be freed of the enemy without, we can be tempted to feed the enemy within. To imitate the hatred and violence of tyrants and murderers is the best way to take their place. - Pope Francis
The public have an insatiable curiosity to know everything. Except what is worth knowing. Journalism, conscious of this, and having tradesman-like habits, supplies their demands. - Oscar Wilde
If men could regard the events of their lives with more open minds they would frequently discover that they did not really desire the thing they failed to obtain. - Andre Maurois
Fathers are ironic, they want democracy in their country but dictatorship in their home. - Amit Kalantri
The vast majority of human beings dislike and even actually dread all notions with which they are not familiar... Hence it comes about that at their first appearance innovators have generally been persecuted, and always derided as fools and madmen. - Aldous Huxley
Men are generally more careful of the breed of their horses and dogs than of their children. - William Penn
I thought about how mothers feed their babies with tiny little spoons and forks so I wondered, what do Chinese mothers use? Toothpicks? - George Carlin
Writers cannot choose their own mood: with them it is not always hide-tide, nor --thank Heaven!--always Storm. - Charlotte Brontë
War doesn't have heroes, it only has the men who lost so many things in their life that they just keep going and do the most unthinkable things, just because they don't care anymore. - Wouter Van Gastel
When people get into their 30s plus "boyfriend" sounds weird...if you really think about it. Instead, I think we should universally start using the term "manfriend" or "snookie bookie cuddles pie". - Michelle M. Pillow
People are shaped by their emotions. That which profoundly affects them has a place in their hearts. - Saim .A. Cheeda
Most of the so-called experts on a prime time news-hour are so talented that by the time they finish their discussion on one problem without finding its solution, they have another topic of the same national importance ready to merely debate upon to entertain the audience of another channel. - Anuj Somany
Women forget all the past moments of the most intimate moments and the good sex when they have the next level of best sex with someone else. They just need someone to take out their hidden fantasies. - Himmilicious
Knowledge is a process of piling up facts; wisdom lies in their simplification. - Martin Henry Fischer
Human beings are the only creatures that allow their children to come back home. - Bill Cosby
Any church that operates in prayerless and powerless Christianity spend their days and years conducting dust to dust rites in the burial grounds. - Steven Chuks Nwaokeke
I don't wanna be a Twinkling Star or a Radiant Moon or a Shining Sun. Just to be a Spectacular Sky in their backdrop. - Sajil Chembil
The reason some people put on a mask is not in their blood but it is in their fear that we judge them too soon. - Ameya Agrawal
No great improvements in the lot of mankind are possible until a great change takes place in the fundamental constitution of their modes of thought. - John Stuart Mill
Their lips touched now, mouths pursed tight, their eyes open, both of them stock still. The moment held, a kind of such glorious confusion. - David Nicholls
The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis. - Dante Alighieri
The difference between a trained mind and a free mind is that a trained mind will fail to see just how trained their mind is by tradition, while a free mind has discarded such limitations... - Lionel Suggs
A true friend will never do match-making if they dont like the person that makes their friend Happy - chime
In the Bible, one often confronts real antinomies (equal but opposing truths). But in life one never does and always has options in difficult situations ...however uncomfortable may be their consequences. Satisfice in the circumstances and get on with your life! ~ © gfp '42™ - Gary Patton
However, he was happy. He felt he was conquering nature. He laughed aloud. He felt he was stronger than the elements. In this type of weather animals hid in their holes and did not come out. He was out, fighting the elements. He was a man, master of the world. - Jack London
Free-market capitalism is a network of free and voluntary exchanges in which producers work, produce, and exchange their products for the products of others through prices voluntarily arrived at. - Murray N. Rothbard
The Devil's minions worked his treacherous plot through the hearts of men, possessing them, ruling them. These hounds of hell ran wild these days through their human hosts, working greater and greater abominations. - Eric J. Martindale
Every industrious man, in every lawful calling, is a useful man. And one principal reason why men are so often useless is that they neglect their own profession or calling, and divide and shift their attention among a multiplicity of objects and pursuits. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Some of us cover to protect our bodiessome of us cover to protect our soulsin both cases,respect their choices. - Anjum Choudhary
The best Morning Prayer for endless peace would be, Today I will forgive everyone for their mistakes. Today I will love everyone without judging them. Today I will be kind to everyone even if they do not deserve it. Today I will be a fountain of peace to create waves of joy around me. - Debasish Mridha
So long as we have enough people in this country willing to fight for their rights, we'll be called a democracy.
Still not sure about how easily he could be integrated into their posse, Trevor smiled in delighted relief at how tolerantly two of his close friends had received his new identity. - Zack Love
..Liberals see racism where it doesn't exist, fabricate it when they can't find it and ignore it within their own ranks. - Michelle Malkin
Never go tapping into the lives of others like you know them and their story! Their story is not yours, tell yours, for that is all you know. - Auliq-Ice
Stay close 2 those who r by ur side in happy times, because they do not harbor jealousy or envy in their hearts, only joy 2 c u happy... - Paulo Coelho
World, they have taken the small children like butterflies and thrown them, beating their wings, into the fire-- - Nelly Sachs
A vision we give to others of who and what they could become has power when it echoes what the spirit has already spoken into their souls. - Larry Crabb
I would give up, but that will teach my kids that it's okay to be a failure and I refuse to ruin their lives like that! - Mignon' Talise Padilla
Never tell a mother how she has to raise her children and give no advice over their schooling, health or nutrition if you are not asked to. - Rossana Condoleo
With leadership succession, families tend to focus on picking the next CEO. Families really need multiple leaders at all levels in their families and family businesses. - Andrew Keyt
I think it's important to remember that writers do not have a monopoly of wisdom on their books. They can be wrong about their own books, they can often learn about their own books - China Miéville
its not about their good or bad habits, its about which one you inculcate - Hrishikesh J C
People who learn to control inner experience will be able to determine the quality of their lives, which is as close as any of us can come to being happy. - Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Politicians tend only to like democracy when it is to their personal advantage(From LONE WOLF, p.50) - Len Webster
Only people of a certain disposition are frightened of being alone for the rest of their lives at twenty-six; we were of that disposition - Nick Hornby
You are not your past. You are the warrior that rose above it to become the example of someone who didn't survive, but thrived in creating the most beautiful last chapter of their life. - Shannon L. Alder
It is also in the interests of the tyrant to make his subjects poor... the people are so occupied with their daily tasks that they have no time for plotting. - Aristotle
According to the conclusion of Dr. Hutton, and of many other geologists, our continents are of definite antiquity, they have been peopled we know not how, and mankind are wholly unacquainted with their origin. - Jean-André de Luc
Education...beyond all other devices of human origin, is a great equalizer of conditions of men --the balance wheel of the social machinery...It does better than to disarm the poor of their hostility toward the rich; it prevents being poor. - Horace Mann
There are roads where people go, and where they should arrive is their mission. - Eraldo Banovac
A trusting heart will follow, only those who truly follow their heart. - Anthony Liccione
You should find the same joy in one condition as in the other and thereby be free of care, that is all. But now, when the things that happened along take their leave, you cease to be joyful. From this point of view, though you have joy, it will always be fated for destruction. - Zhuangzi
Men will not believe because they will not broaden their minds
There is a tide in the affairs of men which taken at the flood leads on to fortune; omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries. - William Shakespeare
It's not enough to listen to their words. You have to mine their silences for buried ore. It's often only in the lies that we refuse to speak that truth can be heard at all. - Karen Marie Moning
The action of men are the best interpreters of their thoughts. - John Locke
Everyone is the age of their heart. - Guatemalan Proverb
Where words lose their meaning, people lose their lives. - Confucius
No one asks poor people if they want war. Nor had anyone asked these poor people if they wanted to die of thirst and exposure on the coastal sea, or if they wanted to be robbed and raped by their own soldiers. - Viet Thanh Nguyen
Sluka shook her head. "We're talking about them in the past tense, and we never even discussed them in the present. It's like their only reason for existing was so they could die. - Alastair Reynolds
Humans have a propensity to oppose things when it is not their idea and they had no input, or simply because it was initiated by those whom they dislike. - GE Paulus
Don't waste your time trying to understand why other people are happy with their choices; spend your time making sure you are happy with you own. - Robert J Braathe
Problems arise when people act as if their "boulders" are daily loads, and refuse help, or as if their "daily loads" are boulders they shouldn't have to carry. The results of these two instances are either perpetual pain or irresponsibility. - Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend
The only people capable of handling success are those who have learned to handle failures w/o taking their eyes off the prize. - Orrin Woodward
Don't handicap your children by making their lives easy. - Robert A. Heinlein
There are women whose infidelities are the only link they still have with their husbands. - Sacha Guitry
There’s a loneliness that only exists in one’s mind. The loneliest moment in someone’s life is when they are watching their whole world fall apart, and all they can do is blink. - F. Scott Fitzgerald
Let them express their anger and hatred; listen to them and smile. - M.F. Moonzajer
Their lips were too thin to ask forgiveness, and their minds too mean to understand love. - Jane Yolen
At their core, women fear that men will kill them. At their core, men fear that women will laugh at them. - Gavin de Becker
Our atheist thoughts go out to his family following their loss. - Brian Spellman
Missional leaders understand the power of connecting relationally in their community through personal networking. - Gary Rohrmayer
No one wants their stuff stolen. No one wants their physical person harmed. If you understand the implications of those two truths, you can come to see the egregious moral and practical problems of a state-managed society. - Jeffrey Tucker
Food- the only thing that the fortunate ones put aside to satisfy their fancy dietary plans and work load while the less fortunate ones work to earn. - Adhish Mazumder
Writers get to construct a magical world that readers can visit in thought and extend their stay with imagination. - Sandra Alex
Teach your children that a person is more valuable than any treasure found on this earth, teach them to love, teach them to sing, and dance, teach them to be courageous, and tell them they will be victorious on anything they put their heart and mind to, teach them honesty, and to never give up hope. - Martin Suarez
Mythology is composed by poets out of their insights and realizations. Mythologies are not invented; they are found. You can no more tell us what your dream is going to be tonight than we can invent a myth. Myths come from the mystical region of essential experience. - Joseph Campbell
Your parents, they give you your life, but then they try to give you their life. - Chuck Palahniuk
Perhaps women were once so dangerous they had to have their feet bound. - Maxine Hong Kingston
Here is a tragicomic reality of all the regimes: People work hard to feed their thief politicians, their thief kings and thief queens or their thief presidents! And therefore the tragicomic reality of all the times is this: There can exist no thieves without the support of people! - Mehmet Murat ildan
We must trust that what we're doing has a purpose. We must realize that we're not here to make kids conform or perform, but that we're here to help them to develop their own unique skills and talents, not the ones we want them to have or the ones we think they should have. - Tom Walsh
And when two people understand each other in their inmost hearts,Their words are sweet and strong like the fragrance of orchids. - I Ching
A good marriage is one which allows for change and growth in the individuals and in the way they express their love. - Pearl S. Buck
The best leader is the one who has the sense to surround himself with outstanding people and self-restraint not to meddle with how they do their jobs.
I was one of Them: the Strange Ones. The Funny People. The Odd Tribes of autograph collectors and photographers. The Ones who waited through long days and nights, who used other people's dreams for their lives. - Ray Bradbury
Apologizing is different from begging, it doesn't change your status, go ahead and get on your knees, spill tears if you got it, for the person you offended, if at all you had a place in their hearts, you'll be totally forgiven and accepted. - Michael Bassey Johnson
EXPOSTULATION, n. One of the many methods by which fools prefer to lose their friends. - Ambrose Bierce
A great many of those who 'debunk' traditional... values have in the background values of their own which they believe to be immune from the debunking process. - C. S. Lewis
It is not the consciousness of men that determines their beeing, but on the contrary, it is their social being that determines their consciousness. - Karl Marx
It is so amazing to see how lots of people can beguile themselves to believe that they have not been caught as who they actually are by the post or thought that they like, comment, say or share online and, most surprisingly, continue to regale themselves with the netizens of their type only. - Anuj Somany
Champions learn how to develop empowering beliefs and invest a substantial amount of time solidifying those beliefs, mostly through their own self-talk. - Steve Siebold
When fate connects an invisible thread between a man and a woman who are bound to be together, no matter how hard they try to fight against their own destiny, they can’t change what’s meant to be. - Nino Varsimashvili
Coaching is the universal to connect with people, helping them to develop a new perspective, while expanding their inner beliefs and boundaries, equipping them to become the best version of themselves. - Farshad Asl
Humor distorts nothing, and only false gods are laughed off their pedestals. - Agnes Repplier
Some people will only "love u " as much as they can use u. their loyalty end's where the benefits stop - Surgeo Bell
Thus many a melody passed to and fro between the two nightingales, drunk with their passion. Those who heard them listened in delight, and so similar were the two voices that they sounded like a single chant. Born of pain and longing, their song had the power to break the unhappiness of the world. - Nizami Ganjavi
Life is like a blanket too short. You pull it up and your toes rebel, you yank it down and shivers meander about your shoulder; but cheerful folks manage to draw their knees up and pass a very comfortable night.
Some waste away their lives by drinking, partying or by simply having fun and living for pleasure. - Sunday Adelaja
Life is full of hurts, and it always will be. As long as you live, people are going to offend you, hurt you, and disappoint you.But you needn't let their actions control your response and out-look on life. You can learn to rise above life's disappointments. - Prince Akwarandu
Courtesy, not control, that was His means. Just as He requested the stars to sing and they leapt into bright being, so request was to be their rule over bird and beast, seas and trees, mountains and moons and all the dancing distances between the heavenlies filled with the unending song of Creation. - Geoffrey Wood
Long ago we stated the reason for labour organizations. We said that union was essential to give labourers opportunity to deal on an equality with their employers. - US Supreme Court
Madness is too glamorous a term to convey what happens to most people who are losing their minds. That word is too exciting,too literary, too interesting in its connotations, to convey the boredom, the slowness, the dreariness, the dampness of depression. - Elizabeth Wurtzel
The process of self-invention is never-ending; writer, like children, are always growing into their gifts. ( in a "Times-Picayune" book review. - Susan Larson
A wise person is like a lighthouse. We are looking for their lights and follow them when we are in danger. - Debasish Mridha
Treats and tricks.Witch broomsticks.Jack-o-lanternsLick their lips.Crows and cats.Vampire bats.Capes and fangsAnd pointed hats.Werewolves howl.Phantoms prowl.Halloween’s Upon us now. - Richelle E. Goodrich
I lovehow grown childrenwill still nametheir mothersthe mostbeautiful.It isas though,their eyeshave met the cascadingcurvesand goldensilhouettesof every woman.Yettheir soulsstilldrumto the beat of theirmother'swarmth and care. - A Starry Eyed April
I think that every reader on earth has a list of cherished books as unique as their fingerprints....I think that, as you age, you tend to gravitate towards the classics, but those aren't the books that give you the same sort of hope for the world that a cherished book does. - Douglas Coupland
Everyone's a hero in their own way, in their own not that heroic way.
Most people are just parroting the thoughts that they hear from others rather than thinking of their own to unearth the hidden facts. - Anuj Somany
I was in love with everything- I wanted to look with love at the angry people so that their eyes would be forced to respond; and I wanted to bring gifts to the envious and tell them that I am worthless. - Egon Schiele
Fats and Andrew were perhaps equally aware that the admiration in their relationship flowed mostly from Andrew to Fats; but Fats alone suspected that he needed Andrew more than Andrew needed him. - J.K. Rowling
There are many kinds of smiles, each having a distinct character. Some announce goodness, and sweetness, others betray sarcasm, bitterness, and pride; some soften the countenance by their languishing tenderness, others brighten by their spiritual vivacity.
Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses. - Plato
The young always have the same problem - how to rebel and conform at the same time. They have now solved this by defying their parents and copying one another. - Quentin Crisp
This is the nature of love." Vashet said. "To attempt to describe it will drive a woman mad. This is what keeps poets scribbling endlessly away. If one could pin it to paper all complete, the others would lay down their pens. But it cannot be done. - Patrick Rothfuss
All writers are different, each have their own artist way they go about telling a story. The only thing they have in common, is they write. - Lori Lesko
The English have no respect for their language, and will not teach their children to speak it. - George Bernard Shaw
Good music is a king or a queen; when it visits a place, all rise to their feet! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Led Zeppelin created their music from a diet of Bert Jansch, Memphis Minnie, John Fahey, Billy Fury, Phil Spector, Richard 'Rabbit' Brown, Moby Grape, Manitas De Plata and Om Kalsoum. Those who came afterwards were content with a diet of Led Zeppelin, which is not the same thing at all. - David Hepworth
Food is not to enjoy. That's not the reason why you're eating it. That's why the Glutton eats. But someone who's serious about maintaining their health - they eat for health. We're literally digging our graves with our teeth. - Hamza Yusuf
Beautiful places are almost alive! When you visit them, you can feel their breaths! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Most people carry their demons around with them, buried down deep inside. Writers wrestle their demons to the surface, fling them onto the page, then call them characters. - C.K. Webb
No matter how much you disagree with your kin, if you are a thoroughbred you will not discuss their shortcomings with the neighbors. - Tom Thompson
How many of our daydreams would darken into nightmares if there seemed any danger of their coming true! - Logan Pearsall Smith
Some women choose to follow men, and some women choose to follow their dreams. If you're wondering which way to go, remember that your career will never wake up and tell you that it doesn't love you anymore. - Lady Gaga
When people attempt to rebel against the iron logic of Nature, they come into conflict with the very same principles to which they owe their existence as human beings. Their actions against Nature must lead to their own downfall. - Adolf Hitler
ABRIDGE, v.t. To shorten. When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for people to abridge their king, a decent respect for the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. --Oliver Cromwell - Ambrose Bierce
Universe is expanding to infinity without a center in space. How come humans claim a direction to their life? - Vishwanath S J
Religions differ only in the form; religions differ only in their methodology. - Osho
When someone uses the power of their love, they feel strong, courageous, and enthusiastic. - Debasish Mridha
Yankee Stadium, it’s like everything else in this country. In Europe, they save all their old buildings for history. Here, we just tear them all down. - Bob Feller
A love of tradition has never weakened a nation, indeed it has strengthened nations in their hour of peril; but the new view must come, the world must roll forward. - Sir Winston Churchill
It is amazing that our souls -- our eternal essences, with all their hopes an dreams and visions of an eternal world -- are contained within these temporal bodies.
I’m afraid, my blue-skinned friend - that matters of religion are absolute. True believers cannot be reasoned with. You either agree with their beliefs or you accept that you will be in eternal conflict with them.(Deathsworn Arc 4: Rise of the Archmage) - Martyn Stanley
God Please help Man find his lost Freedom faster. So that the rest of the creatures on earth who deserve it more can have theirs back. - Surabhi Dhar
The most beautiful thing that you can show people is how to reveal their own beauty to themselves. - Debasish Mridha
As I was walking among the fires of Hell, delighted with the enjoyments of Genius; which to Angels look like torment and insanity. I collected some of their Proverbs. - William Blake
The problem that has no name - which is simply the fact that American women are kept from growing to their full human capacities - is taking a far greater toll on the physical and mental health of our country than any known disease. - Betty Friedan
Successful people know how to share their own dreams with other people. - Eraldo Banovac
Some even peek through their computer screens to see themselves on FB as others see them, in order to be sure of who they really are. In effect, they have become self-voyeurs! - Nicos Hadjicostis
The denunciation of the young is a necessary part of the hygiene of older people, and greatly assists in the circulation of their blood. - Logan Pearsall Smith
In early childhood you may lay the foundation of poverty or riches, industry or idleness, good or evil, by the habits to which you train your children. Teach them right habits then, and their future life is safe. - Lydia Sigourney
HARMONISTS, n. A sect of Protestants, now extinct, who came from Europe in the beginning of the last century and were distinguished for the bitterness of their internal controversies and dissensions. - Ambrose Bierce
The greatest success any person can have is to truly embrace and enjoy their daily existence. - Marty Rubin
The biggest mistake you can make is listening to people who've given up on their dreams telling you to give up on yours. - Umair Haque
I'm not a political Christian; for the most part I allow people even their vain, earthly rights. And I certainly don't see anti-Christians as bad or evil (as if they actually have the power to pose any kind of threat against God Almighty), but rather complete idiots I was commanded to love. - Criss Jami
We stand before a burning bush whenever other human beings share with us something of their relationship with God or something of the movements of their hearts. In such moments may we always realize that we stand on holy ground - Margaret Silf
In counseling, we don't simply help people to change one thought; we help people to understand the pattern of their thinking their mindsets. - James MacDonald
People appear like angels until you hear them speak. You must not rush to judge people by the colour of their cloaks, but by the content of their words! - Israelmore Ayivor
To be in your children's memories tomorrow,You have to be in their lives today. - Barbara Johnson
As more women lean in to their careers, more men need to lean in to their families. We need to encourage men to be more ambitious in their homes. - Sheryl Sandberg
To capture someones light is to seal a moment in time of their soul. trapping it within a pane of glass.. forever suspended in time - Kurt Grüng
More intelligent people don't know their mobile number. - Kaushal Patel
Smart ones learn from their mistakes, wise ones learn from their and others mistakes - علي الماجد
I used to call myself a single-issue voter on the essential question of defending civilization against its terrorist enemies and their totalitarian protectors, and on that 'issue' I hope I can continue to expose and oppose any ambiguity. - Christopher Hitchens
I hate often and easily. I hate, for example, people who sit with their legs splayed. People who claim to give 110 percent. People who call themselves "comfortable" when what they mean is decadently rich. You're so judgmental, my shrink tells me, and I cry all the way home, thinking of it. - Jenny Offill
A true friend is the one who treats you and gives you advices, exactly as if he is treating himself and giving advices to himself, so if you are a true friend never ever talk about your friends behind their backs, cause you must be sure that you are talking about yourself :) - Mona Hanie
Those who grow Tall by giving it their All, without the worry of Fall, are powered by a Passion, that is born from Inspiration.-RVM - R.v.m.
Well, the gold fish in the bowl lay upside down bloatingFull in the sky and the plains were bleached white with skeletonsVarious species grouped together accordingTo their past beliefsThe only way they ever all got together wasNot in love but shameful grief - Don Van Vliet
The history doesn't repeat itself, it’s just their methods repeats. 27.06.11 - VicDo
Moths don't need to explain why their attracted to the light. - Marty Rubin
The quality of a person's life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor.
If all our misfortunes were laid in one common heap, whence every one must take an equal portion, most people would be contented to take their own and depart. - Solon
Those who always think of their aches can never do what it takes! - RVM
Let us pray now for the future dead. Though we do not yet know their names, we know that there shall be far too many of them. - Seth Grahame-Smith
He had a theory that musicians are incredibly complex, and know far less than other artists what they want and what they are; that they puzzle themselves as well as their friends; that their psychology is a modern development, and has not yet been understood. - E.M. Forster
Build your own dream or someone will hire you to build theirs. - Spencer Costanzo
Leaders must see the dream in their mind before they will accomplish the dream with their team. - Orrin Woodward
It's like people care more about their pride than about what's correct, about the truth. - Terry Pratchett
On a daily basis, people lose their lives, they lose their health, they lose their families, and they lose their children, only because they refuse to have a corresponding knowledge to what they possess in hand. - Sunday Adelaja
I think we're moving toward a world where all the consumers under a certain age will probably tend to identify more with their consumer status or with the products they consume then they would with ... any sort of antiquated notion of nationality. - Gibson, William
There are three things that stop people from becoming their best, "fear" "anger" and "greed." The antidote to fear is action, the cure for anger is gratitude and the medicine to greed is love. - Sesan Kareem
Great people and great athletes realize early in their lives their destiny, and accept it. Even if they do not consciously realize the how, the where, the what. - Percy Cerutty
How little of permanent happiness could belong to a couple who were only brought together because their passions were stronger than their virtue. - Jane Austen
If I have done great things it's because I was standing in the closet of smart men taking notes and then publishing their ideas as my own. - Isaac Newton
The miracle, or the power, that elevates the few is to be found in their industry, application, and perseverance under the prompting of a brave, determined spirit. - Mark Twain
Mothers are fonder than fathers of their children because they are more certain they are their own. - Aristotle
In the last analysis, my fellow country men, as we in America would be the first to claim, a people are responsible for the acts of their government. - Woodrow Wilson
Their stars didn't meetTheir hearts didBut they followed the starsToday they both have broken hearts - Subhasis Das
Many in America, as one social historian wrote, 'believed implicitly that New York's social leaders went to bed in full evening dress, brushed their teeth in vintage champagne, married their daughters without exception to shady French counts, and arrayed their poodle dogs in diamond tiaras.'... - Greg King
The difference between time and money is that money can be stored for future use. Most people make the mistake of saving money by wasting their time. - J.R. Rim
Those who take responsibility for their actions are the real winners in life. Winners meet life challenges and head on, knowing there are no gurantees, and give it all they've got, and never think it's too late, or too early to begin. - Anonymous
People who are arrogant on account of their wealth are about equal to the Laplanders, who measure a man's worth by the number of his reindeer.
By their own follies they perished, the fools. - Homer
We are all inclined to judge ourselves by our ideals; others by their acts.
The suprematist must have a superior knowledge of understanding. With out that, their art is powerless - Luhraw
What do dogs do on their day off?; Can't lie around that's their job! - George Carlin
It was bad enough not having a boyfriend for New Year's Eve. Now I had to cope with Valentine datelessness, feeling consummate social pressure from every retailer in America who stuck hearts and cupids on their windows by January second to rub it in. (Thwonk) - Joan Bauer
[P]eople with self-respect have the courage of their mistakes. They know the price of things. - Joan Didion
There were more than a dozen extinction level events before even the dinosaurs got theirs! - Captain America - The Avengers...The Age of Ultron
The hottest places in Hell are reserved for those who in time of great moral crisis maintain their neutrality. - Dante Alighieri
Every good product I've ever seen is because a group of people cared deeply about making something wonderful that they and their friends wanted. They wanted to use it themselves. - Steve Jobs
One thing that became clear to me is that images of a divine mother are surprisingly important in the psychological wholeness of women, especially in the process of women taking up residence in their own authority. - Sue Monk Kidd
More people would be depressed, if parents tried to please their children as frequently and as badly as children try to please their parents. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Little deeds that proceed from charity please God and have their place among meritorious acts. - Francis de Sales
No important institution is ever merely what the law makes it. It accumulates about itself traditions, conventions, ways of behaviour, which are not less formidable in their influence. - Harold Laki
They that fail to understand their dreams, visions and aspirations in life and the real steps to take to make dreams a reality shall always have realities of life teaching them the had I knows of life. - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Who needs to be a Phoenix for rebirth? One simply requires themselves and an instrument to clean the slate and start over, perhaps create their own world where everything is better.. - TheBakaViolinist
Helping people and putting smiles on their faces is a great, great thing. God only knows why more people don't do it more often. - Wayne Gerard Trotman
Kind words produce their images on men's souls. - Blaise Pascal
it's doesn't matter how long you spend the time writing words , the only thing that matter , is for how long your words will have an influence on their reader . - Mahdi Khmili
If you want to find missing children put their photo's on Soda Cans, beer cans and cigarette packs and you'll increase the odds by millions some people are lactose in tolerate. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
Books have the same enemies as people: fire, humidity, animals, weather, and their own content. - Paul Valery
Those who recite prayers do not pray from their heart but are heard to say the words of the prayers that someone wrote down some time ago. - Errol Anthony Smythe
in earth their have only one reason of war,i have power and want to show, - majidkhan
Only the liberation of the natural capacity for love in human beings can master their sadistic destructiveness. - Wilhelm Reich
It is about a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians. - Pat Robertson
Heroes need monsters to establish their heroic credentials. You need something scary to overcome. - Margaret Atwood
Peace cannot be achieved; they have to be plucked out of their pod. - A.G. Phillips
I know many books which have bored their readers, but I know of none which has done real evil. - Voltaire
It is customary for those who wish to have the most beautiful ones to endeavourer to offer them gifts of those things which they hold most precious in order to win their hearts. - Auliq Ice
Most employees don’t really want to be highly-paid; they just want to earn more than their peers, and, more importantly, more than their neighbours. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Your actions are viewed by observers through prisms shaped by their own interpretations, and sometimes misinterpretations. All you can do is strive to be your best self. Let the chips fall where they may. - Cathryn Louis
Watch out for those who celebrate your success with bitterness in their hearts! surely, they'll hail you for what you are, and hate you for what you have become. - Michael Bassey Johnson
It is simply impossible for said "refugees" to check their Islamism at the door. - Mike Klepper
A person can choose to stand against adversity, but most people will run from it before they come to terms with who they truly are, a wise person watches through adversity and follows the signs when it is their turn to stand. - Faith Brashear
Shamans enter the dream world of sub-consciousness to wrestle with demons and rally angels. They return with tales of their encounters which become the myths and legends of their communities. - Jeff Rasley
Many people seek popularity and want everyone to know their name. It’s not important for everyone to know your name, it’s important that some of the people you know don’t forget your name. - Ron Baratono
You don't buy all the clothes in the market. You choose slowly and carefully, asking the prices for each before buying. The same way you choose your friends, by looking into their lives carefully, before taking any as a companion, then dropping those that are not relevant. - Michael Bassey Johnson
My job as a Mind Body Spirit Coach is not to 'fix' people, it is to 'break' them and empower them to connect to their spirit and trust that they will be re-built slightly differently given a little time and patience. - Rebecca O'Dwyer - Centred Woman
My music is the spiritual expression of what I am my faith, my knowledge, my being...When you begin to see the possibilities of music, you desire to do something really good for people, to help humanity free itself from its hangups...I want to speak to their souls. - John Coltrane
Don't think that this people are stupid, probably you have caught one, but you didn't finish your work and what now???You were in their trap... - Deyth Banger
We are no longer worried that children are missing school because of video games, though. We are worried that they are murdering their classmates because of video games. - Tom Bissell
The best effect of fine persons is felt after we have left their presence. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
So they crucified their Messiah? Well can I believe it. That He was a Son of the Living Spirit would be naught to them, if indeed He was so.... They would care little for any God if he came not with pomp and power. - H. Rider Haggard
Children are made readers on the laps of their parents. - Emilie Buchwald
I don't like people who have never fallen or stumbled. Their virtue is lifeless and it isn't of much value. Life hasn't revealed its beauty to them. - Boris Pasternak
They courted the face on the screen, the face of translucence, the face of wax on which men found it possible to imprint the image of their fantasy. - Anaïs Nin
Seals do not sit about and tell, the way people do, and their lives are not eventful in the way people's are, lines of story combed again and again, in the hope that they will yield more sense with every stroke. - Margo Lanagan
Too many in the Church today are likes babies in the nursery,they put everything in their mouth. - John Paul Warren
I ask no favor for my sex. All I ask of our brethren is that they take their feet off our necks. - Sarah Grimké
It is only the brave who win life’s rewards. Those who don’t overcome their fears are destined to fail at even the least things. - Kevis Hendrickson
In some country patriotism is shown only for cricket. When it comes to responsibilities’ they started blaming their own country, politician, people, and others. And ends up praising the western. - Vivek Thangaswamy
See people in the light of their potentials, not their problems. - Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
If everyone fights with the power of their love, there will be happiness, not the destruction or war. - Debasish Mridha
Intimacy is not purely physical. It's the act of connecting with someone so deeply, you feel like you can see into their soul. - Reshall Varsos
A Parting GuestWhat delightful hosts are they—Life and Love!Lingeringly I turn away,This late hour, yet glad enoughThey have not withheld from meTheir high hospitality.So, with face lit with delightAnd all gratitude, I stayYet to press their hands and say,Thanks.—So fine a time! Good night. - James Whitcomb Riley
The worst disease which can afflict executives in their work is not, as popularly supposed, alcoholism; it's egotism. - Robert Frost
Anyone can perform good deeds for an audience; the best among us do their greatest work when no one is present to bear witness. - Ken Poirot
Every person has a right to risk their own life for the preservation of it. - Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Our tragedy is their beauty. Our pain is their art. The beatific bereavement that is our life captured on a canvas for all the world to see. - Solange nicole
The only way you will ever be free is when you decide you have had enough of living up to the standards other people force upon you through shame. Never wear their chains of judgment when they can’t break free of their own. - Shannon L. Alder
There are few uglier traits of human nature than this tendency—which I now witnessed in men no worse than their neighbours—to grow cruel, merely because they possessed the power of inflicting harm. - Nathaniel Hawthorne
Self-leaders do not look for followers because they are busily pursuing their influencial dreams that followers will trace and ask for. Followers look for influence and that can be obtained from self-leaders. - Israelmore Ayivor
There was (and is) nothing palatable about Jesus Christ of Nazareth to those who love the world and have made their home in it. - David D. Flowers
Wolves fail to hide their integrity just like the way men fail to hide their own animality. - Munia Khan
When people are facing real hardships in their lives, they have no time to invent imaginary ones. - Marty Rubin
Some people may decide to hate you for no reason simply because your confidence reminds them of their insecurities. - Ali. B. Moe
Women are aroused by the strangest things, like a rock going through their bedroom window - Josh Stern
I think there are writers who take a quieter approach to their work one that is just about respectfully showing up for your vocation day after day, steadily doing your best, and letting go of the results. Not going to war against anyone else, or against their talents, or against themselves. - Elizabeth Gilbert
Giving style to one’s character - a great and rare art! It is exercised by those who see all the strengths and weaknesses of their own natures and then comprehend them in an artistic plan until everything appears as art and reason and even weakness delights the eye. - Friedrich Nietzsche
It's brutal out there. A bear will eat a lactating ewe alive, starting with her udders. as a rule, animals in the wild don't get good deaths surrounded by their loved ones. - Michael Pollan
when there is no sound mind in the society people's thinking and their decisions, don’t always follow the natural flow of logic, because the society and the culture of the land has polluted the minds of ordinary people - Sunday Adelaja
Truly creative people in all fields can temporarily suspend their ego and simply experience what they are seeing, without the need to assert a judgment, for as long as possible. They are more than ready to find their most cherished opinions contradicted by reality. - Robert Greene (Author) Joost Elffers (Author)
There was no world, no land, no god or heaven or earth outside of their two bodies naked and trembling in the act of love. - Roman Payne
I was born a heretic. I always distrusted people who know so much about what God wants them to do to their fellows. - Susan B. Anthony
Defeat is only defeat if we accept it as defeat. Victory often comes after defeat, because one was too stubborn to allow it to be their reality. In the trail of any great conflict you will see the scuff marks, where the one was beaten down, but they could not be taught to stay that way. - Tom Althouse
The only difference between writers and people who don't write is that writers aren't afraid to display their demons. - Carla H. Krueger
All the works of man have their origin in creative fantasy. What right have we then to depreciate imagination. - Carl Jung
MEANDER, n. To proceed sinuously and aimlessly. The word is the ancient name of a river about one hundred and fifty miles south of Troy, which turned and twisted in the effort to get out of hearing when the Greeks and Trojans boasted of their prowess. - Ambrose Bierce
The only reason there isn't life on other planets is because their scientists were more advanced than ours.
Men will sooner surrender their rights than their customs.
The speaker says one of the blessings of the family of God is that the enthusiasm of children influences their elders while experience seasons the younger members. - Matt Chandler
Flowers of sin, like some black sun,Bloom in my dreams Their perfume-sodden fragrance Spreading through each heartbeat. - Shiv Kumar Batalvi
Our tomorrows must be met at the time of their arrival... with the HOPE they are as BEAUTIFUL as today! - Joe Peterson
Crowd is just a bunch of heads, it is their leader who is the mind. - Amit Kalantri
Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations. I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty, believe in them, and try to follow where they lead. - Louisa May Alcott
There is nothing the matter with Americans except their ideals. The real American is all right; it is the ideal American who is all wrong. - G.K. Chesterton
If you deliberately and passionately grieve over the consolations of darkness and participate with your spirit in their annihilation, you would put yourself above other forms of life and lives of other people. - Ivo Žurić
you can't read Human mind by #Psychology... you can read their mind by talking with them at night.. - Self_Thought
The people who keep their lifestyle natural as much as possible to the decency level meet quite often in life a beautiful person. - Anuj Somany
The hand that gives is among the hand that takes. Money has no fatherland, financiers are without patriotism and without decency, their sole object is gain. - Napoléon Bonaparte
For 1,300 days of Sarajevo's drama, important people in the world who were supposed to act kept their eyes closed, ... But not you. You were not silent. Your voice was clear. - Alijia Izetbegovic
Why was it, she asked herself, that "animals can sometimes subdue their predatory ways in only a few months, while humans, despite centuries of refinement, can quickly grow more savage than any beast? - Diane Ackerman
It's awkward how some people refuse to be humans regarding their behaviours! Isn't that against God's will for he created them as humans? And yet, they at night hold hands up and ask God for forgiveness and to grant them their wishes; when he created animals sinless. - Mustafa SULTAN
Everyone has their secrets, and there are shadows following us all. - Chrystal Vaughan
Once you understand the power of stimulus control, you can use it to your advantage by changing the stimuli in your environment and avoiding undesirable ones; or, if that's not possible, by filling your consciousness with thoughts about their less tempting aspects. - Jonathan Haidt
Haters are those, that never were given any chances, that blew their chances, or that never took the chance. - Anthony Liccione
I arrived, I saw humans and I saw through their faces. Nothing ever changes but the light in their eyes. For I too have buried my demons today, without knowing what might remain beneath the face of tomorrow. - Robert M. Drake
Ladies who play with fire must remember that smoke gets in their eyes. - Mae West
Ever since time began, people have recognized their true Love by the light in their eyes. - Paulo Coelho
May our eyes focus rightly on Christ ... before the need to please others, before church, and before the busyness of Christian life. Those things will surely have their place, but they will be most valuable if put in their proper position. - Traci LaRussa
Faith and love are apt to be spasmodic in the best minds. Men live the brink of mysteries and harmonies into which they never enter, and with their hands on the door-latch they die outside. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Never judge anyone as they have their own situation and different dimensions of looking at things and situations which you may not understand . . so Observe. - Rishi Bakshi
Set all things in their own peculiar place, and know that order is the greatest grace. - John Dryden
Too often, people are trying to fill the God-size hole in their heart with a person instead of God. A person is too small and too imperfect and will never be able to do it. Once God fills it, then there's plenty of room for the right person. - Laurel Hawkes
The softhearted guard their hearts fiercely. - N.L. Shompole
Every person has the responsibility over their own territory. - Sunday Adelaja
The conscience of children is formed by the influences that surround them; their notions of good and evil are the result of the moral atmosphere they breathe.
With a little care for each other in the business world,we create a better one. A world in which human beings look after their fellow humans. - kamil Toume
Don't judge people by their religious, cultural, or professional background. Judge if you must, by their behavior with other people. - Abhijit Naskar
That's what you get,' he said, nodding towards a group of the men engaged in some close-order military drill, 'when you give people Bibles and guns. You should give 'em either one or the other, but not both. It just messes up their brains. - K.W. Jeter
Anyone who falls in love is searching for the missing pieces of themselves. So anyone who's in love gets sad when they think of their lover. It's like stepping back inside a room you have fond memories of, one you haven't seen in a long time. - Haruki Murakami
Children are living beings - more living than grown-up people who have built shells of habit around themselves. Therefore it is absolutely necessary for their mental health and development that they should not have mere schools for their lessons, but a world whose guiding spirit is personal love. - Rabindranath Tagore
a penny for my thoughts oh no i'll sell em for a dollar their worth so much more after im a goner and then maybe you'll hear the words ive been singing funny when your dead how people start listening - The Band Perry
I could go into their reality any time I chose to, but they could never come into mine. This is what I called 'helping' them. - Agnostic Zetetic
They weren't people that liked change. They were the kind of people that would have tied change to a chair with dental floss if they could in order to avoid it. They were the type of people who desired to live in their virtual bubbles and grew to resent anyone that challenged that world. - Anna M. Aquino
To think well of all, to be cheerful with all, to patiently learn to find the good in all - such unselfish thoughts are the very portals of heaven; and to dwell day by day in thoughts of peace toward every creature will bring abounding peace to their possessor. - James Allen
Everyone basically has one aria to sing over their entire life. - Donna Tartt
Each person must live their life as a model for others. - Rosa Parks
A person can always know the character of the people by their face, but it is possible perhaps only to one who says only what he means and ,therefore, remains often on the life's challenging phase. - Anuj Somany
A leader helps others to reach their full leadership potential. - Artika Tyner
Let these men sing out their songs,they've been walking all day long,all their fortune's spent and gone...silver dollar in the subway station;quarters for the papers for the jobs. - Roman Payne
If human beings are the most intelligent creatures on earth, why is it that the other less intelligent creatures realise themselves in their group of spieces that they are the same despite the difference in colour or condition, while humam beings don't - Nathanael Kanyinga
To make no mistakes is not in the power of man; but from their errors and mistakes the wise and good learn wisdom for the future. - Plutarch
Jury: a group of twelve men who, having lied to the judge about their hearing, health and business engagements, have failed to fool him. - H. L. Mencken
Many have been ruined by their fortunes, and many have escaped ruin by the want of fortune. To obtain it the great have become little, and the little great.
We should not allow ourselves to be deceived by our outward show of ‘civilized’ manners and ‘cultured’ social behavior into believing that self-concern, desirous attachment, aversion, and indifference are steadily losing their hold over us. - Stephen Batchelor
The way of love is not a subtle argument. The door there is devastation. Birds make great sky-circles of their freedom. How do they learn it? They fall, and falling, they're given wings. - Jalaluddin Rumi
But this can’t be true! I can understand, of course, their obedience to women of charm—but to fat women? To bony women? To women with scrawny cheeks? - F. Scott Fitzgerald
The chief weapon of sea pirates, however, was their capacity to astonish. Nobody else could believe, until it was too late, how heartless and greedy they were. - Kurt Vonnegut
Socrates made people face their hypocrisy. He had to die. - Francis Mont
Faith is an act whereby they learn their God. - Geoffrey Wood
Let tears flow of their own accord: their flowing is not inconsistent with inward peace and harmony. - Seneca
I keep six honest serving-men (They taught me all I knew); Their names are What and Why and When And How and Where and Who. - Rudyard Kipling
Stop thinking all the time that you're in the way, that you're bothering the person next to you. If people don't like it, they can complain. And if they don't have the courage to complain, that's their problem. - Paulo Coelho
How little do they see what really is, who frame their hasty judgments upon that which seems. - Robert Southey
The humiliating climbdown, the necessary deception, and stepping over one's pride: they should each have their honoured place in a modern account of the political virtues. - Jonathan Glover
When someone received immortal love, their life becomes eternal. - Debasish Mridha
Young girls frequently report that their early sexual experiences were coerced. In a study in South Africa, 30 percent of girls report that their first sexual intercourse was forced. In rural Malawi, 55 percent of adolescent girls surveyed report that they were often forced to have sex. - Njovana Watts
Those who cheat on their partners who are loyal to them; don't deserve them. It is a trashy attitude to disrespect a person who is loyal in a relationship, by cheating on him or her. - Ellen J. Barrier
Anyone who still wants to experience fairytales these days can’t afford to dither when it comes to using their brains. - Robert Musil
Only those with no memory insist on their originality. - Coco Chanel
You should praise, criticize and flirt with people right to their face, only then it will make a difference. - Amit Kalantri
We wouldn't want to live in a world where no one believed in themselves enough to make their own dreams come true. - Chris Colfer
IMMORTALITY, n. A toy which people cry for, And on their knees apply for, Dispute, contend and lie for, And if allowed Would be right proud Eternally to die for. G.J. - Ambrose Bierce
The poet believed that 'Beauty' first entered the world not at its creation, nor with the first garden, the first sunrise, the birth of the first man and woman and their first sexual act. The poet believed that 'Beauty' entered the world the day the first child blushed. - Roman Payne
All religions, in their pure form, will tell you God is Love. And power, fear, division, judgment, oppression, hatred and self-righteousness are the opposite of Love. So going to war, for example, in the name of religion, is a complete contradiction. No pure religious leader would ever support this. - The Truth
Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself... You may house their bodies but not their souls, for their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams. - Kahlil Gibran
DISTANCE, n. The only thing that the rich are willing for the poor to call theirs, and keep. - Ambrose Bierce
There's something in our world that makes men lose their heads--they couldn't be fair if they tried. - Harper Lee
People create sins out of nothing and in doing so have enslaved their fellow man! Man is not bound by sin but man is bound by the idea that almost everything he is doing is a sin! - C. JoyBell C.
I didn't sleep well last night because one of my ghosts came back, haunting with his presence, and when I woke up, the others weren't here, haunting with their memory. - Donna Lynn Hope
~In motivating people, YOU've got to engage their minds and their hearts. I motivate people, I hope, by example - and perhaps by excitement, by having productive ideas to make others feel involved~ - Rupert Murdoch
In our lives are special moments that live as their own, the rest is movement with the passage of time. - Donna Lynn Hope
Read. Everything you can get your hands on. Read until words become your friends. Them when you need to find one, they will jump into your mind, waving their hands for you to pick them. And you can select whichever you like, just like a captain choosing a stickball team. - Karen Witemeyer
Stop looking for a partner. Focus on your goals and rebuilding your life. The right person will eventually find their way to you. - Robert Tew
It isn't the incompetent who destroy an organization. It is those who have achieved something and want to rest upon their achievements who are forever clogging things up.
It is necessary to understand that the next person is just as important as you are on this earth. So no one should undermine others based on their current circumstances. - Gugu Mona
I heard of a manwho says words so beautifullythat if he only speaks their namewomen give themselves to him.If I am dumb beside your bodywhile silence blossoms like tumors on our lipsit is because I hear a man climb stairsand clear his throat outside our door. - Leonard Cohen
I decided that it was not wisdom that enabled [poets] to write their poetry, but a kind of instinct or inspiration, such as you find in seers and prophets who deliver all their sublime messages without knowing in the least what they mean. - Socrates
Forgiveness is a promise not a feeling. When you forgive other people, you are making a promise not to use their past sin against them. - Brett
So many people sabotagetheir own chances for happiness—don’t be one of them. - Domonique Bertolucci
Some people tire me emotionally, not that they personally do anything to me, but their presence. Their presence sometimes is so heavy on the heart, and I just feel smothered by them. - Maisie16
The more people have studied different methods of bringing up children the more they have come to the conclusion that what good mother and fathers instinctively feel like doing for their babies is the best after all. - Benjamin Spock
A best friend is the one person that doesn't leave you worse off by their actions or yours. - Shannon L. Alder
It is in racists' best interest to maintain white supremacy at all costs. They will defend it with their lives, but ONLY after they've defended it with ours. - Darnell Lamont Walker
The more my dream are fulfilled the quicklier they become realities losing their shine. - Ai Yazawa
It is to these two discoveries by that we owe the exactness of modern astronomy. .... This double service assures to their discoverer the most distinguished place (after Hipparchus and Kepler) above the greatest astronomers of all ages and all countries. Jean-Baptiste Joseph Delambre - Bradley
It's not a matter of whether or not someone's watching over you. It's just a question of their intentions. - Randy K. Milholland
As dogs return to their vomit, some men return to their wives. - Anthony Liccione
Time has transfigured them intoUntruth. The stone fidelityThey hardly meant has come to beTheir final blazon, and to proveOur almost-instinct almost true:What will survive of us is love. - Philip Larkin
There should be a little gap between you and your friends, though you'll miss their companionship and you'll also miss their disrespect. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Anyone who has lost something they thought was theirs forever finally comes to realise that nothing really belongs to them. - Paulo Coelho
It's really seeing student involvement as a variety of opportunities that are appropriate for each given student and responsive to their individual needs and their desires for their educational experience. - Adam Fletcher
Prepare yourself for the world, as the athletes used to do for their exercise; oil your mind and your manners, to give them the necessary suppleness and flexibility; strength alone will not do. - Lord Chesterfield
Secrets are a part of life. Their mysteries make our world beautiful. Their depths inspire our hearts, intrigue our minds, and embrace our very souls. - Imania Margria
It is sad to see people do things without putting their soul and heart into it. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Everyone who gets sleepy at night should have a simple decent place to lay their heads, on terms they can afford to pay.
All great discoveries are made by men whose feelings run ahead of their thinking. - C. H. Parkhurst
I like Dancing of Indian girls more than my parents’ prayers . Because they dance with love and passion . But my parents just say their prayers because they got used to it . - Ali Shariati - علی شریعتی
Daily Reminders1) Never compare myself to other people. It is comparing my behind the scenes to their highlight reel.2) Stay here, now. I will not think to far forward or back.3) It's okay to not be fine.4) Taylor need's me so I'm going to take care of myself. - Taylor Swift
Only those who look with the eyes of children can lose themselves in the object of their wonder. - Eberhard Arnold
Those who waste bread will be condemned to as many years in purgatory as the number of crumbs wasted and will have to pick those crumbs up, one by one, with their eyelids. - Paula Pettini
Optimists anticipate problems, welcome them, and challenge them. Thus, eventually they defeat their problems. - RVM
I Believe When People Go To Hell, They Relive Their Worst Life Experience, Over And Over Again. - Chris Mentillo
People Gain your Loyalty and love when they can't get from the person whom they want part of their life. - Bhoopal M
The superior man, when resting in safety, does not forget that danger may come. When in a state of security he does not forget the possibility of ruin. When all is orderly, he does not forget that disorder may come. Thus his person is not endangered, and his States and all their clans are preserved. - Confucius
All life forms add their own colour in the world. It is important we embrace all the colours with equal value. - Tim Rees
Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation. - Oscar Wilde
I think it's outrageous if a historian has a 'leading thought' because it means they will select their material according to their thesis - Antony Beevor
The slaves in Rome were incapable of leisure and so their masters gave them entertainment to keep them pacified. - Oliver DeMille
If you walk on sunlight, bathe in moonlight, breathe in a golden air and exhale a Midas' touch; mark my words, those who exist in the shadows will try to pull you into the darkness with them. The last thing that they want is for you to see the wonder of your life because they can't see theirs. - C. JoyBell C.
What sets humans apart from animals is that we have to walk around saying how smart we are, and animals just live their lives. - Chanctetinyea J.J. Ouellette
The world of a cat is unlike any other. What is seen through their eyes cannot be understood by anyone besides another cat. Their world is filled with secrets and adventures that are always present and forever changing. To look at the world as a cat is to look through the veil of reality. - Alex G. Zarate
Human beings are born into this little span of life of which the best thing is its friendships and intimacies and yet they leave their friendships and intimacies with no cultivation, to grow as they will by the roadside, expecting them to "keep" by force of mere inertia. - William James
Very soon nations will understand that in reality Water is the most expensive natural resource for their survivals. Not Middle East oil neither African gold. - M.F. Moonzajer
Never trust a person whose smile doesn't reach their eyes, chances are they do similar thing when they "cry" - Just be sure you have that OSCAR ready next time they do this - Paul Isaacs
Most people who are would each not be in love with their partner, if they did not have the kind of genitals they have. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
A sparkling house is a fine thing if the children aren't robbed of their luster in keeping it that way.
An apprentice carpenter may want only a hammer and saw, but a master craftsman employs many precision tools. Computer programming likewise requires sophisticated tools to cope with the complexity of real applications, and only practice with these tools will build skill in their use.
I want people to feel safe around me. Calm and at peace and I want to make people feel accepted. I want to express confidence on my own path, and spread confidence to other people on theirs. - Charlotte Eriksson
People can be in general pretty well trusted, of course--with the clock of their freedom ticking as loud as it seems to do here--to keep an eye on the fleeting hour. - Henry James
I don't purchase people with money, or hiss like a snake to attract their attention, all i do is to rest on my couch because i have the conviction that no human can progress with an exception without a power behind. - Michael Bassey Johnson
People shouldn't question their desires. They should just live. - Marty Rubin
Culture is an instrument wielded by professors to manufacture professors who when their turn comes, will manufacture professors. - Simone Weil
The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in times of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality. - Dante Alighieri
My job as a coach isn't to 'fix' people it is to 'break' them and empower them to connect to their spirit and trust that they will be re-built into a new improved version given a little time and patience. - Rebecca O'Dwyer Centred Woman
It’s illegal to deny people their records due to race or gender. Adoptees deserve the same rights and protections. - DaShanne Stokes
Constant use had not worn ragged the fabric of their friendship. - Dorothy Parker
24 hours a day, ain't enough anymore! But give some a Century a day and procrastination would still be their undoing. - Nike Thaddeus
Last night was dark and full of terror and while we slept, the angels kept their watch of wondering love. - OMOSOHWOFA CASEY
General fiction is pretty much about ways that people get into problems and screw their lives up. Science fiction is about everything else. - Marvin Minsky
The only antidote to the unnerving effects of such incoherence is integrity. People and organizations with integrity are wholly themselves. No aspect of self stands different or apart. At their center is clarity, not conflict. When they go inside to find themselves, there is only one self there. - Margaret Wheatley
Artists shouldn't wait until they are told what their art should be, they shouldn't follow trends or allow other people to influence their work, an artist should only create from the strongest emotions within their heart - Andrew James Pritchard
People were always ready to yield theirwills, to worship the hero, because they were not given a chancefor developing initiative, stability, and independence, said the greatnineteenth-century Russian sociologist Nikolai Mikhailovsky - Ernest Becker
When you divorce someone, you divorce their whole family. - Laine Moriarty
Some say their world's will end with fire, some say with ice. From what I've tasted with desire I hold with those who favor fire. My world may not be ending, even though it feels like it. I do know this however, what doesn't kill you only mke you stronger. - Genesis
Humanity will survive; if they will renew their thinking. - Kristian Goldmund Aumann
Woman enjoy sex more than a man because they don't pre-compile every pleasure in their mind . - Nikhil Yadav
Wise men are wise yet their actions always seem otherwise to others who always think of the otherwise - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Your inability to see the wisdom in someone else is not a reflection on their lack of perspicacity, it is a reflection on yours. - Ilyas Kassam
If folks don't like the way you look, they almost never take the time to find anything out about you. They just make up their own stories - Ann Haywood Leal
Being hurt inevitably breeds feelings of hatred towards your attacker. But when we hurt others, we have to deal with their hatred for us, and our own feelings of guilt. Knowing what it feels like to be hurt is exactly why we try to be kind to others. That’s what makes us humans. - Masashi Kishimoto
Why are we surprised when politicians play politics? It's not like they are supposed to be real adults... they are, after all, politicians and don't have real jobs and aren't playing around with their money.
Can any man or woman choose duties? No more that they can choose their birthplace, or their father or mother. - George Eliot
Go tell the Spartans, Passerby, That here, obedient to their laws, We lie. - Simonides
The trouble with most folks isn't so much their ignorance. It's know'n so many things that ain't so. - Josh Billings
There are very few women in society whose virtue outlasts their beauty. - Francois de La Rochefoucauld
Money is time. With money I buy for cheerful use the hours which otherwise would not in any sense be mine; nay, which would make me their miserable bondsman. - George Gissing
Poets are shameless with their experiences: they exploit them. - Friedrich Nietzsche
Education is not to reform students or amuse them or to make them expert technicians. It is to unsettle their minds, widen their horizons, inflame their intellects, teach them to think straight, if possible.
They can keep their heaven. When I die, I’d sooner go to Middle Earth. - George R.R. Martin
Don't be carried away by beauty, for the faeces also stays in the rectum of ravishing faces, and their private life is not beautiful as their public life...fear beauty! - Michael Bassey Johnson
They decided to allow their baby to be born. What they did not realize is that they themselves were the ones who would be 'born,' infants in a new world where magic is commonplace, Harvard professors are the slow learners, and retarded babies are the master teachers. - Martha N. Beck
Men are wise in proportion, not to their experience, but to their capacity for experience. - George Bernard Shaw
Top Health Today is a blog related to health, beauty, skincare and lifestyle from which people can get any information related to their problems. - Joe Jenninigs
Those who don't like thinking should at least rearrange their prejudices from time to time.
I didn't cry when they buried my father - I wouldn't let myself. I didn't cry when they buried my sister. On Thursday night, with my family asleep upstairs, my eyes filled as Agassi and Marcos Baghdatis played out the fifth set of their moving second-round match. - Greg Garber
For the hundreds of thousands of Californians in gay and lesbian households who are managing their day-to-day lives, this decision affirms the full legal protections and safeguards I believe everyone deserves. - Arnold Schwarzenegger
The health sector continuously get’s pummeled by malicious actors and hackers because their cyber-kinetic security is being managed by Participation Trophy winning wimps! - James Scott, Senior Fellow, Institute for Critical Infrastructure Technology
Everyone comes into your life to fulfill a purpose of their life. So help them with love, kindness, and care. - Debasish Mridha
We are like sculptors, constantly carving out of others the image we long for, need, love or desire, often against reality, against their benefit, and always, in the end, a disappointment, because it does not fit them. - Anaïs Nin
...people will come to love their oppression, to adore the technologies that undo their capacities to think. - Neil Postman
I cannot forgive my friends for dying; I do not find these vanishing acts of theirs at all amusing. - Logan Pearsall Smith
Let them have their ways, but let us never loose ours.
Whenever you don't know someone and you overhear their problems they always sound so trivial. - Dallas Athent
The present is theirs; the future, for which I really worked, is mine. - Nikola Tesla
Those who do not move, do not notice their chains. - Rosa Luxemburg
But what's in a name? We have named all of the stars and all the planets, even though they might already have names of their own. What a nerve! - Stanislaw Law
Aunt Elspeth and Auntie Grace stood in their doorway, ceremoniously, to watch me go, and I felt as if I were a ship with their hope on it, dropping down over the horizon. - Alice Munro
The mind of an artist never sleeps, because dreaming is when they do their best work. - Mark W. Boyer
We must never allow the future to be weighed down by memory. For children have no past, and that is the whole secret of the magical innocence of their smiles. - Milan Kundera
Leadership is helping people achieve their objectives and (in that process) yours. - Wali Zahid
I think that people which can choose should use their ability, the people which can't should be made soldiers... so far it sounds faiiir. - Deyth Banger
And that's the point! Not even girls want to be girls so long as our feminine archetype lacks force strength power. Not wanting to be girls, they don't want to be tender, submissive, peace-loving as good women are. Women's strong qualities have become despised because of their week ones. - Jill Lepore
James had a theory about caged birds, one he hoped to prove when he became a scientist someday. He believed that all birds that had their freedom taken from them eventually lost their voices. Once that happened, they could never find their true song. - Alice Hoffman
Artists, especially writers, great writers, are the most honest people I know. There are deep confessions in their words. And if we're strong enough to expose the spaces between them, we find truths there also. - Darnell Lamont Walker
Language is fossil poetry. As the limestone of the continent consists of infinite masses of the shells of animalcules, so language is made up of images, or tropes, which now, in their secondary use, have long ceased to remind us of their poetic origin. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Unjustified ambition kills value,Kills someone else's desire to fly, Cuts their wings, sucks their air.If there is nothing else, it eats its own life. - Dejan Stojanovic
Always acknowledge a fault. This will throw those in authority off their guard and give you an opportunity to commit more. - Mark Twain
Ill fares the land, to hast'ning ill a prey, Where wealth accumulates, and men decay; Princes and Lords may flourish, or may fade: A breath can make them, as a breath has made; but a bold peasantry, their country's pride, When once destroyed can never be supplied. - Oliver Goldsmith
Edward Snowden isn't a traitor. He reported the crime of conspiracy to deny citizens of their constitutional rights. NetworkEtiquette.net - David Chiles
The greatest writers are the ones not afraid to share their heartbreak and pain for the world to read.They are fearless and freely in sharing their heart to heal other wounds with their story. - Tamyara Brown
Philanthropic people lose all sense of Humanity, it is their distinguishing characteristic. - Oscar Wilde
This is the postmodern desert inhabited by people who are, in effect, consuming themselves in the form of images and abstractions through which their desires, sense of identity, and memories are replicated and then sold back to them as products - Larry McCaffrey
My wish is to ride the tempest, tame the waves, kill the sharks. I will not resign myself to the usual lot of women who bow their heads and become concubines. - Trieu Thi Choi
Properly understood, Imagination and Prayer are directly proportional —the more they pray beyond their bounds, they expand their vision beyond their resources, their experiences, their expectations. - Geoffrey Wood
You're a survivor because everyday you make a choice not to be governed by their harsh words or actions. No one has the right to take away your happiness. - Assunta Harris
Never live in the past; were it good to do so, butterflies would crawl back into their cocoons. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Opportunity for all means making taxes fair. I'm not out to soak the rich. But I do believe the rich should pay their fair share. For twelve years, the Republicans have raised taxes on the middle class. It's time to give the middle class tax relief. - Bill Clinton
Do you belong to the religion that whip, stone and murder people; because they wanted to enjoy their life. - M.F. Moonzajer
When they come downstairs from their Ivory Towers, Idealists are very apt to walk straight into the gutter. - Logan Pearsall Smith
Rules are just helpful guidelines for stupid people who can't make up their own minds. - Seth Hoffman
The Adversary, of course, simply wants them to lay down their sins, guilt and all, and follow Him. But this type holds on to their sinfulness and their guilt for it, because otherwise, they’d have no relationship with Him at all. And, of course, no relationship can be based on guilt and survive. - Geoffrey Wood
A person is worth to be called the functional head who does not mind giving credit to the right brain for an organisational growth; otherwise there are innumerable top-hierarchical people roaming all around by keeping an empty or junk box above on their shoulders. - Anuj Somany
A true hero make people feel like he is part of their family. - Amit Kalantri
Relationships have their ups and downs, however if the downs outweigh the ups, then its probably time to hit the door - Epiphana Lewis
Give me the Black Death over a Victorian prude any day. At least the dying screw like it's their last day on earth."Paradise Lot: GoneGodsWorld - Episode 1 - R. E. Vance
It is not true that people stop pursuing dreams because they grow old, they grow old because they stop pursuing their dreams - Gabriel García Márquez
We can change people only by becoming their friends, not by becoming their enemies! Make friends with people so that you may be able to change them! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Writers are alphabet artists. The blank page becomes their canvas as they paint pictures with words. - Barbara Case Speers
What kind of people do they think we are, do they think we will be bowed by their tryanny?
Many writers make the mistake of making their readers appear like Lazarus, without any iota of care, throwing down books to readers to crunch as if they are dogs. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Reading helps children achieve their divine destinies - Soraya Diase Coffelt
At my lowest point, when things were at their most desperate and uncomfortable, I always found myself in the company of Australians, who were like a reminder that I'd touched bottom. - Paul Theroux
Many women arrange their lives around the people they love. Unfortunately, that arrangement takes up most of our days. - Holly Robinson
And dreams in their development have breath, And tears, and tortures, and the touch of joy; They leave a weight upon our waking thoughts, They take a weight from off our waking toils, They do divide our being. - Lord Byron
Shoulder to shoulder, a coordinated movement of the people, their blood no longer confined in the limited circulation of the body but rolling sweetly and yet still returning through the infinite extent of China. - Kafka, Franz
Ugly or beautiful, it is the little creatures that make the world go round. We should celebrate and appreciated them in all their wonderful diversity. - Dave Goulson
Let's be real. Like I would date someone who didn't go out of their way to be my nemesis." - Shane Carver (The Carver's Magic) - B.L. Brooklyn
Though men can cover crimes with bold stern looks, poor women's faces are their own faults' books. - William Shakespeare
Envy comes from people’s ignorance of, or lack of belief, in their own gifts. - Jean Vanier
Everyone has their opinion and everyone loves it. Nobody wants to accepts others opinion. So to make them happy be diplomatic and speak unclearly, let them interpret your thoughts by themselves, let them think what they want to think - Jagdish Poudel
No poet or novelist wishes he was the only one who ever lived, but most of them wish they were the only one alive, and quite a number believe their wish has been granted. - W.H. Auden
It only confirmed what I'd always thought - that for all their education university professors can't even imagine political developments having any effect on their careers : they consider themselves untouchable. - Michel Houellebecq
He should be most proud that the PMRC wants to put their obscene lyrics sticker on his `Jazz From Hell' -- which is an instrumental album.
Empowered Women 101: The moment you ignore bad behavior, in order to win a person's affection you have not won anything, but a person that has behavioral problems. If you couldn't fix their behavior before you won him, why could you fix him now? - Shannon L. Alder
But the dull and stupid masses will continue in their sluggish bustle. - Jehan Sylvius
More often than not others will project their own insecurities onto you when they are intimidated by your light. Don't listen to them, it's a reflection of the war they're battling within. - Nikki Rowe
and the creation, in the world and above the world, that once was at variance with itself, is knit together in friendship: and we ... are made to join in the angels' song, offering the worship of their praise. - Gregory of Nyssa
Few men during their lifetime come anywhere near exhausting the resources dwelling in them. There are deep wells of strength that are never used.
Our American professors like their literature clear, cold, pure and very dead. - Sinclair Lewis
If people let government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny. - Thomas Jefferson
The only reason that some people aren’t ashamed of their parents and/or siblings is because they know that we know that they did not choose them. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
People spend their entire lives searching the world for the pieces that will make them whole, yet those pieces are only found within them. - Ken Poirot
We all look for happiness, but without knowing where to find it: like drunkards who look for their house, knowing dimly that they have one - Voltaire
Other lands have their vitality in a few, a class, but we have it in the bulk of our people. - Walt Whitman
Good art is always dangerous, always open-ended. Once you put it out in the world you lose control of it; people will fit it into their minds in all sorts of different ways. - Greil Marcus
The stars are threshed, and the souls are threshed from their husks. - William Blake
Leprechauns are not twee beings dreamed up by the tourist board, but warriors of legend. That name comes from the Celtic god of commerce and war, Lugh. Their mission, their life’s work, is to protect the gold. What better way to hide it than to become a joke, a story nobody takes seriously? - Kathy Bryson, Fighting Mad
Powerful leaders use their position of power to empower others. - Gugu Mona
Do not train a child to learn by force or harshness; but direct them to it by what amuses their minds, so that you may be better able to discover with accuracy the peculiar bent of the genius of each. - Plato
More often than not, a statist's argument against Anarchism boils down to an unwillingness to take control and responsibility for their own lives, actions, and communities. The sad truth is that the human animal has been domesticated to the point where it actually fears Liberty. - Dane Whalen
One of the best things about humans is their ability to love. - Auliq Ice
I have been happy, though in a dream.I have been happy-and I love the theme:Dreams! in their vivid colouring of lifeAs in that fleeting, shadowy, misty strife - Edgar Allan Poe
Their Love said, Made for Each OtherOur Love says, Made from Each Other - Jasleen Kaur Gumber
Predictions of failure have never stopped those whose ambitions are driven by their unwavering vision. - Nabil N. Jamal
Men aren't an inexhaustible resource, even for a king. Soldiers must have faith that their sacrifices are worthwhile. - C. J. Brightley
Snakes hide in grass, people behind their lies. - nopain
If a bloke gave you a hundred quid for a book you can bet your life it’s his way, but if all the poor and suffering people raise their hats to you for writing it - that’s different; it makes it worthwhile then. - Alan Marshall
The true wealth of a nation is not their natural resources but their achievements in education. - Debasish Mridha
It's a fathers job to spoil his daughters shamelessly, it's their husbands job to tame them. Prince Zehava-The Dragon Prince - Melanie Rawn
A Sunday school is a prison in which children do penance for the evil conscience of their parents. - H. L. Mencken
There is no other way of guarding oneself against flattery than by letting men understand that they will not offend you by speaking the truth; but when everyone can tell you the truth, you lose their respect. - Niccolo Machiavelli
Fiery colors begin their yearly conquest of the hills, propelled by the autumn winds. Fall is the artist.
The size of the handkerchief itself shows who weeps more between the men and the women, but the men don't show their big tears while the women make a big show off. - Anuj Somany
Some disabled people spend a significant amount of their energy on trying to come across as abled or as not that disabled. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Humanists recognize that it is only when people feel free to think for themselves, using reason as their guide, that they are best capable of developing values that succeed in satisfying human needs and serving human interests. - Isaac Asimov
Some men storm imaginary Alps all their lives and die in the foothills cursing difficulties which do not exist. - Edgar Watson Howe
You know that when ex-military personnel start assassinating their own government's agents that something funky is going on. - Steven Magee
Those who say I need Motivation will never create Inspiration that will take them to their Destination.- - RVM
While some people are enraged over opposing facts as an attack on their belief system and integrity, I take them as an ADDITION to mine!12/13/14 - Lance L. Denney
No matter how many sins you make or how slow you travel back toward God's valley, you are still way ahead of a person who never made a mistake and doesn't know what it is like to climb out of a pit of shame and rise above their temptations. - Shannon L. Alder
When the Day of Judgment dawns and people, great and small, come marching in to receive their heavenly rewards, the Almighty will gaze upon the mere bookworms and say to Peter, Look, these need no reward. We have nothing to give them. They have loved reading. - Virginia Woolf
The majority of my patients consisted not of believers but of those who had lost their faith. - C.G. Jung
Let every American, every lover of liberty, every well wisher to his posterity, swear by the blood of the Revolution, never to violate in the least particular, the laws of the country; and never to tolerate their violation by others. - Abraham Lincoln
Some people want to know their future; trust me it gets BORING! - Harrish Sairaman
Ideas and their creators run the world…one’s place in the world is due partially to the ideas that a culture has forced on one and/or the ideas that a person freely accepts and uses. - Haki R. Madhubuti
notable people do notable things for they take notice of the unnoticed.They think beyond our thinking. They look beyond what we all look. They try, fail, and try again.They dare unrelentingly. They don't die with their purpose. They die on their purpose. Though they die, their purpose ever lives. - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Never step on caterpillars, as one day they'll become butterflies, and you'll never know when you'll need a ride on their wings of fortune. - R.P. Falconer
There are pauses amidst study, and even pauses of seeming idleness, in which a process goes on which may be likened to the digestion of food. In those seasons of repose, the powers are gathering their strength for new efforts; as land which lies fallow recovers itself for tillage.
I believe there are few whose view of life has not been affected by the stern or kindly influences of their early childhood, which threw them in upon themselves in timidity and reserve, or drew them out in genial confidence and sympathy with their fellow creatures.
Moreover, if great men are the only hope of the Evolutionary Process, they are morally bound to rule over the masses for their own good -- we are all here on earth to help others: what on earth the others are here for, I don't know -- and the masses have no right whatsoever to resist them. - W.H. Auden
Big jobs usually go to the men who prove their ability to outgrow small ones. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Dreams are rough copies of the waking soul Yet uncorrected of the higher will, So that men sometimes in their dreams confessAn unsuspected, or forgotten, self; -Since Dreaming, Madness, Passion, are akinIn missing each that salutory reinOf reason, and the grinding will of man. - Pedro Calderón de la Barca
The greater the difficulty the more glory in surmounting it. Skillful pilots gain their reputation from storms and tempests. - Epicurus
A person's Acts of #Kindness far outlives their lifespan,for they leave behind a true, meaningful legacy. - Michael Levy
Why can't everyone be treated equally? Forgotten of what they did wrong, but remember their rights? Why can't the whole world just get along? - Fei loves Meng
The governments and their policies have failed, the church is the last hope of the common man, I value a church that is a home for all. - Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
But marriage is more than just two people. Marriages are a combination of two people, their closest family members, and the nearest and dearest of friends that enter that circle of love. - Sandi Gamble
Before people complain of the obscurity of modern poetry, they should first examine their consciences and ask themselves with how many people and on how many occasions they have genuinely and profoundly shared some experience with another. - W.H. Auden
People not cry 'coztheir weak,It Beacaus They've been srong...GFor too long !! - Reynilyn
Moths lay their eggs where civilizations have been destroyed. - Marty Rubin
Will people not be thrown face down into Hell only on account of the harvest of their tongue? - Anonymous
Don’t ever let your spouse or partner blame an outside person or persons for the ruin of your relationship or their past relationships. If two people are committed to one another then no one can change that. - Shannon L. Alder
One of the greatest disconnects for this generation is how life and work fit together. There is a need to talk about purpose in life, vocation, and calling. We need to provide a stronger theology of work to help them make integrated connections to their daily lives. - David Kinnaman
Writers are sponges. They absorb life, then squeeze and ring it out onto a page. Sometimes, if they squeeze too hard, they dry up. Not hard enough and they remain saturated, heavy and unpredictable, as they carry around a volume of ideas too great for their capacity. - Sarah Colliver
Patience is the gift of possibility. Time is merely an illusion. People lack patience, which is why time becomes their enemy. - Lionel Suggs
...some men are born out of their due place. Accident has cast them amid certain surroundings, but they have always a nostalgia for a home they know not. - W. Somerset Maugham
People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim. - Ann Landers
The life of a writer is directed by a mad impulsive muse, that can tell them to cancel all their storyline: a creative divergent devil. - Michael Bassey Johnson
When the heart hurts, tears find their way. - Debasish Mridha
The works which this leaves behind him occupy a few pages only; their importance is not greatly superior to their extent; and yet his name will shine out with lustre in the history of the sciences.{Cuvier on Joseph Banks} Georges Cuvier - man
I'm not interested in age. People who tell me their age are silly. You're as old as you feel. - Henri-Frédéric Amiel
If antidepressant drugs are effective, why don't they work for psychiatrists? Year after year, psychiatrists commit suicide at a higher rate than the general population. Are we to believe that they don't take their own drugs, or that the drugs don't have the benefits attributed to them?
12% of people marry because they are completely in love. 88% of people marry just so they are then liable for only half of their rent. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Everyone loses their class when they travel through hell, but only a few will regain it if they remain humble and accept the part they played in their own misery. - Shannon L. Alder
Through their kisses and caresses they experienced a joy and wonder the equal of which has never been known or heard of. But I shall be silent...; for the rarest and most delectable pleasures are those which are hinted at, but never told. - Chrétien de Troyes
Asking someone to deny their own inner reality causes further rupture. - Elaine Margolin
If Layla and Majnoon had seen Rasoolallah and Sayyiduna Abu Bakr, they would have bowed their heads and admitted they knew nothing about love and sacrifice. - Shaykh Mohammed Aslam
And see the peaceful trees extendtheir myriad leaves in leisured dance—they bear the weight of sky and cloudupon the fountain of their veins. - Kathleen Raine
BOTANY, n. The science of vegetables -- those that are not good to eat, as well as those that are. It deals largely with their flowers, which are commonly badly designed, inartistic in color, and ill- smelling. - Ambrose Bierce
As to the roaming of sages,They move in utter emptiness,Let their minds meander in the great nothingness;They run beyond conventionAnd go through where there is no gateway.They listen to the soundlessAnd look at the formless,They are not constrained by societyAnd not bound to its customs.- Lao-tzu - Lao Tzu
People we met or going to meet have their own role in our life!!! - Rupesh Sreeraman
When a child reaches puberty, parents become so curious about their sex lives and whereabouts, put them behind bars to their own detriment. When such a child breaks free, don't be surprised to see him/her in porn movies. - Michael Bassey Johnson
We returned to our palaces, these Kingdoms, but no longer at ease here in the old dispensation, with an alien people clutching their gods. I should be glad of another death. - T.S. Eliot
The Law Polarity decrease that everything has an opposite it's the flip side of the coin, you're right my left, the front the back, consider this next time you disagree with someone because their right from their point of view.― - Bob Proctor
When I am not paying attention to my children, they appear to desperately need it. When I am giving them my full attention, they seem just as happy to play by themselves. It is as though they need to be certain of my attention in order to play their own games and ignore me. - Sarah Ruhl
Arrogance is the armour of the weak. They are always at war to hide their real self. - Balroop Singh
The soul is not a bird, is not a tree, but a restraining wire of light wrapped around the other we most desire. We can't even give them away, these souls, their encumbrances not ours alone. - Candice Favilla
I have enormous respect for the reader. They are able to take symbols from a page that an author has invented, and turn them into images in their minds that create an enduring story. If that’s not artistry, I don’t know what is. - Lynette Willows
People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don’t believe in circumstances.The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they can’t find them, make them. - Kirk Mango
Nobel intentions have no real meaning to them if you don't do it solely for you. Do it to satisfy your soul, not theirs. Don't do it in hope that it earns you a reward at the end, instead let the reward be the beauty created as a result of your actions. - Kendal Rob
Clever nations are the ones who keep changing their governments! Because power must change hands otherwise it will get spoiled and rot! - Mehmet Murat ildan
The Sufis,' runs the saying, 'understand with their hearts what the most learned scholars cannot understand with their minds - Idries Shah
Greedy eaters dig their graves with their teeth. - French Proverb
Creativity is that marvelous capacity to grasp mutually distinct realities and draw a spark from their juxtaposition. - Max Ernst
By reflecting a little on this subject I am almost convinced that those numberless small Circuses we see on the moon are the works of the Lunarians and may be called their Towns. - William Herschel
Meeting people where they are, talk to people at their wave length. Become a lighthouse! Let people see your shine to become inspired - Angie karan
The bold display of our unattractive parts is an effective substitute for beauty since it duplicates beauty's principal effects, namely the excitation of admiration, charm, and envy in the beholder, who is moved to wish that they too could carry their own defects with the same ease. - Agona Apell
If they spit on you,collect their spittle to water your plants.If they throw stones at you,pick them up to adorn your garden.If they call you the enemy, a liar and a narcissist. Plant those very flowers: anemone, lily, and narcissus. Use their crap to fertilise your mind. - Kamand Kojouri
The Babies we were are buried, and their shadows are plodding on. - Emily Dickinson
Everyone has their truth. Mine lies in the cinema. - Dawn Garcia
Culture: the cry of men in face of their destiny. - Albert Camus
I think that at a certain age, say fifteen or sixteen, poetry is like masturbation. But later in life good poets burn their early poetry, and bad poets publish it. Thankfully I gave up rather quickly. - Umberto Eco
The way the early Protestants taught on the other hand is that everybody is a full time minister in their various places of work. They went to the extent of saying, your job, profession, occupation is your calling - Sunday Adelaja
Some people have so much respect for their superiors they have none left for themselves. - Peter McArthur
The ordinary acts we practice every day at home are of more importance to the soul than their simplicity might suggest. - Thomas Moore
If everyone empowers themselves with power of their love, there will be only happiness and no war. - Debasish Mridha
Man may be considered as a superior species of animal who produces philosophies and poems in about the same way a silkworm produces their cocoons and bees their hives.
Whenever, therefore, people are deceived and form opinions wide of the truth, it is clear that the error has slid into their minds through the medium of certain resemblances to that truth. - Socrates
So long as governments set the example of killing their enemies, private citizens will occasionally kill their.s - Elbert Hubbard
In peace, children inter their parents; war violates the order of nature and causes parents to inter their children. - Herodotus
Good name in man and woman, dear my lord, Is the immediate jewel of their souls: Who steals my purse steals trash; 'tis something, nothing; 'Twas mine, 'tis his, and has been slave to thousands; But he that filches from me my good name Robs me of that which not enriches him And makes me poor indeed. - William Shakespeare
A nation aimlessly drifting away from God is a nation for which prayer is a rudder and praise is a sail. And it is the man or woman on their knees that builds the former and gives wind to the latter. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
All men who have turned out worth anything have had the chief hand in their own education. - Walter Scott
It has been said that although God cannot alter the past, historians can --it is perhaps because they can be useful to Him in this respect that He tolerates their existence. - Samuel Butler
Patriots always talk of dying for their country and never of killing for their country. - Bertrand Russell
All great men face challenges in the pursuit of their goals. However, the challenges did not deter them for pushing forward and realizing their goals. - Lailah Gifty Akita
While it is easy to get caught up in the beliefs and attitudes of others, it is easier still to make one’s self a victim of circumstance. Victims of circumstance believe they have no power over their lives, since they are merely the play-things of fate. Since they believe this, it is therefore so. - Stephen Richards
…if you have someone who wants to heal, sometime they will respond to the unconventional. Their minds are more open to healing, so their bodies become more willing too. I believe that medication, while a wonderful thing, has its limits. That there are answers to be found in the unconventional. - Daisy Whitney
What she most liked about their friendship was how much space there was for silence[.] - Naomi Jackson
Great men know how to control two things; their women and money. - Habeeb Akande
That is the American story. People, just like you, following their passions, determined to meet the times on their own terms. They weren't doing it for the money. Their titles weren't fancy. But they changed the course of history and so can you. - Barack Obama
Heroes are not made. They are born out of circumstances and rise to the occasion when their spirit can no longer coexist with the hypocrisy of injustice to others. - Shannon L. Alder
The era of biologically toxic wireless radio frequency (RF) radiation and harmonic electronic power generation from wind and solar systems with their adverse brain modifying effects that can bring on irritable and aggressive behaviors has made it a bad time to be a police officer. - Steven Magee
People will always be tempted to wipe their feet on anything with ‘welcome’ written on it. - Andy Partridge
I don’t believe that young people today can live clean, pure lives without the help of God. The peer pressure is too great and the temptations they see in the movies and on television, and what they hear in their music is too much. Only Christ can give them the power to say no. - Billy Graham
Politics: the art of using euphemisms, lies, emotionalism and fear-mongering to dupe average people into accepting--or even demanding--their own enslavement. - Larken Rose
Others are responsible for their actions toward you, but you are responsible for your reactions. Always be considerate and kind with your actions. - Debasish Mridha
But if I want to murder somebody, will it really be the best plan to make sure I'm alone with him?'Lord Pooley's eyes recovered their frosty twinkle as he looked at the little clergyman. He only said: 'If you want to murder somebody, I should advise it. - G.K. Chesterton
One difficulty that someone who has been in military/government service during war has, is reconciling his/her pride with their horror. - Kari Martindale
How could I persuade the in-laws I was the right one for their daughter when, instead of focusing on small talk, all I could think about was not to kill them? I could only imagine what I'd say to the prospective in-laws, "Hello, it's a pleasure to eat, I mean, meet you. - Jayde Scott
As much as love is the source of power for those who are centred in their hearts, as much fear is the source of illusionary power for those who insist on being led by their heads alone. - Raphael Zernoff
Unless education promotes character making, unless it helps men to be more moral, more just to their fellows, more law abiding, more discriminatingly patriotic and public spirited, it is not worth the trouble taken to furnish it. - William Howard Taft
Full of beautiful grace so we steal their space, and death comes quickly. - Sara Quin
Mortal as I am, I know that I am born for a day. But when I follow at my pleasure the serried multitude of the stars in their circular course, my feet no longer touch the earth. - Ptolemy
Build your reputation by helping other people build theirs.
Have a courage to repulse those people who dare to affront you, because everyone has an Achilles' heel. Outshine them, and let your light hit on their damned faces, INTENSELY. - Maverick
Sick I am of idle words, past all reconciling, Words that weary and perplex and pander and conceal, Wake the sounds that cannot lie, for all their sweet beguiling; The language one need fathom not, but only hear and feel. - George Du Maurier
Many Christians live in a prison created by their own disobedience of Biblical Requirements. - Daryl Baugh
People fear not because they are powerless, but because they ignore their inner power - Jacqueline Job
Ending a series is a difficult one .......where should a story that you have followed for so long end? When do you step away from the characters and let the readers decide their fate from there? When they can stand on their own is my only answer for that. - Shandy L. Kurth
Some are saving their right now for later, when tomorrow could be never. - Justin K. McFarlane Beau
When somebody loves you ,He/she may or may not say it but true love is when somebody put all their efforts in making you feel it.. - Akash B Chandran
Appearances, beauty, value and life have their unique mysteries and essence. I prefer that essence to be breathing with humility, honesty, compassion, respect and a timeless love. - Angelica Hopes
They watched the rain and downed their Cokes like a pair of diabetics in a suicide pact. - Paco Ignacio Taibo II
The net has provided a level playing field for criticism and comment - anyone and everyone is entitled to their opinion - and that is one of its greatest strengths. - Sara Sheridan
Our parents were our first gods. If parents are loving, nurturing, and kind, this becomes the child’s definition of the creator. If parents were controlling, angry, and manipulative, then this becomes their definition. - David W. Earle
I take my children everywhere, but they always find their way back home. - Robert Orben
The greatest pleasure is not - say - sex or geometry. It is just understanding. And if you can get people to understand their own humanity - well, that's the job of the writer. - William Golding
I acquired courage from the masterpieces of sages. I came of age by their instructions to keep going, even in hard times. Then I learnt not to despair, even when it seemed that my world is falling apart. I learnt to possess fortitude. - Ogwo David Emenike
People often get their imagination's mixed up with their memories. - P.K. Shaw
[Jane] Austen was not a novelist for nothing: she knew that our stories are what make us human, and that listening to someone else's stories -- entering into their feelings, validating their experiences -- is the highest way of acknowledging their humanity, the sweetest form of usefulness. - William Deresiewicz
Elections belong to the people. It's their decision. If they decide to turn their back on the fire and burn their behinds, then they will just have to sit on their blisters. - Abraham Lincoln
I had no choice but to accept these voices and images as my gift. My ability. Their energy engrossed my music. I played passionately for them. To set them free. They were part of my life now. I didn't chose them, they chose me."...Elizabeth (DESCENDANT– chapter 2) - L.J. Amodeo
You can question somebody's views and their judgment without questioning their motives or patriotism. - Barack Obama
The herd seek out the great, not for their sake but for their influence; and the great welcome them out of vanity or need. - Napoléon Bonaparte
I tried to curl around him, holding him with my arching body. His mouth was slow and searching, the kisses hard at first, then loosening as if unraveling from their own heat. The pleasure thickened, hard flushes rising through me, bringing the desire to full-slip ripeness. - Lisa Kleypas
Writers are the exorcists of their own demons. - Mario Vargas Llosa
Children begin by loving their parents. As they grow older, they judge them. Sometimes they forgive them.
The only reason why we ask other people how their weekend was is so we can tell them about our own weekend. - Chuck Palahniuk
Most people keep their dreams to themselves, afraid to follow their hearts. Writers make their dreams a reality with each word, each line that flows from their pen. - C.K. Webb
If toast always lands butter-side down, and cats always land on their feet, what happens if you strap toast on the back of a cat and drop it? - Steven Wright
If you don't build your dream someone will hire you to help build theirs. - Tony A. Gaskins Jr.
As the adults, we are the ones who set the stage for vitality, love, or disharmony in the home. We set ourselves up for one or the other, and our children take their cues from us. - Gabriel Cousens M.D.
Our enemies are nearer the truth in their opinion of us than we are ourselves. - François de La Rochefoucauld
Maybe we have shoes so we can learn to walk in another's oath before judging their footsteps? - Nikki Rowe
Life turns out to be the best for those who give their best effort whatever they do and enjoy the abundance of life with love and gratitude. - Debasish Mridha
...have always been known for their storytelling. It appears to be the supreme expression of their spirit. Perhaps they know that, without a story, there could be no nation, no culture, no civilization, no life. - I. Murphy Lewis
The people of the world have a fixed destiny. But the spiritually developed receive what is not in their destiny. - Idries Shah
Everybody in this life has their challenges and difficulties. That is part of our mortal test. . . . Peace comes through hope.
If a nation and any nation on this earth could raise up the standard of personal responsibility in their society, you will in no time see a nation of virtuous people, developed and civilized. - Sunday Adelaja
People love to read about sins and errors, but not their own. - Barbara Kingsolver
Crazy people are considered mad by the rest of the society only because their intelligence isn't understood. - Zhou Weihui
Quests always have their ups and downs,' rumbled the giant. 'The point is never to give up, even if you're falling off a cliff. You never know what might happen on the way to the bottom. - Nancy Farmer
I move from dreamer to dreamer, from dream to dream, hunting for what I need. Slipping and sliding and flickering through the dreams; and the dreamer will wake, and wonder why this dream seemed different, wonder how real their lives can truly be. - Neil Gaiman
In the land of the ostriches, the blind are king. When politicians bury their head in the sand, ignorance rules the country. ( "High noon." ) - Erik Pevernagie
[W]hen you try too hard to hold on to something, you break it. Sometimes, we need to let go so that other people can have their chance at the magic. - Cassie Beasley
One cannot always know what children are thinking. Children are hard to understand, especially when careful training has a custom them to obedience and experience has made them cautious in conversation with their teachers. - Catherine the Great
Protect your good image from the eyes of negative viewers, who may look at your good appearance with an ugly fiendish eye, and ruin your positive qualities with their chemical infested tongues. - Michael Bassey Johnson
How did it happen that their lips came together? How does it happen that birds sing, that snow melts, that the rose unfolds, that the dawn whitens behind the stark shapes of trees on the quivering summit of the hill? A kiss, and all was said. - Victor Hugo
Men are qualified for civil liberty in exact proportion to their disposition to put moral chains upon their own appetites. - Edmund Burke
Let the dawn of the New Year’s first day be the beginning of a new era with an invisible Almighty’s blessings showered on everyone to be always true to their own first version. - Anuj Somany
Small Moth...She's slicing ripe white peachesinto the Tony the Tiger bowland dropping slivers for the dogpoised vibrating by her foot to stop their fallwhen she spots it, camouflaged,a glimmer and then full on-happiness, plashing blunt soft wingsinside her as if it wantsto escape again. - Sarah Lindsay
The changes in the human condition are uncertain and frequent. Many, on whom fortune has bestowed her favours, may trace their family to a more unprosperous station; and many who are now in obscurity, may look back upon the affluence and exalted rank of their ancestors. - Alexander Hamilton
I hope I make people feel better. I hope I take people out of their situations a little bit and make them happier. That's really why I do what I do. - Ellen DeGeneres
We seldom look up to the person; we usually look up to their persona. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
the value of intellectuals is neither their intellect nor the value of their intellect but the value of what they use their intellect to do - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
It's not always true that a person who speaks good words are good at their heart. - Sajil Chembil
Stuffed deer heads on walls are bad enough, but it’s worse when you see them wearing dark glasses, having streamers around their necks and a hat on their antlers. Because then you know they were enjoying themselves at a party when they were shot. - Ellen DeGeneres
Fathers send their sons to college either because they went to college or because they didn't. - L. L. Henderson
People can only live fully by helping others to live. When you give life to friends you truly live. Cultures can only realize their further richness by honoring other traditions. And only by respecting natural life can humanity continue to exist. - Daisaku Ikeda
Celebrities are like infants. Neither can wipe their own ass. - Michael Brian
People in love overvalue their heart and undervalue their mind. - Amit Kalantri
Those who are truly beautiful go out of their way to make life beautiful for others. - Elle Sommer
To say that a writer's hold on reality is tenuous is an understatement-it's like saying the Titanic had a rough crossing. Writer's build their own realities, move into them and occasionally send letters home. The only difference between a writer and a crazy person is that a writer gets paid for it. - David Gerrold
If one abandons their principles when tested by struggle, they were never true principles but advertisements for character they never possessed. - Tiffany Madison
God doesn't stop crisis from coming, as He didn't stop Christ from coming. Things have their reasons for happening, we need not to faint, but rather have faith that we are never alone. - Anthony Liccione
A detective digs around in the garbage of people's lives. A novelist invents people and then digs around in their garbage. - Joe Gores
Loving someone is waking up a little bit earlier than they do so you can pray for their day. - Melissa Z
As an author, I breathe life into each and every character within the stories that I write. But it is the reader who gives them their souls. - Scott Borgman
The most enviable writers are those who, quite often unanalytically and unconsciously, have realized that there are different facets to their nature and are able to live and work with now one, now another, in the ascendant. - Dorothea Brande
In their churches the Protestants taught believers to go out of the four walls of the church to demonstrate their love for God by how they serve fellow humans - Sunday Adelaja
How noble and good everyone could be if, every evening before falling asleep, they were to recall to their minds the events of the whole day and consider exactly what has been good and bad. Then without realizing it, you try to improve yourself at the start of each new day. - Anne Frank
for the disproportionate fear that the statistically and historically minimal group of women who were both angry and had hairy legs have inculcated both in their detractors and in their wannabe-successors, we should salute them as often as possible - Nina Power
You see a person's true Colors when you are no longer beneficial to their life. But there are also the other onces who burn like candles. They burn until theny give others Light! - Lily Amis
Never step on caterpillars, as one day, they'll become butterflies and you'll never know when you'll need a ride on their wings of fortune. - R.P. Falconer
Don't tell people how to do things, tell them what to do and let them surprise you with their results. - George S. Patton Jr.
There is a tide in the affairs of men Which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune; Omitted, all the voyage of their life Is bound in shallows and in miseries. - William Shakespeare
Like as the waves make towards the pebbled shore, So do our minutes hasten to their end. - William Shakespeare
When ideas evaporate, when shapes fade and forms lose their integrity, our imagination can create an outlandish setting and convert everything into a hazy, misty Turner landscape. ("Back garden of a dream") - Erik Pevernagie
People never remember happiness with the care that they lavish on preserving every detail of their suffering. - Edward St. Aubyn
Revolutionary behavior and violence are usually only indulged in when people are at their wits’ end. So social stability depends a lot on how long their wits are. - George Hammond
If in thirst you drink water from a cup, you see God in it. Those who are not in love with God will see only their own faces in it. - Jalaluddin Rumi
Don't give your money to the church. They should be giving their money to you. - George Carlin
Guys like him, the ones who grip the Bible so tight they leave fingernail grooves, they're the ones who are the most scared of their dark side. Always going too far the other way, fighting for the Lord, often just because it gives them an excuse to fight. - David Wong
Always maintain the attitude of a student. When a person thinks they have finished learning, that is when bitterness and disappointment can set in, as that person will wake up everyday wondering when someone is going to throw a parade in their honour for being so smart. - Nick Offerman
Most people sell their souls, and live with a good conscience on the proceeds. - Logan Pearsall Smith
Men at some time are the masters of their fates: The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves, that we are underlings. - William Shakespeare
We always see other's wealth & lifestyle. But should not neglect their hard work as well... - Gargi
Hollywood-Nobody's impressed by anybody because they're all too consumed with trying to cover up their own shortcomings. Hollywood is a microcosm of a world of lazy moral ideals and social indifference where every man is trying to convince himself he's a king. - J. Matthew Nespoli
Government should be a floor upon which the good of the people flourishes, not a ceiling upon which people bump their heads! - Todd Stocker
The importance of friends few people would be able to recognize some friend comes in our life readily and consequently they goes but life doesn't stop for anyone but only one thing remains that is their memories which cannot be wipe out as you guys always remain in my heart and we are the best - Avinash Advani
It always amazes me how people in Europe and the United States can be so indifferent to the speeches of their chancellor or president, for these worlds from the top can be a wind sock for what might happen next. - Paul Rusesabagina
Toward the end of the Second World War, anew consciousness arose amongst the publicand policy makers of the Western World. Afterten years of crippling economic depressionand another five at war, the public demandedsomething new from their disintegratingurban environments. - Lucas Mascotto-Carbone
Leaders in OVER their heads is the mere result of getting ahead of their intended SEASON. - John Paul Warren
If you want to know where someone's heart is at, find out what their definition of success is. - R.A.Delmonico
When there are two conflicting versions of a story, the wise course is to believe the one in which people appear at their worst.
Everything we see hides another thing, we always want to see what is hidden by what we see, but it is impossible. Humans hide their secrets too well.... - René Magritte
Run your purpose on the toes of your feet before people can type your success stories with the fingers of their hands. - Israelmore Ayivor
Men are so stupid and concerned with their present needs, they will always let themselves be deceived.
There is a correlation between one’s estimation of the odds of finding a new lover who is, at the least, of the same standard as they one they’re currently in a dead relationship with, and, their attempting to revive a dead relationship. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
There are benefits in confrontation. Even though we don’t like it most of the time, but people who obey this demand of life, live in peace better than the others. They avoid conflict and fights, better than others. They are able to identify their friends and enemies faster than others. - Sunday Adelaja
Few people are capable of expressing with equanimity opinions which differ from the prejudices of their social enviroment. Most people are incapable of forming such opinions."(Essay to Leo Baeck, 1953) - Albert Einstein
Hard work spotlights the character of people: some turn up their sleeves, some turn up their noses, and some don't turn up at all. - Sam Ewing
The conscience of a people is their power. - John Dryden
You cannot tell what a puzzle is by looking at a single piece; understand people are the same way; don't define them by singular action, but their pattern of behavior. - Steve C. Roberts
Those who use religion for their own benefit are detestable. We are against such a situation and will not allow it. Those who use religion in such a manner have fooled our people; it is against just such people that we have fought and will continue to fight. - Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
Everyman has the ability to lie but luckily not everyman has the ability to hide their lies masterly! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Whenever He answers prayers, God usually prioritizes those by people who, instead of their mouths, have prayed with their hands and/or feet. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Music critics get their records for free so their opinions usually don't matter. - Marilyn Manson
The only difference between you and the person you admire is their perspective on life. - Shannon L. Alder
Those that care for their career, more than their relationship, can find themselves alone. - Anthony Liccione
Transform your desire into love, and limits start to lose their usefulness. - Eric Micha'el Leventhal
You can't always expect people to apply your wisdom when they didn't use wisdom before they found themselves knee deep in their version of justice. - Shannon L. Alder
Sexual role-play is the enactment of a highly imaginative and erotic psychodrama where the individual is given creative license to express the polar opposite qualities of their multifaceted personality; bringing a profound sense of psychological release and rejuvenation to those involved. - Miya Yamanouchi
Happiness lies for those who cry, those who hurt, those who have searched, and those who have tried for only they can appreciate the importance of people who have touched their lives. - Victor Hugo
Trust is not an obsession, it's an extension of love. When we truly love someone, we give them our heart to hold in their hands. And when that love is returned, that very trust is balm to our souls. - Julie Lessman
People who preach others that the CHANGE starts with oneself should also teach HOW? by practising on own words to let their message reach to every person as what they mean by the word ‘CHANGE’. - Anuj Somany
Their love was like a prison, and I the willing inmate. - Steve Maraboli
From the windows, through the fur of snow, the landscape became more melancholy when the sun successfully brightened the quiet trees, unable to speak without their leaves. - Toni Morrison
People experience conscious will when they interpret their own thought as the cause of their action. - Daniel Wagner
Philanthropy is the refuge of rich people who wish to annoy their fellow creatures. - Oscar Wilde
When life seems chaotic, you don't need people giving you easy answers or cheap promises. There might not be any answers to your problems. What you need is a safe place where you can bounce with people who have taken some bad hops of their own. - Gordon Atkinson
Once the people have been deluded into believing that speeches and voting are the only acceptable tools by which to affect change in their nation, those who are in control no longer need to worry about any significant challenge to their power. - Dave Champion
People rely too much on their lifelong instincts. Their perception is divided by necessary obedience, which they themselves have become too weak to liberate themselves from. I'd let the Devil read me the bible, before I trusted the Words of God or the Mind of Man. - Lionel Suggs
Having seen all of their fathers and husbands walk out the door[...], each woman understood most completely the nature of women's interconnectedness. Being reliant upon only women also had meant that the particulars of problem solving were addressed in ways known to women and using women's methods. - Tracey Lindberg
Sweet as the tender fragrance that survives,When martyred flowers breathe out their little lives,Sweet as a song that once consoled our pain,But never will be sung to us again,Is they remembrance. Now the hour of restHath come to thee. Sleep, darling: it is best. - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Folly and evil are twins;the devil is their father,and wisdom is their enemy. - Matshona Dhliwayo
The Muse herself makes some men inspired, from whom a chain of other men is strung out who catch their own inspiration from theirs. - Plato
Men are more accountable for their motives, than for anything else; and primarily, morality consists in the motives, that is in the affections. - Archibald Alexander
The conservation of our natural resources and their proper use constitute the fundamental problem which underlies almost every other problem of our national life. - Theodore Roosevelt
Revelation is God's way of telling humanity that he is afraid of their possibility; the possibility of one day being able to surpass even him. - Lionel Suggs
In societies where men are truly confident of their own worth, women are not merely tolerated but valued."(From a speech read on video on August 31, 1995 before the NGO Forum on Women, Beijing, China) - Aung San Suu Kyi
be at your best when things are at their worst. - Elhachemi Sabi
Motivation does not mean to keep going 24/7. If you get tired, it's normal. Relax, take some rest, it may be your preventive maintenance time. Even machines are turned off some times for their preventive maintenance. - Nassef D
People have a hard time letting go of their suffering. Out of a fear of the unknown, they prefer suffering that is familiar. - Thich Nhat Hanh
Women are not just waiting to be filled up with resources-they're waiting to put their resources on the table to be able to lead towards a different world - Kavita Ramdya
the problem with the world, is, far too many people drain their energy into what is wrong with their life; instead of holding gratitude for what's right in their life. - Nikki Rowe
Many people over forty have at least one health condition that affects their ability to work a forty hour work week effectively. Human Resources (HR), doctors and governments have known this fact for decades. - Steven Magee
People who actually have good advice seldom give it voluntarily, instead others seek them out for it. They do not shove it down people's throats just to boost their exaggerated sense of importance. - JJ Matebesi
Reveal you soul only to God. Don’t judge other by their acts, good or bad; still learn from what you see. - VIRGIL PROFEANU
The Leader who grows his team not just in numbers but by nurturing the roots of their success,has planted a field of dreams - Bluenscottish
Congress may carry on the most wicked and pernicious of schemes under the dark veil of secrecy. The liberties of a people never were, nor ever will be, secure, when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them. - Patrick Henry
All one can really leave one's children is what's inside their heads. Education, in other words, and not earthly possessions, is the ultimate legacy, the only thing that cannot be taken away. - Wernher von Braun
I will not dumb myself down to make someone else more comfortable with their ignorance. - Kelli Jae Baeli
...it was so rich and exotic I was seduced into taking one bite and then another as I tried to chase the flavors back to their source. - Ruth Reichl
That conversation with the taxi driver suddenly made clear to me the essence of the writer's occupation. We write books because our children aren't interested in us. We address ourselves to an anonymous world because our wives plug their ears when we speak to them. - Milan Kundera
Some writers may never create a work. Their purpose is to help others create their first word. - Darnell Lamont Walker
I do not take advice or listen to the words of hypocrites or beings that are not self-realized. It's nothing personal. I am simply no fan of beings that try to sound wise, while trying to mask their imbecility. - Lionel Suggs
Heaven is no permanent abode of morons even though they may gain entry by sheer virtuosity of their deeds."Ashoka Prasad(Hegelian Lecture) - Ashoka Jahnavi Prasad
Those speak foolishly who ascribe their anger or their impatience to such as offend them or to tribulation. Tribulation does not make people impatient, but proves that they are impatient. So everyone may learn from tribulation how his heart is constituted. - Martin Luther
Where do dreams come from?...they slink out of books, they lurk in the stacks of libraries. Out of pages turned they rise like the scent of peonies and infect the brain with their promises. - Marge Piercy
[I] never talk about gratitude and joy separately, for this reason. In 12 years, I've never interviewed a single person who would describe their lives as joyful, who would describe themselves as joyous, who was not actively practicing gratitude. - Brené Brown
Dead men make convenient heroes because they cannot rise to challenge the images we would fashion from their lives. And besides it’s easier to build a monument than to build a better world. - Rev. Dr. William Barber I
The curly red lines across the African deserts had the fascination of a magnet, and I hoped fervently that the pioneers who were writing their names over the blank spaces, would leave just one small desert for me. - Rosita Forbes
The empath helps others by absorbing some of their pain, but who helps the empath? - Donna Lynn Hope
Despair wishes their hope diminishes. - Sherina Gandia
A person who doesn't have a structured way of writing their goals will experience disorder, even in the comfort zone. - Onyi Anyado
I, answering in the end, began: 'Alas,how many yearning thoughts, what great desire,have lead them through such sorrow to their fate? - Dante Alighieri
Get to know the right, then you would know the people of right. Right Is not measured by its men, but men are measured by their right. - Ali ibn Abi Talib
Negative people offer no hope to the person who wants to pursue their goal. They are a hinder to positive thinking and plans for a brighter future. - Ellen J. Barrier
Devise some creed, and live it, beyond theirs,Or I shall think you but their spendthrift heirs. - Edmund Blunden
sometimes, you feel that you’re unwanted, in someone’s life when you’re actually the best thing happened in their entire life, it’s just too hard, to recognize if they really want you or if they’re pretending to want you. - Amna.s
Stars don’t beg the world for attention; their beauty forces us to look up. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Great leaders passed away, politicians made their way. - yssubramanyam
The Clayr saw me, the Wallmaker made me, the King quenched me, the Abhorsen wields me so that no Dead shall walk in Life. For this is not their path. - Garth Nix - Sabriel
Strong SPIRITS are usually liberated from the burden of their pain through forgiveness and letting go. EGO usually holds onto grudges and is the source of destruction by acting on impulse. - Karen A. Baquiran
I value the friend, who for me finds time on their calendar but I cherish the friend who for me, does not consult their calendar.
Those who do not study their businesses do not stay in business. - Orrin Woodward
When you are gunning to be like other people, you are foolishly repeating their mistakes, and the worst of it all is that you can't even correct yours. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Bookworms are the most precious worms in the world when they are humans, feeding upon the paper's body with their starving minds. - Munia Khan
The most empowering relationships are those in which each partner lifts the other to a higher possession of their own being. - Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
People would say bad things about you, because it is the only way their insignificant self can feel better than you. - Dennis E. Adonis
Mathematicians are like Frenchmen: whatever you say to them they translate into their own language, and forthwith it is something entirely different. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Even when you find yourself alone and in a 'place' where you feel it has no roads, continue to walk and explore; because in the midst of the unknown lay treasures unreachable to those who chose to stay in their comfort Zone. - Quetzal
Man is a microcosm, or a little world, because he is an extract from all the stars and planets of the whole firmament, from the earth and the elements; and so he is their quintessence. - Paracelsus
And how delightful other people's emotions were!-much more delightful than their ideas, it seemed to him. One's own soul, and the passions of one's friends-those were the fascinating things in life. - Oscar Wilde
The only real reason that some relationships and marriages have not yet been ended is because in each case one of the partners has not yet found their ideal partner or someone they love or at least like. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
People don't get to choose their family, but if you have the family you would choose - that's happiness. - Lina Dimitrova
All leaders strive to turn their followers into children. - Eric Hoffer
It looks all good until a person awakens to feel that the people around him/her are there in support only for cooking their own food. - Anuj Somany
If you want to get rich from writing, write the sort of thing that's read by persons who move their lips when they're reading to themselves. - Don Marquis
have a mind so quiet, that you can hear doves whispering as they rest their wings in the rafters your silent sanctuary - Kate Mullane Robertson
People in general would rather die than forgive. It's that hard. If God said in plain language. "I'm giving you a choice, forgive or die," a lot of people would go ahead and order their coffin. - Sue Monk Kidd
Don’t let someone’s words blind you from their behavior. - Steve Maraboli
If a nation blames other nations for their problems, most likely the citizens of the nations will do the same thing. - Debasish Mridha
ALL human beings are equal no matter their race,social, political and economic status. No one can eat, excrete, sleep, bear your pains and die your death for you no matter your might. - Oppong Amankwaa
Faith is where they learn about their God; but Prayer is where they explore Him. - Geoffrey Wood
Politics and Sport were invented to give unknowledgeable people an opportunity to share their knowledge. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Not one of the boys like me. I’ve put their noses out of joint.Well, they were never good-looking lads. - Luggs
80There is no greater influence in the lives of your children than the words you speak over them. The blessing of the father is incredibly potent and powerful. Your words give your children potential. As their father, you are prophesying their future! - Neil Kennedy
A person who says his expertise lies in selling only a particular product, but for other products some else of their team has the capability to makes sales; is actually playing office politics in spite of the management considering him consistently the star performer in the organisation. - Anuj Somany
In the depth a light will grow,A silver shine no shadows know, Like wings unfolding in the sky,That circle 'round a gleaming eye,Turning darkness all away,Even depths will know their day,For every shadow has its end,In light!Life will return again! - Robert Fanney
Blessed are those that know the path out of their carnal flesh, for they shall attain intuition. - Michael Bassey Johnson
One must be careful not to allow himself fall into the trap of hero worship; we are to take counsel from men, emulate their courage, and godliness, but we are not allowed to worship them. Heroes are men, and men make mistakes. - Paul Bamikole
Children play from the library of their imagination and it feels real to them. - S. E. Entsua-Mensah
Those who really love you don't mean to hurt you and if they do, you can't see it in their eyes but it hurts them too. - Holly Black
I wonder whether, perhaps without realizing it, we seek out the books we need to read. Or whether books themselves, which are intelligent entities, detect their readers and catch their eye. In the end, every book is the I Ching. You pick it up, open it, and there it is, there you are. - Andrés Neuman
If we allow our "high creativity" to remain alive, we will never be bored. We can pray, standing in line at the super market. Or we can be lost in awe at all the people around us, their lives full of glory and tragedy, and suddenly we will have the beginnings of a painting, a story, a song. - Madeleine L'Engle
Likewise, most of the world goes to bed at night under the assumption that if they were to die in their sleep, they would find themselves standing at the pearly gates. After all, good people go to heaven. And just about everybody thinks they are good. - Andy Stanley
Telling one lie almost always requires another, and before the storyteller knows it, they will be caught inside of their own web. - Jenna Alatari
God's gift to his sorrowing creatures is a joy worthy of their destiny. - Johann Sebastian Bach
People who logically examine their relationships cannot sustain them. Two bodies, two minds, two emotions can never fit perfectly. - Sadghuru
Commitments are obviously made by people who can keep their word not like the losers who just keep promising… - - - Cocoy McCoy
They worried to an excessive degree about getting gender correct, as if elves gave a shit. Humans could keep their concerns about everyone’s genitalia to themselves. - Sabrina Zbasnik
The thing that impresses me the most about America is the way parents obey their children. - King Edward VIII
Men are frightful nuisances at times; how much simpler life would be if we women did not have to make allowances for their little peculiarities. - Elizabeth Peters
Life is ironic. Some people use their terrible childhood as an excuse of their unfortunate rest of the life… while others create a masterpiece out of their terrible childhood, they create a story loved by the entire world. - Nino Varsimashvili
You speak of the good conduct of your ancestors. As your own conduct is under discussion, and not theirs, I cannot see how their former good character can at all serve your present purpose. Fortunately for our country, every man stands upon his own merit. - Stephen Decatur
Happy people know suffering more than anyone else, and that’s how they can see just how damn beautiful their lives are. It’s because they’ve seen the depths. - Brianna Wiest
There’s nothing more powerful in Your Moment of Truth than people owning their truth, their part in a situation. - Lou Bergholz
One with true creativity can erase their one past, and replace it with an infinite number of pasts, creating new possibilities for the future. - Lionel Suggs
Ordinary people can do extra ordinary things when they create opportunity towards their passion - Sivaprakash Sidhu
Men have become the tools of their tools. Money is not required to buy one necessity of the soul. Most of the luxuries and many of the so-called comforts of life are not only not indispensable, but positive hindrances to the elevation of mankind. - Henry David Thoreau
Animals awaken, first facially, then bodily. Men's bodies wake before their faces do. The animal sleeps within its body, man sleeps with his body in his mind.
Use what talents you have; the woods would have little music if no birds sang their song except those who sang best.
The evil men do lives after them, the good is often interred with their bones.
People only worry about the uncanny for about a week; that's the end of their attention span. After that, suspicions turn into shtick. - Scott Westerfeld
Dying is a troublesome business: there is pain to be suffered, and it wrings one's heart; but death is a splendid thing—a warfare accomplished, a beginning all over again, a triumph. You can always see that in their faces. - George Bernard Shaw
Relax. Cultivate your children's capabilities. Maximize their strengths. Do not handicap their unique skills by spending too much time on making them average in everything. Help them create their own style, and appreciate your children for who God created them to be. - Tamara L. Chilver
There has never been any great person who never met great trials and oppositions but their patience, tenacity, endurance and perseverance saw them to the end as great people - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
I searched for my own heartand long after I had lost my wayin the days trailing past with their foliagein the aloof sky blue with distanceI thought I'd find my heartwhere I'd kept your eyes two brown butterfliesand I saw the swallows swoopand shadows starlings - Ingrid Jonker
I have been right, Basil, haven’t I, to take my love out of poetry, and to find my wife in Shakespeare’s plays? Lips that Shakespeare taught to speak have whispered their secret in my ear. I have had the arms of Rosalind around me, and kissed Juliet on the mouth. - Oscar Wilde
There is an obsession in the Church with sin management. People think more about their sins than about their redemption through Jesus - John Paul Warren
I am firmly convinced that I can show anyone how to become a millionaire simply by shifting their paradigm and if you're going to shift your paradigm you're going to have to learn how to use your higher faculties. - Bob Proctor
Ineffective leadership, is the plight of followers who anoint power to the autocratic persons who's visions are not founded but are rather arbitrary in their nature. - Wayne Chirisa
Even preschoolers have their own politics - Mohammed Khambaty
If we judge ourselves only by our aspirations and everyone else only their conduct we shall soon reach a very false conclusion. - Calvin Coolidge
I ask people why they have deer heads on their walls. They always say because it's such a beautiful animal. There you go. I think my mother is attractive, but I have photographs of her. - Ellen DeGeneres
Render therefore to all their dues. - Bible
The Roman Church has grown and grown, fueled by immigration but also renewed by two pontiffs who have seemed to understand what Tocqueville knew: People want guidance for their souls once they are convinced they have them. - Hugh Hewitt
The At-mun-shi were as pagan as all the tribes in Africa, but they were peaceable and they were, as well, intense in their love of freedom. - Elizabeth Yates
People open bookstores because they want their souls back.(from "Two Women" published in Do Me: Tales of Sex & Love from Tin House) - Elizabeth Tallent
Major improvements don't happen over night. Their are many moments inching towards improvement. The difference between those who make major improvements in their lives are the ones who embrace patience and wait through the darkness as long as it takes. - Matthew Donnelly
The dusty tombs of long-dead exorcist priests lay in the alcoves below, surmounted by stone effigies, the features eroded by the passing of time and the reverent caresses of their grateful parishioners, a reminder, she knew all too well, of the brevity of life. - Sarah Ash
Inventions reached their limit long ago, and I see no hope for further development.
Few take up the burden of their own victory: most give up their dreams when they become impossible.
Should you shield the canyons from the windstorms you would never see the true beauty of their carvings. - Elisabeth Kübler-Ross
Books swept me away, this way and that, one after the other; I made endless vows according to their lights for I believed them. - Annie Dillard
If girls realized their responsibilities they would be so careful when they smiled that they would probably abandon the practice altogether. There are moments in a man's life when a girl's smile can have as important results as an explosion of dynamite. - PG Wodehouse, Something New
Modern fanaticism thrives in proportion to the quanitity of contradictions and nonsense it poures down the throats of the gaping multitude, and the jargon and mysticism it offers to their wonder and credulity. - William Hazlitt
Everyone wants to see a falling star and make all their wishes come true. My wish is to see only you, because you are the only star in my life. - Karel Hrošek
Any bride who doesn't suck up to their husband's mother is a fool. - Julian Fellowes
You don’t get over it. You move past it. You move through it. You lose yourself to find it, and when found, it’s yours and no longer theirs. - Dominic Riccitello
I told you. You don't love someone because of their looks or their clothes or their car. You love them because they sing a song only your heart can understand. - L.J. Smith
Certein bodies... become luminous when heated. Their luminosity disappears after some time, but the capacity of becoming luminous afresh through heat is restored to them by the action of a spark, and also by the action of radium. - Marie Curie
The nature of heaven is to provide a place there for all who lead good lives, no matter what their religion may be. - Emanuel Swedenborg
If a woman's vagina was hell fire, then alot of sex maniacs would prefer to spend their eternity in hell. - Michael Bassey Johnson
The K-T impact had no evident long-lasting effect on the redwoods. It's possible that, after the impact, the redwoods sprouted up from the remains of their root systems, rising up in fairy rings in a ruined world ... - Richard Preston
People come to me for the solution of their problem, if my knowledge and experience is not enough to solve the problem, I go to my library read the relevant book and provide the solution. - Amit Kalantri
When you steal a people's language, you leave their soul bewildered. - John O'Donohue
After all, a woman didn't leave much behind in the world to show she'd been there. Even the children she bore and raised got their father's name. But her quilts, now that was something she could pass on. - Sandra Dallas
Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity. - George S. Patton
Entrepreneurs and their small enterprises are responsible for almost all the economic growth in the United States. - Ronald Reagan
Today, more than 23 million veterans walk among us. Nearly 3 million receive disability compensation, and many more owe their lives to an anonymous corpsman or medic. Millions of Americans and their families are profoundly grateful. - Scott McGaugh, Battlefield Angels: Saving Lives from Valley Forge to Afghanistan
Geniuses and supergeniuses always make their own rules about sex as on everything else; they do not accept the monkey customs of their lessers. - Robert A. Heinlein
Women: One of the most mysterious forces on the planet have had a very profound impact on men since millennia, for they are gifted with an alchemical agent - Discontinuity ~ Any one who encounters their presence gets disconnected with their past, a very life changing experience. - Ramana Pemmaraju
Thoughts, by their nature, come and go endlessly in you. But you are not the thought; you are the one seeing the thought, so any thought of who you are cannot be the truth of who you are. - Enza Vita
People interested in change and personal development need larger and larger environments in which to live. Their views expand. Their perspectives broaden. Their interests change. They seek bigger challenges. And they need people in their lives who will make room for their growth. - Steve Goodier
People tend to complicate their own lives, as if living isn't complicated enough - Carlos Luiz Zafon
One of the benefits of aligning yourself with an indistinct cluster of people is that claiming to feel their pain is often enough. - Charlie Brooker
Rich people think long-term. they balance their spending on enjoyment today with investing for freedom tommorow - Hyacil Han
I think everyone should have a Beatles phase in their life. I think it's part of growing up in the Western world. - Jadelr and Cristina Cordova
Why does truth carry such a dreadful face? Why does subjugation carry such a happy mask? It becomes sad when people understand that they can lead a better life as long as they bow their heads, ignoring the truth. - Lionel Suggs
Like those in the valley behind us, most people stand in sight of the spiritual mountains all their lives and never enter them, being content to listen to others who have been there and thus avoid the hardships. - Robert M. Pirsig
Some minds, at some point, discover that they can not make sense of their own predications without attention to grammar, although they do not ordinarily think of what they are doing as an exercise in grammar. - Richard Mitchell
All civilized wo/men are prostitutes: Some sell what's between their legs; the rest sell what's between their ears. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Everybody has that point in their life where you hit a crossroads and you've had a bunch of bad days and there's different ways you can deal with it and the way I dealt with it was I just turned completely to music. - Taylor Swift
Nobody cares if you can't dance well. Just get up and dance. Great dancers are great because of their passion. - Martha Graham
The day you call someone "Mother" is the day their pain is hers to bear, your burden hers to carry. - Sunanda J. Chatterjee
You know you made it, when your friends tell their friends that you are their friend. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Find your safe space. Approach it with grace. Listen to your body. And give yourself the permission to feel overwhelmed. You've weathered harsher storms. And the blue skies? They're on their way. - Robyn Kanner
Until they create tools to read an individual's mind,secrets will exist and people will still need to unload their conscience to a disgruntled partner.Politician will still have to apologize for hidden acts of mischief and deceit against their constituency. - j.d.moise
MAMMALIA, n.pl. A family of vertebrate animals whose females in a state of nature suckle their young, but when civilized and enlightened put them out to nurse, or use the bottle. - Ambrose Bierce
Sense howEven the smooth stones acheWith stories of their ownIn the shuddering light of day. - Scott Hastie
That's why we make enemies of our friends as soon as they start to drift, he thought, cos that way they get stuck with all our flaws, unlike when they're shared. Maybe brief friendships are best. If you pul out in time, the vices are all theirs. - Yuri Herrera
I have seen people starting the fire with water, turning every breeze into a storm, create chaos out of peace. Few people are meant to destroy everything and themselves no matter what, and if you hold on to them long they will take you into their abyss and tear you into pieces. - Akshay Vasu
Yet ah! why should they know their fate, Since sorrow never comes too late, And happiness too swiftly flies? Thought would destroy their paradise. No more; where ignorance is bliss, 'Tis folly to be wise. - Thomas Gray
Wake up with a purpose and make every effort to succeed. Many people spend their lives just going through the motions. They are satisfied with their daily routines or habitual lifestyles. Don't be complacent with those activities. Challenge yourself to be better, do greater things. - Amaka Imani Nkosazana
I've always thought people would find a lot more pleasure in their routines if they burst into song at significant moments. - John Barrowman
What makes you a Man? In My opinion it is the same thing that makes you a woman. It's what makes us all who we are. The capacity to care. If you stop caring, you stop being. The measure of anyone is determined by their capacity to care. - Tim Dutton
Nature, it seems, is the popular namefor milliards and milliards and milliardsof particles playing their infinite gameof billiards and billiards and billiards. - Piet Hein
But the basic structure of capitalism, in which a small number own most of the productive assets, guarantees that the vast majority of people will (at best) spend their lives earning wages, but never profits. - Michael A. McCarthy, ABC's of Socialism
We pay a price for everything we get or take in this world; and although ambitions are well worth having, they are not to be cheaply won, but exact their dues of work and self-denial, anxiety and discouragement. - L. M. Montgomery
Well then I see two ways of letting things take their course Create one’s own sensations with the help of a flamboyant collision of rare words not often, mind you or else neatly draw the angles, the squares, the entire geometry of feelings those of the moment, naturally. - Jacques Vaché
To change someone's mind, requires only that you speak a more compelling narrative about their situation than their current one. - L.R.W. Lee
Dogs at least do not confuse their barking with the truth. - Marty Rubin
When I see the elaborate study and ingenuity displayed by women in the pursuit of trifles, I feel no doubt of their capacity for the most herculean undertakings. - Julia Ward Howe
People deserve their leaders. - kambiz shabankareh
For the animals in nature, everywhere is their houses! When we touch anywhere in nature, we must know that we knock their doors! - Mehmet Murat ildan
For those who have a great attitude, their life fills with an abundance of beauty, which deserves gratitude. - Debasish Mridha
Girls are always at their best smiling. - CLAMP
As societies grow decadent, the language grows decadent, too. Words are used to disguise, not to illuminate, action: you liberate a city by destroying it. Words are to confuse, so that at election time people will solemnly vote against their own interests. - Gore Vidal
Oh God, that men should put an enemy in their mouths to steal away their brains! - William Shakespeare
The secret to strong leaders is that strong leaders are strong because they have been tempered by the negative. They have discovered the secret of combining the negative and the positive to PRODUCED their very own POWER plant! - John Paul Warren
The human mind adjusts itself to a certain point of view, and those who have regarded nature from one angle, during a portion of their life, can adopt new ideas only with difficulty. - Antoine Lavoisier
Men, I still think, ought to be weighed, not counted. Their worth ought to be the final estimate of their value. - Samuel Taylor Coleridge
CREDITOR, n. One of a tribe of savages dwelling beyond the Financial Straits and dreaded for their desolating incursions. - Ambrose Bierce
Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone elses opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation. - Oscar Wilde
It is difficult to stop people from thinking on their own and exceedingly so, to get them to think on their own. - Mamur Mustapha
Some things take so longBut how do I explainWhen not too many peopleCan see we're all the sameAnd because of all their tearsYour eyes can't hope to seeThe beauty that surrounds themNow, isn't it a pity - George Harrison
Human beings are not born once and for all on the day their mothers give birth to them, but ... life obliges them over and over again to give birth to themselves. - Gabriel García Márquez
By their essential nature triumphs can't be given. They must be taken, and the worse the odds and the fiercer the resistance, the greater the honor. Victories can't be gifts. - Lois McMaster Bujold
Anyone who tries to put fear in a heart, has lost their heart to fear. - Justin K. McFarlane Beau
I wished I hadn’t majored in women filling their pockets with stones and sticking their heads into ovens. Maybe tomorrow the pinhole would widen and I would want to be a marine biologist. - Kat Clark
in exceptional circumstances exceptional in that all circumstances in life are exceptional, especially those which are nothing in themselves and come to be everything in their results. - Álvaro de Campos
There is no better way to influence children than being their role model. - Eraldo Banovac
Silence is for fools. Communication is for leaders. Justice is for those brave enough to not stand another moment dealing with people that feel the solution to any problem is through cold indifference because of their lack of courage and insecurities. - Shannon L. Alder
. . . All artists’ work is autobiographical. Any writer’s work is a map of their psyche. You can really see what their concerns are, what their obsessions are, and what interests them. - Kim Addonizio
Everyone has a worldview, and everyone is positive theirs is the correct one. I can tell you without a doubt your wrong. - Wesley Gray
Democrats see our voluntary military supported by taxpayer dollars as their personal Salvation Army. Self-interested behavior, such as deploying troops to serve the nation, is considered boorish in Manhattan salons. - Ann Coulter
...because it is the privilige and the curse of midnight's children to be both masters and victims of their times, to forsake privacy and be sucked into the annihilating whirlpool of the multitudes, and to be unable to live or die in peace. - Salman Rushdie
I cannot bring myself to judge those who are defending their lands against an immoral violent foreign invader. The fact that the immoral violent foreign invader happens to be the U.S. government does not alter my view. - Dave Champion
Half of the time I don't know what they're talking about; their jokes seem to relate to a past that everyone but me has shared. I'm a foreigner in the world and I don't understand the language. - Jean Webster
Leadership is a mindset in which one is unapologetically driven towards their goals and in behaving accordingly, inspires those around them to join in. - Steve Maraboli
If we dare examine our decisions, we will see our values woven in and through every single one of them. Therefore, it would do us well to take an occasional peek to insure that our values remain at their peak. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Things wrote with labor deserve to be so read and will last their age. - Ben Johnson
If the world is to be healed through human efforts, I am convinced it will be by ordinary people, people whose love for this life is even greater than their fear. - Joanna R. Macy
Muslim children should be raised with the understanding that once they hit puberty they are adults and Mukallaf (responsible for their actions). This understanding is crucial to assist them in passing the tests of youth. - Abu Muawiyah Ismail Kamdar
The point is, whether or not they show it at dinner parties, writers learn, by a necessity of their trade, to be the sharpest of observers. - John Gardner
Friends usually bring out better versions of each other. People feel unguarded and fluid with their close friends. - David Brooks
Rethink Success: Most people will never achieve past their existing levels, because they don't understand the importance of changing their Mindset - Tony Dovale
Men cry not for themselves, but for their comrades - Loveless, from The Compilation of Final Fantasy VII
Children show me in their playful smiles the divine in everyone. - Michael Jackson
Those who will work hard will succeed,While those shop choose to slack at their work will be in need. - Tristan riggs
How far have you walked for men who’ve never held your feet in their laps? - Warsan Shire
‎"If a person is not willing to take responsibility for themselves, it does not excuse them from not taking responsibility when their bad choices affect others. - L.M. Fields
Stupidity is to have amnesia over your own faults when the person you hate makes theirs. - Shannon L. Alder
All people have their different capabilities & magically some of them are limitless & incredible. - Ridhdhesh Jivawala
People who are drawn to journalism are usually people who, because of their cynicism or emotional detachment or reserve or whatever, are incapable of being anything but witnesses to events. Something prevents them from becoming involved, committed, and allows them to remain separate. - Nora Ephron
When a woman enters a room, her presence should make them feel some type of way; when she exits the room, she should leave some type of look on their face. - Shakena Morgan
People came here for a reason, to follow their conscience, to be free! - Glenn Beck
I've dropped my pebble in the ocean, and hopefully; throughout the course of the day; millions of others will drop theirs in too. No single one of us knows which pebble causes the wave to crest, but each of us, quite rightly, believes that it might be ours; an act of faith. - Michael J. Fox
If you care about what people think about you, you will end up being their slave. Reject and pull your own rope. - Auliq Ice
Not about the perversities of others, not about their sins of commission or omission, but about his own misdeeds and negligences alone should a sage be worried. - The Dharmapada
In your heart there's a way around the criticizers, minimizes, and judgmental people that hurt you. When it's understood their self-confidence is very low. It's then you can pray for them, that they find peace, and allow all righteousness to come from Jesus Christ. Amen. - Ron Baratono
It is not advisable, James, to venture unsolicited opinions. You should spare yourself the embarrassing discovery of their exact value to your listener. - Ayn Rand
As flies to wanton boys, are we to the gods; they kill us for their sport. - William Shakespeare
Have you ever wondered why Republicans are so interested in encouraging people to volunteer in their communities? It’s because volunteers work for no pay. Republicans have been trying to get people to work for no pay for a long time. - George Carlin
Pessimistic" is a word for "realistic" that optimists use to make themselves feel better (about their unrealisticness). - Claire
I don't know who a character is till I look into their eyes. - Luke Taylor
Children pay little attention to their parents' teachings, but reproduce their characters faithfully - Mason Cooley
Feeding the starving poor only increases their number.
I imagined the sound of whips on black backs and the roar of the overseer over the cry of mothers being separated from their babies. I pulled on all the strength I had not to shot out every valuable leaded pane of glass in that stinking house. - Linda Leigh Hargrove
Culture makes people understand each other better. And if they understand each other better in their soul, it is easier to overcome the economic and political barriers. But first they have to understand that their neighbour is, in the end, just like them, with the same problems, the same questions. - Paulo Coelho
Their voices meld into a cloudy rumble of their own, and I ponder Mira's and Aidan's secrets and imagine the injustice that threads through other lives, injustice that has no face because it is hidden away in a dark, shameful place, hidden for years in hopes of making it untrue. - Mary E. Pearson
Words, once they are printed, have a life of their own. - Carol Burnett
They tell me, shaking their heads:"You should be kinder. You are somehow furious".I used to be kind. It didn’t last long. - Yevgeny Yevtushenko
A person can't heal as long as they are deflecting and blaming. One must accept responsibility for their own actions and make the shift necessary for growth. - Sanjo Jendayi
We'd rather have a grand spectacle of retribution of the 'wicked', than their silent walk towards redemption that our wishes questions the depth and nature of our love and hearts. - Ufuoma Apoki
There once were four sistersWho were exceptionally ordinary,But desired more than a maiden should desireRavaged by their shameful wantsTheir loving hearts never bloomedInstead four wicked bramblesGrew in their placeEach taintedWith poisonous magic - Elissa Sussman
Let's stop judging others, and relieve them of the heavy burden they are carrying on their shoulders because of us. - Saurabh Sharma
A time will come when men will stretch out their eyes. They should see planets like our Earth. - Christopher Wren
Winners aren't those who lose the least, but rather those who learn the most from their losses on their way to victory. - Orrin Woodward
But may the truth be told. May the true self may be found. May the truth rule the world more than ever. How easy life will be if everyone is just true to themselves, true to their words, true to their actions and true to life? - Diana Rose Morcilla
... parents naturally want their children to excel in every area of academics and extra-curricular activities, but the reality is- God made each child differently for His purpose. He never intended for our children to excel in everything. - Tamara L. Chilver
Most people are about as happy as their self confidence will allow them to be. - Shannon L. Alder
Relative calm is expected in South Central Los Angeles for the next several weeks, as looters stay home and try to program their new VCRs.
...a revolution of government is the strongest proof that can be given by a people of their virtue and good sense. - John Adams
Abraham Lincoln and Millard Fillmore had the same title. They were both presidents of the United States, but their tenure in office and their legacy could not be more different. - Barack Obama
If we can teach everyone how to calm their minds, this world will see peace. - Debasish Mridha
People can lose their lives in libraries. They ought to be warned. - Saul Bellow
Sensitive people feel so deeply they often have to retreat from the world, in order to dig beneath the layers of pain to find their faith and courage. - Shannon L. Alder
Weak people pretend they're perfect. Courageous people acknowledge and confront their weaknesses. - Karim Camara
If you are stealing people's thunder just by being around and standing there; you really can't expect people to like you. People want their own thunder to be heard loud and wide, not yours! Swans should never despair over ducks not liking them. - C. JoyBell C.
Every future we imagine is transformed inexorably into a part of our children's understanding of their past, of the assumptions their parents and grandparents could not help but make.The Killer Hook - Michael Chabon
THE DISAPPOINTED MAN SPEAKS.--I sought great human beings, I never found anything but the APES of their ideal. - Friedrich Nietzsche
Fortunately for themselves and the world, nearly all men are cowards and dare not act on what they believe. Nearly all our disasters come of a few fools having the courage of their convictions. - Coventry Patmore
When we are self-aware, we are able to reach beyond ourselves and objectively assess others... allowing us to meet them where they are at, seeing into their needs and struggles, so we can understand the way they experience life, even if it is vastly different from the way we experience, our own. - Jaeda DeWalt
[...]make sure you raise your children by having them play in their studies, and don't use force. - Plato
Whenever they are condemning weaves or breast implants, some people speak so passionately that their false teeth almost fall out. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
A man who writes a story is forced to put into it the best of his knowledge and the best of his feeling. The discipline of the written word punishes stupidity and dishonesty. A writer lives in awe of words for they can be cruel or kind, and they can change their meanings right in front of you. - John Steinbeck
The exquisite kindliness of her manner suggested that their relationship was of no possible consequence, that she could not pay him the tribute of hostility. - Ayn Rand
No good friends, no bad friends; only people you want,need to be with. People who build their houses in your heart . - Stephen King
Love it when a compelling new character kicks open your mental door, tracks mud across your brain, and props their feet up on your cerebrum. - Don Roff
Violence as a way of achieving racial justice is both impractical and immoral. I am not unmindful of the fact that violence often brings about momentary results. Nations have frequently won their independence in battle. But in spite of temporary victories, violence never brings permanent peace. - ― Martin Luther King, Jr.
Some of us will experience some form of mental illness in their lifetime... I rather have depression that can be treated with a pill and my free will to conquer it; than have a physical illness that results in my demise because no matter what I did I could not conquer it. - Brian Michael Good
We should not judge people by their peak of excellence; but by the distance they have traveled from the point where they started. - Henry Ward Beecher
Attaining bliss can take lifetimes, or one can simply choose to experience it in their deepest dreams. Sleep well my friend, as dreams are vehicles that can quickly take you to the awareness that you call Nirvana - Gary Hopkins
You say you care about the poor? Tell me their names. - Craig Greenfield
Unconsciously, I had doubts about everything around me, and all I had to do is to act selfish, and to walk through everything like a wise lady. So I attracted their eyes and I haunted their thoughts. - Sara Keddar
When old people talk too much in presence of younger persons, they wouldn't know when their value would be diminishing.Talk less especially when a younger person is in your midst, it's a sign of dignity - OMOSOHWOFA CASEY
If you have to convince someone that you are their soulmate then you didn't realize the thousand other guys applying for the job. - Shannon L. Alder
The Tanakee are thought to possess strange, almost supernatural powers.Their eyes are described as large and hypnotic." From Tribe of the Teddy Bear - J. Joseph Wright
When there is no one to teach you life will show you. All you have to do is pay attention.People unfortunately rarely take the time to sit back and evaluate. Their too busy being busy. - Therone Shellman
I came to the Greeks early, and I found answers in them. Greece's great men let all their acts turn on the immortality of the soul. We don't really act as if we believed in the soul's immortality and that's why we are where we are today. - Edith Hamilton
What people decide to do is their lot. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Do not trust a person without scars. If they have no scars, then it means someone else is wearing theirs, usually unfairly, and usually permanently. - Justin K. McFarlane Beau
Encourage don't belittle, embrace their individuality. And show them that no matter what they will always have value if they stay true to themselves. - Solange nicole
The Every Single Women to whom I met they are not happy with their men, and the men either not happy with their women! - sid
Just because those around you do not constantly tell you what they are going through in their personal life, it does not mean they are living in a fairytale. - Auliq Ice
When someone is hurt andwe hear ourselves saying"I don't understand, why"PAUSEAt the pause, ask "What am I missing here ?"At the pause, stop judging, stop reacting,get curious and believe their hurt stateAt the pause, tap into their heart and mind.Now see how this pause transforms the conversation. - Wordions
This heart is a hurricane, turbulent with ache screaming winds of grief waiting to make the skyfall, to pluck the cloudsfrom their beds with itswhipping winds - Jack Southfield
There are ghosts of yourself scattered everywhere,Whispers of a moment suspended in time,Where every life that you've brushed up againstNow lives with a piece of you trapped in their mind. - Erin Hanson
Grandchildren are their grandparents' toys. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
How you can argue with those who whip, stone and murder people because they wanted to live their life? - M.F. Moonzajer
To put a dreamer in their place isn’t dreaming. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
That’s a stupid name! Whirly-gig is much better, I think. Who in their rightmind would point at this thing and say, ‘I’m going to fly in my Model-A1’.People would much rather say, ‘Get in my whirly-gig’. And that’s what youshould name it. - Nathan Reese Maher
An 'Employee of the Month' is a titled given to someone who best helped someone else actualize their dream—in that particular month. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another. - Anatole France
It began to falter not when the book publishers who loved books gave way to those who preferred profits to reading. It happened when publishers and editors cut back on their drinking. If there is one national flower in book publishing, it is the martini. - Al Silverman
so often victims end up unnecessarily prolonging their abuse because they buy into the notion that their abuser must be coming from a wounded place and that only patient love and tolerance (and lots of misguided therapy) will help them heal. - George K. Simon
Atheists determine there is no God based on their own intellect. I've determined there is a God based on His intellect. - William Branks
Leadership is communicating to people their worth and potential so clearly that they come to see it in themselves. - Stephen Covey
Mockery is not just the interest of children; it is their second meal - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Far away in the sunshine are my highest aspirations. I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty, believe in them, and try to follow where they lead. - Louisa May Alcott
The adults said the only good food was the bacon, but the kids knew better. They had never had a more fun breakfast in their lives. Although they had to agree the bacon was very good. Then again, it was bacon. It was always good. - Ella Minster
People will have their opinions of you, but you must be able to distinguish theirs from yours. - Chris Burkmenn
Corrupt and incompetent police officers have a long history of being protected by their colleagues, police internal affairs and the government. - Steven Magee
Benjy's greatest wish was for a place where the echelon was clear to all, where the powerful cared for the weak and the weak gave their respect without being coerced. He longed for balance, order, right and pleasure. - André Alexis
Whenever a person or agency has substantially more power than others, their behaviour are not democratic. and if in any circumstances their acts are not supervised then Power is always misused by certain people.Humanity is most important state and that is missing throughout world. - Vikram Singh Slathia
It may be said without exaggeration that the mountains made the men; and the men in return fought with passionate courage and energy in defence of their beloved mountains, in whose fastnesses, indeed, they were well-nigh unconquerable. - John F. Baddeley
Accountability in police can best be done in an assembly where everyone concerned will come and share their views and opinion to the activities of the police because there's a whole lot of excesses in the police force that must be corrected for effective policing and better society's trust on them. - Chidiebere Prosper Agbugba
Let your projects be independent organisms. They will develop their own beautiful architecture. - Rossana Condoleo
Falling in love with someone is intentional, even if it was their looks that tripped you. - Matshona Dhliwayo
The power of illustrative anecdotes often lies not in how well they present reality, but in how well they reflect the core beliefs of their audience. - David P. Mikkelson
Magic is not just for the entertainment, but to inspire people to be creative enough with their lives. - Amit Kalantri
Nothing will sustain you more potently than the power to recognize in you humdrum routine, the true poetry of life - the poetry of the commonplace, of the ordinary person, of the plain, toilworn, with their loves and their joys, their sorrows and griefs. - William Osler
Peace is an innocent child hated by some deviant and those who hate him will find no peace ever in their lives! - Mehmet Murat ildan
I must turn myself around so that I am viewing life as my prospects see it. Only then can I start addressing their issues, help to prevent their pain, and advise on solutions to their problems. - Chris Murray
Goodbyes are only for those who love with their eyes. Because for those who love with heart and soul there is no such thing as separation. - Jalaluddin Rumi
Supreme level of maturity is needed to realize; that, conveyance of family life, depends on equally maintained pair of wheels and both crediting each other, for their functioning and struggles as well. - Aniruddha Sastikar
According to the strange mathematics of the god of mutual affinity, the shadows that clouded their pasts when united became only half as dense instead of darker. - The World And The Door - o.henry
Five hundred years ago the notoriously savvy Henry VIII discovered an elegant way to solve both his theological problems and his personal liquidity crisis —he dissolved the monasteries and nicked all their land. - Ben Aaronovitch
REAL Leaders are experts at bringing out the best in others... Thinking , feelings and actions. They improve their teams' thinking skills and Mindsets. - Tony Dovale
We cherish our friends not for their ability to amuse us, but for ours to amuse them. - Evelyn Waugh
I don't like composers who think. It gets in the way of their plagiarism. - Howard Dietz
I think that parents only get so offended by television because they rely on it as a babysitter and the sole educator of their kids. - Trey Parker and Matt Stone
Reading is the noblest of all the hobbies, that is why people mention it so frequently in their resume even if they don't read much. - Amit Kalantri
For some reason, when people meet me and find out I'm a writer they always ask if I write children's books. Um... please don't let your kids read my books. Well, unless your kids are in their 30s or something...then yeah, they're old enough. LOL - Michelle M. Pillow
Success never goes on sale, but most spend their whole life dickering over the cost, never making the purchase. - Orrin Woodward
I have gained this by philosophy I do without being ordered what some are constrained to do by their fear of the law. - Aristotle
Every Republican's voted for it. Look at what they value and look at their budget and what they're proposing. Romney wants to let the - he said in the first 100 days he's going to let the big banks once again write their own rules - unchain Wall Street. They're gonna put y'all back in chains. - Joe Biden
How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours. - Wayne W. Dyer
Living in a world where people measure their happiness by self-indulgence and decadence, Is like watching a whole society being pushed into the abyss of perpetual decay and aberrations. - Husam Wafaei
It is impossible to make people understand their ignorance; for it requires knowledge to perceive it and therefore he that can perceive it hath it not. - Jeremy Taylor
I hope for peace on earth and for all beings to realise their inner potential. - Nikki Rowe
The most successful people started from NOTHING... they didn't wait for the opportunity to knock but created the opportunity on their own... worked hard and made history. - Hyacil Han
If you truly want to know a person, talk to their enemies. - Jamie Leanne Gaines
Everyone chases after happiness, not noticing that happiness is at their heels. - Bertolt Brecht
It was horrible of a young girl to let herself be talked about; however unfounded the charges against her, she must be to blame for their having been made. - Edith Wharton
I wish there were strict laws to stop people from corrupting other people's mind with their negativity thus influencing them to form biased opinion of someone, some situation or overall way of living. - Arti Honrao
Never fall in love with stargazers always with accelerated affection. Their love disappears in the blink of an eye like a shooting star. - RSCruz
If words are to enter men's hearts and bear fruit, they must be the right words shaped cunningly to pass men's defenses and explode silently and effectually within their minds. - J.B. Phillips
The greatest revolution in our generation is that of human beings, who by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives. - Marilyn Ferguson
Avid readers are the most authentic creatures on the face of the earth, and their hearts and minds are not for sale at any price. "Mysteries for the Inspired Traveler" Goodreads blog - Kopman-Owens
People can waste a large amount of their time trying to be accepted by people. Sometimes, God meant for you not to fit. You never know, you may hold the unique perspective that when voiced or demonstrated will change generations. - Shannon L. Alder
Rethink success: Few people will ever discover that the most important business they will ever run.. is their life! - Tony Dovale
People love their hells because they keep them! - Tambré Bryant
People go to church for the same reasons they go to a tavern: to stupefy themselves, to forget their misery, to imagine themselves, for a few minutes anyway, free and happy.-- Circular Letter to My Friends in Italy - Mikhail Bakunin
In a climate changed world, it is a smart person who thins their trees so that the abnormally high winds can pass through them without damage. - Steven Magee
Where would we be in this soulless universe if there weren't a few people who hold on to memories, their hearts yearning for long-lost feelings? - Nicolas Barreau
In any culture, subculture, or family in which belief is valued above thought, and self-surrender is valued above self-expression, and conformity is valued above integrity, those who preserve their self-esteem are likely to be heroic exceptions. - Nathaniel Branden
By helping the poor, we must be able to remove their poverty. By extending help to one here and one there in the form of providing food will not remove poverty. - Periyar E.V. Ramasamy
Wounded parents often unintentionally inflict pain and suffering on their children and these childhood wounds causes a laundry list of maladaptive behaviors commonly called codependency. These habits restrict people to love-limiting relationships causing much unhappiness and distress. - David W. Earle
It's sad that several political parties still count the dead, the starving, the unemployed by their religion, caste, creed and sect. The young generation needs to engage in politics of right vs wrong and not right vs left. - Sharad Vivek Sagar
People don't want their lives fixed. Nobody wants their problems solved. Their dramas. Their distractions. Their stories resolved. Their messes cleaned up. Because what would they have left? Just the big scary unknown. - Chuck Palahniuk
The young must learn to appreciate the wisdom of elderly people and learn from their life experiences. - Lailah Gifty Akita
The real value of intellectuals is not just the value of their intellect but the impact. The distinctive footprints they are able to leave on minds with their wit whilst they live and how such footprints give latter days minds something to ponder over long after they are gone! - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
There is no excuse for being derogatory or dismissive about other's beliefs, paths, choices. Everyone is where they need to be at the right time to learn the right things for them and their personal journey through life. - Jay Woodman
This boy is Ignorance. This girl is Want. Beware them both, and all of their degree, but most of all beware this boy. - Charles Dickens
Most people do not mind having a house that is smaller and/or a car that is cheaper than their neighbours’, as long as they each earn and have more money than their neighbours, and, equally important, their neighbours know that. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Those who restrain desire, do so because theirs is weak enough to be restrained. - William Blake
First they promote a most self-seeker person to a very high position and then through him/her they will promote all their products at a premium price. - Anuj Somany
On the journey to self discovery be grateful for the fools along the way. Their lack of kindness fueled your success ~bns - Bluenscottish
Society judges people by their successes. I get attracted by their dedication, simplicity, and humility. - Debasish Mridha
We're strong for each other ! It's what women do!" said Zelda to Pearl"He Counts Their Tears" by - Mary Ann D'Alto
When we consider the magnitude and extent of his discoveries and their influence on the progress of science and of industry, there is no honour too great to pay to the memory of , one of the greatest scientific discoverers of all time. Ernest Rutherford - Faraday
All their life, people work hard to earn money, and they never earn enough money to fulfill their dreams. Is this a paradox? - Saurabh Sharma
Prayer, to the patriarchs and prophets, was more than the recital of well-known and well-worn phrases. It was the outpouring of the heart. Beset by perils, persecutions, pain and privations, they naturally turned to God in their need, believing that He was able to redeem them out of their troubles. - Herbert Lockyer
Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes. - Oscar Wilde
No more important duty can be urged upon those who are entering the great theater of life than simple loyalty to their best convictions.
The happiest people in the world are those who feel absolutely terrific about themselves, and this is the natural outgrowth of accepting total responsibility for every part of their life. - Brian Tracy
Doing anything worthwhile will present challenges, but everyone who achieves their goal is an ordinary person who becomes extraordinary. - Joanne Van Leerdam
If people in the media cannot decide whether they are in the business of reporting news or manufacturing propaganda, it is all the more important that the public understand that difference, and choose their news sources accordingly. - Thomas Sowell
Will they remember us, Aravan? Will Mankind remember us at all?" ... Mayhap, Gwylly, mayhap. Mayhap in their legends and their fables. Mayhap in naught but their dreams. - Dennis L. McKiernan
They want to knowwho I write these poems for.Tell them it's for all loversbecause I don’t see a differencebetween our loveand their love. - Kamand Kojouri
Would that the Roman people had a single neck [to cut off their head]. - Caligula (Gaius Caesar)
My hope for the future, not just in the music industry, but in every young girl I meet…is that they all realize their worth and ask for it. - Taylor Swift
The paradise in women is not the v-shape manipulation between their legs, or the two lovely bombs, set on their bosom that can blast any strong, holy spirit filled individual, but that part of her that cannot be described, yet can only be felt. - Michael Bassey Johnson
And keep them thinking in terms of 'being good' as this is not an end so much as a means to something else —happiness, respect, self-esteem, etc… And whatever their true end is, take it away, and so goes their goodness. - Geoffrey Wood
The President and the Congress are all very well in their way. They can say what they think they think, but it rests with the Supreme Court to decide what they have really thought. - Theodore Roosevelt
If you go to anybody and ask them, what is your dream life? They would say I want to sit by the TV all day. I want to play with my friends all day and they think that is the best way to spend their lives. They do not know that what they have just listed is not living life but wasting life. - Sunday Adelaja
The young man pities his elders, fearing the day he, too, will join their ranks. The elderly man pities the younger generation, well-knowing the trials and tribulations that lie ahead of them. - Lynda I Fisher
We owe it to the dead to dance on their graves. - Marty Rubin
There are many men whose tongues might govern multitudes if they could govern their tongues.
Wild animals are only wild to save their existence...for their survival; but human animals are wild to do harm to their own species - Munia Khan
Since we aim for a healthy life for all, we should teach young girls that their worth can't be validated by dating older rich men, because that is risky for their health. Until we change certain perceptions in society, we will keep fighting the same battles. - Gugu Mona
True saddness is when someone still thinks your the same person after all these years. They brand you because of their own ego, fear and lack of spirituality. What's sadder is when they are Christian. - Shannon L. Alder
Marriage requires maturity. Marriage requires two people who, for the rest of their lives, are willing to listen, to really listen to each other. And that marriage requires the greatest of all things, compromise. - Coach Taylor
To some Humans, the promise of a patch land was worth any effort. It was an oddly predictable sort of behavior. Humans had a long, storied history of forcing their way into places where they didn't belong. - Becky Chambers
Hell must be isothermal; for otherwise the resident engineers and physical chemists (of which there must be some) could set up a heat engine to run a refrigerator to cool off a portion of their surroundings to any desired temperature.
The history of man is a graveyard of great cultures that came to catastrophic ends because of their incapacity for planned, rational, voluntary reaction to challenge. - Erich Fromm
through the rose glass window in their beautiful new home, you stare at the love you gave away. - Ava
Guilty feelings about clothes are totally unnecessary. A lot of people earn their living by making clothes, so you should never feel bad. - Karl Lagerfeld
The world, viewed philosophically, remains a series of slave camps, where citizens tax livestock labor under the chains of illusion in the service of their masters. - Stefan Molyneux
Build a bridge over shame by teaching kids about sexual abuse. Give them a chance to run to us should they encounter it. Be their hero. - Carolyn Byers Ruch
I don't want to be like my mentor or inspiration, I can do better. Don't get me wrong, I need them to motivate and inspire me but my potential can never be like theirs. - Unarine Ramaru
[He] was a brilliant man. People tend to become wary of individuals like him because their brilliance reminds them of their own mediocrity. Envy is a blind man who wants to pull out your eyes. - Carlos Ruiz Zafón
The proposition that the people are the best keepers of their own liberties is not true. They are the worst conceivable, they are no keepers at all; they can neither judge, act, think, or will, as a political body. - John Adams
I hadn’t understood at the time. If sinners were so unhappy,why would they prefer their suffering? But now I knew why.Without my wounds, who was I? My scars were my face, my pastwas my life. - Janet Fitch
All the three monotheist religions (Jewish, Christianity and Islam)claims that their God (Yahweh, God and Allah) created humans in a similar way: this indicates that creationist have not yet established the creator. - Ajay Kansal
A great piece of music make people to close their eyes but a great magic effect make their eyes wide open. - Amit Kalantri
Surround yourself with people who are the ketchup to your french fries-they make you a better version of yourself. Yes french fries are amazing on their own, but combined with ketchup they are a force. Spend time with people who bring out your true flavors, but don’t overpower you. - Grace Helbig
Most of them are remembered for their works, few are remembered in spite of them...for their finesse! - Ramana Pemmaraju
People who don’t know the power of their mind shall only have power without power - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
After all, what is your hosts' purpose in having a party? Surely not for you to enjoy yourself; if that were their sole purpose, they'd have simply sent champagne and women over to your place by taxi. - P. J. O'Rourke
Nobody cares if you can't dance well. Just get up and dance. Great dancers are not great because of their technique, they are great because of their passion. - Martha Graham
Everyone in the world was programmed by the place they were born, hemmed in by their beliefs, but you had to at least try to grow your own brain - Scott Westerfeld
These temple destroyers, devotees of ravaging commercialism, seem to have a perfect contempt for Nature, and, instead of lifting their eyes to the God of the mountains, lift them to the Almighty Dollar. - John Muir
All I can say to people who hate their mothers for giving birth to them is "get the fuck out of your scaredy shells and kiss the world". - Jay Woodman
I wanted to give you advice. Adults are always doing that; it's one of their occupational hazards. - Maia Wojciechowska
The violence between women is unbelievable...women try to make each other crawl so that their knees are bleeding. - Tori Amos
Life is merely one very long day that routinely gets dark to give people a sensible excuse to keep their eyes closed for 8 hours. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
The true republic: men, their rights and nothing more: women, their rights and nothing less. - Susan B. Anthony
The final forming of a person's character lies in their own hands. - Anne Frank
Give someone you wronged a chance to express their true feelings and learn about yourself and your shortcomings. - Unarine Ramaru
A book is an arrangement of twenty-six phonetic symbols, ten numerals, and about eight punctuation marks, and people can cast their eyes over these and envision the eruption of Mount Vesuvius or the Battle of Waterloo. - Kurt Vonnegut
Anybody who listens to their intuition risk at times making other people disappointed or even pissed off because you're not tending to what they want from you but instead to what feels right for you. - Maria Erving
Forgiveness does not always lead to a healed relationship. Some people are not capable of love, and it might be wise to let them go along with your anger. Wish them well, and let them go their way. - Gordon Atkinson
These people have learned not from books, but in the fields, in the wood, on the river bank. Their teachers have been the birds themselves, when they sang to them, the sun when it left a glow of crimson behind it at setting, the very trees, and wild herbs. - Anton Chekhov
Most people do not take care of their lives, because they don’t value life - Sunday Adelaja
I can’t go down without a fight. Only I keep wishing I could think of a way to… to show the Capitol they don’t own me. That I’m more than just a piece in their Games. - Suzanne Collins
Whilst lovers: to control her man, a woman uses (the man’s access to) her vagina. When ex-lovers: she uses (the man's access to) their kids. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
99% of natural poets discovered their talents through love letters. - Michael Bassey Johnson
The idea of freedom is a piece of dry bread thrown to people so that they can break their teeth with it. - Marino Baccarini
Unless you have great parents or some inspirational teacher from a movie that pushes you to follow your dreams, you can't expect a kid to be smart enough to realize they can do what they want with their life before they've been pushed through the school system into having an average life. - Dan Howell
It is knowledge that influences and equalizes the social condition of man; that gives to all, however different their political position, passions which are in common, and enjoyments which are universal. - Benjamin Disraeli
Schools and schoolmasters, as we have them today, are not popular as places of education and teachers, but rather prisons and turnkeys in which children are kept to prevent them disturbing and chaperoning their parent. - George Bernard Shaw
The people one loves should take all their things with them when they die. - Gabriel García Márquez
Some people just talk through Life. They talk, talk, talk and Life is over. Some people walk through Life. They walk, walk, walk and arrive at their Destination. -RVM - R.v.m.
Most people neglect their lives and allow all kinds of accidents, mishaps and misfortunes to happen to them. - Sunday Adelaja
Justification for infidelity and dishonesty in all their manifestations lies in the marginal cost economics of just this once. - Clayton M. Christensen
With your, love touch someone's heart, feel their soul, enjoy their bliss, share your joy, and then become their friend. - Debasish Mridha
Perhaps the god who had made the Cat People intended them as a joke. They had schools, but no education; politicians but no government; people, but no personal integrity; faces, but no concept of face. One had to admit that their god had gone a little too far with his little joke. - Lao She
The history of free men is never written by chance but by choice - their choice. - Dwight D. Eisenhower
The great souls distinguish with two things; their greater needs and their greater agony. - Alireza Salehi Nejad
Why certainly, words possess power. They do! But releasing their magic requires combining and arranging those words in the right order. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Like flowers we grow, bloom, and whither - each day and each life. In our next life we'll grow, bloom, and whither even more beautifully. But although we blossom more grandiose in each new life, all our lives are perfect in their own way. - Stefan Emunds
We were the creatures desired throughout the ages... foolish humans didn't even realize it, living in their own little world. - Kay Harding
IntoxicatedWith the madnessI'm in love withMy sadnessBullshit beggars, enchanted kingdomFashion victims through their charcoaled teeth - Billy Corgan
Nature is in the process of shutting down corrupt corporations and their government minions. - Steven Magee
Through their teachings they dignify even the most mundane professions. According to them any profession or work that adds to the common good of man must be respected and it is dignified - Sunday Adelaja
Consider for a moment that when you see someone as being ‘gifted’, it is out of a belief that whatever it is that they do, would be impossible for you to do. You should also consider that maybe their ‘gift’, is nothing more than an undeveloped skill in you. - Gary Hopkins
I am reminded that the children we birth do not belong to us. They belong to God. We are simply the vessel through which they arrive on this earth. We are appointed to care for and guide them; however, we must recognize when the time comes for them to govern their own lives. - Nancy B. Brewer
Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than any other factor, and the contrary opinion is wishfull thinking at its worst. Breeds that forget this basic truth have always paid for it with their lives and freedoms.
It behoves every man who values liberty of conscience for himself, to resist invasions of it in the case of others; or their case may, by change of circumstances, become his own. - Thomas Jefferson
Often a woman that doesn’t have any business being in a fight is there because their ego thinks it can mend what other people can’t. It’s either superiority or a second chance to heal a wound they have, by meddling on your battlefield. - Shannon L. Alder
Why do we keep focusing on the minutiae, not the possible significant large events, in spite of the obvious evidence of their huge influence? - Nassim Nicholas Taleb
It's a dangerous thing when you have love without faith and trust... No one wants to feel unsure when they give their heart away. - Solange nicole
The most benevolent souls are the one's who have had to drink some of life's worst poisons, yet protected others in their lives from ever having to taste them. - José N. Harris
New research is lending texture and credence to what generations of storytellers have known in their bones that books, poems, movies, and real-life stories can affect the way we think and even, by extension, the way we act ["The Power of Story," Aeon, January 12, 2015]. - Elizabeth Svoboda
When you control their water, you control the people. - Nabil N. Jamal
The thought of being completely dependent disturbs people till the moment their eyes are opened to reality. - Auliq Ice
History will judge societies and governments and their institutions not by how big they are or how well they serve the rich and the powerful, but by how effectively they respond to the needs of the poor and the helpless. - César Chávez
Dan P. McAdams argues that children develop a narrative tone which influences their stories for the rest of their lives. Children gradually adopt an enduring assumption that everything will turn out well, or badly, depending on their childhood. - David Brooks
Poor animals! How jealously they guard their pathetic bodies…that which to us is merely an evening’s meal, but to them is life itself. - T. Casey Brennan
Drought-struck farmers pray for rain, in the express hope that the universe or owner thereof will hear the words and suspense the laws of meteorology for their benefit. Some, of course, actually believe just that, and for all anyone can prove they could be right. - Terry Pratchett
People are so busy lengthening their lives with exercise they don't have time to live them.
All art is at once surface and symbol. Those who go beneath the surface do so at their own peril. Those who read the symbol do so at their own peril. - Oscar Wilde
Those who have anger, they try to take control others with the heat of anger and those who do not have anger are able to take control of others with their strength of character known as sheel. Even it can take control of animals (with it’s strength)!!! - Dada Bhagwan
When things are like hunky dory, every enemy comes in the name of friend, but when things are twisted like turmoil, every friendly enemy shows you their colour. - Michael Bassey Johnson
People who live up to their words shouldn't make blind promises. - Amit Kalantri
May your dreams be larger than mountains and may you have the courage to scale their summits. - Harley King
Create all the happiness you are able to create; remove all the misery you are able to remove. Every day will allow you, --will invite you to add something to the pleasure of others, --or to diminish something of their pains. - Jeremy Bentham
I thank God I am not a woman, to be touched in so many giddy offences as He hath generally taxed their whole their whole sex withal. - William Shakespeare
When building a team do not look at people’s weaknesses, instead look at their strengths. - Sunday Adelaja
Still there are some, braver and more valiant than their peers, who face their demons head on, staring defiantly into the shadows, demanding forgiveness. - Rebecca Harris - Be The Death of Me
It it not good to see people who have been pretending strength all their lives lose it even for a minute. - Lillian Hellman
...co-rumination: the problem of talking too much about anything. Specifically,... when girls rehash their problems excessively, it leads to depression, anxiety, and a sense of hopelessness. - Levine, Irene S.
The difference between a moral person and a person of honor is that the latter regrets a discreditable act, made out of weakness and tries to make amends with their life when they find the opportunity to say they are sorry is lost. - Shannon L. Alder
Spirits arrive at this world in naked bodies, their purpose - to grow wings. - Xue Yun
Are we going to be stupid? she whispered.Define stupid.Anything that involves either one of us exposing our favorite body parts. Or their hearts…I want to hear about your favorite body part, he said. In great detail. - Jill Shalvis
Experts in fields can be hired & fired. But experts in people, who can understand & respect them and lead them becomes their Leader. And people don't fire them, they follow leaders. - msampathkumar
A carpenter is hired- a roof repaired, a porch built. Everything that can be fixed. June, July, August. Everyday we hear their laughter. I think of the painting by van Gogh, the man in the chair. Everything wrong, and nowhere to go. His hands over his eyes. - Mary Oliver
God generously helps to those who try to do their best without asking God’s help! - Mehmet Murat ildan
I have long since come to believe that people never mean half of what they say, and that it is best to disregard their talk and judge only their actions. - Dorothy Day
It is the curse of the powerful to be blind to their own faults. - Robert Fanney
Don't ever let others impose their self-limiting beliefs on to you. They don't have the courage and spirit that you do. - Miya Yamanouchi
A temple was worth a dozen barracks; a militia man carrying a gun could control a small unarmed crowd only for as long as he was present; however, a single priest could put a policeman inside the head of every one of their flock, for ever. - Iain M. Banks
And we talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophesy of Christ, and we write according to our prophecies, that our children may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins. - Book of Mormon
They say that the eyes are the windows to the soul, so what happens when the person's eyes are unavailable to look into? You read their words. - La Kata E.K.
I do not fight with enemies, I try to help them and love them for their ignorance. - Debasish Mridha
When things are at their worst I find something always happens. - W. Somerset Maugham
Friendship is constant in all other things Save in the office and affairs of love: Therefore all hearts in love use their own tongues; Let every eye negotiate for itself And trust no agent. - William Shakespeare
The banks can, and do, create money... And they who control the credit of a nation direct the policy of Governments and hold in the hollow of their hands the destiny of the people.
These poems, with all their crudities, doubts and confusions, are written for the love of man and in Praise of God, and I'd be a damn fool if they weren't. - Dylan Thomas
To look at the work of your peers, and learn how to explain with kindness and precision, the nature of their mistakes is, in fact, how you learn to diagnose your own work. - Steve Almond
it's been my experience that most writers don't talk about their craft--they just do it - Alfred Lansing
It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker, that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own self-interest. We address ourselves, not to their humanity but to their self-love, and never talk to them of our own neccessities but of their advantages. - Adam Smith
Writing gives you the illusion of control, and then you realize it's just an illusion, that people are going to bring their own stuff into it. - David Sedaris
People wrap themselves in their beliefs. And they do it in such a way that you can't set them free. Not even the truth will set them free. - Michael Specter
and children are still the way you were ...as a child, sad and happy in just the same way and if you think of your childhood, you once again live among them, among the solitary children, and the grownups are nothing, and their dignity has no value. - Rainer Maria Rilke
Grace and beauty originates from within. It is the spirit's light that glows out and make every-thing beautiful, no mater what those things are, they all have their beauty gracefully when they come from a place within. - Angie karan
It's not necessary to corrupt people's morals. Their morals have been corrupting them for years. - Marty Rubin
Own your happiness and let people understand that they have to own theirs. If you make it your job to make people happy, you have made it your job to keep people happy. - Saji Ijiyemi
We can pull down a nation if we can make them believe that education is not important. If they believe that it is important and begin to act on their belief, then there is nothing anyone can do stop them. - Paul Bamikole
Some churches, sects, cults, or religious movements are basically collective egoic entities, as rigidly identified with their mental positions as the followers of any political ideology that is closed to any alternative interpretation of reality. - Eckhart Tolle
Make sure you know the Bible well enough to figure out if what someone says is fact or their own opinions. If you don't it could lead you in the wrong direction. - Amanda Penland
Men heap together the mistakes of their lives and create a monster they call destiny.
Boys frustrate me. I hate all their indirect messages, I hate game playing. Do you like me or don't you? Just tell me so I can get over you.
There are things known—things experienced, felt, and understood—that words hold no power to convey. Attempting to do so only dilutes their substance and does them injustice. - Richelle E. Goodrich
There are two types of people in this world- those who pull out of bed each morning at the thought of breakfast and those who are driven by ambition. The former succeed in satisfying hunger pangs and the latter accomplish their life goals. - Roopleen
Fear no one nor kneel before themFor many seek to be your god and masterAnd you sacrificial lamb in their fevered plansAnd insane ambitionsKhoiSan Book of Wisdom - rassool jibraeel snyman
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